The knight of the Black Water Army, who was originally riding on the back of the [Earth Fire Dire Wolf], fell to the ground before he was mentally prepared.

You must know that Solodo Chibone is an out-and-out legendary powerhouse.

It is also the clan head of the Scarlet Bone Clan, and its strength should not be underestimated.

To deal with such dark orc cavalry, killing their mounts first would be equivalent to cutting off their legs.

Most of the knight's mobility relies on the mount under the crotch, so it can wear heavy armor unscrupulously.

Solodo's arms swung, shaking off the lava coolers attached to the spear and trident.

These black matte rocks are the flesh and blood remains left by the [Earth Fire Dire Wolf] after elementalization.

Death didn't bring them back to flesh, and it didn't matter anyway.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

"The offal of the Black Water Army, are you ready to taste the mellowness of death?"

Solodo Redbone enjoyed the joy of killing, and it pressed step by step, walking towards the Knight of the Black Water Army who was on standby.

Wearing heavy armor with spikes on his elbows and shoulders, the knight of the Black Water Army couldn't help but take a half step back.

Its stature is larger than Solodo, and the hybrid bloodline gives it an advantage in size, which is also the result of Lick Fire Calrigger's careful selection.

The bloodline of the Behemoth beasts makes these [Earth Fire Dire Wolf Knights] quite strong.

But in the face of Solodo's pressure, it still couldn't bear it, and only relied on stepping back to ease the coming of fear.

This is just a corner of the tragic state of the entire Blackwater Army camp, and the massacre was staged in almost every corner of the camp.

Solodo Redbone let the [Earth Fire Dire Wolf Knight] who lost his mount tasted the fear before killing it, and then its legs were slightly bent, and it moved towards a blood-soaked man not far away. The sixth-order [Hybrid Orc Two-Sword Warrior] fought by the Bone Clan warriors jumped over.

The army of the Scarlet Bone Clan and the army of the Demon Blood Clan advanced from different directions of the Blackwater Army camp.

Now it has easily penetrated into the interior of the camp, and at the same time strangulated most of the defenders left by Lickfire Calrigg, who had wiped out more than half of them.

According to such a situation, it would take less than twenty minutes at most to eliminate all the Black Water Army.

Counting the time to prepare the camp and count the losses, it would take up to 40 to 50 minutes.

However, the movement in the west is not small. They all understand that it is Mogroga Black Ridge's territory, and they also speculate where Lihuo Calrigg has taken most of the Black Water Army.

Compared with Solodo Red Bone's style of play in order to satisfy his desire to kill, Heibuguer Demon Blood is more straightforward, it is purely killing for the sake of killing.

The double axe in his hand is like the scythe of the **** of death, frantically harvesting the lives of the Black Water Army soldiers.

There was no slack in the whole process, which also showed the huge difference between it and Solodo Red Bone in the fighting style. The powerful axe could cut off the body of the enemy every time.

The earth sank under its trampling, and Heibug became the vanguard of the army of the Demon Blood clan.

Seeing the brave and fearless leader of the clan leader, the warriors of the demon blood clan were also very excited.

This makes the army of the Demon Blood Clan almost unstoppable.

Although licking fire Calrigg only left an army of 30,000 people in the camp.

But these are the elites of the Black Water Army.

Most of them are composed of Tier 4 [Roaring Wolf Cavalry], Tier 5 [Dark Raptor Knight], Tier 6 [Earth Fire Dire Wolf Knight], and a smaller amount of Tier 5 [Dark Orc Swordsman], Tier 6 [Dark Raptor Knight] Mixed-blood orcs, two-sword warriors], and those fifth-order [black flame interception airships] floating in the sky.

In addition, there are only a few hundred fifth-order [Dark Kodo War Drum Knights] who are wandering around in the Black Water Army and beating the morale-boosting drums.

The rest are less than 300 Tier 6 [Mirror Shadow Demon Scouts], and they are all the [Mirror Shadow Shadow Demon Scouts] except for the scattered guards and following Lihuo Calrigg to the camp of the Black Tendon Clan.

Such a configuration of troops can be considered luxurious, but in the face of the combined forces of the Demon Blood Clan and the Scarlet Bone Clan totaling 200,000 people, it seems weak.

Not to mention that Black Bug Black Blood and Solodo Red Bone are still personally leading the team in the coalition.

One of them is a legendary high-level powerhouse, and the other is a legendary middle-level powerhouse. In the Blackwater Army camp where no legendary powerhouse sits, it is a ceiling-level combat power.

If it weren't for the defensive buildings in the Blackwater Army camp, I'm afraid the coalition would have entered it long ago.

