Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1040: : 4 clues about the source of water

He almost forgot that Endless Continent is a magical world!

The concept of science and technology originated from the earth is worthy of popularization, but magic cannot be abandoned.

When used well, it can increase productivity.

We must know that there is no subjective good or bad, right or wrong in any force.

How to flexibly use all the forces that can promote the development of productivity is the key issue.

The water-type rune materials of all levels can produce water "out of thin air" as long as they are matched with the corresponding magic circle.

Run the power of the elemental runes through the magic circle, condense the appropriate elemental magic power, and finally transform it into the material form of the element.

This involves magic, magic, and the concept of transformation of matter.

Elemental magic power is a kind of free energy. Guided by the caster's spiritual power and supplemented by its own magic power, the elemental magic power is combined into a specific spell model. This is the principle of magic, and it is also the most common method for converting elemental magic power into matter. Condition.

The well-known Grand Magister scholar, Arnon Kaiser, once published a treatise on this.

It reveals the relationship between [spiritual power], [elemental magic power] and [matter].

The conclusion is that the three can catalyze each other under certain conditions, so as to realize the process of circular transformation.

[Spiritual Power] alone is divided into [Personal Spiritual Power], [Group Spiritual Power], [Material Spiritual Power], [Soul Body Spiritual Power], [Subconscious Sea] and many other categories.

【Elemental Magic】There are also many branch concepts.

As for [substance], it represents the meaning of the existence of the main material world.

All three are the cornerstone of this world and the source of certain aspects of power, and this transformation principle is called "Arien's Three-Source Stability Conjecture".

These materials are all the answers Zong Shen got when thinking about magic-related questions and asking the strategy module in his spare time.

There are still many academic research materials like this in the long history of the Endless Continent.

Therefore, magic still has great potential for development!

Zong Shen believes that the best way out in the Endless Continent is to try to combine magic with science and technology.

It's not just a simple combination of magical power and machinery like magic energy.

Instead, it should cover all aspects and apply it to improve the productivity of the whole people. ,

When Zongshen thought of the elemental runes, he had an idea in his mind.

The so-called elemental rune is a common building material, which contains specific elemental magic power, and is an excellent natural magic power pulling material.

Elemental runes are inseparable from the production of magic circles, magic buildings, and some magic wonders.

The [bathhouse] in the territory uses the [primary water rune], as does Zongshen's [hot spring cabin].

The combination of water and fire runes enables the hot springs in the hut to achieve constant temperature hot water and automatic water circulation.

The bathhouse can also produce water out of thin air, but the daily flow is limited.

In other words, Zong Shen can perfectly solve the water problem of the territory by looking for specific magic circles, magic buildings or magical objects.

Theoretically, relying on rune technology and mana technology, the Endless Continent will definitely have such things as "wells with unlimited water flow" and "canals without source".

Facing the water shortage problem on the earth, the solutions are mostly engineering transformation.

Either open canals and build dams to drain the water, or dig wells on the spot.

But in the Endless Continent, you can find a way from magic!

Thinking it would be better to do it, Zong Shen immediately called out the strategy module in his heart.

"Where can I get magic circles or magical objects related to water sources?"

"I need to meet the current water needs of the Territory."

If you don't open it now, when will you wait?

In order to ensure the accuracy of the results, Zong Shen also added the details of the problem.

The golden subtitles quickly appeared.

(Don't be impatient, little brother, there are many magic circles and wonders related to water sources

Items that meet the requirements within a radius of 1500 kilometers and can be quickly returned to and from have been retrieved for you:

There is a natural cold spring 712 kilometers away from the rotten bone forest in the north of the territory, in which there is an orange legendary frost orb and a water spirit orb.

