Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1136: : Bloodline Enhancement, Blood of Power Clan


Zong Shen opened the rune door, and smiled at the little blackie at the door.

"Come in!"

"Brother Zong...don't..."

Zong Shen grabbed Xiao Heizi's wrist and directly pulled him into the study.

Five minutes later.

"Here, this is it."

"I need to borrow your blood."

"I don't know how much I want, you put a few pots first."

"The quality of dragon blood should be relatively high."

Zong Shen pointed to the [Holy Grail of Thirst Blood (Special)] on the table and said to Xiao Heizi.

After some explanations, Xiao Heizi already understood his intention.

Xiao Heizi, who had transformed into a young nobleman, scratched his head and stretched out his arm without hesitation.

Its body is huge, so the blood volume in its body is much larger than that of humans.

It's just that blood is fed to this stone cup, so it's not a problem at all.

On the contrary, blood is only a kind of consumable that can be recovered quickly for the semi-data state.

During this period of time, the blacksmith shop frequently asked Xiao Heizi for blood.

Every time I put it in a big pot and a big pot.

Yu Haoyin even tried to sell two barrels of the black dragon's blood in the [market], divided into hundreds of shares, and basically sold out within a day.

Little Heizi who has reached the strength of the old dragon also has the blood of returning to his ancestors, and its blood is an extremely precious material for the lord.

As long as the bloodletting in a single day does not exceed 30% of the total upper limit of HP, it will not have any negative effects. If it exceeds this threshold, then even after recovery, Xiao Heizi's total attributes will show 5%~8% decline.

It is different from Zong Shen in this respect.

Zong Shen can bleed unlimitedly, as long as his health can be recovered in time.

But Little Heizi is different, it has certain limitations.

However, given the difference in size, the total blood volume released by Xiao Heizi's 30% HP is equivalent to ten or eight Zongmou people.

So it is true that dragon blood is valuable, and it is also true that blood can be sold regularly every day.

Little Heizi is even used to this process.

It is common to let some blood, peel some scales, and polish the claws and horns.

Sometimes you have to change your teeth.

Even saliva and tears are relatively rare materials.

A real dragon is full of treasures.

At present, there is only Xiao Heizi and an adult dragon in the territory. After Lan Xiaodai grows up through the blood of the dragon god, there will be two dragons who can take turns to bleed.

You must know that five-color dragons have different element affinity characteristics.

The materials on black dragons are generally poisonous and corrosive, and they are also compatible with water.

The blue dragon is friendly to the thunder attribute, and the scales can burst out with electric current when they are lightly rubbed.

For old fritters like Xiao Heizi who have adapted to life in the territory, bleeding is similar to peeing in the toilet.

"It turned out to be a bloodletting."

"Just watch and let go."

"Such a big cup, with 30% of the blood volume, how can it be filled with dozens of cups?"

Xiao Heizi rolled up his sleeves and stretched out his arms, the shadows of black scales looming on the surface.

It stared at [Holy Grail of Thirst Blood (Special)] and said nonchalantly.

Seeing how cooperative Xiao Heizi was, Zong Shen stopped nagging.

He took out a short knife of better quality, and controlled his strength to swipe across its arm.


There was an indistinct rubbing sound, and the tip of the blade and Xiao Heizi's arm rubbed off sparks.

The green fine-grade knife slowly curled up.

Zong Shen exerted a little force, but still made a small cut.

Both sides are more cautious, especially Zong Shen, who is now in a state of taking off a lot of jewelry and equipment.

He deliberately suppressed a wave of his own attributes, so as not to deal amazing damage casually.

However, Little Heizi has thick skin and tough flesh, so its HP can withstand tossing.

It can only be said to be just in case.

Even so, the durability of the green quality knife has also decreased a lot.

Breaking the defense is one thing, and it is not too difficult to break the defense with Zong Shen's basic strength.

But this does not mean that the equipment will not be lost.

More than a thousand damage points appeared along with the wound on the arm.

Xiao Heizi looked as usual without even frowning.

According to its huge health value, a thousand and eight hundred points of damage is almost like scratching the skin.

Black blood dripped from the wound into the Holy Grail.

Its current human form is only transformed, and the amount of bloodletting is linked to the body.

So it looks like a lot of bleeding!

Every drop of blood emits faint black smoke, and also has a sour smell.

