Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 617: : 23 things about the giant city of Rentax [Five K]

He turned around and pointed to the Vielletine hanging on the side of the horse, and said politely.

The holding of the competition conference is also a rare event in the giant city.

Under normal circumstances, it may not be held once every few years.

So in recent months, many young talents have come from everywhere.

There are even young men from other great cities and kingdoms.

In addition to winning the competition, you can get the right to participate in the noble banquet hosted by Henry Lancaster.

You can also get a small bonus.

Of course, the above two items have almost no attraction to the descendants of nobles.

What they care more about is to stand out and get a good place in the competitive conference, because the prestige brought by each competitive conference is huge, especially for those contestants who perform well in the competitive conference.

For the noble children who are not worried about food and clothing, they care more about prestige.

Gaining a good reputation will be of great help to their future development in the aristocratic circle.

In addition to the children of nobles, young people from all over the world are also eager to try.

Prepare to prove yourself in the competition.

So recently, many young people from all over the world came to the giant city to participate in the competition.

In particular, England is still a dusty appearance.

Hearing his words, the guard soldier on duty just nodded expressionlessly.

Raising the magic disk in his hand, a dim white light swept across England's face.

Under the ray of light, his face did not change.

At this time, the soldier on duty nodded, put away the long sword in his hand, and turned his head slightly to indicate that he could enter the giant city.

England nodded calmly, turned around and took up the reins of the lame white horse.

He actually had some doubts in his heart, but the gate guard was reluctant to say much, and he didn't want to get into any trouble. According to England's previous experience, unless there was a war around the giant city, it was usually not so strict to enter and exit the giant city.

Suppressing the puzzlement in his heart, England Mu rode his white horse again and walked towards the outer city of Rentax, preparing to find a tavern to cover the news with a few glasses of wine.

As a bard, I often go to taverns everywhere to touch the tone.

A tavern is a place full of infinite possibilities.

Here and you may be able to meet horse bandits who enter the city concealing their identities, nobles who go out and experience, down-and-out travel merchants, and bartenders who are always in a state of drunkenness.

In addition, the pub is also a place where black street mice gather.

These black street rats are active in the slums, forming a hidden underground network in a city.

They tend to know a lot of gossip.

Can keenly capture any bells and whistles in the giant city.

The rats are not very powerful, but they are more numerous and good at fanning the flames.

It is said that even the "Shadow Dragon" who is in charge of intelligence in the Kingdom of Avalon has cultivated black street forces in some giant cities to inquire about the secrets of the city.

Englandham is very clear about this, after all, the bard is also a special kind of messenger.

After passing through the pass, from time to time on both sides of the straight road of the giant city, you can see teams of well-armed cavalry passing by. These cavalry are majestic and attract the attention of the civilians and farmers on the road.

"If it's just a banquet for the competition and the Marquis of Lancaster."

"The giant city shouldn't be so heavily guarded."

He pondered secretly in his heart, and his travel intuition told him that something must have happened in the great city of Rentax!

The most important thing at the moment is to find a hotel and settle down immediately, and then go for a drink or two. By then, you should be able to figure out what happened.

Englandm shook his head lightly, removing all distracting thoughts, and while observing the surrounding situation, he walked along the straight road towards the outer city of Rentax.

From a distance, the entire Rentax giant city looks like a gray beast crawling on the ground.

There is a unique "soul" belonging to a city itself.

At the same time, the third district of the giant city of Rentax.

This is the third circle of the four major circles in the city, and it is a circle where the middle-class people in the city gather.

Countless stone roads cut the third circle into different areas.

Among them are the houses of small nobles and merchants, as well as the houses of small workshop owners and farmers.

The overall level of regularity is much better than that of the fourth circle.

In a large commercial street on the north side of the third circle floor.

The door of the Greenfield Chaolu Tavern was tightly closed.

The signs on the tavern are inscribed with green leaves and vines.

There are also vines planted on the fence outside, blooming with lovely little white flowers.

The fence outside the tavern is hung with a [closed] tag, which makes the tavern seem a little deserted.

Behind the closed door, every table and chair in the hall of the tavern was wiped clean.

A small wooden chair with a backrest was placed upside down on the table.

There are wine glasses upside down on the bar.

Since the doors and windows were closed, the hall looked very dark.

There is also a wooden staircase on the side leading to the second floor.

Just looking at the layout, there is not much difference compared to those common taverns.

Just under the stairs, there is a hidden tunnel.

This tunnel is all made of bluestone, and it glows with cold light in the dim environment.

The tunnel is very long, and there is even a pulp on the wall.

Has a rustic feel.

Walking down the tunnel along the steps, you will suddenly be enlightened at about thirty or forty meters underground.

There are secret passages and stone chambers opened up here.

There are many branches of the secret path, and no one knows where it can lead.

On the bluestone wall of the secret road, there is a green leaf painted, and there is an eye in the middle of the green leaf.

