As the saying goes, "burning" books is cool for a while, and "burning" books is always cool.

This kind of operation that can directly improve attributes, no matter how many times he did it, Zong Shen never had too many.

Since his normal attribute has entered the legendary level, he has entered a new round of accumulating attributes.

He is invincible under the demigod, and 50-50 above the demigod.

Of course, this 50-50 open refers to the situation where some hole card abilities are activated.

In fact, he himself is not very clear about the combat effectiveness of the demigod level.

After all, there is not enough reference data.

After completing a new round of attribute upgrades, Zong Shen quickly put his mind on the next task reward item.

In addition to the 1.5 million team experience points that can be distributed at any time, he took out a special recruitment roll with his backhand, and at the same time left the hall of the lord's fortress in a blink of an eye.

When he reappeared, he came to a clearing outside the fort.

At present, the core circle with the lord's fortress as the center point has been initially established.

The previous three circles of city walls were all moved to the boundary of the core circle.

Since the radius of the planned area has been expanded a lot, the original city wall is only enough to barely enclose the core area.

The wonder-level, special-level and some barracks and learning buildings in the territory have also been relocated, and they are planned and placed around the lord's fortress.

Several solid stone roads have also been laid. The width of each road is planned to be 22 meters, which can accommodate five to six carriages and baggage trailers.

There are also [White Stone Street Lamps (Blue)] placed in key areas (backtracking to Chapter 736).

The lighting principle of this kind of street lamp is very simple. The light source uses the magic energy crystal after the magic energy is exhausted, which is also called white crystal or white stone, but it needs to provide additional consumption of magic energy when using it.

The function of Shiraishi is equivalent to "light bulb", and the magic energy is "electricity".

The consumption of each [White Stone Street Lamp (Blue)] is not too high, and only one [Elementary Magic Energy Crystal] can be continuously lit for 720 hours.

Coupled with the shortcut authority of the territory redeemed before, the heroes of the internal affairs can switch on and off the street lights at regular intervals.

At this stage [White Stone Street Lamp (Blue)] is gradually replacing campfire lighting.

The territory at night also lost a bit of the unpleasant smell of smoke and fire.

These are the changes in the territory in recent days.

However, he came outside at this time not to inspect the territory, but to directly complete the recruitment.

Compared with other types of recruitment rolls accumulated on hand, the recruitment roll he is holding can be used almost immediately.

This recruitment paper that he had high hopes for was one of the mission rewards [Proficient Miner Squad Recruitment Paper (Yaoguang)].

The entire recruitment scroll shines with beautiful colors in the dark night, which is also the characteristic of dazzling items.

When compared horizontally in the recruitment roll, they are relatively rare high-end items.

These recruitment papers are all handwritten by the lord system, and those banned in them are all professionals and fighters who have "died once" in related fields.

He raised his hand and stared at the recruitment roll in his hand, and soon lines of information surfaced.

[Proficient miner brigade recruitment volume (Yaoguang)]

[Quality: Dazzling Grade]

[Effect: After use, a standard brigade can be recruited, with a total of 1,200 skilled miners and proficient skills in relevant professions]

【(Click to recruit)】

[The recruiting process of Dimensional Singularity takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete]

【Please make sure that the location where you are recruiting has enough space to deploy the Singularity Portal】

After a line of introductions, Zong Shen resolutely chose [Recruitment].

He is no stranger to this kind of recruitment process, and it can even be said that he is quite familiar with it.

Recruitment at the standard brigade level, that is, more people are recruited at a time, but there is not much difference in other aspects.

When he finished activating, the recruitment scroll in his hand turned into light and flew away from his palm.

As the leap progressed, the light state condensed into a sphere, and the diameter changed from tens of centimeters to tens of meters.

Finally, it landed on the open space five to six hundred meters in front of Zong Shen.

A huge ball of light bloomed, and the sky not far away was as bright as day in an instant, and an egg-shaped oval light cocoon suddenly appeared on the spot.

And this scene also attracted the attention of all the citizens in the territory who were still working overtime.

In the past few days, the construction work in the territory has basically been done in two shifts.

