Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1037: : Population Explosion IV

A total of ninety-nine [Tier 2 Fallen Treants] are standing in a slightly abrupt line up in the corner.

They look very inconspicuous in front of tens of thousands of fighters of the same level.

The queues are relatively neat, which shows that these tree people have a lot of wisdom.

It can be summed up as a special kind of wisdom, but it is different from the common elves and tree spirits.

Zong Shen just observed them for a while and stopped paying attention to them.

Regarding the "pollution" feature of the [Second-Level Fallen Treant], follow-up experiments are still needed to draw conclusions.

Zong Shen plans to hand over specific matters to Salome Lin Yu, a senior agronomist and current farming expert in the territory.

If the "pollution" effect on the changes in plants is benign, then it can be properly promoted.

If it is vicious and negative changes, then treat them as "biochemical weapons" and send them to pollute the enemy's land and destroy the target's crops.

Let's go and give it a try. 】

There is also a possibility that the "pollution" result is uncontrollable. If this happens, it is worth repeating the experiment.

We must know that modern agriculture in the earth period has gone through generations of breeding and crop optimization.

Scientific farming and land cultivation are one aspect, and crop cultivation is the big one.

The most typical example is corn. The earliest wild corn was a tall stem grass with no corn cobs at all.

After generations of mutation and selection, it finally became the kind of corn known to later generations.

The same is true of bananas. Wild bananas have many seeds and are sour. Only through modern breeding techniques can we produce soft, waxy, sweet and nutritious bananas.

In addition, crops such as rice, wheat, soybeans, etc. have undergone various cultivations.

Hybridization, superior breeding, and the much-maligned genetic modification are all means of crop optimization.

Use human intervention to cultivate crops that best meet human needs.

It is equivalent to shortening the survival of the fittest in nature for thousands of years, and selectively optimizing.

Although there is no genetically modified technology in Endless Continent, and there is no special cultivation experiment workshop, but there is even more amazing natural magic.

You can even harvest a crop in a few days, just make sure the soil is fertile enough.

Natural magic with such an effect can definitely greatly improve the efficiency of breeding experiments.

Magic is amazing, there is no doubt about it.

It's a pity that the productivity of Endless Continent has never been able to take off.

The reason is that natural spellcasters or the corresponding magic circle cannot be inclusive.

High-level natural spellcasters can use their own power to affect the growth of several hectares of farmland.

But the price of doing this is being busy all day long, and few natural spellcasters are willing to do this.

Even in the last era, the natural Druin among the elves rarely went to "farm".

In addition to the Drew Yins pursuing the doctrine of balance, it is more because they are unwilling to sink into the work of farmers.

And those natural-type magic circles and those buildings with related functions are even more precious than natural-type spellcasters of the same level.

Therefore, in the Endless Continent, using natural spellcasters or magic points to spawn crops is not the mainstream.

But almost every giant city will have a few pieces of magical private plots that are spawned in turn for crop storage.

Due to the backwardness of fertilization technology and the lack of composting and land conservation methods, each piece of land must be left fallow for at least half a year or planted with a crop of nitrogen-fixing plants such as alfalfa and soybeans after a quick crop harvest.

Of course, if you are willing to pay the price, there are quite a few natural spiritual fluids that have far more effects than manure.

But in this way, the cost of farming will be even greater, and it is far better to let the farmers under his command plant the land slowly.

The existence of space storage props and frost magic makes the giant city-level food reserves do not need to take up a lot of space.

In some giant cities, there are even high-end storage items that involve the stagnation of time and space. There is no concept of time in the space, and the quality can be guaranteed indefinitely. However, the number of such high-end items is small, which is not typical.

Normally, the grain storage of the Jucheng class is also rotated according to a cycle of 3 to 5 years.

New grain equals old grain.

The replaced old grains are put directly into the local market, and can be circulated and digested soon.

Therefore, the power of magic is difficult to spread in the Endless Continent.

On the contrary, the set of scientific farming methods on the earth is universal. As long as you are prepared, it can be popularized on a large scale, thereby improving productivity in an all-round way.

Having said so many questions, they are actually feeding back a core point.

That is, there is still great potential for agricultural development in the Endless Continent to be tapped.

As a Chinese with positive roots, the blood of farming is rooted deep in the genes.

