Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 646: : Reflections on the Invasion of Different Dimensions

You must know that the bloodline inheritance of the black dragon contains the memory of the inheritance left by the ancestors of the black dragon and Xiaosuizi's direct relatives, and this inheritance can be regarded as vast.

But bloodline inheritance is not a panacea.

After all, even the concept of different dimensions has come out.

So is there only one other dimension?

Obviously not possible.

Thinking of this, he decisively began to ask about the strategy.

If you don't even know the strategy, it means that Cthulhu is a new breed.

But think about it carefully, the projection of Cthulhu was summoned by the King of Goblin.

Obviously, the evil **** that the goblins believe in is Cthulhu. .

And Zong Shen still remembers seeing it mentioned in the Raiders remarks.

Goblins are a failed experiment created by the evil god.

This evil **** should refer to Cthulhu, or other evil gods in its era.

In addition, Zong Shen had also encountered the [Evil God Forgotten (Orange)] under the Bone Burial Castle before.

As the first overlord monster he encountered, Zong Shen had a deep memory of its bizarre skills and crazy proliferation characteristics.

Including the [Evil Eye], [Skin of the Forgotten], and [Chaos Core] left by it all came in very handy.

Speaking of which, the skin of [Cthulhu Forgotten] is purple, and there are various eyeballs on his body, including those [Apostles of the Forgotten]. In retrospect, it is simply a moving tentacle. This style is very restrained. Sulu!

Explain that the [Evil God] in the name of [Evil God Forgotten], nine times out of ten, refers to the creatures in the dimension where Cthulhu is located.

Since Cthulhu, that is, the evil gods, can leave these traces on the Endless Continent, it means that they have come to or come into contact with this world.

Strictly speaking, what Zong Shen currently knows about the civilization history of the continent is only the history of the human kingdom in the current era and a small amount of the final history of the previous era.

Before and after adding up, it is only the time scale of 20,000 to 30,000 years.

Zong Shen did not believe that the civilization history of the Endless Continent only had such a short period of time.

After all, this place is different from the earth. There is a pair of invisible hands that control the development of the entire continent.

So boldly imagine that there are also different civilizations above the last epoch?

Judging from the information and situation he has obtained so far, the current human kingdom also has hidden dangers that are enough to shake its rule. Does this mean that this era is coming to an end?

If so, will the epoch war break out this time to end the civilization of the previous epoch?

Another point, what is the role of the lords in the change of the era and the invasion of different dimensions?

When he thought about this, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his head.

He seemed to understand what the mysterious lord Chen Rui meant by the second and third acts...

After connecting the front and back clues in series, he came to an astonishing conclusion!

Speaking of which, the human kingdoms in this era have also risen suddenly and quickly.

It's just that they established a new kingdom more than ten thousand years after the end of the era.

Speaking of which, throughout the history of the founding of the major kingdoms, an important period has been blurred and deified.

In Zong Shen's view, the development trajectories and speeds of those founders were similar to those of today's lords.

Then the conclusion is there. Are the founders of the state, including the founders of those ancient state cities and giant cities, the lords who came in the last batch?

And now he has to go through the baptism of the second and third acts.

Each scene represents a new stage, and it also means that they can establish a new civilization and order. Thinking of this, Zong Shen basically understands.

Only the lords who can survive the second and third acts are qualified to establish their own civilization and kingdom on the mainland, create a new era, leave a legacy, and wait for the next era to come.

Today's aboriginal forces are the inheritance left by the lords thousands of years ago!

And now, they have long since merged with the continent, become part of the era, and will be replaced by a new round of lords!

Continue to deduce, then in the future, will they also become the resources of the next era.

This is an endless lord game, and I don't know where the end is!

Zong Shen thought of a different-dimensional invasion from Cthulhu.

From the dimension invasion, I thought of the change of the era, and then I thought of the relationship between the aborigines and the lords.

Running with no end in sight is the most frustrating thing.

At this moment, Zong Shen's heart is very heavy.

He wondered if the current efforts would see results.

Or was it all in vain, thousands of years later, a new group of lords came and began to multiply in his kingdom...


"It's not reasonable!"

Zong Shen shook his head suddenly.

If the epoch is simply changed, and the lord is repeatedly lowered to cycle this process, then what is the ultimate purpose and meaning of the lord system?

"I don't want this anymore."

"I had no choice."

"There is only one way to go, and it is as far as you can go."

He quickly adjusted his mood.

Sometimes, the more you know, the more you worry.


After a few deep breaths, he finally cleared his head and began to formally ask the Raiders module about Cthulhu.

"Excuse me, what exactly is Cthulhu?"

(Cthulhu comes from a mysterious dimension of the unknown consciousness plane of the astral world, which is dominated by a group of gods called the Old Ones

They are all composed of unknown substances, and as long as living beings see them, they will cause nightmares and fall into madness, and they can also draw mysterious power from nightmares.

