Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1042: : Drust and the Past of the Sultanate of Sarande I

Salome Lin Yu, who was standing there with a pensive expression on his face, stretched out his hand and subconsciously caught the apple thrown by Zong Shen, but such an action did not help his thinking.

The slightly tangled expression reminded Zong Shen, who was sitting on the ridge of the field and eating apples, of the senior high school students in the earth and the postgraduate entrance examination party fighting at night with lights on.

In fact, the legend that Salome thought of is not important anymore, he only needs to ask the strategy module to gain insight into everything.

However, seeing Salome Lin Yu's rare willingness to bring up the past, Zong Shen had nothing urgent at hand, so he simply rested in this experimental field for a while.

After waiting for three or four minutes, the big apple in Zong Shen's hand had been gnawed into an hourglass shape.

Salome, who was standing not far from him, was still thinking hard, and kept rubbing the apple.

As the future Xeon Lord, every second of his time is precious, and Zong Shen believes that the time-wasting link can stop here.

He stood up slowly, and took the initiative to persuade him.

"It doesn't matter if you can't remember."

"Tell me about the situation in which you were recruited by the mysterious power and banned before the recruitment roll."

Zong Shen decided to change the topic, otherwise, according to Salome Lin Yu's single-minded personality, he might keep thinking about it until dark.

And he also understands that Salome's fruitless thinking should not be a problem in his memory. It is most likely due to the limitation of the lord system. As a natural druid and a high-level agronomist, Salome's memory is definitely not good. Difference.

Being banned for thousands of years will not cause memory to fade, because the banned field related to the recruitment roll is in a state of absolute time-stop, and all material changes inside are static.

Material change is the only manifestation of time.

Zong Shen had previously asked Doris about her feelings and circumstances about the ban.

The answer was that during the lockdown there was no feeling of nothing like sleep without a conscious dream.

Except for part of the information instilled by the mysterious mighty power, the original memory is still as clear as before the ban.

Even the term mysterious mighty power is a concept that every recruiter knows well.

There are also some recruited fighters who will experience memory loss, such as [Windrunner Vereesa], not only has most of her powers been banned, but even her memories are fragmented and incomplete.

This kind of incomplete memory is the handiwork of the lord system, and cannot be traced back by subjective thinking and memory.

So Vereesa knew that her former identity included the deployment and designation of some legions of the elves, as well as her ex-husband Ronin, who had a difficult heart.

But she has forgotten all about those ancient secrets that involve so much.

Therefore, Zong Shen was not surprised by Salome Lin Yu's amnesia, and soon understood the secret behind it.

Hearing what the lord said, Salome scratched his head, feeling very uncomfortable.

This kind of feeling that there is a memory concept in his mind, but he can't remember the details is a nightmare for a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder, enough to make him sleep badly for two or three days.

But Salome didn't dare not listen to Zong's words.

He shook his head slightly, bowed his head and pondered for a moment, both remembering and sorting out his words.

This time, it took only ten seconds to get the clue. Salome raised his head, bowed slightly with his reminiscing body, and then spoke eloquently.

"In 892 years after I was born in the Seven Kings Contest."

"The Emperor of the Seven Kingdoms was still in power at that time."

"The major kingdoms are gearing up, and there is constant friction between each other."

"My hometown is the Kul Tiras Peninsula in the northeast region of the mainland, where the Druid Church was born."

"The ancestors of mankind, the Vrykul created by Beep Beep... were cursed by the flesh and blood of the ancient gods, and gradually corrupted and declined and evolved into later humans."

When Zong Shen heard this, he was about to stop, but unexpectedly discovered that the silenced content appeared in Salome Linyu's words.

This guy is also a talker at heart. Zong asked him to talk about the Sultanate of Salander thousands of years ago, but Salome talked about the structure of the mainland at that time, and even prepared to talk about the Sultanate of Germany. Rui's culture and teachings.

He raised his hand as a pause gesture, and quietly called out the strategy module in his heart.

Zong Shen needs to be quiet so that he can dig out more clues from the details.

The information acquisition of the strategy module is closely related to his cognition and the content and method of asking questions.

