Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 860: : Compensation selection, time stop end

As for [Compensation Option 7], this option is actually quite general.

A one-time grant of 10 million dinars plus a chance to upgrade a building.

At present, the highest rank of buildings in Zongshen's territory is [Leiyu Wonder (Incomplete)], which is above the epic-level building and below the complete spectacle building.

But it doesn't need to be upgraded at all, it lacks some thunder-type materials.

Zong Shen can use the Raiders module to search for it, and if he collects it carefully, he will be able to fill it up one day.

If you upgrade an epic-level building, at most it will be upgraded to the wonder level, then Zong Shen might as well choose [Compensation 4] to directly take a complete wonder out.

However, if he used the opportunity to upgrade the building on the [Pillar of Red Gold Barrier (Gold)], wouldn't he be able to get a spectacle-level territorial defense building?

Thinking of this, he changed his mind again, and first included [Compensation Choice 7] into the waiting list.

In the future [Compensation Option 8], he also passed it directly. At best, the super-level skill is to give him a seventh-level or eighth-level skill. The higher-level skills are more powerful, and even involve the underlying rules of the world. .

However, the corresponding cooling time after using the skill is also relatively long.

Compared to getting a super-level skill, he still hopes that the reward of defensive challenge can be increased by a wave.

It's a long time coming to Japan, Zong Shen is still very confident in his future, and the mere defense challenge is not worth mentioning. After he goes out, there are still many places worth exploring in the land of endless ruins.

In the end, it was [Compensation Option 9]. This option made him a little confused.

Because the content of the option is: directional dimension channel development authority!

In other words, if he chooses this compensation, he will have the authority to mobilize the lord system to open up a directional channel in the future. Blood transfusions between the two dimensional worlds have established an unparalleled interdimensional force.

It's pretty cool to think about, and he just learned about the arcane world of Salvaden just before.

In fact, until now, Zong Shen has discovered many clues about different dimensions.

Although the Endless Continent is vast, it is more like a "cradle" suitable for the growth of lords.

Only after stepping out of the "cradle" can you see a wider world.

Zong Shen couldn't help thinking about the future, especially the dimensional war at the end of the last era also involved enemies from different dimensions, which made him always have an obsession with opening up different dimensions in his heart.

Therefore, [Compensation Option 9] has also become one of the options that he likes very much.

After using the exclusion method, the optional goals in front of you will be clear.

They are:

【Compensation option 2】, 【Compensation option 4】, 【Compensation option 7】, 【Compensation option 9】

From choosing two out of nine to two out of four, the overall difficulty of choosing is much lower.

First of all, [Compensation option 2] Even if he recites a little more, he can increase the reward by 10%.

The strategy module has hinted and emphasized many times before, this time the challenge rewards are super rich, exceeding the previous challenges, and the rewards given by the defense challenge are of great significance to the subsequent development of the territory.

Even if the increase is only 10%, Zong Shen should not miss it!

The overall value is definitely more than one or two wonders is a super skill.

In the next stage, there is no challenge of the lord system layout, and the development direction of the territory is still expansion and population reform.

After the implementation of the Freedmen's reforms, it is the right way to transform their territory into a vibrant city.

Therefore, [Compensation Choice 2] was finalized by him. The bet is that he can get a super high reward score in this wave. We must know that his comprehensive score is already ranked first, and the difficulty of the challenge is also complicated. In the army of millions of dark orcs, they use their internal suspicion and contradictions to disintegrate one by one.

With other lords, in the absence of information advantages, I am afraid it is difficult to be as calm and calm as him.

Because of this, if Zong Shen can get a high score settlement, the follow-up challenge rewards will definitely be expensive!

The remaining three compensation options made him a little tangled.

The two compensation options [Compensation Choice 4] and [Compensation Choice 7] are based on the present, while [Compensation Choice 9] is aimed at the future.

This wave depends on whether Zong Shen cares more about the future or more about the present.

In fact, there is no conflict between grasping the present and planning for the future, but the number of choices is limited.