A white cloud at an altitude of 2793 meters above the ground at a distance of 379 kilometers southwest can be captured. After being impregnated with magic power, this white cloud can arouse the magic power of the water system and turn into cumulonimbus clouds for precipitation at regular intervals without dissipating

Digging 369 meters down at 1322 kilometers to the northwest, and passing through the thick rock layer, a huge underground underground river can be found. In the shady land, it can automatically absorb the magic power of the water system traveling around, so that the magic power is transformed into pure water resources and stored on the bacteria. It only takes 28 days for the growth cycle, and can store up to 5 liters to 17 liters of clean water. After taking the water, The rest of the mushroom body is also a delicious food. This mushroom is a mutated variety in a specific environment and has not been discovered by any force or individual

From 973 kilometers to the south and 113 kilometers to the southeast, Vida Village will hold a secret black stone auction three days later, in which there will be a magical object called [Clear Spring Flowing Sound], which can meet your needs

Of course, if you don't mind going further afield, this guide can provide more information

But here, this strategy has to remind you that you already have something that meets the requirements)

The long-lost reminder of the designated clue made Zong Shen feel very cordial.

Whatever Zong Shen lacks, the strategy module can find it for him.

It's almost like lighting up a map of opportunities.

The first clue is two elemental orbs, which are often natural magical wonders.

The role of the water spirit orb is no less than a spring eye.

The second clue is rather strange, it is actually a cloud that can be infused with magic power and turn into a cumulonimbus cloud.

This kind of cloud has been solidified by magic power, will not dissipate, and can be drawn into the territory for artificial rainfall.

The third clue belongs to the characteristic rare mushroom, as long as it is transplanted to a cool and humid place.

Fungi are spread by spores, and in a suitable environment, they can quickly grow a large area.

This kind of mushroom is called a water storage mushroom for the time being, and each one can absorb the magic power of traveling elements, so as to achieve the effect of storing up to a dozen liters of purified water without a water source.

At that time, clean water can be collected by picking, and the water-storing mushroom itself is also a good ingredient.

Zong Shen is very fond of this kind of things with many uses and clear value, and he is definitely going to get the water storage mushroom!

Even suitable planting sites around the territory have been considered.

That is the poisonous swamp where little Heizi used to live!

The area there is not too large, but it is definitely not small. If it can be fully developed and the water storage mushrooms are planted on a large scale, it can at least bring millions of liters of drinking water and edible mushrooms to the territory.

Most importantly, as a large fungus, mushrooms, like plants, grow by absorbing nutrients from the ground.

But under the right environment and temperature, the natural growth cycle is much shorter than that of plants.

For example, the growth cycle of straw mushrooms on the earth is only one month, and that of shiitake mushrooms is about four to six months.

The 28-day growth cycle of the water storage mushroom is basically similar to that of the straw mushroom.

If you add some yield-increasing magic or improve the soil environment, the growth cycle of the water storage mushroom should be further shortened, so it already has the potential for high yield.

The final fourth clue is about a secret auction called Black Stone.

Maybe it has something to do with the strength of some aborigines, Zong Shen doesn't want to go into it, but he is going to have a look, it can be regarded as gaining knowledge.

Regarding the four clues provided by the strategy module, Zong Shen plans to collect them one after another in the next few days.

Within a distance of 1,500 kilometers one way, it only takes two to three hours to ride Eagle Sauce. As long as you move quickly, you can solve at least two clues in a single day, which is indeed the most suitable opportunity for him to explore.

Information links such as the strategy module, functions such as navigation guidance and weak point marking can only be regarded as auxiliary.

It's against the sky is actually in the exploration of opportunities.

Any opportunity that exists in the endless continent cannot be concealed from the information retrieval of the strategy module.

Thus Zongshen gained an information advantage over the lords of the same period!

Compared with ignorant and ignorant exploration slowly, the tips of the strategy module are obviously an immediate effect.

In the strategy information just now, in addition to the four clues about the water source, there is also an element mentioned at the end.

That is Zong Shen's storage compartment, and there are already items that meet the requirements!

After a little thought, he understood what that item was!

Thinking of this, Zong Shen directly activated [Wandering] and left the spot, and soon appeared again.

A drop-shaped thing was taken.

That's right, this thing is one of the few demigod-level items in his hands—

—[Melting·Water Droplet (low demigod level)]

It happens to be a demigod-level item of the water system.

