Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 869: : The True Plan of Artorius

Zong Shen is looking forward to the performance of Rasma, the God of Death, after he comes out.

Compared with this, it doesn't matter whether [Fenglingtan (Orange)] can survive.

After the seal was unsealed, the altar seal of the [Fengling altar (orange)] was opened.

The strands of black smoke gathered together and finally became Rasma in the state of [avatar shadow].

You must know that [Fengling Tan (orange)] was thrown under Mogroga's crotch by Zong Shen.

So Rasma came out right between Mogroga's legs.

The difference in height between the two sides made Rasma as if she was standing under an archway. As soon as she looked up, she could see the naked Mogroga below.

Originally, Mogroga was in a state of armor. When he was fully armed, it was tightly wrapped, but when he exploded his armor in anger, all the armor on his body was shattered, even his lower body was no exception.

Only the broken skirt armor was left dangling under the crotch. They were good enough to cover the shame in the front, but for Rasma, who was looking up from the bottom, the tattered skirt armor had no shielding effect.

When Zong Shen banned her, he was taking advantage of her shadow state.

So now, after she came out, she still maintained an erratic shadow state. From a distance, it looked like a black mist appeared under Mogroga's crotch.

Zong Shen's flash actually aroused the instinctive vigilance of the Mogroga warrior, but before it turned around, Zong Shen ran away neatly.

There was only a broken jar left, and it had no intention to pay attention. After all, around it, those summoned warriors were looking for opportunities. After a fight, Mogroga killed several high-level summoned warriors, but There were also many more wounds on his thighs and calves.

The size of these wounds is very exaggerated in the eyes of human beings, but they are not very serious in front of Mogroga's size. The more obvious wounds are basically left by [Overlord's Halberd Armor].

In such a chaotic situation, Mogroga was too lazy to agree to that jar.

The shadow of the condensed body, Rasma, was also watching the surrounding environment vigilantly.

The banning of [Spiritual Sealing Altar (Orange)] does not freeze time. Generally speaking, it is not necessary to freeze the time to ban those restless evil spirits. All souls with a will, including those evil spirits, can exist for a long, long time. Lifespan and life are not the same scale, but the longer the ban, the weaker it will be.

But Rasma was an accident. She was not banned when her body was withered and only her soul remained, but she was sealed by Zong Shen when she was incarnated as a shadow.

Therefore, during the [Fenglingtan (Orange)] period, it was no less than a period of prison for her.

Her little loyalty has long since dropped to the bottom.

Not long after the seal was opened, Zong Shen saw a series of loyalty change prompts.

[The Loyalty of Rasma, the Blessed of the Necromancer, is reduced by 60 points, and the current loyalty is 2 points]

[The Loyalty of Rasma, the favored of the undead **** to you is lower than 50 points, and the state of being a citizen will be automatically canceled]

[The current Necromancer Rasma may attack you]

The lord system was quite considerate, and informed Zong that he might be attacked by Rasma.

To be honest, Zong Shen doesn't actually like Rasma. This guy is neither a ghost nor a ghost. He has a very gloomy personality and does his own way. In retrospect, the highest attribute of Rasma, who was just recruited, is only 146 points. .

For Zong Shen, who has been accustomed to starting with hundreds of attributes recently, this is somewhat of a dish.

However, that guy is level 10 after all. If she trains a bit and puts on better equipment, her stats can jump up a bit. In the final analysis, there is something wrong with her personality. Not only does she disobey his orders, but she also likes to go her own way.

Zongshen didn't like this kind of territorial people. Strictly speaking, Rasma was even a hidden danger.

It is better to lift the sand that cannot be held, Zongshen's attitude towards Rasma is like this.

Disobedient and rebellious, then destroy it.

He doesn't need to know Rasma's story. From the lord's point of view, offense is offense, and he doesn't need to be sentimental if he doesn't obey orders.

Whoever gets in the way of Zong's development, then whoever gets in the way should be damned.

Death is the easiest and most efficient solution.

It may be cruel and inhuman to think so, but from Zong Shen's point of view, it is reasonable.