Every other distance, a thick branch sticks out from the wall, with a fist-sized fruit hanging from the top of the branch. This fruit is always emitting a white light.

This is the lighting in the secret passage.

In one of the stone chambers in the secret passage, a tall man covered in bruises was tied to a wooden stake.

A handsome blond elf man holds a blood-stained green vine long whip.

Behind him sat two beautiful high elf women.

They were wearing silver-white light armor, each holding a peculiar silver-gray mask in their hands.

Her bright yellow hair went straight over her shoulders, and the elf pointed ears were particularly striking, one with longer hair was more dignified, the other with shorter hair more lively.

The short-haired elf girl looked at the tall man, turned and said to the long-haired elf woman.

"Sister Ella, it's been seven days, is this human still unwilling to tell the location of the Tibetan slaves?"

The dignified elf girl named Ella turned her head calmly.

"I want to know how he knew about the Eye of the Elf meeting a week ago."

"There may be the participation of those nobles."

"The most important thing is that that opportunity is an opportunity. I am worried that some of my compatriots have been corrupted and the news has been leaked."

"By the way, Heya, the giant city is under martial law recently, have you heard any news?"

Heya shook her head and put on the mask in a bored way.

I saw that she immediately changed from a beautiful high elf woman to a middle-aged woman in her thirties and forties.

Neither the signature pointed ears nor the beautiful blonde hair disappeared.

"According to Brother Kaxiu, it seems that the second prince of the Pendragon royal family is here."

"The Marquis of Lancaster is the son of the second prince."

"You must know that the three princesses now control the giant cities along the eastern coast."

"It's adjacent to the east, so I guess it's a fight for power."

Heya adjusted her mask and walked out of the stone room with agility.

"Then dear sister Ella, the task of interrogating this slave trader is left to you and brother Saroyan!"

"I went out for a trip, and I've been suffocating to death recently!"

"Let's see if there is any news from the rats in the fourth circle!"

The crisp voice drifted away, echoing in the secret passage.

Ella shook her head helplessly and looked at the elf man standing in front again.

"Saroyan, feed this human a moon spring, and he fainted again."

"Speaking of which, it is thanks to another human being that we can know the actions of these slave traders this time."

"Looking back now, he should have known our identities back then."

"Wait a few days later, I think it is necessary to send someone to contact."

The male elf named Saroyan with a green vine whip turned around.

He raised the back of his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The green vine whip in his hand was about the size of a thumb, and the surface was covered with hook-like thorns.

By this time, blood was already dripping.

When the whip fell, a drop of dark red blood flowed and landed on the ground.

"Ella, this slave trader's mouth is so hard!"

"Always refuse to explain the real Tibetan slave land!"

"There are only some human slaves in the location he mentioned earlier."

"But according to his purpose, it is clearly a slave hunter targeting the elves."

"I don't know how many compatriots fell into his hands and became playthings."

Saroyan said through gritted teeth.

Ella, who seemed calm and solemn, also frowned.

"You can only continue the interrogation!"

"In addition, what I'm more concerned about is how he knew about the Elves' Eyes gathering. Can he explain this matter?"

Gu </span> Ella asked in a deep voice.

Saroyan hesitated for a while before continuing.

"He... he said that he heard a man say it in a settlement in the wilderness on the way."

"But he couldn't provide more details, and he said he would take us there in person."

"I suspect he is lying."

Hearing this, Ella fell into deep thought.

"A settlement in the wilderness..."

"A man...?"

"It shouldn't be so coincidental, right?"

In her mind, she couldn't help thinking of the settlement with the ancient guardians that she saw on the way back to the great city of Rentax with Heya riding a hippogryph from the eastern stronghold.

The man didn't know what method he used to know that they were peeping in the air.

Involuntarily, he set up a crossbow and shot down the Hippogryph.

The reason why I was able to know that this slave trader named Bamogo colluded with some nobles and private businessmen with bad intentions was also through that man.

"It wouldn't be so coincidental, would it?"

She murmured to herself, she was a little confused.

"Okay Saroyan, feed him Moon Spring."

"Don't let this guy die."

"Pause the interrogation, give him two days to recover from his injuries, and send a team of Giant Eagle Knights and a team of Horn Eagle Shooters to follow him to find the man."

Ella said in a hasty tone.

To this, Saroyan just nodded and hung the **** vine whip on the wall.

The dark red fresh blood flowed along the whip head on the wall and overlapped with the previous blood stains.

The whipping just now was the first time this week.

The slave trader Bamogo was dying.

All rely on Moon Spring to breathe a sigh of relief.

Feed rice soup porridge every two or three days

According to the lord's standard, his health was always on the verge of death.

To be able to last for seven days is already considered this guy's physique to be strong.

In fact, Bamogo's own strength is not weak, comparable to the fourth-order warrior of the kingdom.

It's just that the eyes of the elves have the upper hand, but they don't have the power to fight back on purpose!

Saroyan poured out a small bowl of silvery liquid from the clay pot beside the table.