After comprehensive consideration, he still yearns for the development of different dimensions. This is a clear and stable way to open up different dimensions. With the lord system for the bottom line, it is not only safe but also very reliable.

Even if there is a bug in the lord system, it will come to patch it.

In fact, Zong Shen wanted all of these compensation options in his heart, but now he has no choice but to make a choice.

So in the end his decision was [Compensation Choice 2] and [Compensation Choice 9].

After the confirmation, the system prompt in front of him changed again.

[Compensation has been locked for you]

[Compensation option 2: get a chance to increase the settlement reward, the increase ratio is 10% to 50%, and the index fluctuates]

[Compensation option 9: directional dimension channel development authority × 1]

[Current remaining adjustment time: 5 minutes and 37 seconds]

[This time is for thinking activities and does not affect the challenge countdown and the time in the challenge field]


When the lord system was patched, the strategy module did not bubble up.

But this time, the lord system did not scan him repeatedly.

As the saying goes, the first time he was born, the second time he was cooked, and the third time he started **** the axle. Maybe the lord system is also used to Zong Shen's exaggerated performance. After all, the current situation is strictly caused by the great demon Artorius. Zong Shen obtained [Solomon's ban] Disk (Legendary)] and the means of releasing the great demon Atorius are in accordance with the rules.

So there is no need for the lord system to scan him again, not to mention that the lord system has carefully scanned Zong Shen twice before, and found no abnormal data or anything wrong with him.

As a supervisor to maintain this lord "game", it has to ensure the normal operation of the whole.

The time for repairing has passed minute by minute, and everything around is in a state of absolute stillness.

Zong Shen's eyeballs couldn't move, he could only see that he kept looking at the sky.

When Time Stop came, he was watching the black beam of light shooting on the sky. At this moment, his sight was still there. The sky that originally challenged the exclusive domain has gradually turned black under the shooting of the black beam.

But now, the black traces on the sky are fading little by little.

At the same time, a huge figure faintly appeared in the beam of light, but it was too far away for Zong Shen to see clearly.

The black beam of light was more like a transmission pipeline, connecting the ground and the sky, and the mysterious figure in it seemed to descend down the pipeline.

Zong Shen remembered the reminder just now: [The emergency strength supplement and the corresponding effect replacement plan are in progress].

This shows that the intervention of the lord system did not completely wipe out the means of the great demon Artorius.

Just patching, cutting out the situations that would cause confusion, replacing the process, and showing the results directly.

The silent ritual of absorbing the souls of the dead through the altar is obviously also a summoning ritual.

The summoned object is estimated to be a projection or a clone of a great demon.

Because that black beam of light was obviously led by a cross-border call.

"With such a big movement, I don't know what Artorius summoned."

Under the time-stop effect, Zong Shen could only maintain his posture of looking up at the sky, thinking about the situation in front of him.

A few minutes passed quickly, and as the countdown ended, a new prompt emerged.

[The repairs are completed, and the strength of the current challenge field has reached the dimension + level]

[Time stop is over, please be prepared]

The prompt flashed by, and the time-stop effect was completely over.

Invisible ripples rippled out, and everything around him returned to normal.

The black beam of light still exists, but it doesn't have the aura of breaking the sky.

Even the polluted sky has been restored to its original appearance.

The great demon Artorius below also raised his head and looked at what was happening in the sky.


"Didn't the light of the annihilation ceremony break down the barriers here?"

"But the projection of Lord Magtheridon's clone has clearly appeared in the beam of light..."

Atorius was a little puzzled in his heart, he always felt that something happened just now.

But it couldn't capture anything, as if a time that didn't exist quietly happened.

It shook its head gently, raised its thin arms and opened its arms to the sky.

"Welcome here, Lord Magtheridon!"

"Unfortunately, there are still too few dead souls. Otherwise, more powerful clones of other adults can be summoned."

Atorius' eyes were calm, and his green eyes immediately stared into the distance.

There Mogroga Heijin just took down the last [Mirror Shadow Demon Scout] with the Heijin clan air rider.

