Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1041: :0 Refined Wheat Breeding Program [2023 New Weather]

Survival of the Lord: Starting from the Dilapidated Small Yard and Raiding Chapter 1041: Baijing Wheat Breeding Program [2023 New Weather]

As a lord, Zong Shen is full of respect for the dedicated and dedicated citizens under his command.

This is true whether it is Mariel, Hao Yin, Colby, or the senior agronomist Salome Linyu in front of her.

Although other citizens will faithfully carry out his orders, they may not be so conscious.

It can be said that those more respectful leaders are all guys with other ambitions in their hearts.

The great development of the territory has given them a stage to flex their muscles, thus endowing them with strong subjective initiative.

Without Zong Shen's coercion and temptation, these "motivated" leaders can also enjoy fun at work.

Salome Linyu has his own ambitions. He hopes that the future agronomic technology of the territory will be supported and developed in an all-round way, so that agronomists are no longer a niche technical profession.

As long as Zong Shen pays enough attention to agricultural development, the agronomists in the territory will have a higher social status in the future.

In addition, he has a genuine love for cultivating plants and crops.

Especially in the field, watching the seeds sown by hand sprout and grow until they bear fruit.

Sowing, growing, and harvesting is a lot of fun.

Regarding the question raised by Salome Lin Yu, Zong Shen also deeply agreed.

The talent imbalance in the territory, even the shortage problem, has troubled him for a long time.

But this kind of thing is difficult to accomplish overnight. It took hundreds of years for the aborigine giant city to accumulate talent, and it is unrealistic to catch up in just one or two months.

Even with the help of the privileges of the lord system.

You must know that agriculture is only one of dozens of mainstream technical occupations in the Endless Continent.

Moreover, due to the lack of emphasis on agriculture by the aborigines in the mainland, the occupational status of agronomists has always been ranked at the bottom.

It is not easy to find a high-level agronomist, at least there are not many high-level agronomists in the giant cities within tens of thousands of kilometers from the territory.

However, in further cities, you should be able to find corresponding professional associations of agronomists.

He is going to go to the giant city of Lentax to see if he can recruit some technical talents who are in short supply in the territory.

Even if you can't get high-level technical talents, you can make do with some intermediate or junior ones, at least better than nothing.

After thinking about it for a while, Zong Shen did not give Salome Lin Yu an accurate answer.

"As for talents in agronomy, I will try my best to recruit them in the near future."

"The current conditions are limited, so try to train as many agronomy apprentices as possible."

"I hope to see results within a month."

Hearing what he said, Salome Linyu could only bow and salute.

"Please rest assured, my lord, these five hundred agricultural apprentices will be able to graduate soon."

"The fertility of these [good fields] is excellent, supplemented with diluted moon spring water for drip irrigation, the fertility of the land can be quickly restored without fallow."

"Precisely the best field as a growing practice."

[Elementary fertile land] and [intermediate fertile land] are not only land, but also a special "building" unit.

The soil fertility they have is far beyond ordinary soil, not only has the buff that promotes the growth of crops, but also has stronger fertility self-recovery, which is quite unreasonable.

This kind of high-quality land can not only be used to quickly produce crops in batches, but also can be used as the best experimental field. In the shortest possible time, crops can be harvested for several seasons or even a dozen seasons, so that agronomy apprentices can quickly accumulate enough. farming experience.

Hands-on sowing, care and harvesting are the best practical lessons.

More than a dozen seasons of crop harvesting experience is enough for them to experience most of the problems they will encounter when farming.

"These special lands will be used as private land for farms directly under the territory."

"You will continue to be in charge in the future, and the area should be further expanded."

Zong Shen turned his head and looked at the surrounding fields. This area covering hundreds of acres should not have exhausted all the good farmland buildings he had exchanged before. If there is an opportunity in the future, he is going to exchange some more, and strive to let the future territory's own All the arable land owned by the camp farm is middle and high-grade fertile land.

"Thank you for your respect, sir. In addition to the above two questions, Salome still has something to report to you."

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Hearing the importance Zong Shen said to him, a smile appeared on Salome Lin Yu's face.

"Please tell me, there is no need to be polite."