After all, the lord system they have access to at present is responsible for the entire endless continent.

Countless information is accumulated and redundant. If you want to extract useful information from it, you will have to wash the sand with big waves.

Therefore, scientific retrieval is the technique to maximize the use of the strategy module as a plug-in aid.

If you simply ask for broad information, the prompt answers you get will definitely be a very bloated and huge content.

For example, Zong Shen asked the strategy module to provide all the opportunities he could get. I am afraid that the amount of text reading of the clues would require him to watch for thousands of years without sleep.

Under such circumstances, if he wants to get effective clues, he must grasp a precise key point to ask questions, and then replace old clues with new ones, like making a jigsaw puzzle, and finally piece together the truth.

The plug-in is only an auxiliary means after all, how to use it is the key point!

Without any hesitation, Salome Linyu's previous words have pointed out the key points in the clues.

"What were the vrykul created from?"

(Privilege encrypted data, interpreting...)

(The interpretation is complete, the Vrykul were created by the Titans)

Seeing the golden subtitles slowly appearing in front of his eyes, Zong Shen couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

"What the **** is the Titan Protoss?"

(Relevant information is missing, you can choose to search for secondary clues)

He knew Titan, which was a high-ranking race with the same reputation as the dragon.

The body is as tall as the mountain giant and the hundred-eyed giant, and has a strong blood talent.

Every titan warrior is born strong, just like the giant dragon, they don't need to learn deliberately, blood and years will give titans everything.

In addition to the powerful strength of the upper species, Titan also has many sub-ethnic groups.

It doesn't just inhabit the Endless Continent.

According to Jiang Yi's report, her defensive challenge is a large group of abyssal titans.

But this so-called "Titan Protoss" is obviously not the Titan race that Zong Shen knows.

Anything that is labeled as "God" is not simple. This is not Zong Shen's catchphrase, but a kind of common sense.

Perhaps the Titans are some races that have been on the road to the gods longer.

Zong Shenyuan knew more about gods than ordinary lords, but relatively speaking, his understanding was limited.

Most of the content about deities in the "database" of the lord system is blank.

At least the lord system in charge of the Endless Continent is like this. Zong Shen already knows that in the dimensional world, there is far more than the "proving ground" of the Endless Continent. Perhaps the current development progress of the lords does not involve gods, so the lord system does not Related data not loaded.

So as a strategy module for information sharing, it is naturally impossible to "steal" any valuable information.

However, the information blockade of the lord system is not absolute. In fact, a lot of information still remains in the ruins of the Endless Continent.

Only by closely combining the strategy module and the exploration of the ruins can the truth be traced back as much as possible.

"Please tell me the secondary clues related to the Titan Protoss."

(Location 1: Drust Ancient Ruins in Kul Tiras Peninsula

Location 2: The God of War in the Red Gobi

Location 3: 6271 nautical miles in the East China Sea of ​​the mainland

Location 4: The broken ancient magic circle on the peak of Hatz, Pillar of the Sky

Location 5: The half-faced Titan God's War Banner collected in the treasury of the royal family of Nord

Location 6: Several ancient documents in the ancient book room of the Juku Library of the City of Knowledge

Location 7: Alien Ice Corpse in the Night King Castle on the northern edge of the mainland

Tracing back the mysterious Titans and unraveling the mystery of the birth of the ancient Terrans)

The strategy module gave him 7 secondary clues related to the Titans.

In other words, Zong Shen can rely on these seven clues to trace back to the traces left by the Titan Protoss in the Endless Continent.

And these seven locations basically cover the whole continent from the north to the south. Before mastering the Hearthstone channel and other ultra-long-distance space transmission technology, it is not too easy to achieve full exploration.

But Zong Shen still kept these clues in his heart.

Seeing that he was distracted, Salome did not dare to disturb him rashly.

"Go on."

Zong Shen waved his hand, his eyes became deeper, and he was no longer as leisurely as before.

Salome Lin Yu nodded, while waiting, he had already held back what he wanted to say.

"Drusts appeared during the evolution of Vrykul to ancient humans. These half giants were taught by the forest gods and mastered the way of druids."