There is no reason why Rasma doesn't respect him anymore, someone from his sect has to coax him carefully.

Because of the concept of normal time passing in [Fengling Altar (Orange)], Rasma's skills were basically reset, except for [Shadow of Avatar], which was still in this state due to the special ban.

Moreover, Rasma, who is a necromancer, has a very strange physique. Her hunger saturation is ∞, which is infinite.

This means that Rasma does not need to eat at all, which is actually the same as the characteristics of some undead. Perhaps in the past, she had modified her body in some way to make it an existence with undead characteristics. ,

Zong Shen returned to a position 100 meters away from Mogroga, all the weapons in his hands, his arms in his arms, and one of them was holding the [The Prophet's Sharp Eye (Orange)], and he kept it like this. The attitude of eating melon and watching a play.

Rasma said nothing, and there was still a minute or two left in her shadow state.

In this state, Rasma is immune to 75% of physical damage.

Although she hasn't figured out what's going on outside, she instinctively sensed the danger from Mogroga.

The floating black shadow just stopped for a short time and then immediately flashed towards the rear.

"Want to run?"

Zong Shen frowned, Mogroga seemed to ignore Rasma's existence.

Just when he was about to personally take action to pull Mogroga's hatred away.

The great demon Artorius, who was at least one or two kilometers away, suddenly felt a sense.

"Nice undead soul."

"Just enough to project Lord Magtheridon's clone as food!"

Artorius got out of the sitting state, and suddenly got up and stretched out his claws towards the place where Rasma's shadow escaped.

Through the short rest just now, it recovered two or three thousand mental power, enough for it to perform some demonic secret arts.

With the outpouring of spiritual power, a black rope took shape in an instant. It was as agile as a poisonous snake, and instantly wrapped around Rasma, who was in a shadow state.

This state seems to have no effect on its entanglement.

Rasma struggled hard, but such struggles in the face of the Great Demon's means were in vain.

The rope condensed by the demon's secret technique also had a certain level of forbidden magic effect, and it dragged Rasma to fly towards the great demon Atorius at high speed.

In this way, he was planning to flash in the past to intercept Zong Shen himself and stopped.

"Forget it, it's the same for the Great Demon or for the Dark Orcs."

He clapped his hands and ignored Rasma.

According to Zong Shen's experience, even if he thinks with his toes, he knows what the big devil is going to do to take away Rasma.

Undoubtedly, it is an operation similar to sacrifice and blood sacrifice, and it uses Rasma as a nutrient.

In fact, the performance of the great demon Artorius surprised Zong Shen from beginning to end.

Its actual survivability has long exceeded a simple rank rating.

Even it has achieved a slight advantage in the head-on confrontation with Mogroga Heijin, knowing that their strengths are not equal.

Mogroga is in good condition, with plenty of physical strength, and there are more than 20,000 Heijin clan warriors under his command who can be mobilized, but on the other hand, the great demon Artorius is not only weaker, but also alone.

Even the monster summoned later has almost exhausted its mental power.

But it didn't mean to escape at all, and used various mysterious demon methods to deal with it.

During the period, the altar of the annihilation ceremony absorbed the remnants of the soul, and even nearly destroyed the domain barrier.

This also caused an emergency repair of the lord system.

Zong Shen remembers the defensive challenge [Supplement 7] once mentioned:

[After the challenge starts, it will not be interrupted or stopped due to any circumstances. There is only one result of failure and success. After the countdown is zero, the default is the end of the challenge. When entering the stop-time state, the frozen settlement is performed. As long as the countdown is zero, the stone pillar is not completely Destroyed and the lord has not yet completely died, the challenge is considered a success, and the disposal rights and arrangements of individual incidents during the period shall be subject to subsequent announcements]

The time stop just now obviously belongs to the disposal of the [individual event].

The behavior of the great demon Atorius almost ruined the challenge. This was indeed an oversight of the lord system, so it was expected that Zong Shen could be compensated.

One of those compensation options is to complete the challenge ahead of time, but the settlement will be discounted.