In fact, Zong Shen didn't forget him, but in his heart, he always regarded [Rong·Shuidrop (low demigod level)] as a combat item.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this thing does have a powerful water system auxiliary ability.

Just using a demigod-level item as a water source is somewhat wasteful.

He held the azure [Melting·Water Droplet (low demigod level)] in his palm.

The slightly translucent material shimmers in the sun, just like the beach and sea in bright weather.

The active skill [Melting·Water] is automatically absorbing the surrounding water vapor and the escaped water elemental magic power.

This effect cannot take effect in the storage compartment, so he usually stores the water droplets in the Lord's Fortress.

There is no difference between the difficulty for outsiders to break into the lord's fortress and steal it from him.

The effect of [Melting·Water] combined with [Melting·Heaviness of Water] can make it an independent water source.

You must know that the mysterious businessman Alpha once introduced that the theoretical water storage capacity of [Rong·Shuidrop (low demigod level)] is almost incalculable, and what limits its performance is the water storage time.

Moreover, the effect of [Melting Water] is closely related to the surrounding environment.

Although it is said that it can automatically store water if it is placed in any place where there is water vapor and the magic power of water elements.

But if you want to maximize its water storage efficiency, you still have to put it into a water-rich environment.

Zong Shen thought for a while, and his mind sank into the inner space of [Rong·Shuidrop (low demigod level)], wanting to see how much water resources were absorbed in the normal environment in the past five days.

At the moment when his thoughts glanced, the expression on his face suddenly froze.

Among them are huge water spheres that are constantly condensing.

Observing with his mind, Zong Shen was able to see strands of clear water converging into the huge water polo.

It is conservatively estimated that the diameter of this water polo has reached more than three kilometers.

The shape is perfectly round, and the water storage capacity even exceeds that of the small lake in the south of the territory!

It is hard to imagine that if it is placed in a river or a large lake with a large flow rate, more water resources may be stored in the same period of time!

No wonder this thing can **** up all the water in a bay in five years!

However, if Zong Shen wanted to reserve drinking water and irrigation water, he could only find fresh water sources to absorb it.

You don't even need a water source, the amount of water absorbed out of thin air under the normal environment of the territory by the [Melting Water] effect can already meet the current needs!

Thinking of this, Zong Shen decided to hand over [Rong·Shuidrop] to Salome Lin Yu for safekeeping.

But before that, he had to transform it into a hero-level talent!

It just so happens that he has a suitable [Hero Emblem] on hand, so this problem is easy to solve.

After knowing it in his mind, Zong Shen gave Salome Lin Yu a confident look.

When he was thinking just now, Salome didn't interrupt the whole process, but stood there meticulously.

Now that the solution to the water source problem is in sight and won't cause trouble in the short term, Salome's first problem is tantamount to being solved.

"As for the water source issue, I will have other arrangements, so there is no need to worry."

Zong Shen said concisely.

Salome Linyu nodded. After waiting for more than ten minutes, he naturally understood that the lord was just thinking about a solution to the water source problem.

Now that the lord has made a promise, he will not continue to ask.

In addition to the water source, he also has other issues to report.

"The great power of the lord will eventually make us embrace the glory!"

Salome flattered him as usual before slowly asking the next question.

"Agronomic training has a long way to go."

"If possible, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, I would like to ask you to recruit more senior agronomists to join the territory."

"It's too strenuous for me alone to teach hundreds of agronomy apprentices every day."

"And the ghost teachers in the [Special Knowledge School] can only impart knowledge on paper, they cannot cooperate with planting practices to impart agricultural techniques."

After finishing speaking, Salome Linyu fell silent again.

He is a smart guy, and he knew that Zong Shen's personal visit this time represented his emphasis on agricultural development.

And these problems, reported to Mariel, I am afraid that they will not be able to solve them in a monkey year.

But it is different to report to the lord in person, and these problems will most likely be resolved quickly.

He hopes that on this land, agronomic culture can flourish.

I have to say that Salome Lin Yu is definitely a very dedicated agronomist!

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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