"Heed my consolation..."

"It's chilling, your anger has been frozen."

"Be still, my people, my children..."

Saffrey supported Mrs. Neville, singing in a low voice.

As the saint of the Calamity Raven Church, in addition to mastering a lot of frost and disaster magic, she is also proficient in many spells such as mind control and mental interference.

This is also a required course for saintesses.

A saint who does not seduce is not a good lover.

Her spells really worked, especially for such a fragile poor person like Mrs Naville.

Under her soft singing, Mrs. Neville gradually regained her composure.

The micro-expression on the face also changed, and the corners of his mouth twitched, as if he wanted to say something.

She helped Mrs. Neville to sit down, and covered her revealing amorous feelings with her cloak.

Zong Shen didn't look sideways, so he wouldn't think anything wrong with this poor woman.

Do you want a beautiful girl of any style in the territory?

for example:

The contrasting Aisha.

Tasiya has a hot body and a gloomy personality.

Two sisters, Madeleine and Mapel, are youthful and vigorous.

Mariel, the head of internal affairs with a childlike face and a giant face (Anti-Harmony).

And Luna, who loves passionately like a night leopard in the jungle.

In the end, there is his girlfriend who is his lover, Saintess Safri who adores him immensely.

Women are like flowers of different colors and fragrances.

For Zong Shen, he had already got enough flowers.

He sat on the chair, observing Mrs. Neville's state.

The psychic spell cast by Saffrey is similar to the Calming Mantra, and it takes a certain amount of time to maximize the effect.

At this moment, Mrs. Na'vi's chaotic mind and heart are slowly calming down under the effect of spells.

After waiting for two or three minutes, she finally had a new reaction.

"Ah... huh... huh..."

She began to pant violently, like a fish landing on the shore.

The sluggish eyes regained a lot of spirit.

"You... who are you?"

Mrs Neville's voice was hoarse and inarticulate, and her vocal chords were permanently damaged by unrestrained shouting during frenzy.


Zong Shen raised the corners of his mouth, revealing an inscrutable smile.

"We are the ones who can help you avenge."

"Don't you want to send **** Ackle Nichols to hell?"

As soon as these words came out, Madam Nawei's expression suddenly changed.

The blood vessels in his forehead bulged, and his eyes shot out extremely hateful anger.

Fortunately, the spell Safley cast was very effective. Although she was agitated, she did not lose control again.

"You...know the truth?"

"But... Humiliation... The humiliation is an irreversible foregone conclusion."

"My husband, Yin Di...he has lost all love for me..."

"The family is ashamed of me, and Yin Di regards me as a shame..."

"I...Na...Navi Yas, the **** and...the obscene lady in the eyes of all the townspeople."

She was talking hesitantly. She hadn't communicated with people for too many years, and her language ability had deteriorated. Coupled with her emotional agitation, it was even more difficult to talk fluently.

As she spoke, Madam Neville shed two lines of tears.

Safli, who was sitting beside her, took out a piece of silk cloth and wiped her tears intimately.

Zong Shen remained unmoved, he had already learned the truth through the strategy module.

All he had to do now was to find a way to wake up Madam Neville and untie her knot.

This has little to do with Seakabang City.

However, it has a significant relationship with Earl Akler Nichols and the city of Dashrhobang under his control.

As long as this move is handled well, he will soon have the opportunity to attack Dasle Huo.

It was a wealthy trading city with a population of over one million.

He watched Sapphire wipe away tears for Mrs Neville.

After a little silence, he nodded slowly and said.

"I know the truth."

"Nineteen years ago, you and your husband, Indy Nichols, were married for six years."

"Your son Kamo Nichols just turned five."

"At that time, Yin Di had not yet separated, and his prestige in the family was far higher than that of his younger brother Akele."

"If nothing else happens, Indy Nichols is the best candidate to inherit the earl of the family, and you should have become the countess..."

Zong Shen eloquently narrated, his voice up and down, revealing the dusty past of Mrs. Neville.

"You know...you really know..."

"You know...you know...you know..."

Madam Nawei trembled all over, looking at Zong Shen's face, she kept repeating the three words "you know".