According to the urgency of the lord system, it will give such compensation, which means that the great demon Atorius will have a greater influence in the next challenge.

Including the mysterious ghost in the light that it has been looking forward to, it must have a great reputation.

It's just that there is a lord system to cover the bottom line, Zong Shen doesn't have to worry that this guy will easily pierce the sky.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen took advantage of the fact that there were more than half of the summoned warriors left and he was still entangled with Mogroga, and he chose to ask the strategy module to supplement the information and situation that he couldn't inquire in time.

"Please tell me the plan of the great demon Artorius."

"And the approximate strength of the ghost in the light of that connection."

He raised two questions one after another. Regarding what is happening in the same space, the strategy module is almost omniscient. As long as there is a lord system sitting here, it can grasp all relevant information.

This time was no exception. After Zong Shen asked the question, the strategy module in golden font quickly responded.

(The great demon Atorius used the altar of the annihilation ceremony as an introduction. After absorbing the remnants of the tens of thousands of black-ribbed clan warriors, he was able to play enough light to break through the barriers of the domain, and was later influenced by the mighty power of the lord system. , the light of reception did not break the barrier, but the avatar of the devil that Atorius received successfully descended

You must know that the blood-burning demons invaded the Endless Continent and dispatched hundreds of millions of demon legions.

Each legion corresponds to attacking a giant city. As the deputy head of the demon legion responsible for the expedition of the elf giant city Azshara, its status is not low in the dimension of the blood-burning demons.

Strictly speaking, however, Artorius' status among the great demons can only be regarded as lower middle.

Not to mention those ordinary little demons, there are also nobles and titles among the great demons.

Note that the title of the devil does not fully represent strength, but more of a symbol of identity and status.

It's just that the ranks and names are completely different from those of humans. If those ordinary demon races belong to commoners, then Artorius is only the fourth-class demon nobles.

From low to high, the blood-burning demon noble titles are Magic Foot/Magic Root/Devil Body/Devil Heart/Magic Hand/Devil Head/Devil Lord/Devil King. Artorius' title belongs to Devil Heart, and their titles are named according to the body. Named after the structure, the last Demon Lord and Demon King are even more honorable titles.

The head of the demon is the only demon king in the blood-burning demon dimension

And this time the great demon Artorius summoned the sixth-ranked demon, the abyss demon Magtheridon, who was also one of the outer domains in the demon dimension. Level 4, you can use physical strength to resist medium-level void storms

Its clone projection is also not to be underestimated, it has the starting strength of the legendary initial stage

These are not the main points. The most important point is that the projection of the abyss demon Magtheridon's clone also has a high growth rate. Its nickname is the gluttonous devil, which can increase its strength by absorbing souls.

You must know that in the defensive challenge, those dead dark orcs are able to extract their souls, you should understand this, so as a field where millions of dark orcs are about to die, it is enough for Magtheridon's clone projection to grow into a legend in one breath The strength of the high-level peak or even the first-level demigod

If the projection of Magtheridon's clone reaches the demigod level, then your territory will be easily smashed.

The lord system will never allow it to escape this realm, so in the end it is you who are unlucky

Atorius also seemed to realize that the situation in this field was special, so he chose to summon the avatar projection of the gluttonous devil.

What you have to do is to destroy the dark orcs before they die in large numbers, or find a good opportunity to kill these demons and dark orcs together with the Arcane Crystal Fragments of the beginning you have on hand

Don't let the clones of Artorius and Magtheridon escape, and you can't kill a large number of dark orcs before destroying Magtheridon's clone projection, otherwise those dead dark orcs will become gluttonous demons. The nourishment of the corpse, any corpse that has been absorbed by it, your bronze bottle cannot absorb the soul.

So, remember to find an opportunity to kill them immediately at the right time! )

Through the strategy module, Zong Shen instantly understood the real intention and motivation of the great demon Atorius.

Sure enough, its sinister intentions are beyond Zong Shen's imagination, and none of these ruthless great demons are easy to provoke!


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