Belongs to the accelerated state of stopping work without stopping work.

The vast majority of citizens are assigned a certain amount of work tasks, and there is no idle situation at all.

Before the reform of the free people, this can be regarded as the last wave of free labor.

You must know that Zong has high hopes for the reform of the free people. Don't look at the Endless Continent as a world of swords and magic, but the productivity in it is not seriously lagging behind.

The extraordinary power under the magical system of sword and magic is not something that everyone can master.

They are like castles in the air, looking magnificent, but in fact they have nothing to do with most ordinary people.

Coupled with the aristocracy and the huge amount of land that is so vast that the farming form is deformed, as well as the dangers and various alien races that may appear in the wild at any time, it has always restricted the bottom productivity of this world.

Zong Shen's essential goal is to release personal productivity as much as possible and improve the quality of unit development in the territory.

For example, in the year before the advent, the annual grain output of Earth Huaxia was 682.85 million tons, including cash crops such as oil pressing and fodder (in addition to some imports, such as soybeans and corn, mostly fodder and oilseeds), Utilized 7% of the world's arable land and revitalized 22% of the total population.

Switching to Endless Continent, I am afraid that 500% of the land is used to support 100% of the scattered population.

To put it simply, the unit productivity is low, and the total production is maintained by almost unlimited arable land per capita.

Magic only accounts for a small part of the total food contribution.

After all, the food produced by natural magic only exists as a reserve food.

According to the information Zong Shen learned, Endless Continent belongs to a world where multiple forms coexist.

There are also many free trade city-states and a few enfeoffment principalities with more enlightened policies in the mainland, and the economic level of them is generally better than most of the territories under the rule of the nobles of the kingdom.

As long as the per capita productivity can be revitalized and the underlying economic level improved, Zongshen's population of one million can equal the population benefit brought by the population of 10 million aborigines.

Based on this, the leap in the development speed of the territory brought about is also huge.

Now that the root cause of the problem is known, it is not advisable to blindly save trouble, at least the future potential of the two is completely different.

Moreover, Zong Shen is grasping both hands. Apart from striving for the development potential of the territory, he has not given up the pursuit of personal force. To be honest, these two development strategies do not conflict, and they can complement each other to achieve parallel progress.

(Why are we emphasizing the reform of the free people again, because recently a new reader in the backstage crazily swiped this question)

So before the complete reform, let's prostitute a few days of labor for nothing, at least after establishing the prototype of the territory's urban planning.

After bowing his head and thinking for a while, the light cocoon in front of him has entered the "breeding" state.

Before the light cocoon transformed into a space singularity portal, he left his original position again.

Five or six minutes later, he arrived here with more than twenty internal affairs heroes.

There is no shortage of hero-level talents in today's territory, and their task is to act as a "container" for the command value.

In fact, in the past few days, the cultivation of heroes in the territory has not stagnated.

Under Zong Shen's instruction, Favid and Doris formed several leveling teams.

Specially take those fighting heroes to level up to get enough attribute points and skill points.

As for the heroic talents of the internal affairs type, they will enter the high-level training ground in shifts every day.

Levels before LV15 are relatively easy to improve.

Hero-level talents also have the authority of the Lord's passive skills.

Therefore, in the early stage, according to the different talents, the points are added in different directions.

Combat heroes add strength and intelligence attributes, and passive skills choose main combat skills such as [Strong Strike] and [Strong Bow].

A small number of fighting heroes who are responsible for leading the team need to add some intelligence in order to add those lord-level passive skills that increase the team.

As for the internal affairs heroes, add wisdom and charm, especially charm and [dominance], and try to pile up the general dominance value to a certain value first.

Therefore, the current rule of the territory is relatively rich.

At the place where he descended, Zong Shen was still a little worried about not having enough control points.

But later he was relieved, because he found that every time he got a certain amount of population, there would always be an appropriate proportion of hero-level talents.

After these heroes have been upgraded for a few days, the attributes of all parties will be in an overflow state.

After bringing in enough internal affairs heroes to accommodate these 1,200 elite miners, Zong Shen has nothing else to worry about.

