There are ghouls and poisonous insects. Speaking of which, there are various types of summoned monsters.


Zong Shen also set his sights on the side of the summoning circle. Mogroga received the support of the Air Cavalry of the Black Tendon Clan, and it was only a matter of time before those [Mirror Shadow Demon Scouts] and the Shadow Demon Images they summoned were killed.


And after checking the attributes of Mogroga Heijin, Zong Shen had a bottom line.


Knowing yourself, knowing the enemy, and not panicking, people are always alert and vigilant about the unknown. As long as they understand the details, they will know the details. The existence of the strategy module makes Zong Shen almost no information blind spots.


So he stopped paying attention to Mogroga's situation, and now it's the turn of the great demon Artorius to fight back!


After the [Hyjal Pollution Poisonous Insects] in the fourth-order summoned monsters took off, it looked like a large area.


They will compete with the air cavalry of the Black Tendon Clan, and see if the poisonous insects are powerful or the dark orc knights riding the [Dark Giant Bat] and [Dark Wyvern].


This is not the end, there are three kinds of summoned monsters in the fourth-order, [Corrupted Fire Ghoul] and [Hyjal Pollution Poisonous Insect] have come out, and the next magic circle to complete the summoning is another adjacent magic tome. Summons a magic circle.


When the magic circle finally condenses and takes shape, it also emits an orange light that represents a hot flame.


Each of the heavenly spirits had threaded black horns on their lids, and the red-skinned [Fire Kid] walked out of the magic circle.


Although the name has the prefix "fire", and the light of the magic circle is orange, in fact, there is no open flame on their body surface, unlike the [Corruption Burning Ghoul] that is covered with hot flames.


These [Fire Kid] are wearing crossbody leather skirts and are only about one meter tall. The skin on their bodies is red, and there are flame patterns on them. Their facial features look like young children among human beings. Every [Fire Kid] ] are all empty-handed states without weapons.


They had weird smiles on their faces, like naughty children who saw candy, and looked at the world outside the summoning circle with a curious, excited, joyful look.


"Hee hee hee hee hee hee…"


"Hey Hey Hey…"




"Beep, beep, beep..."


There were different sounds coming from these 【Fire Kid】mouths.


It sounds like babbling, but also like laughing.


It is also a kind of eccentric humanoid monsters. After they walked out of the summoning circle, Zong Shen soon understood why they were named "fire".


After their palms were spread out, fireballs formed naturally.


Each fireball is the size of a grapefruit. The outer layer is a colorless flame with the highest temperature and a faint appearance, the middle layer is a bright crimson flame, and the center is a small throbbing black flame.


This is the first time that Zong Shen has seen such a rich fireball. These fireballs are completely different from the small fireballs condensed by fire-type mages, especially the little black flame in the center. I feel a little heart palpitations, which shows that the power of these fireballs is not bad.


The most important point is that when these [Fire Imps] condense fireballs, they seem to be understated.


It doesn't look like a conventional spellcasting method, but it obviously represents another unconventional way of manipulating fire.


"he he he he he!"


These red-skinned little devils laughed and tossed the fireballs in their hands, like clowns throwing colored **** in a circus.


There is no doubt that the [Fire Kid] is the real flame manipulator.


[Corrupt Burning Fire Ghoul] is just rubbing a fire, and condensing fireballs is not their only means. When the battle starts, Zong Shen can see the performance of these little ghosts.


To tell the truth, Zong Shen is still very interested in these summoned monsters.


The hellfire meteorite summoned by the great demon Artorius was really just an appetizer for attacking fortifications.


As a great demon sorcerer who has studied the Devil's Codex, Artorius has more methods than Zongshen expected.


Its dead and thin body does not hinder its calm inclination of mental power to cast spells.


The unhurried temperament of a high-level spellcaster is vividly displayed on its body.


There are many types of spellcasters. Strictly speaking, demon warlocks are indeed a type of spellcasters, and those dark sorcery shamans in the dark orcs are also spellcasters.