Sapphire hurriedly stroked her back, strengthening her mental stability.

Zong Shen nodded to her, fighting poison with poison, eliminating excitement with stimulation, this is his strategy plan for Madam Nawei.

The main reason that caused her to go crazy was the shame after being humiliated, as well as everyone's incomprehension.

Because everything is a trap, a trap set by Ackler.

"Until one day, your husband Yin Di went out with his father to inspect the villages and farms in the jurisdiction."

"Their trip will take three days."

"Such inspections often happen. After all, Yin Di was a reserve earl trained by the family at that time, and he needed to get familiar with the situation in the administration as soon as possible."

"That night, your concubine Akele came to see you as usual..."

Having said this, Zong Shen suddenly stopped talking, and looked straight into Madam Nawei's eyes.

I saw her face full of panic, tears mixed with sweat flowing.

"Don't play dumb, I know everything about you."

Zong Shen changed the subject and further emphasized that he needed to put enough pressure on Madam Nawei.

Using the identity of the secret revealer who appeared inexplicably, let her face up to the past and reshape her reason.

Madam Nawei lowered her head and shed tears silently, her mood became more stable than before.

These stimuli couldn't kill her, if they could, she would have died long ago.

What affected her the most was the series of events that led to her ruin.

Seeing Madam Nawei's reaction, Zong Shen continued.

"You catered warmly to Akele."

"You actually dated back to before your marriage to Indy Nichols."

"At that time, you had been appointed by the family to Yin Di as his wife, and the two sides were getting along with each other."

"At this time, you met your younger brother Akele, who is two years younger than Yin Di."

"Compared to young Yin Di's taciturnity, younger brother Akele is the real perfect lover in your mind."

"Not only is he knowledgeable, he can often say something you don't know, but he is also good at music, and can perform on the same stage with those suave bards."

"Also, Ackler is full of romantic poetry, and he shows you more hospitality than a gentleman should."

"Your fall is inevitable."

"Even before the marriage, you quietly hid in the wedding room and made peace together."

"That's right, Earl Ackler Nichols, **** his sister-in-law!"

Zong Shen said this, took out the water bag and took a big gulp to moisten his thirsty throat.

Mrs. Neville no longer trembled or shed tears, but remained silent.

This kind of performance just shows that his strategy is effective, he decided to increase his efforts,

"How funny, before the bridegroom officer Yin Di got married, his own brother tasted the taste of the bride first."

"You can't deny it, Mrs Neville..."

"At that time, you were already fascinated by Akele."

"In the next few years, whenever Yin Di is not around, Akele will always accompany you."

"You are also willing to meet any of his requests and gestures, even on the tower during the daytime without hesitation..."

These words began to be unbearable, but Mrs. Neville still did not deny or justify.

"By the way, Kamo Nichols..."

At this time, Zong Shen suddenly mentioned Kamo...

And Madam Neville finally raised her head.

Her face was ashen, only her eyes were full of reminiscence.

"Stop it, I beg you..."

"I'm really a bitch...I'm sorry Yin Di!"

She regained her sanity a little, and she began to speak more fluently.

Zong Shen shook his head and slowly stood up.

"No, I'm going to go on."

"Camo Nichols is not Yin Di's child."

"He's Akele's seed!"

"No one knows this news, even Akele himself didn't notice it, it was too chaotic during that time, both of them had **** with you..."

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"So, do you still think all the suffering you endured afterward was despicable?"

"No, you know what you deserve."

Madam Nawei stared into Zong Shen's eyes, she didn't understand how the young man in front of her knew this!

"Yes...I can't argue with that..."

"But **** Akele's broken oath, I became his tool to bring down my brother."

She did not weep any more, and was in a strange state of mind.

The repressed excitement was accompanied by a fate-like indifference.

Zong Shen showed approval, he nodded slightly, took out a bottle of red wine, uncorked it and handed it to Madam Nawei.

"Drink, don't be nervous."

"I said, I'm here to help you get revenge."

"Of course you are wrong, but Akele is far more wrong than you."

Mrs. Neville took the bottle and took a big gulp.


