This short horn and one long bull horn are the high-level hero assembly numbers agreed in advance.

Three short rapid blows are an emergency warning signal of an invasion.

There are also several sets of orders that have been agreed upon.

corresponding to different situations.

The relevant orders have long been kept in mind by all heroes.

Among them, orders such as the assembly number of all, the assembly number of soldiers, and the assembly number of farmers are also understood by the relevant citizens.

With such a few sets of orders, it is convenient for him to quickly gather the corresponding leaders.

Compared with the original method of using communication crystals for notification, it is more efficient.

When the horn was sounded on the territory side, there was already a dedicated dispatch team of wolf cavalry on standby, and rushed into the directional transmission channel leading to the demarcation of the portal with the bull horn slung across its shoulders.

Basically, all ruling heroes can be notified in an orderly manner within a few minutes.

Of course, it will take some time for them to gather at the lord's fortress.

So Zong Shen walked directly into the conference hall on the first floor of the fortress after sending out the signal.

Sitting on the top seat, with his hands on his chin, he seemed to be thinking about the next arrangement.

About 20 minutes later, with the assistance of the space mage Reese Ulysses, all the heroes with the right to govern in the territory arrived.

Some of them have already rested, put on temporary clothes, and rushed to the lord's fortress to respond to the call.

The maids in charge of the daily chores of the lord's fortress also got up and stood by.

Under Zong Shen's gesture, a crystal wine glass was placed on each table.

The three crystal wine jugs were filled with wine, and the kitchen was fully fired up and busy.

He was going to turn this impromptu night meeting into a late-night dinner party.

Although it was a bit sudden, as a lord, he could be so capricious.

This night meeting can be regarded as the gathering of all the backbone of the territory.

[Dark Prayer Sophie] also came, still sitting next to Mariel and Luna.

Strictly speaking, this guy hasn't officially joined the territory yet.

She is an "old guy" who has really slept from the last era to the present, and her memory is still stuck in the past.

The elves at that time were one of the most powerful races in the Endless Continent.

It was this pride from the past that prevented her from surrendering to Zong Shen immediately.

Of course, Zong Shen didn't care about her, and didn't bother to spend time on Sophie's strategies.

Now that the basic plan of the territory has been established, it will not be short of an ancient hero like her.

What's more, [Dark Night Prayer Sophie]'s strength is not legendary.

It is only a little stronger than the seventh-level fighters, and the level of strength is between the middle and high ranks of the epic.

But there is one thing to say, Sophie's appearance and figure are really good.

As a prayer, she has the sanctity of a priest of the Holy Light and the heat of a night hunter.

However, the holiness of the night prayer comes from the pure heart of serving the moon god,

If I had to use one word to describe it, it would be lustful and pure.

The turbulent chest can even dazzle the eyes.

In addition, her clothes were extremely revealing, and whenever she knelt down to pray, both hemispheres glowed like water waves under the moonlight.

It's a pity that Zong is not the kind of guy who has no principles.

For beauty or something, just taste it and stop. If you eat too much, it is easy to be indigestible, and you will be sanctioned by the crab gods and beasts.

As far as the current harem group is concerned, he is too busy to favor one person in a day.

But this guy is always hesitant, somewhat disrespecting Zong Liangzi.

But Zong Shen didn't plan to argue with her, he wasn't so stingy yet.

It's just more mouths to eat, so Sophie can stay if she wants.

Just as Zong Shen's thoughts flashed like lightning, his eyes looked at her inadvertently.

Sophie, who was still talking eagerly with Vereesa, felt something in her heart, and her eyes turned to meet Zong Shen's gaze.

The eyes of the two met, and they were both stunned for a moment.

Then Zong Shen was the first to come back to his senses, nodding his head with the same expression as before.

Sophie quickly nodded in response.

Vereesa, who was sitting next to them, silently glanced at the two without saying anything.

Fortunately, there were so many people at the scene, it was not an embarrassing situation.

This time, even Xiao Heizi was rare to attend the meeting.

It launched transformation magic and turned into a handsome young nobleman who was more than calm.

That pale face looks like excessive indulgence.

Naturally, the little blue dragon was not absent either, it hugged Joan of Arc's thigh and screamed loudly.

For some reason, the little guy was quite close to Joan of Arc.