In fact, the Black Water Army sacrificed thousands of Tier 4 [Roaring Wild Wolf Cavalry] as early as when the coalition forces first invaded.

The flesh and soul of those Tier 3 [Roaring Wild Wolf] and Tier 4 Black Water Knights were sacrificed to the legendary clan buildings in the camp.

In addition to the [Black Water War Jing (Wonder)] which is biased towards the auxiliary nature.

There are also two spectacle-level clan buildings in the camp, namely [Black Water Altar (Wonder)] and [Black Water Oblique Evil Sword Totem (Wonder)].

These two wonders have now also received a blood sacrifice, and the effect has been activated.

Among them, the best performance in the defensive battle is [Black Water Evil Sword Totem (Wonder)].

Its essence is the sword mound of the Black Water Army, and the entire building is almost filled with various swords.

The style and shape of each sword are different, and most of them are in the state of remnants.

When this strange totem filled with swordsmen was activated, the swordsmen made a metallic tremor beeping.

It seems that countless sharp blades have absorbed the essence of the soul of flesh and soul and recovered.

Afterwards, these swordsmen made a loud scabbard sound, and at least tens of thousands of swords flew out wrapped in black light. They flew all over the sky and attacked those intruders automatically, even if there were no swordsmen who handled these weapons, but their attacks were Still exquisite.

[Black Water Evil Sword Totem (Wonder)] The certain trouble caused to the coalition army is also one of the important factors hindering the advance of the army.

More than 20 minutes have passed since they arrived here and launched the attack. If not for the obstruction of the clan building, they would have advanced to the current progress ten minutes ago.

In addition to the [Black Water Evil Sword Totem (Wonder)], which sends out tens of thousands of swords to automatically attack the enemy.

Another spectacle-level building also played a role.

That is the [Black Water Altar (Wonder)], after passing the blood sacrifice.

The altar summoned 500 Blackwater Demon Guards whose strength was equivalent to Tier 6. These Guards could only exist for half an hour, but their strength was stronger than that of ordinary Tier 6 Blackwater soldiers.

Having sacrificed two or three thousand fourth-tier [Roaring Wolf Cavalry] in exchange for five hundred sixth-tier [Blackwater Demon Guards], this deal is still a good deal.

The clan buildings that can play a role in defensive warfare in the Blackwater Army Camp are not only the two wonder-level buildings, but also many epic-level buildings have been activated.

These buildings either create shields with a certain solid value, or buff the defenders, or launch attacks to defend against the enemy.

If it wasn't for the existence of camp buildings, the remaining 20,000 or 30,000 Black Water Army soldiers would not be able to defend for ten minutes, let alone forty or fifty minutes.

Now the ground is full of downed remnants, and the fifth-order [Dark Goblin Intercept] airships in the sky were besieged by the Demon Blood Clan and the Scarlet Bone Clan's air cavalry, and they fell in black smoke.

They threw magic bombs one by one in groups, and at the same time used the magic firearms on the cabin to shoot the air cavalry, the ground was burning with gunpowder, and the army of the Demon Blood Clan and the Red Bone Clan were under such circumstances. advance.

It is expected that there will be 20 to 30 minutes to completely occupy this place, and the total attack time will not exceed 50 minutes.

During the period, the Blackwater defenders also released those damned [Blackwater Messengers (Purple)], but they were all intercepted by the coalition forces. You must know that the current Blackwater Army camp is full of coalition forces in all directions.

The shamans of the two clans joined forces to set up a large barrier of the thousand-person level, blocking the entire Blackwater Army camp.

Under such circumstances, those [Blackwater Messengers (Purple)] couldn't fly out at all.

The Black Water Army has no shamans, and their communication methods are pitiful.

Lickfire Calrigg, who was busy dealing with Mogroga Blackstripe, had no idea that his camp was in danger.

During the attack, the two major clans also lost thousands of people. This loss is not worth mentioning after considering the proportion of the number of attackers.

In addition to leading the onslaught of the warriors of their respective clans, Black Bug Demon Blood and Solodo Red Bone would also take a break to stop their progress and peek at the situation in the west of the realm.

They all noticed the matter of the Heijin clan, and the two sides almost hit it off and decided to wait until the Blackwater Army camp was settled for a little while before heading to the Heijin clan camp to see if there were any leaks.

Count the remaining twenty or thirty minutes of the attack, plus the travel time.

It would take an hour and a half for the army of the Demon Blood Clan and the Scarlet Bone Clan to reach the Black Tendon Clan camp at the earliest.