Over the past several epochs, and even dozens of epochs, the Old Ones have tried to extend their tentacles to other dimensions in order to spread fear and gain more power

Goblins and Evil God's Forgotten are related to them

In some of the eras that have suffered from them, the Old Ones are also known as the Outer Gods and the Cthulhu)

Sure enough, the Raiders module still knows some of the origins of Cthulhu.

After all, they once left traces on the endless continent.

So now, Zong Shen can basically attribute Cthulhu to the dimensional invaders.

Combining those situations he had thought of before.

It made him cautious about Cthulhu.

Since the end of the era may break out at any time, will Cthulhu be the alien invader of this change?

The idea is still a bit bold.

Since there are so many bells and whistles in different dimensions, it is uncertain who is responsible for the intruder.

Zong Shen rode on Xiao Heizi's body, sometimes frowning, sometimes stretching.

"No, absolutely can't sit still!"

That projection of Cthulhu can only exist for less than half an hour.

Zong Shen didn't know what it was doing there, but no matter what, these outer gods definitely didn't do anything good.

He has to do something.

Thinking of this, he immersed himself in the storage grid.

His eyes swept over the [Goblin Bombs], and finally stopped on the [Magic Mountain Bombs].

But he quickly rejected it.

For the outer **** projection with a health value of up to 160,000, the single killing ability of [Magic Mountain Bomb] is not outstanding, so it is better to keep it to deal with large-scale groups of enemies.

Then, he saw the [Cruel Blood Burning Arrow] that was on the verge of being broken.

Don't look at the system rank only shows [rare rank].

But its [Blood Burning] effect can shake even the Balrog BOSS of regional challenges.

Obviously, this thing is also a special item in the blood-burning demon.

I don't know if it can have an effect on the Cthulhu projection.

In addition to the blood-burning arrows, there is only the fragment of the arcane crystal near the island in the heart of the lake.

However, Zong Shen had other arrangements for that thing, and he didn't want to spend it here.

In addition, he also had a [Solomon's Sealed Plate (Legendary)] obtained from Kuroko's private treasure chest, which contained a great demon who had reached the next legendary level.

If it is released, maybe it can also fight with Cthulhu Projection.

Even in the same rank, the difference in combat power is huge.

And the demon clan is the leader in combat.

It is not a problem to deal with a mere projection.

However, Zong Shen did not have enough materials to unpack.

The sixth-order gems of other systems are easy to get, and the sixth-order gems of the time and space systems are completely impossible to find.

And even if the big devil is released, Zong Shen will face great risks.

The big devil can't recognize six relatives, and there is no time limit like the Cthulhu projection.

At that time, the big devil hammers the projection and then hammers him.

Or just run rampant in this area.

It is estimated that the natives and lords in the area have to be finished.

Unless the great city of Rentax sends high-end combat power to crusade.

But at that time, I am afraid that his grave grass will not reach his knees.

So he quickly rejected the plan.

As the so-called indecision asks the Raiders.

He immediately asked the strategy in his mind to see if it was feasible.

"Can the blood-burning arrow have an effect on the projection of Cthulhu?"

(It doesn't work very well, but the [Skin of the Forgotten] in your storage may have some interesting effects

Don't look at its level, it only reaches the orange legend level, but the characteristics of the evil god's oblivion can neutralize the energy. The characteristics of the Cthulhu projection are also effective.

Covering it on Cthulhu's projection will neutralize the chaotic fel energy on it, thus greatly reducing its existence time)

This time, due to the clarity of the elements, the strategy module gave perfect combat suggestions.

It turned out that the weapon against Cthulhu's projection was the [Skin of the Forgotten] that could resolve the attack of [Wrath of the Evil God] before.

Speaking of which, when dealing with the [Evil God Forgotten], Aishia once recalled an ancient document in the Temple of Holy Light to which she belonged before the ban.

It is said that [Evil God Forgotten] has no ethnicity, it is a collection of evil, in theory, this kind of monster may appear in any world!

Even the evil gods hate it and try to forget it.

This shows that [Evil God's Forgotten] may have the characteristics that make the evil **** hate.

In fact, before, it was able to deal with the special crossbow [Wrath of the Evil God], Zong Shen should have thought of this, and now it can be regarded as a real hammer by the strategy module.

In this case, he naturally won't sit still.

The previous [Wrath of Evil] did stop attacking after being covered.

Only through the [Skin of the Forgotten] blooming purple fel light.

This is the restraint on the energy level.

The plan was already in place, so he then took out a [Stupid Doll (Purple)] from his arms and handed it to Vereesa on Feihu's back, letting her ride the Feihu to follow him, keeping a distance of ten minutes from him. places within kilometers.

He has two of this 【Stupid Doll (Purple)】.

At critical moments, the effect of [Attachment] can be activated.

Make the puppet and itself replace the position within ten kilometers.

It's good to use it as a backstop for escape.

Its effect involves the laws of space, unless the space in which it is located is seriously disturbed, it will not fail.

After all, what they have to face is the projection of the evil **** who has reached the legendary level of strength!