It mercilessly cut off the limbs of the [Mirror Shadow Demon Scout] with the [Twin Dark Demon].

In the end, he directly squeezed its head with his bare hands, which was a venting technique.

The shattered skull slipped out of the fish-skin tights, wrapped in the soft scalp.

After releasing the big hand, the corpse of the [Mirror Shadow Demon Scout] fell to the ground.

Mogroga Heijin's naked body was stained with black.

It turned its head and glanced at the direction where the great demon Atorius was and the magic circle of summoning that was basically formed.

"Kill them!"

Mogroga let out a loud roar, as if blowing a charge horn.

The warriors of the Black Ribbon clan surrounding Artorius immediately launched a valiant charge.

At this time, in the light of the annihilation ceremony, the mysterious figure was still falling, and it should take two or three minutes to fall to the ground.

[Silence Ceremony] It belongs to the sixth-order summoning secret technique.

Next to it, there is a seventh-order summoning secret magic circle that has just been formed.

But the Blackspur clan warriors had already charged under Mogroga's orders.

The summoned monsters let out a howl of excitement. They were not afraid of the larger army of dark orcs, but became excited.

Ferocious and brutal against crazy bloodthirsty, maybe the good show has just begun!

After issuing an attack order to the more than 20,000 Black-Jin clan warriors who surrounded the great demon Artorius.

Mogroga ran towards the [Blackwater Dead Zone] with several hundred black-ribbed clan air riders.

This time, it is determined to destroy the [Black Water Dead Zone] and release the more than 200,000 Heijin clan warriors trapped inside. Only by mastering most of the forces of the Heijin clan can it be sure to deal with the big demon and the black navy.

At this time, Lick Fire Calrigger really couldn't sit still.

It stepped out of the shadows with the imperial sword "Black Cut", and before it could make a move to stop Mogroga, it was entangled by the air cavalry of the Heijin clan.

These air cavalry can't hurt it, but they can hinder its movement.

Mogroga Heijin seemed to be going mad. With the help of the air cavalry, he ran like a bull with his knives in both hands. The tents, boulders and wooden beams that blocked the road were tyrannically knocked into the air by it. .

It's like a full-blown forklift, and anything that gets in its way will be smashed to smithereens.

Zong Shen was somewhat relieved to see this scene.

This kid Mogroga finally became a little smarter, and he didn't go back to find Artorius and fight to the death.

In fact, if it wants to break free from the disadvantaged situation, the best way is to break the [Black Water Dead Zone] and release the troops of the Black Tendon Clan camp~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lihuo Karrig was killed by the air cavalry Entangling, its sword skills are superb, and the imperial sword "Black Cut" in its hand can cut off the enemy's limbs with every swing.

The [Dark Giant Bat], who tried to restrain it with sharp claws, was divided into two by "Black Cut".

Together with the air cavalry above, they slashed open, and they swept over the top of Like Calrigger's head, and the Black Water Sword's holy spirit swung the blade and then slid sideways slightly.

Until a few seconds after the [Dark Giant Bat Knight] was cut, no damage value appeared, and they themselves did not seem to notice the injury, but as they passed by Lighuo Karrig, the very abrupt giant bat And the dark orc knight on his back is divided into two halves.

At the same time, there are two damage values ​​that are enough to kill them in an instant.

At this speed, even with a powerful skill, Lick Fire Calrigg could kill all these Black Ribbon clan air cavalry in a matter of minutes.

These guys are not afraid of death, and they almost used their lives to delay the action of Lick Fire Calrig.

Just to buy time for Mogroga's black tendons.

As for the place where the great demon Atorius was, it was even more chaotic.

The shamans of the Black Tendon Clan sang, and viper guards with dark magic power condensed on the ground.

Each viper guard can spit out black energy arrows.

The troll spearmen burst into red light, and threw black iron spears with their bulging arms!

The parabolic spear is like falling black lightning, and its power is much greater than that of ordinary arrows!


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