With such a vast continent, if you seriously want to farm, there is no shortage of land at all.

His future agricultural development of the territory is the model of large farms in the United States.

Of course, this was not possible in the early days of the Freedmen's Reformation.

We can only follow the path of contracting production to households, and allocate suitable arable land according to the individual labor force.

The territory itself can reclaim a large farm, which brings together the primary and intermediate [farmland] that Zongshen had exchanged before, and then arranges all kinds of natural buildings there.

In addition, we have to find a way to recruit more agronomic experts to form an agronomic team belonging to the territory.

The above plan made Zong Shen feel excited.

Returning to the theme, if the "pollution" effect of [Fallen Treant] can promote rapid mutation of plants, then they will become the best "catalyst" for farming and breeding.

It can allow the territory to obtain a large number of crop variation samples in a short period of time.

As long as there are enough samples, I believe that an "optimized" variety that suits the needs of the territory will be found soon!

Thinking of this, Zong Shen's eyes on those [Tier 2 Corrupt Treemen] became much more eager.

He was going to turn around and hand over these purple tree men to Salome Lin Yu.

As for those [second-order highly poisonous hornets], there is nothing to say.

There are a total of thirty wasps, the size of a domestic dog, and the compound eyes on their heads reflect a pale green luster.

The sharp pincer-shaped mouthparts make people shudder.

There is also a poisonous needle half exposed at the end of the plump tail.

It proved that these guys can bite with mouthparts like bumblebees and sting people with poisonous needles like wasps.

It's just that they don't know if they will tear out their internal organs and die after stinging people.

Zong Shen has no desire to explore these highly poisonous hornets.

These guys are more similar to pets, but they only need to occupy the dominance value, so they are classified as a little-known combat hero.

Although they don't have much wisdom, they can obey the command of the ruler.

Even Zong Shen's order will be carried out as usual.

After all, Zong Shen is the great lord who controls all the heroes in the territory!

But apart from the heroes who directly rule them and Zong Shen himself, no one else can give orders to these hornets. Compared with intelligent fighters, the limitations are quite large.

But Zong Shen didn't plan to auction them off with the goblins.

It is important to know that wasps are fast-flying insects belonging to the order Hymenoptera and the suborder Thin Waist.

The [Venomous Hornets] of the Endless Continent are quite similar in appearance to the Earth Hornets, but they are more aggressive and much larger. Hornets as big as wolf dogs are not expected to intervene in high-level battles, but in many environments Can complete a variety of auxiliary tasks, no matter what, stay here first, at most consume more meat every day.

So far, among the soldiers handed over by the 3172 captive lords, the second-tier soldiers who accounted for the majority have all been checked, and Zong Shen naturally does not need to be responsible for the remaining details.

Zong Shen looked at Hao Yin, then nodded approvingly.

"The statistics on the number of Tier 2 fighters are basically correct."

"It's just that there are some mistakes and omissions in these categories..."

He directly used the correct answer of the strategy module to "correct" and pointed out the mistakes and omissions.

In the face of loyal confidants, he doesn't need to cover up his "data communication" ability at all.

Because Hao Yin and the others had already realized in their hearts that "everything the lord said is correct".

This awareness is unreasonable and rather domineering, which reduces a lot of scheming confrontation.

As for the data itself, Zong Shen was already very satisfied with Hao Yin's handling ability.

He was able to complete nearly 100,000-level personnel statistics in just six or seven hours, and there were not many mistakes or omissions, which showed Hao Yin's serious and responsible attitude and his potential in data statistics.

It's just that the method is not efficient enough, maybe Zong Shen needs to mention him a few words.

Although Zongshen doesn't know much about statistics, he also knows some common skills. As long as he teaches them to Hao Yin, his statistical ability will be improved to a higher level.

After all, Zong Shen's strategy module is his own hack.

As the saying goes, a good man has ambitions everywhere, and he is destined to go out and make a living in the future.

No matter how well developed the territory is, it is at most a giant city or a super giant city.

It is also unrealistic to build a city that covers the entire endless continent.

Therefore, the territory can only be used as a safe rear, and Zong Shen himself has to go out to expand the territory!

At that time, the abilities of main domestic heroes such as Hao Yin and Mariel will have a great impact on the development of the territory.

Zong Shen is not a nanny, nor is he alone in the territory.

