Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 748: : Unpacking is completed, gifting link

It's a little bit of Zong Shen's selfishness.


Next comes the fifth item, which is a rare skill book.


No matter what, it is worth seeing. At present, Zong Shen has not many skills.


Most of his skills come from all kinds of fancy equipment and props.


Thinking of this, he thought of his contract with the bard Englishman's giant city competition.


According to England's words, the competition is a non-armored competition, and only commoners are allowed.


Even the weapons are made of wood, and the main method of competition is hand-to-hand combat.


Divided into 1v1/2v2/4v4/8v8/12v12 and 16v16 team battles with the largest number of players.


Different numbers have different rules. A specified number of cavalry is allowed in team battles.


As for crossbowmen and mages, there are other ways to compete.


The largest number of participants in each competition is hand-to-hand combat.


In the end, the overall ranking will be determined according to the record and score, so as to obtain the qualification to participate in the banquet.


In addition to this, there are different rewards for the top ten in the competition, and they will be recruited by the nobles in the giant city.


Therefore, the competition conference is also equivalent to a talent selection conference.


At that time, if Zong Shen was to participate, he would have to take off all his equipment.


However, items like [Wandering Feather (Gold)] and [Kad Medical Gem (Gold)] that can be carried in the storage compartment can still work.


The aborigines have no personal storage compartments.


In addition to this kind of items that can strengthen oneself, if you want to improve your unarmored combat power, it is best to master more skills yourself.


Anyway, skills don't pick whether you use wooden weapons or iron weapons.


Thinking of this, Zong Shen took out the skill book.


There is not much to say about the appearance, the skill books are basically the same in appearance, that is, the colors are different.


As long as most skill books do not exceed the rare level, there will be no fancy lines and patterns on the surface.


Zong Shen directly checked its properties.


[Whirlwind Sword Dance Skill Book (Purple)]


[Quality: Rare]


[Learning requirements: Strength>25, Agility>30]


[After learning, you can master the skill: Whirlwind Sword Dance lv1]


[This skill must be equipped with a sword weapon to use it]


[Whirlwind Sword Dance lv1 (Dancing the sword-like weapons in his hands, making himself rotate at a high speed and causing 0.75 times the piercing damage per second to the enemies around him, when equipped with double swords, it will cause 2 damage per second,


Lasts for 10 seconds, can be interrupted during the period, cooldown time is 4 hours)]


【(Click to learn)】


(a rare swordsmanship skill that can cause continuous damage to enemies around you)


I don't know if this skill is rare, but Zong Shen has already seen a similar skill.


Some are used by enemies, and some are used by friendly units.


The most typical example is Doyle, the Warrior of Light summoned by Ashiya's skill [Summon Holy Spirit].


This Holy Light Warrior's skill called "Double Sword Storm" also spins and kills the enemy in this way.


After reading the skill description, Zong Shen even imagined the scene of a huge [Dragon Slaying Epee (Gold)] spinning in place as if he was holding a door.


He clapped his hand and chose to learn this skill.


I saw the skill book turned into white light and disappeared into his head.


Some inexplicable knowledge appeared, which was difficult for him to analyze, and was not as straightforward and clear as the essence of knowledge.


The knowledge of the skill book will be stored in his mind in the form of semi-data, which cannot be analyzed by conventional methods. At the same time, there is an additional skill [Whirlwind Sword Dance l] in his skill list.


He only needs to move his mind to activate the skills.


Although it is simple and rude, convenient and easy to use, it always makes Zong Shen feel that something is wrong.


After mastering the [Whirlwind Sword Dance] skill, there is nothing to say about the remaining two excellent items, namely a [Intermediate Skill Experience Book (Blue)] and [Swiftness Potion (Blue)] .


That bottle of potion can increase a certain amount of agility and reaction ability, and it is also a good potion of gain. Keep it in the territory [storage box] for other heroes to distribute.


Only the [Intermediate Skill EXP (Blue)] he used directly, and he chose [Whirlwind Sword Dance]. After reading this book, he raised this rare skill to level 3.


After the upgrade, the skill duration of [Whirlwind Sword Dance] has been increased by 3 seconds, the cooldown has been shortened by 15 minutes, and the damage multiplier has not changed.