Apart from Zong Shen himself, Lan Xiaodai only showed obvious intimacy with Joan of Arc.

Even if other people take out food and feed it, although Lan Xiaodai will not go crazy, it is definitely not close to him.

Perhaps this is an implicit relationship between charisma and dragon fit.

After all, all pure-blooded dragons possess high intelligence and powerful sensory talents.

They have a natural affection for those they are close to.

Zong Shen is an exception, his method of gaining favorability is still the third one.

It is nothing more than giving grace and pressure, while maintaining the suppression of personal force.

The kobold chief Dutra was also picked up by Reese Ulysses, who wore a coat to cover his ugly scales.

Because he was particularly afraid of Xiao Heizi, this guy didn't dare to go to the table.

In the end, Zong Shen saw its embarrassment, ordered someone to bring a chair, and temporarily put a seat beside him.

Anyway, the desktop is spacious enough, there is enough space for each single person, and it is not a problem to squeeze one more.

The behavior of being so sympathetic to his subordinates won the respect of everyone present.

As Zong Shen's subordinates, it was inspiring enough to see the lord's performance like this.

After everyone arrived, the maids poured wine into the glasses.

The kitchen was in full swing, and the smell of fried eggs, fried meat and fried bacon wafted out.

It can really arouse a bit of greed.

Zong Shen didn't speak, just smiled and picked up the wine glass.

Hao Yin was very discerning, he quickly picked up the wine glass and shouted loudly at the same time.

"This glass of wine, let us wish the lord the best of luck!"

After he started, the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

All the heroes at the table raised their glasses and shouted.

"My lord, all luck is prosperous!"

Zong Shen nodded and drank it all in one gulp.

Afterwards, the maid standing beside him hastily picked up the wine jug to refill him.

The magic energy chandelier emits warm white light, illuminating the bright lights of the entire conference hall.

After drinking the first cup, the back chef began to serve the appetizers to the table.

Since Dinan Village was conquered, the mid-level chef in the village and the old lady who Tie Zhu once helped to retrieve the lost cat also joined the territory (the first appearance is Chapter 64).

It is worth mentioning that the old lady is a rare pastry chef.

And the professional title has reached the middle level.

You should know that pastry chefs are far rarer than bakers.

Bakeries are almost everywhere, even in slightly larger villages, there are bakers with good baking skills.

But dessert chefs are basically exclusive to giant cities, and only a few large state cities have them.

So Zong Shen has found a treasure.

It just happened to pull both the mid-level chef and the pastry chef to the lord's fortress.

So as not to make a big pot of rice and ruin the craftsmanship.

It is specially used for conference banquets to serve him and key heroes.

Coupled with these days, the territory's material reserves have become more and more abundant.

Especially the types of ingredients available are much more than before.

There are ingredients, chefs and pastry chefs, and the quality of life is improved immediately.

As long as Zong Shen has free time, he can have a big meal every meal.

The food standard can basically catch up with the level of Baron Bezos.

——The dinner hosted by the baron was quite unforgettable for him.

It's a pity that Zong Shen is also working hard.

Just enjoying the blessings, it's time to go out and fight again.

Although there is not enough time, it is not bad for an hour or two.

Simply arrange while eating, saving three days of lecture-style meetings at both ends.

And to be honest, all the heroes here are also people who have worked hard for the territory.

From a certain point of view, their contribution was no less than that of Zong Shen.

Without their dedication, Zong Shen alone would not be able to make things happen.

Even if it can be turned around, it means that a lot of time and energy will be consumed in the management of the territory.

Usually fighting and coordinating the overall situation made him feel tired.

Not to mention being responsible for the arrangement of the people, construction, farming, production and basic necessities of life.

Also, the arrangement of various battle formations is not an easy task.

Recently, the equipment attrition rate of the soldiers has suddenly increased sharply, reaching a breaking point of concentrated wear and tear.

Colby and the others were also battered.

Fortunately, there are reserves of relevant spare weapon territories, especially the batch of Lion Knights equipment obtained at the beginning, as well as the standard equipment from the underground fortress of Azshara sewer and the warehouse deep in the mine.

The total number has reached tens of thousands, which can meet the current replacement needs.

For a small number of fighters who have special equipment or are not compatible with these standard equipment, they will be registered separately, and then there will be dedicated hero-level talents to the [market] to purchase.