Unlike the rusty smell of human blood.

The blood of the black dragon continued to drip into the Holy Grail, and a small puddle of blood gradually accumulated at the bottom of the cup.

But that's all, because the dragon's blood is constantly dripping, and the Holy Grail is also continuously absorbing, so the blood volume in the cup has not changed.

Zong Shen looked at the changes in [Thirst Blood Progress].

Silently calculating the quality of the black dragon blood.

An average of 15 drops of blood can increase the progress by 1 point.

In other words, it takes 1500 drops to fill it once.

This meant that the quality of the black dragon's blood was more than ten times higher than Zong Shen's own blood.

And 1500 drops of blood was nothing to Xiao Heizi, he couldn't even reach 5% of the upper limit blood volume.

It's just that it's not sure yet how much dragon's blood from the little blackie will be absorbed by [Holy Grail of Thirst Blood (Special)] before it gets boring.

When the filling progress reaches more than 70 points, Xiao Heizi's wound will heal.

Then Zong Shen bled it several times.

After a quarter of an hour, the Holy Grail was finally full!

It no longer absorbs the blood of Xiao Heizi, and there is a cooling time of 720 hours after the blood is dripped.

This cool-down period is single-item, only for Xiao Heizi's blood.

During the period, if Zong Shen changes the taste of the Holy Grail, he can absorb feedback as usual.

The result of the bloodletting was that there were three more inconspicuous [blood lines] on Zong Shen's arm.

That's right, Xiao Heizi's dragon blood filled up three times before entering the cooldown period.

"Well, all right."

"It will take a month for it to absorb your blood again."

Zong Shen patted Xiao Heizi on the shoulder, this is the real blood of duty.

I saw Xiao Heizi grinning, and casually chanted the dragon language magic with primary healing effect.

In addition, the tyrannical dragon body healed itself, and then let the blood volume slowly recover.

This set of procedures is so proficient that Zong Shen can't help feeling a little bit emotional.

If it was replaced by the original Little Heizi, it would be a dream to let it bleed obediently.

But Zong Shen didn't say anything pretentious.

Now that Xiao Heizi has developed enough loyalty and sense of belonging to the territory and him.

Then Zong Shen will not forget to support it in the future.

If there are any good things like Dragon God's Blood, they will be arranged for Xiao Heizi at that time!

"Go and rest."

"This manor is huge, pick a room you like."

"By the way, Earl Lyce still has a lot of women whom he calls 'toys'."

"You pick a few you like to bring back to the territory, and they belong to you."

Zong Shen waved his hand and let the little Heizi move freely. Since this kid is lustful, then he will satisfy the little Heizi's request and take advantage of Earl Lais' resources.

He has no interest in cultivating "toys", and he will not let Earl Lace train them again in the future.

But the "toys" that have been cultivated are irreversible, so let Xiao Heizi choose a few and follow him.

All the "toys" are poor people. After rigorous mind control and brainwashing, they have lost most of their independent thinking and only retained basic instincts and wisdom.

This change is almost irreversible.

That's why Les Kazan called them "toys".

Like a puppet at the mercy of others.

After getting the master's promise, Xiao Heizi bowed and left the study.

Zong Shen sat back to his original position, and looked at the three bright red [blood streaks] on his arm.

All his attributes have increased by 30 points.

After re-wearing all kinds of equipment, his four attributes have also changed.

【Power: 3017】

【Agility: 1442】

【Wisdom: 1539】

【Charm: 1407】

[Health Points: 18802+1500 (Magic Tear Heart Mirror)+5000 (Kade Medical Gem)+2000 (Ace Emblem)+3000 (Whistle of All Souls)]

Counting the three [blood streaks], he increased his total attributes by 120 points.

At present, Zongshen's four major attributes have been pulled up.

The highest is still 【Strength】, which has already broken through the 3000 point mark under normal conditions.

This is the equipment under the normal equipment, without any buffing skills.

In addition, the [wisdom] attribute has reached more than 1500 points.

[Agility] and [Charisma] are also within the 1400 points + range.

This attribute can be said to be very strong.

It's just that [Strength] is more prominent, so it can't be called a bucket warrior.

This is also normal, Zong Shen has long since drifted away from the road of "strengthening miracles".

"This [Holy Grail of Thirst Blood (Special)] is really a good thing!"