At this point, all the treasure chests have been opened.


There was only one [Platinum Treasure Chest] he kept with wool.


At this moment, it was already twilight outside, and before you knew it, it was more than 5 o'clock in the afternoon.


This wave of unpacking has greatly increased his strength.


After unpacking, Zong Shen took out the communication crystal and asked Luna, Vereesa, Aishia, Colby, and Kanigia to wait for him in the living area.


After all the notification was completed, Zong Shen simply closed his eyes and flashed into the living area using [Wandering Wander] with a single thought.


Four areas have been planned for the living area in the territory, and each area has many folk houses and double-storey stone houses. Only in this way can a population of tens of thousands be accommodated.


Compared with farmers, the living environment of warriors is better.


A double-storey stone house can accommodate up to 28 people. In the area where the warriors live, each double-storey stone house usually houses 12 people, which is the number of people in a squad. Faved and Colby lived like this before they became heroes. Yes, when Favid was injured a few days ago, Zong Shen also visited the class.


As for the farmers, generally speaking, they directly fill up the shop, and if they can accommodate 28 people, they will live in 28 people.


However, the environment of the living area is still quite good.


There are supporting bathhouses and toilets nearby, and the territory is managed in a unified manner, and no one will defecate anywhere.


There is no foul-smelling sewage or feces on the ground.


Even the wolf dung produced by the more than 1,500 wolf cavalry wolves in the territory was collected and processed.


Coyote manure is also an extremely high-quality fertilizer.


If it is cow dung or horse dung, it can even be used as fuel after drying.


Many people regard "wolf smoke" as the smoke ignited by wolf dung, but it is not.


Because there is not much flammable undigested fiber in wolf dung.


The so-called "wolf smoke" is actually a beacon smoke, which was called "wolf" by the northern nomads at that time by the Central Plains.


At that time, the beacon towers used different fuels during the day and at night.


In the daytime, the smoke is mainly called "Feng", and the fire at night is called "Sui".


The standing materials for smoking are mugwort, reed strips, weeds, dung of cattle and horses, etc.


Zong Shen once considered using a method similar to the beacon tower to warn the territory.


After all, the area of ​​the territory is gradually expanding.


The grassland terrain is unobstructed, and a wisp of beacon smoke can be seen by people in a radius of 30 to 40 kilometers when the weather is clear. Now that the [Communication Crystal] has been upgraded, crystals can be directly equipped.


[Communication Crystal Tower (Orange)] Up to 10,000 crystals can be distributed.


This number is not small at all, it is equivalent to 10,000 mobile communication terminals.


The most important thing is that Zong Shen does not need to distribute to the whole people at all.


According to the current territory size and patrol mechanism, all 13000 numbers are reserved for heroes.


Crystals numbered 3001 and subsequent numbers are issued to those squadron leaders.


As for the soldiers who did not reach the squadron level, they were directly distributed to the captain appointed by Zong Shen himself.


In this way, 10,000 [communication crystals] are more than enough.


At present, Zong Shen has only sent out dozens of them. The number of [communication crystals] made by consumable materials can be freely chosen. He has already told Mariel to make 500 pieces first.


The distribution of this batch of [Communication Crystals] is enough to build a communication node suitable for the current territory.


After Zong Shen came to the living area, he went straight to the "Living Area No. 1 Square".


This place is located in the middle of the four living quarters. It is a place where the fire party is held and the residents take daily walks when they have no assignments. Zong Shen, Luna and the others made an appointment to meet here.


This meeting was not a big deal, the main thing was to distribute the equipment that was out of the box before dark.


After the incident, he had to learn Isidore's talent, and then rode Xiaosuozi for a walk in the sky, overlooking the situation of the territory.


After eating [Super Agility Fruit (Orange)], his agility attribute reached 130 points!


Not only did it meet the need for equipment [Azzinoth Demon Slayer Sword (Gold)], it even exceeded 10 points.


As a representative, the side effects of the fruit are playing out. When he walks, he often pauses, and his pace and body shape will be distorted. This feeling is like a sudden numbness in the hamstrings. Fortunately, there is no need to fight at this time, otherwise he is very likely Will be hammered into pigskin because of this side effect.