In addition, most of the equipment of Tier 3 and below can be self-produced in the territory.

At present, the output has not increased, but more than one hundred pieces can be produced every day.

To sum up, the dressing needs of the soldiers can basically be met.

However, just by listening to the steps, you can tell how exhausting the work is.

Multiple departments need to communicate and coordinate.

And the matter of equipment should not be delayed, after all, the actual combat power of a soldier is displayed, and equipment accounts for 40%!

Anyway, the larger the territory, the more complicated problems there will be.

This is why the more powerful the lord is, the more strategic he is, rather than doing everything himself.

The atmosphere at the scene was good, and everyone began to eat and drink with peace of mind.

Among them, Salome Lin Yu, who was in charge of agriculture, the dwarf uncle, Tie Zi, a goblin mechanical engineer, and Clarissa Theresa, a senior pharmacist, sat in the seats at the end.

None of them have yet advanced to hero status.

In addition, functional departments are biased towards production. Although they are all important, their priority must be ranked behind the basic people's livelihood ruling heroes and combat heroes.

Anyway, those who can sit here tonight drinking and eating meat are all Zong Shen's confidantes.

A large luxurious round table was more than half full.

Sooner or later, this round table that can seat 66 people will be full.

Zong Shen looked around and started eating and drinking.

The sky is big and the earth is big, and eating is the biggest. Although he now has almost unlimited hunger and satiety, eating can also satisfy his appetite.

During the meal, everyone was chatting.

Zong Shen also chatted with one of them from time to time.

The night party dinner adopts a meal-sharing system, and the back kitchen is constantly serving dishes.

This meal took more than an hour.

Three or four hours have passed since Zong Shen ordered the supplies lightly.

The time has come to midnight.

I saw that everyone had almost eaten.

Zong Shen put down his wine glass, picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth.


After two light coughs, the hall instantly changed from noisy to quiet.

Everyone understood that this was the lord who was about to speak.

Everyone stopped talking, put away the wine glasses, put their hands on their knees, and waited for Zong Shen's order.

Zong Shen first turned his head to look at the kobold chief Dutra.

He was smiling and trying not to make it nervous.

Compared with the "big shots" on the scene, Dutra is inferior in terms of strength and qualifications.

Not to mention that there are two full-blooded five-color real dragons present here.

True dragons are inherently oppressive to kobolds.

After Zong Shen spoke, it quickly jumped off the chair, patting its chest and saluting, waiting for orders.

"Don't be nervous Dutra."

"The 1,200 elite miners who set off from the territory not long ago should have arrived at the mining area, right?"

He first asked about official business.

Fortunately, this is also the only place Dutra is good at.

It has never dared to slack off in the mine affairs, and it can be said to be conscientious.

Hearing what Zong Shen said, it regained some composure.

"Back... back to my lord!"

"All twelve hundred skilled miners are in place."

"Considering the rhythm of human beings, there are no work arrangements for tonight."

"All the dormitories in the mining area have been cleaned up, and stone rooms have been allocated according to the standard of four-person rooms."

"Relevant quilts and food have been distributed by special personnel."

It stuttered a bit at first, but then it got smoother and smoother.

Even with a bit of kobold's thin and light tone.

This answer was enough to satisfy Zong Shen.

Efficient scheduling can also help with productivity.

These new miners need to adapt and rest, coupled with the night rhythm, they are prone to sleepiness.

So don't rush to work tonight.

After the rest, it is no problem to arrange to go down the well tomorrow.

"Well done Dutra."

"If you have any needs in the mine, you can report to Mariel."

After a word of Zong Shen raised his hand and took out a seed that exuded golden light.

Then explained.

"This treasure tree spirit [ancient ore condensor (golden)] seed."

"It can assist ore mining, condense mineral fruits, and at the same time stabilize the barriers of the mining area."

"The Azshara mining area will get one, and you will be responsible for choosing the planting location."

With that, he handed the seed into Dutra's scaly claws.

Dutra took it a little excitedly, and then closed his paws.

His expression became complicated and joyful.

"Please rest assured, my lord, Dutra will sacrifice his bones and blood for you."

"Your mines will be rich and fruitful, and the puppies will dig the mines for you!"

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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