Only by fully utilizing the potential of all people can the territory develop better in the future.

After pointing out the mistakes and omissions in the data of the second-tier fighters, Zong Shen lowered his eyes again, looking at the data of the third-tier fighters in the future.

Next to each row of data written by Hao Yin in charcoal on the paper, golden data from the strategy module will appear.

The two are the reference answer and the standard answer. A little comparison will make Zong Shen understand it at a glance.

[Total number of Tier 3 soldiers: 6026]

[The detailed summary is as follows:]

[Third-level self-trained infantry: 2488]

[Tier 3 self-trained crossbowman: 1473]

[Third-rank Avalon Dragonborn Ranger: 329]

[Third Tier Giant Wolf Cavalry: 137]

[Third-rank Avalon dragon-born swordsman: 413]

[Third-rank Avalon Draconic Mage: 37]

[Third Tier Nord Furious Ax Warrior: 295]

[Third-rank Salander Copper Scorpion Scimitar Warrior: 172]

[Third-rank wood mage: 88]

[Third-rank water mage: 102]

[Third-tier Fire Mage: 197]

[Third Tier Earth Mage: 64]

[Third-rank frost mage: 39]

[Third-level Thunder Mage: 19]

[Third-rank Wind Mage: 27]

[Third-rank Holy Light Priest: 48]

[Third Tier Necromancer: 67]

[Third-rank arcane magician: 31]

The third-tier soldiers handed over by those captive lords were only more than 6,000.

Spread out equally, each lord does not even have two.

The current lords are all human beings, and the things that can be done with second-level soldiers will never use third-level soldiers.

There is really no way out, and Zong Shen is also the priority to give the most garbage self-trained soldiers.

Then there are Tier 3 shooters and infantry.

As for the cavalry and mage, each of them is regarded as a treasure, and they will try not to give them if they can.

Therefore, the data of Tier 3 soldiers is rather strange.

[Tier 3 Self-Training Infantry] and [Tier 3 Self-Training Crossbowmen] accounted for the majority.

In the future, [Avalon Dragonborn Ranger], [Avalon Dragonborn Swordsman], [Nord Fury Ax Warrior], and [Sarande Bronze Scorpion Scimitar Warrior] will be ranked in the second echelon.

There are not many cavalry and various mages, each of which is only a few dozen, at most a hundred or so.

The actual value of this wave of Tier 3 soldiers is somewhat unsatisfactory.

Zong Shen couldn't help but twitched his brows.

Speaking of it, he is still too kind, and his eating is too good-looking.

In fact, the lives of more than 3,000 lords are in his hands, so he can definitely ask for a higher price.

For example, requiring captive lords cannot provide self-trained soldiers.

At that time, he considered the assurance of notoriety, so he didn't take the pain to pluck the wool of those lords.

"Forget it, if you have what you have, you will be safe."

"In the short term, these self-trained soldiers are no match for the recruited standard soldiers."

"But in terms of long-term potential, there is still something to do."

Zong Shen soon discovered the shining points in the self-trained soldiers.

In fact, there is still a lot of room for excavating the potential of self-trained soldiers. They are equivalent to "open source", which has more room for shaping than the "closed" of standard soldiers.

By forging better standard equipment and optimizing training methods and processes, Zong Shen can use self-trained soldiers as a template to DIY his own exclusive arms.

For example, with shield guns and shield swords, they can form self-trained shield infantry.

As for skills, they can be taught through special buildings or teaching talents.

Before that, Zong Shen had exchanged the recruitment papers for many types of teaching talents~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but all of them were auxiliary talents.

But through the [Demon Codex] mastered by [Destroyer of Silence Artorius], the [Abyss Art of War] learned by [Matheridon's clone], and the corresponding abilities mastered by other legendary powerhouses.

Fighting-type teaching talents should exist.

Thinking about it this way, the idea of ​​being at a disadvantage disappeared.

Heaven pays off, these self-trained soldiers can still play their due value.

As for the arms, there are no big surprises among the third-tier arms.

Most of them are common arms in this grassland area, mixed with some arms of neighboring kingdoms.

In any case, it can be regarded as further enriching the warrior population of the territory.

There are many people and strength, and the territory is short of manpower. Any population absorbed at this time will not be wasted!

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