"The farming development of the territory is second only to the strengthening of the legion's force in my heart."

"The latter is the key to gaining a foothold in the continent, while the former is the ballast to ensure the stability of development."

Zong Shen said seriously, with expectations for the future shining in his eyes.

Force is not only an indestructible shield to protect the territory, but also an indestructible spear for external expansion and expansion of territory.

If you only develop agriculture and do not develop force, you will only end up being a lamb in the mouths of other tyrants.

But only developing military power without developing agriculture is tantamount to rootless duckweed.

Countless nomads in the history of the earth have already proved that this road is not easy to walk.

Although the nomads who made their fortunes by plundering often had strong combat power, they had the ability to expand their territory, but they did not have the ability to keep their family business.

Zong Shen naturally wouldn't go to extremes. Since there are countless lessons learned before him, he must choose to take them all!

Salome Lin Yu didn't think so much, he had no interest in conquest by force.

But he is very clear that any force that wants to gain a foothold in the endless continent must develop force.

The same is true for the elves who advocate nature and love a peaceful life.

Even in the last era, the level of force and armament of the elves once surpassed that of the more populous orcs.

To Salome Lin Yu's surprise, Zong Shen personally admitted that he valued agricultural development.

So he can ask the next question with peace of mind.

"My lord, I need more seed samples."

"The [Hundred Refined Wheat Seeds (Golden)] that you gave me before, I have already planted a season of offspring."

"These wheat seeds containing surging essence are high-grade grains far higher than ordinary wheat."

"The first generation of wheat species was restricted to only reproduce for five seasons, but I have recently had the inspiration to break the shackles of germination."

"I need a large number of wheat seed samples to determine what kind of germination root it is."

"Of course, apart from wheat seeds, seed samples of other crops, including fruit tree seedlings, are all necessary materials for research."

"The climate of this land is pleasant, suitable for the growth and reproduction of most animals and plants."

"As long as you give me some time, the tables in the territory will soon become richer."

Mentioning 【Hundred Refined Wheat Seeds (Golden)】, Salome Lin Yu rarely showed an excited expression on his face.

That is a high-level grain of golden epic level, and each grain is huge, almost like the food of a giant.

The energy and nutritional elements contained in it are also extremely rich, and compared with ordinary wheat grains, it is like "immortal".

In Salome Linyu's view, this is not food for human consumption at all.

It must be some miraculous grain from some upper species.

It's a pity that it can't continue to reproduce and grow.

There is limitation and **** at the root of every grain of wheat.

Splitting and multiplying for five generations is their limit.

If this shackle can be untied, these [Hundred Refined Wheat Seeds (Golden)] can continue to multiply.

No need for any training and practice, as long as you eat 【Baijingmai】daily, you can have a strong body!

To be honest, Zong Shen almost forgot [Hundred Refined Wheat Seeds (Golden)].

He only got a few dozen wheat seeds for this thing, and each one was as big as a watermelon.

The planted rhizomes are five or six meters high, and the abundant ears of wheat are two or three meters long.

It is no exaggeration to say that a pot of wheat rice can be cooked with only one [Bai Jing Mai].

If it can be fully popularized, there is no need for ordinary wheat to exist at all.

Under the same cultivated area, harvesting one season of [Baijing Wheat] each year is equivalent to harvesting three seasons of ordinary wheat.

Not to mention that the nutritional value and energy level of the two are completely different.

If the planting restriction of [Hundred Refined Wheat Seeds (Golden)] can be solved, it will undoubtedly benefit the territory endlessly!

So he immediately nodded in agreement.

"Keep all the ears of the offspring of the first season, and use the stalks of Baijing wheat to make straw mats for covering and preservation."

"I will get enough samples of wheat seeds as soon as possible to provide materials for your research."

Speaking of this, Zong Shen suddenly remembered an element when he checked 【Hundred Refined Wheat Seeds (Golden)】.

At that time, there was a sentence mentioned in the remarks of the strategy module:

"If you want to get Baijingmai again, you have to find a way to go to a mysterious oasis deep in the desert of Sarande Sultanate..."

This reminder note has already explained the origin of [Hundred Refined Wheat Seeds (Golden)]!

It should have been born in a mysterious oasis in the Sultanate of Sarande.