He waited with peace of mind for the light cocoon to be formed, and opened the corresponding recruitment portal.

A few more minutes passed, and soon new changes occurred.

The light cocoon not far away quickly converged, and then unfolded into a rippling teleportation light gate.

This is why Zong Shen felt that the light cocoon was giving birth to the portal.

As the portal took shape, miners came out one after another wearing dark gray suspenders and leather boots.

They lined up spontaneously, without making any comments, and seemed to be in order.

These miners are all human miners, and their height is generally between 165 cm and 175 cm.

In addition to the standard clothes, each of them also carried two tools.

They are a sharp-nosed mining pick and a four-claw iron rake.

A white stone miner's lamp hung on his waist, and two towels in the shape of animal fur.

In addition, there are no other tools and labor protection facilities.

Includes hard hat and gloves.

Due to the existence of rune technology, all kinds of mines are often reinforced with large runes when opening mines.

Such is the case with Azshara Mine.

Therefore, labor insurance tools are not so important.

As long as unknown mining areas are not excavated indiscriminately, mining accidents rarely occur.

Unless there is a sudden external attack.

Therefore, Zong Shen is very satisfied with the equipment brought by these proficient miners.

Enough to save a lot of expenses.

The team of 1,200 people was divided into 12 long teams and walked out of the portal with a diameter of more than 30 meters.

It took several minutes to complete the team assembly, and it became a brigade-level miner phalanx in the true sense of the territory.

It looks far more imposing than a mining team of hundreds of kobolds.

Moreover, these miners seem to have received some kind of paramilitary training, and they have a fairly good level of order whether they are lining up or marching.

It is not far behind even the most disciplined wolf cavalry in the territory.

As for those spellcasters who are usually lazy, it goes without saying.

When all the mines were lined up, they suddenly shouted in unison.

"Earth Pulse Mining Association, the 27th Standard Mining Brigade reports to you!"

"May the earth bless you!"

The orderly shouting of 1,200 people is still very imposing.

Zong Shen didn't respond to this, and he didn't need to make a special call.

Just thinking about the "Earth Pulse Mining Association" mentioned in these miners' words.

Before conducting relevant background checks, he first waved his hand to let the internal affairs heroes behind him move forward, and first completed the work of accepting the dominance value.

Then these miners were sent to the miners overnight, and the kobold chief Dutra was responsible for resettlement.

It just so happened that the dormitories in the mining area occupied by spider web monsters in the original mining area have all been cleaned out.

Those dormitories were carved directly on the rock formations, and the mines are immortal, they are immortal.

As long as some simple bedding and blankets are distributed, the miners can be settled quickly.

The corresponding materials will naturally be handled by specialists, and there is no need for someone from Zong to follow up and worry.

He only needs to build a high-level view now, which is also a necessary stage for being a lord.

The movement of thousands of people caught Mariel's attention.

She followed the flash of space mage Rhys Ulysses.

The latter has now become a "flash taxi" in the territory, either following Mariel or Vereesa, helping them quickly travel around the territory.

"Brother, are these miners newly recruited?"

Mariel trotted past Rhys Ulysses.

She has completely given up calling Zong Shen "Master" and changed it to a more intimate brother.

Zong Shen turned to face Mariel with a smile, and habitually stretched out his right hand to wrap her arms around her slender waist.

At the same time nodded and said.

"Yes, there are twelve hundred elite miners here."

"Although they are all human miners, they all have rich mining experience."

"The mining efficiency will definitely not be lower than that of the mine kobolds."

Zong Shen is quite satisfied with the addition of these new After the Azshara mine was cleared out, there was a lack of sufficient labor force.

This group of elite miners came just right.

Hearing what he said, Mariel also showed a joyful smile.

"In this way, the daily output of the mining area will soon be increased several times."

"However, it depends on the labor efficiency of these miners."

Zong Shen naturally understood this question.

He believes that skilled Terran miners are by no means inferior to mine kobolds.

After all, these people are professional miners, not comparable to those guys that Zong Shen temporarily trained before.

(end of this chapter)

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