"Let's go, little black man!"

"Let's go meet that guy!"

When Zong Shen handed the [Stupid Doll (Purple)] to Vereesa and explained to her carefully the rules for triggering the doll, Zong Shen patted the scales on the back of Xiao Heizi's neck and said hello.

I saw Xiao Heizi startled, and after a moment of silence, he turned his slender neck around.

The thin head stared at Zong Shen, as if to see if his brain was broken...

No sane person would give such an order.

I saw Zong Shen took out the large piece of [Skin of the Forgotten] and waved it at Little Black.

"The key to breaking the game is this thing!"

"Do you remember how that weird crossbow was cracked?"

"that's it!"

"With this [Skin of the Forgotten] in my hand, we can completely fight with the Outer God!"

"Don't you want to record such a stroke in your glorious history?"

"Someone month, I and the great master Zong Shen destroyed the outer **** projection together!"

"Listen, how touching!"

Zong Shen said to it with affection and reason.

Blackie was a little resistant at first, but when he remembered the [Forgotten Skin] to deal with the strange crossbow bolt, he couldn't help feeling that the feasibility was very high.

As for the elimination of the outer **** projection, it is indeed a matter that can prove its own record.

If it is replaced by other five-colored dragons, if it can kill a legendary outer **** projection in the youth dragon period, it will be able to blow for at least a few hundred years.

Of course, Zong Shen's first half sentence was selectively ignored by him.

As proud as it is impossible to admit that it has a master...


"Then just do as you said and try it."

"But if things go wrong, I'll leave you and run away!"

Xiao Heizi said arrogantly, snorted a few times, and exhaled two white smoke.

There was a sour smell in the air.

As a black dragon, it is not surprising that he has his own bad breath.

After all, their likes and dislikes for smells are completely different from those of humans.

After seeing Xiao Heizi's agreement, Zong Shen's face finally showed a smile.

Anyway, he has a [substitute doll].

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if the puppet fails, he still has a lot of life-saving cards.

At most, the action fails, but his life is definitely not lost.

If he really failed, he wished that Blackie could escape.

After Xiao Heizi and Zong Shen reached a consensus, it fluttered its wings and flew towards the place where the goblin tribe was. Vereesa held the [Standby Doll] in his hand and followed behind on a flying tiger.

When the right distance is reached, she will stop Flying Tiger and wait for the development of the situation.

As the commander of the Elven Silver Covenant Legion.

She is also curious about the mysterious outer god.

Because there are also records about the outer gods in the ancient books of the elves.

These guys are described as extremely evil and weird.

With some indescribable meaning.

So taking this opportunity, she also wanted to see if Zong Shen could destroy this outer **** projection.


At this time, Cthulhu was still raging among the goblin tribes.

It has only been five or six minutes since Zong Shen and the others evacuated.

The remaining 2,000 Goblins have been slaughtered by it.

He moves extremely fast, even though he can't fly, he still moves fast on flat ground.

Everything along the way was directly knocked over by it.

Whether it's those grass huts in the tribe, or those big trees and totem poles.

It is as fragile as a bubble in front of it, unable to cause any obstacle to its movement.

Gilles de Re and his eight other French cousins ​​had to follow him and eat dirt.

They chased them, and the Cthulhu projection was doing its own thing, slaughtering those goblins.

This chasing and fleeing looks a bit funny.

But there is no way.

The attributes of the French cousin are destined that they are only suitable for standing output.

Don't look at their strengths are legends and epics, but movement is indeed their shortcoming.

At this time, the little sunspot swooped down from the sky.

Have a wider perspective when in the air, and don't have to pursue as rigidly as the French cousin.

I saw that it was enough to dive towards the position where Cthulhu moved.

At this time, Zong Shen was holding the [Time-Stop Orb (Gold)] in one hand and was about to use the [Time-Stop] effect to open the way.

The effect of the epic rank may not be able to completely limit the lower legends.

But after all, it also involves the underlying rules of the world, and it should be able to play some role.

Even a slight delay in the actions of Cthulhu projection is enough for Zong Shen.

[Skin of the Forgotten] was put into the storage compartment by him. He was worried that the projection of Cthulhu would detect it in advance, so his mind was locked in the storage compartment, ready to be taken out at the last moment, and he was caught off guard!

The little black swooped down at such a high speed, the Cthulhu projection also stopped, raised his head and looked at the approaching black dragon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After a little sense, he lost interest.

Its top priority is to kill those goblins before their time expires.

As for the other guys who can't contribute to the power of life, they all have the attitude of hiding if they can.

The reason is also very simple, this projection body battle is to consume evil energy, and then affect the existence time!

Whether it's the cousin of France, or Heilong and Zongshen.

Cthulhu projection will take some effort to deal with.

It can't be solved easily with just a draw like against the goblins.

Every time it uses a skill, its existence time will decrease a lot.

It won't take risks until the goal is complete.

It's a matter of priority goals!

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