It is not difficult to get a specific direction, for Zong Shen it is just a matter of one sentence.

The difficulty is how to cross the border between the two countries to the Sultanate of Sarande from the territory located in the eastern part of the Kingdom of Avalon, across an extremely long geographical distance.

Moreover, the mysterious oasis itself is not on the border, and it takes a long journey to find it in the Sultan of Sarande.

Even if Zong Shen asked the strategy module to navigate, with the help of the giant city-level teleportation array along the way, it would take at least two to three months to go back and forth!

At present, he can't find such a long gap.

As for the Sultanate of Sarande, he will naturally go. In addition to tracing the origin of [Hundred Refined Wheat Seeds (Golden)] and obtaining more seeds, the dual-material master craftsman he is thinking of is also in a giant in the Kingdom of Sarande. in town.

And he is going to meet for a while, the lord who defeated the dark clouds in the sky during the winter challenge.

First salute and then soldiers, see if you can spend some resources or equipment to buy the [Destiny Components] that person got.

If he doesn't buy it, he will grab it directly.

Zong Shen is actually very willing to follow the rules, but he will never follow the rules.

If you don't sell it, then grab it. Big fists are the rule, and it's skill. Why can't you use your fists to reason?

Thinking of this, Zong Shen then added to Salome Lin Yu.

"These amazing wheat seeds come from desert regions."

"In the current Sultanate of Sarande."

"I don't know its specific origin yet, but I plan to go there in person later."

Salome Linyu is a senior agronomist recruited through the recruitment roll.

The era he lived in was not the last era, but it was five or six thousand years ago, roughly the period when the human race was fighting for hegemony and establishing a country.

Zong Shen was not sure if he knew where the Sultanate of Salander was.

However, the desert terrain environment is still very characteristic, and Salome Linyu may have heard of it.

"The Sultanate of Sarande..."

"I've heard the name of its founding sultan."

"That is a heroic and strong man."

"But it doesn't seem to be a desert area there. In my memory, it is full of fertile pastures and forests with abundant rainfall. The terrain is extremely flat, and animal husbandry and agriculture are well developed."

Zong Shen didn't expect Salome Lin Yu to know about the Salander Sultanate.

It seems that he should have been included in the recruitment roll after the establishment of the Sultanate of Salander.

It is not as old as Zong Shen imagined.

But speaking of it, Zong Shen had never personally arrived in the Sultanate of Sarande.

All his knowledge of this country comes from part of the information given by the strategy module.

But now it seems that the Sultanate of Saran may not be the same as the desert country he imagined.

The desert may only be part of the realm of the kingdom.

Another possibility is that grasslands have been degraded by overgrazing.

The loss of soil nutrients, the imbalance of water and soil, and the drying and wind erosion lead to desertification.

The Endless Continent has a vast territory. Once a large-scale environmental change occurs, even the power of magic will be difficult to stop.

After all, this place is not like the earth, where the pace of desertification can extend tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

With such a large area of ​​desert, even natural disaster-level magic cannot effectively repair it.

The difficulty of governance is infinitely more difficult than sand control in the earth.

Perhaps thousands of years ago, the Sarande Sultanate had a better landform environment.

In the time scale of several thousand years, there will still be great changes in the vicissitudes of life~www.wuxiaspot.com~Seeing that Zongshen didn't say anything, Salome Linyu showed a thoughtful look instead.

Then he went on to say.

"You said [Baijingmai] came from the Sultanate of Sarande."

"Then I remembered a legend..."

His words aroused Zong Shen's interest.

Recruiters like Salome have complete memories and know some things before the ban.

"Tell me."

Zong Shen raised his chin with great interest, and then sat down on the ridge of the field, pretending to be listening to a story.

Some stories, watching the strategy module and listening to others, feel completely different,

But when Salome was about to speak, he suddenly got stuck.

He tilted his head, and a trace of confusion appeared on Druyin's rough face.

"Sorry sir, please wait for a few minutes."

"The memories of the past have faded away, and I still can't remember a key name in that legend."

Hearing what he said, Zong Shen waved his hand, took out two fresh apples from the storage compartment, ate one of them himself, and threw the other one to Salome.

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