Holding it, he walked towards Bamogo.

At this time, Bamogo was naked with his upper body lowered and his head lowered.

The whole body is covered with whiplash marks of different shades.

The blood stains from the wound congealed into thick black scabs, which looked terrible.

I saw Saroyan walked quickly in front of him, stretched out his hand and pinched his chin, and was stunned when he was about to pour it into the Moon Spring.

"What's the matter, Saroyan?"

Ella couldn't help but ask.

At this time, Saroyan suddenly released the hand that was holding Bamogo's chin and pressed it on his carotid artery.

After a few seconds, he turned around and shook his head at Ella.


Bamogo was tortured for seven days, but he couldn't take it anymore.

This mouthful of the Moon God Spring died before it could be fed.

He was actually aggrieved.

Obviously everything has been explained, but these elves just don't believe it!

He must say that he has a Tibetan slave point where the elves are imprisoned!

Obviously they haven't succeeded yet!

The most outrageous thing is that when he told the other party's source of intelligence, these dog elves didn't believe it either!

It's still up to him how to cry, beg for mercy, and speak loudly, the other party just doesn't believe it!

This is probably the true portrayal of confessing and being lenient, sitting in prison, resisting being strict, and going home for the New Year!

So Bamogo is actually particularly wronged.

When a person tells the truth and is believed, it is the real despair.

Not to mention that this time happened when he was tortured and interrogated.

But now Bamogo is dead.

In any case, this matter has come to an end.

Others involved in this incident did not know about Zong Shen.

"Ship it out and bury it."

After a long silence, Ella waved her hand.

It seems that she still has a high status in the eyes of the elves in the giant city of Rentax.

Saroyan nodded.

He took out the dagger from his side and cut open the hemp rope that bound Bamogo.

He wrapped his body in one arm and walked out of the stone room.

There was only Ella left on the spot.

She picked up the disguised mask and slowly rubbed it.

"I think it's necessary to go."

"If both news are provided by him."

"Then his purpose is worth looking into!"

"In addition, these strange settlements that appear on a large scale in the wilderness are indeed very suspicious!"

Ella said softly to herself, as if she had made up her mind, got up and left the stone room!

The great city of Rentax, the central city, the castle of the Marquis of Lancaster.

In the study on the top floor of the manor castle, the Marquis of Henry Lancaster is looking at the entire giant city from the terrace of the study.

Outside the castle is a grassy meadow and a garden with kiwi flowers and fruits.

Only the Marquis can have such an arrogant manor in a huge city.

This manor is like a pearl in the center of the giant city, and it is also like the eye of the giant city.

Therefore, it is also called the Eye of the Giant City.

There are towering towers and sturdy towers on the periphery.

Teams of high-level elite warriors are cruising back and forth.

There is also a fifth-order detection tower at the top of the castle to detect the scope of the eye of the giant city.

Outside the Eye of the Giant City is the so-called first circle, where other great nobles live.

There is also a circle of towering tower defenses outside the circle.

Continuing to the outside is the second circle, where most of the small nobles and top businessmen live, and some are the barracks of the inner city garrison.

There is also a circle of defense lines outside.

As for the third and fourth circles, the layers are relatively loose.

These two circles have the largest area.

Even the third circle will gradually expand outward, compatible with part of the fourth circle.

Under such circumstances, the number of urban areas in the fourth circle also increases year by year.

Some fortresses originally set up on the periphery were incorporated into it.

For Henry Lancaster, this is a city growing!

A defensive circle is also being built on the periphery of the city.

Mainly connected to the entire periphery with a group of solid battle fortresses.

The clearing between the battle forts also belonged to the farmers and ranchers.

During the period, a small straight road was opened for patrolling troops to conduct fixed-point patrols.

In fact, it's not easy for someone who wants to sneak into the city from the outside.

The expansion of the fourth circle is extremely fast. The original battle fortresses and detection towers have been incorporated into the city, and they have not been abandoned. uukanshu. com These battle fortresses form scattered defensive circles.

Even diving into the fourth and third circles is useless.

The real difficulty is to enter the second and first circles.

Unless you go in with the nobles.

There are third- or fourth-order detection towers beside each pass.

As for the Eye of the Giant City, where the Marquis Castle is located, it is even more heavily guarded.

The fifth-order detection tower will teach you how to be a human being in minutes.

The entire Rentates giant city is so loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

The reason why the city wall was not built on the entire periphery is mainly due to the problem of engineering volume and urban expansion.

The giant city of Rentatus thousands of years ago was actually only as big as the first circle.

After continuous expansion, construction, expansion, and construction, we have the current situation.

Until the fourth circle of urban areas was formed, it became a big project to build a city tower.

It can be said that those circles are like the annual rings of the city, witnessing the development of the city.

The Marquis of Lancaster quietly looked at the outline of the giant city, thinking about it in his mind.

After a long time, a slender girl in a fancy dress walked behind him with a red cloak and put it on him lightly!

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