After waiting for about ten minutes, everyone rushed to the "No. 1 Square in the Living Area" one after another.


At this time, it was at most half an hour before it got dark, and several farmers were already stacking wood in the bonfire area on the square, preparing to light the bonfire.


This is one of the previous territorial lighting methods.


Each bonfire only needs a dozen pieces of wood to burn until the second half of the night.


Simple, crude and economical lighting method, the disadvantage is that the nearby living area can smell a faint smell of smoke.


When the [Baishi Street Lamp] is popularized, there will be no need to use bonfires as territory lighting.


The current territory is such a situation, and there are still many areas that need to be gradually improved.


After everyone arrived, they all knew that Zong Shen might have something to warn, so everyone stood in front of Zong Shen and spontaneously formed two lines.


As Zong Shen's woman, Luna stood directly in the middle.


Seeing that all the people he ordered had arrived, Zong Shen didn't write any ink, took out a book with his backhand, hooked Luna's hand, and said with a smile.


"Luna, come here."


Hearing his call, Luna took a few steps forward and walked in front of Zong Shen, rubbing her chest with one hand and doing the elvish etiquette. They are lovers in private, but on this occasion they are also subordinates.


The authority of the lord must be carried out.


"I'll give you this [Dark Night Advancement Book (Orange)]."


"After going back at night, take off all the equipment and use it again."


Zong Shen handed over the advanced book in his hand, Luna held it in both hands and nodded in greeting.


Today's Luna has long been a heroic unit, but she is also a standard Night Huntress.


Meets the requirements for the use of advanced books.


Because she first went through unit training before becoming a hero.


According to the usual practice, Zong Shen can prostitute a set of standard equipment of the fifth-order [Dark Night Silver Moon Huntress] for free.


Now Luna's equipment is not bad, so she can keep this extra set of standard equipment.


"Thank you for your love and cultivation."


Luna held the book in both hands and saluted her chest again.


Her eyes shone like a silver moon, and she smiled at Zong Shen with eyes full of love.


Zong Shen also smiled back, and after waving his hand gently, Luna returned to her original position.


Next, he took out a ring from the storage compartment, which was the [Holy Light Body Protection Ring (Purple)].


Holding the ring, Zong Shen waved to Asia.


At this time, everyone still didn't know that the lord was going to reward the treasure again.


Aishia held the [Salal's Caster Robe (Orange)] in one hand, and Shi Shiran stepped forward and saluted.


"Thank you for the reward, sir."


After thanking her, she took over the [Holy Light Body Protection Ring (Purple)].


This is a rare level of jewelry equipment. It can not only enhance her attributes, but also further enhance her life-saving ability. It is also a very precious piece of equipment.


Zong Shen smiled at her and said in a very gentle tone.


"May the Holy Light shine on you and me."


Aishia closed her eyes reverently, and stepped back slowly.


After finishing Aishia, Zong Shen clapped his hands, took out a light armor in his right hand, and a staff in his left hand, like a gifted scale.


His eyes turned to Kaginia, who was carrying the drawing board, and Colby, who was standing beside the giant wolf. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com


"Caginia, Colby, come to me!"


When the two heard Zong Shen's words, they quickly took a few steps forward, kneeling on one knee and staring at the ground in front of them.


Zong Shenxian handed over the [Wolf Heart Ranger Thousand Commander Half Armor (Orange)] to Colby.


"Take it Colby, this armor is yours."


Colby held the battle armor in both hands and placed it carefully beside his feet.


Then he knelt down on one knee and kissed the back of Zong Shen's boot.


"My lord, Colby's loyalty will always belong to you."


Zong Shen has long been surprised by the part of showing loyalty after receiving the reward.


And warriors from different backgrounds often express their loyalty in different ways.


Kissing the instep is also one of the ways to express surrender and respect.


"Get up, Colby."


"I can see your loyalty to me and the territory."


After Zong Shen comforted him, he raised his hand and handed the [Wind Spirit Element Perception Wand (Orange)] to Kaginia. This kid was wearing the [Magic Focusing Eyes (Purple)] that he had just given him a while ago. ]. Now that Zong Shen rewarded him with a legendary Wind Spirit Staff, Kagina's face was full of irrepressible smiles!


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