"After returning to the territory, let Yingjiang and Feihu come to donate blood."

"Then pay close attention to cultivating Lan Xiaodai's loyalty, and use the divine blood to make him grow up quickly."

Zong Shen stretched out his hand, and put the [Holy Grail of Thirst Blood (Special)] into the storage compartment by using the ability to ingest it from a distance.

He has already figured out how to use this Holy Grail next.

The [blood pattern] on his body has been detected by the strategy module, and there is no hidden danger.

Their power comes from the special energy extracted from the blood.

It's just the feedback after drinking blood, transforming the absorbed blood into blood lines that can bless attributes.

The reason is not difficult to understand, but the specific mechanism of action is not known.

After pondering about the Holy Grail for a while, Zong Shen then took out the next item with his backhand.

It was a beautiful piece of amber, about the size of a palm.

The amber has completely solidified, and a small ball of blood exuding colorful dark light is sealed in it.

The light from the blood made Amber look colorful.

It makes its appearance quite gorgeous, so it has the value as a collection.

Zong Shen was too lazy to track down how Earl Shores got this thing.

What he cares about is the rank of this amber.

The striking [unknown] word proves its potential value.

There is nothing unusual about amber itself.

This thing is the oil secreted by pine trees, which can exist for hundreds of millions of years after being sealed and solidified.

The key is the ball of colorful blood sealed in this amber.

Zong Shen didn't open it hastily, but chose to launch the strategy module directly to check it.

【Ancient amber with mysterious blood sealed (unknown)】

[Quality: Unknown]

[An amber that seals ancient mysterious blood, the blood inside still contains powerful power]

(This amber contains a blood essence of the heart of a high-ranking demigod of the power clan in ancient times, and by fusing this blood, you can master the skill [Power Transformation]

The Power Clan was known for their strength in ancient times, and they could even challenge the ancient titan savages

Note that the current blood needs your normal strength to reach more than 6000 points to be able to fuse

After successful fusion, you will get the blessing of the bloodline of power and energy, and you will get a certain attribute improvement

When the attribute does not meet the requirements, please open it carefully, otherwise you may be backlashed by this blood)

As expected by Zong Shen, the origin of this ball of blood is not small.

And it can be used for fusion, but the threshold is relatively high, and the normal strength attribute needs to reach 6000 points!

The so-called normal power is the power attribute without using any short-term buffs and transformation skills.

At present, Zong Shen has just broken through 3000 points.

So I can only put it away for the time being.

Obviously, this power clan is a certain ethnic group known for its strength in the ancient times of the Endless Continent.

Moreover, the time interval is relatively long, and it is very likely that they are races from a few epochs ago.

In the Endless Continent, the epochs change frequently, and the birth and death of civilizations are very common.

The entire continent does not know how many withered civilizations have been buried.

And the legacy of these civilizations has become the food for the development and growth of the lords.

Suppressing the desire to find out in his heart, Zong Shen did not open the amber.

The warning from the strategy module came first, so why should he bother?

Although she was curious about the Power Clan, she didn't have much desire to find out.

Because the exploration opportunities in his hand have already accumulated too many.

As the saying goes, chewing too much can't kill it, he needs a certain amount of time to slowly digest it, as for this ball of blood, he can put it away first, and take it out and use it at any time after the attribute reaches the standard. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

In the recent period, he has basically digested the combat power of the legendary level.

Adapted to the battle and daily life under the new strength.

At the same time, the next development plan has been planned.

This is a steady process.

Playing with the amber in his hand, Zong Shen was in a daze.

When he held the amber tightly, the colorful blood in it would emit a brighter light.

It's like a colorful lantern with pressure sensitivity.

Obviously, the ball of blood also had a certain effect on him.

But when the life individual jumps to a certain level, both hair and blood will change.

With a certain level of "spirituality", the indicators of the body and the characteristics of the organs will also be out of the scope of ordinary people.

After tossing this amber, Zong Shen suddenly thought of a second use for it.

Since the blood in it can corrode creatures with strength attributes below 6000 points.

Then it can not only be used to strengthen the bloodline, but also be used as a kind of domineering erosion poison.

At that time, Zong Shen can take it out and store it in the storage compartment when it is safe.

Take out a drop or two to defend against the enemy's time and disaster!

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