In essence, they are different from other elemental casters.


But it's not surprising that casters are a large category, covering countless branches and sub-categories.


The most common is the element caster, which is often referred to as element magic.


In addition, there are psychic spellcasters and half-spiritual half-elemental magic casters.


Here I have to mention the [Dragon Magicians] that Zong Shen once saw in the crusade sequence of the Rentax giant city in Odo Village. They belong to the casters who are half-spiritual and half-elemental magic.


By imitating the dragon language and matching the characteristics of the conventional spellcasting method, the pseudo-Dragon language magic effect was researched.


The so-called pseudo-Dragon language magic is to use the imitation of the dragon language to display elemental magic that is not one of its own magic talent. Features cast fire spells.


You must know that the dragon casts spells regardless of the elements, even if it is a five-colored dragon with distinct elements.


It's just that different five-colored dragons have different emphasis on elemental magic.


For example, Xiaosuozi is a black dragon. He is good at earth spells, but he can also use this as a basis to perform extended spells of wood/nature, and he can also use the characteristics of dragon language to perform wind magic.


This is the characteristic of the dragon language. Zong Shen already knew that dragon language magic is also called talent magic or bloodline magic. The fundamental reason is that dragon language is a language that can mobilize spiritual power.


"The Exotic Land Reclamation of Vegetable Skeletons"


In essence, spiritual power is at play, but a part of the boring process is omitted, and it is directly expressed in the form of language.


What [Dragon Grammar] imitates is the ability to use language to mobilize mental power to assist in spellcasting.


And the spellcasting method used by the [Destroyer of Desolation, Artorius] in front of him is also mental power casting.


It doesn't even need spellcasting equipment, it casts spells directly with bare hands.


Thinking about it, its spellcasting equipment should have been lost before the ban. Demon warlocks also have corresponding spellcasting equipment, but they rarely use long and short staffs, magic books, magic cups, totem poles and other things.


The magician's spellcasting equipment is basically a burning skull, a vertebral rod, a lifeless old scroll, a broken bottle picked up from some garbage dump, and exaggerated and a spellcasting equipment made of some ethnic corpse , all in all, it does not look the same as the common caster equipment.

No matter what kind of spellcaster it is, any guy who can resonate with the elements of the universe will look more temperamental than those rough warriors.


Those noble spellcasters are often very calm and calm. They only need to raise their staffs and sing softly, and the elemental magic will begin to jump and combine, rushing to gather, and build a spell model according to the caster's idea, violently. The elements will become their punches and swords, knocking down enemies in front of them.


Needless to say, the strategic value of the caster is of course a class of troops that rises by talent.


Therefore, the number should be smaller, and the overall training cost should be much higher.


Even if it is a whiteboard's staff, its manufacturing cost exceeds that of the second-order standard armor.


Demon Warlocks like [Destroyer of Desolation - Artorius] who can easily unleash great power secret spells with their bare hands are absolutely amazing in their spellcasting talent among demons.


The completion time of summoning arcane circles depends on their tiers.


The third- and fourth-order summoning secret magic circles are basically completed on the front and rear feet.


So after the appearance of [Fire Kid], it took another half a minute for those fifth-order summoning circles to be completed.


This time, the summoning circle did not emit any light, only black smoke was floating.


This summoning circle actually exudes dark power. You must know that dark power is not the patent of dark orcs. Strictly speaking, dark power is no different from those common elemental magic.


Dark Orcs are just dark races born out of Orcs + Dark Power.


There are many similar combinations, such as human + dark power, dwarf + dark power, elves + dark power, dragon + dark power, and even bloodfang boar + dark power.


So there is nothing too strange about the dark orcs.


As a power with invasive characteristics, the dark power can invade almost everything, and the dark races that have evolved from this also have countless possibilities.


Obviously, the monsters summoned by this fifth-order summoning circle must be related to the power of darkness.