"Because of the corruption of the ancient god's curse, this group of Drusts fought against each other for thousands of years, researching the power of the death domain, and changing the true meaning of the druid way."

"When the later humans first entered the Kul Tiras peninsula, most of the Drust had completely degenerated, and the spells they used changed from natural secrets to death spells."

"There is simply a small group of Drust who have not forgotten the original intention of the druids. They call themselves 'thorn whisperers', hide to teach human druid spells, and fight against those fallen compatriots."

"After many years, humans defeated Drust, and the Druid way passed down from the Thorn Whisperer was also passed down among humans, and then evolved into the Druid Church."

"Here, I have to emphasize one point to you. The humans I mentioned are not humans from the Seven Kings period, but an even older human race."

"When the Vrykul evolved into humans, the World Tree also took root on the earth at the same time. The Well of Eternity accumulated brilliance, and the green spores from the unknown void accumulated and germinated secretly, and finally became an independent orc race, and later drank demons. Blood of Mannoroth."

When Salome Linyu said this, his tone became cadenced like singing poetry.

He looked into the distance, his eyes full of longing and longing for the epic ancient past.

It has to be said that Salome has a talent for telling stories, and Zong Shen has already basically understood the origin of Druids.

The history of this event is even longer than the rise of the seven human race kingdoms five or six thousand years ago.

It can even be traced back to the birth of several major ethnic groups in the last era.

Among them were the "primitive" human races among the five main human cities headed by Stormwind City at that time.

Compared with the chosen sons of the seven human race kingdoms, which were suspected to be the lord system, the "primitive" human race is one of the authentic aborigines in the endless continent.

It's just that so many years have passed, and due to the change of the era, the "primitive" human race may have been integrated into the seven human kingdoms long ago, and it is impossible to find the original traces from the blood.

Regarding the events after the birth of the Druid Church, there was no need for Salome to tell, Zong Shen already knew all about it.

After the emergence of the Druid church, the theory of nature and balance became the teachings of the Druids.

And because of human greed and expansion thoughts, the two deviate from each other.

In the end, the druids chose the elves who were closer to the profound meaning of nature.

Then in a relatively closed environment, the Druids formed a unique culture.

To put it in an exaggerated way, druids were born out of human beings, but they couldn't integrate with mainstream human civilization.

And after a long period of evolution and civilization progress, the difference between the two is getting bigger and bigger.

Now it is completely possible to understand Druids as "sub-human races".

Now that he knew the content behind, Zong Shen didn't want to waste time.

He added straight to the point.

"I probably know what happened later, including the relationship between the druids and the elves."

"In fact, you should have seen the raptor druids and claw druids in the territory."

"So let's go straight to the point. What you said so much is nothing more than supporting the relationship between Druidism and the changes in the landforms of the Sultanate of Sarande thousands of years ago."

Zong Shen's words made Salome Lin Yu straighten his body, and the expression on his face became awe-inspiring.

"indeed so!"

"I didn't expect you to know a lot about Druidism."

"Actually, before I was banned, the Sultanate of Sarande was still a powerful country with great national strength."

"Comprehensive strength can rank among the top three among the seven countries."

"In addition to Salander's adoption of theocratic unity and deification and brainwashing of the sultan and the imperial power, the abundant domestic environment is also an important factor for the country's rise."

"The Sarande Sultanate at that time had the largest impact plain on the entire continent."

"The fertile pastures and forests are full of gold."

"There is also a Druid tribe and an elf tribe inhabiting there~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is said that there is an oasis hidden in Sudan, where the 'thornspeakers' left after the war tens of thousands of years ago live, As the mentors of druids, they have mastered higher-level natural spells over the years and possessed more advanced ways of druids."

"But it's just a legend after all. Countless explorers have gone to Sudan to search for it, but they found nothing."

"Even the first sultan invited the great star sages to perform star emblem divination, but they couldn't find it."

"Mysterious mighty power is protecting the Thorny Whisperer..."

It may be updated in the next few days or stability cannot be guaranteed.

Try to get a steady update starting tomorrow.

The Spring Festival is coming, I hope the new year will be rainy and sunny.

(end of this chapter)

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