The wine choked her trachea and made her cough, but she took another big gulp without stopping.

"Maybe, I know what you're going to do..."

She put the wine bottle beside her, and a tinge of blood appeared on her pale face.

Without answering her words, Zong Shen continued with his hands behind his back.

"The abnormal relationship between you and Ackler lasted for six years."

"Until that day your husband Yin Di left with his father."

"As usual, he found you, led you to leave the castle quietly, and put on a pocket coat to go to a more luxurious hotel in the city."

"You drank wine, had a good time, and had fun wantonly."

"But you didn't expect that a powerful hallucinogenic potion produced by goblins was added to your drink."

"The potion makes you unconscious and the body reacts instinctively to cater to all opposite sexes."

"When you wake up, it's already the next morning."

"The rooms in the hotel are in a mess, your beloved Akele is gone, replaced by a few strong, naked and rude mercenaries..."

"Then, the door of the room was suddenly knocked open, and the castle guards, led by the elders of the family, broke in..."

"You, Navi Yasi, are completely famous in the city!"

"Everyone knows that Indy Nichols' wife is a **** who **** with a lot of lowly mercenaries!"

"Affected by this, the prestige of the Nickles family has been greatly damaged, and Yin Di's father has also vented his anger on him."

"It made him become a baron arranged by the family from a candidate earl, and the fiefdom is in the barren Seaka."

"And after that, Akele avoided you in the name of studying abroad."

"Even if you secretly confessed the matter between you and Akele to the elders of the family, there is no result."

"Instead of being accused of framing, I was stunned to receive twenty lashes..."

Due to the existence of the strategy module, Zong Shen knew everything about Madam Nawei's experience like the back of his hand.

After he finished speaking, Madam Neville picked up the wine bottle again and raised her neck to take a sip.

"Originally, I thought that these things were nightmares that I could no longer recall in this life."

"But...after you said it, I was relieved a lot."

"I deserve the insult from the outside world."

"But Akele was not punished!"

Madam Neville's voice was still hoarse, but her mood became as calm as water.

Zong Shen's method was very effective. He awakened Mrs. Nawei's reason in a stimulating way.

"Yes, that's why I'm here."

"Aside from your husband Yin Di, the one who should be punished most should be Akele."

"Of course, you're a **** too..."

Zong Shen was outspoken, but his words did not anger Madam Nawei.

"Yes, I'm a bitch!"

She nodded slightly.

"I don't doubt that, but Akele is the real bad guy."

"Seduce brothers and sisters-in-law, drug traps, everything is just to fight for power."

"It's time to make him pay the price."

Zong Shen's tone was tinged with bewilderment.

Mrs. Neville, who was sitting by the bed, slowly got up with the wine bottle and walked towards her.

"I... what should we do?"

Hearing her words, Zong Shen raised his eyebrows and showed a harmless smile.

Fantasy Dice Casino.

It is located on the outskirts of the city and occupies a large area of ​​land.

There is a thick bluestone wall partition on the outside, and a large number of casino guards in armor are waiting around.

There are also many towers near the high wall, and each tower is equipped with multiple shooters.

The casino was built very luxuriously, with a retro dome design.

The height of the storey reaches an astonishing twelve meters, and there are eight pillars standing on the front.

There are also gardens, fountains, and even a small artificial lake within the walls.

It is about seven or eight kilometers away from the outskirts of the city~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was originally a suburban farm, but now it is the most famous gold selling cave in the entire city of Seakabang.

There is a hall and a number of luxurious boxes, where **** dealers and handsome waiters in scantily clad clothes enter and exit.

Food and wine are all available.

There are still a large number of gamblers gathered here, and they are in stark contrast to the hungry people in the city.

At this time, it is located in the most luxurious and spacious box at the core of Dream Dice.

An oval gaming table stands horizontally in the room.

Baron Indy Nichols sat at the head of the table, with a pile of colorful chips in front of him.

He was surrounded by several disheveled croupiers.

Sitting opposite the table are four gamblers, three men and one woman.

The pile of chips in front of them is no less than that of Baron Yin Di!

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