As the black mist emitted by the magic circle dissipated, the sound of grinding teeth like rubbing glass appeared. This is a sound that can make any person with obsessive-compulsive disorder get goosebumps all over his body.


Black light flickered, and a tall black gargoyle sculpture appeared on the spot.


The posture of each gargoyle is different, or it spreads its teeth and claws, or spreads its wings, or sticks its limbs like a gorilla ready to go, and some gargoyles stand up and stretch their claws to the sky. Seems to be longing for something unreachable.


In the blink of an eye, with the high-density flickering of black light, at least sixty black gargoyles appeared at the location of the summoning circle.


These gargoyles are much bigger than those gargoyles Zong Shen had seen during the crypt challenge.


Obviously, they are not the same as those ordinary gargoyles.


The material of the black statue is more like metal than stone. Through the texture and details of the carving, you can see that these black gargoyles have oval scales on their bodies.


The claws of some black gargoyles also look very special. For example, the right forelimb of a black gargoyle is significantly longer, and the sharp curved claws are also larger.


There are also some black gargoyles whose mouths are no longer a big laughing mouth full of sharp teeth, but a structure similar to a bird's beak.


There are many individual differences like this. Zong Shen even saw a gargoyle with two pairs of wings behind it.


Every black gargoyle is like a serious stone statue in the early stage of being summoned.


It was not until the new black light flickered and the summoning circle became dimmed that the black gargoyles suddenly came to life, and the transformation from dead to living was completed in an instant.






These gargoyles snorted and gritted their teeth unpleasantly.


They spread their wings and suddenly flew up like big vultures after they landed.


They flew around the sky in groups, and their slender tails with sharp cones swung randomly.


These are the fifth-order summoned monsters [Abyss Gargoyle].


With the appearance of the summoned monsters, the surroundings of the great demon Atorius became extraordinarily noisy and noisy.


It still turned a deaf ear, closed its eyes and sat cross-legged, recovering as much mental power as possible in case of emergency. It is a very risky behavior to completely exhaust its mental power.


If there is no mental power to cast spells, then Atorius is like a tiger with its claws cut off.


Zong Shen let the strategy module use golden lines to depict the details of Artorius' stature and facial features, so in his field of vision, Artorius, who was in the sixth-order stealth state, was like a three-dimensional figure drawn by a pair of golden brushstrokes. .


He could see Artorius' expression, movement, and concentration at this moment.


Speaking of which, the big demon's mentality is indeed surprisingly good. It is not as bloodthirsty and brutal as the big demon described in the classics. Perhaps because it is a demon warlock, spellcasters are always more calm and calm than warriors. UU reading www.uukanshu. com


This is true of any race, whether human or demon.


Perhaps the bloodthirsty and brutal ones are those demon warriors.


Zong Shen commented in his heart, and his attention continued to focus on the dynamics of the summoning circle below.


The second fifth-order summoning secret magic circle had not yet been formed, so he turned his head and glanced at Mogroga farther away.


It strangles most of the Shadow Fiend clones created by the [Mirror Shadow Fiend Scouts] with the help of the Black Tendon Clan's Air Cavalry.


From the original seventy-two shadow demon clones and twelve [Mirror Shadow Demon Scouts], there are only a dozen shadow demon clones and five scout bodies left.


The [Black Pit Viper Traps] placed on the ground were almost triggered.


For Mogroga, who is blessed with the talent of [Toughness], the stun effect of [Black Viper Trap] cannot have much impact on it. At this moment, those [Mirror Shadow Demon Scouts] have almost been solved. .


According to the current situation, there will be at most two or three minutes before Mogroga will be free to deal with the great demon Artorius. Zong Shen is actually looking forward to Mogroga and Atorius. In the real confrontation between Reus, the great demon of the legendary level confronts the dark orc clan chief.


It is worth waiting to see who can gain the upper hand in the duel!




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