This time cannot be saved, after all, it involves the deployment of nearly 200,000 troops.

The advantage of a large army is self-evident.

Today's Mogroga Heijin suffers because his army is trapped in the [Blackwater Dead Zone].

Otherwise, it will definitely be the one with the upper hand, and will not be played around like now.

In fact, Solodo Chibone regretted sending the messenger before.

It had tried to contact Mogroga before the trigger, so it sent the messenger. At that time, it did not know that the Black Tendon Clan was the first target of the Black Water Army.

By the time it found out, the messengers had already arrived,

As soon as they plunged into the shrouded area of ​​the [Black Soul Mist], they saw the chaos like hell.

So they immediately left the camp of the Black Tendon Clan, but not long after they left, a large purple meat ball fell from the sky, stretched out countless tentacles, and instantly wiped out the pair of Scarlet Bone Clan air cavalry.

Together with the sixth-order [Scarlet Bone Orc Shaman of Cruel Heart] who was in charge of the communication, they were all **** with tentacles and sucked dry.

That's right, this group of purple meat **** is the [Fel Body (Legendary)] that wandered around and waited for the opportunity to scavenge the wool of the dark orcs. After it was scared away by the demon blood and the Red Bone Allied Army, it ran near the Heijin clan.

Here it felt violent energy fluctuations.

The current [Evil Energy Body] is very cautious, its wisdom is not low, and it can seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

There are many existences in this world that can threaten and destroy it, so it has to carefully look for opportunities to devour those dark beings, convert them into its own fel energy, and then look for opportunities to take advantage.

It is both a hunter and a prey, and the switch of roles depends on how cautious it is.

After swallowing the messengers of the Scarlet Bone Clan, it bounced around the periphery of the Black Ribbon Clan's camp, thinking about how to act.

The internal fluctuations are very violent, and even the [Black Soul Mist] cannot completely cover it up.

Taking this opportunity, the [Fel Energy Body] in the state of the big meat ball sensed that there were several tyrannical existences inside.

This made it hesitant and lingering, deciding to wait a little longer while looking for a breach from the Black Ribbon's periphery that would allow it to invade.

In Zong Shen's territory, this was supposed to be the cusp in the field of defensive challenges.

But now Zongshen's territory is the most peaceful place in the entire field.

When he stirred the situation with his own power, he was exchanging his own peace for the peace of the territory.

The battles in the defense challenge field are everywhere, and all the dark orcs are fighting within each other.

Every battle seems to be related to Zong Shen, but in fact it has nothing to do with him.

He is like the eye of the storm. After the storm is set off, the rest is the result of natural development.

Mariel and Howie are still sitting in the command room to observe the situation in all parts of the territory through the [Eye of True Sight] on the sentry tower, and at the same time rectify the deficiencies of each defense zone.

Vereesa had left the command room. She asked Rhys Ulysses to take her to patrol the borders of the territory. She was a person who couldn't sit still.

In the [Mechanical Workshop], Iron Hand Barenke has led dozens of apprentices to complete more than 90% of the renovation work with the help of hundreds of farmer labor.

Those [small bombs] that were dismantled separately were transformed into two specifications by it.

One is to throw and detonate, and the other is to bundle and connect in parallel to form 6/9/12 cluster bombs.

In addition, the anti-aircraft gun racks made by the [Blacksmith] are all ready.

The specifications of single-barrel, double-unit, and triple-unit are respectively, and one to three [airborne magic anti-aircraft guns] can be installed respectively, and the remaining ammunition is also fully loaded.

Iron Hand Barrenk is looking forward to his lord being able to capture some more spoils.

It has taken the time to disassemble the complete [Eternal Night IV Aircraft] and draw a schematic structural diagram.

At the same time, some of the more interesting components are also studied.

With his skills as a senior goblin mechanic, Tiezi has a high degree of confidence that he will be able to reproduce a similar magical flying machine in the Endless Continent.

It's just that there is no item blueprint in a solidified state, so Zong Shen can't enjoy the bonus of the lord's privilege blueprint construction.

But copying a few prototypes is still completely fine.

The entire territory is unbelievably calm, even more peaceful than before the challenge!

"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone's face has no superfluous expressions, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

to this.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression of Demons, which is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin.

It can be said.

In the Demon Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but over time he got used to it.

The town magic department is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppression Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian envoy and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

Then he was promoted step by step, and finally he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn't take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the **** Suppression Demon Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

Circumstances have changed in vain.

A burst of ink fragrance mixed with a faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but it quickly relaxed.

There is almost no way to clean the **** smell on everyone in the Zhen Mosi.

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