Chapter 881 Catch and Fight II 【Subscription】

"Black Water Profound Truth: Ban Blocking and Strangling Tooth!"

After careful consideration, Lihuo Calrigger resolutely displayed the Profound Truth of Black Water, and in an instant, two huge sword lights appeared.

Then the two sword beams flew towards the position of Artorius, and became larger inch by inch.

Wherever the sword light went, the space was split, resulting in dense black-gray fine lines.

The power of these two knives is amazing enough, and they have the powerful effect of space cutting.

At this moment, Lihuo Calrigger showed his true strength as a Blackwater Juggernaut!

Before this, it did not show its true strength when fighting against Mogroga Heijin. First, it was to delay time as much as possible, and secondly, it did not intend to fight with Mogroga.

In fact, the same is true for Mogroga, and the two sides have maintained a certain degree of tacit understanding.

But in the face of the two great demons, Artorius and Magtheridon's clones, they unanimously chose to strike hard.

It is also the true attitude of the dark orcs towards infighting and outfighting.

The ferocity of these Draenor orcs infested by dark forces is actually not much worse than that of the Great Demon.

Zong Shen can see a glimpse of the dark orc dimension against the blood-burning demon dimension from the situation where Lihuo Calrig and Mogroga Heijin dealt with the clones of Artorius and Magtheridon.

It is a pity that he is not a lord system and cannot dominate and regulate the confrontation at the dimensional world level. Otherwise, he may try to fight the dark orcs and demons to see which race is the most aggressive.

Blackwater Profound Truth: Forbidden and Strangled Tooth, the blade light turned into almost smashed most of the space around the great demon Artorius in the process of approaching, making the space in the vicinity in a state of instability.

As we all know, space movement skills and spells have stricter requirements for the surrounding space conditions.

The space in the area must be stable, and there must be no strong elemental magic interference in order to stably activate space movement effects and spells.

But now, with the surrounding space being crushed inch by inch, Artorius' secret technique of space movement also failed.

"It's really surprising that a clumsy orc can even display such a profound swordsmanship. These two swords can already touch the laws of space."

"The orcs are indeed inferior, but the orcs nurtured by the power of darkness are indeed not simple!"

The great demon Atorius exclaimed from the bottom of his heart, and the common demonic language of "creeping" blurted out, as if a large group of monks were singing.

After absorbing the remnant soul, it was not only Artorius' body that changed, but also his voice.

Originally, Artorius' voice was hoarse and obscure, like a door shaft that had not been taken care of for decades, but now it has become much more pleasing to the ear, as if the dry throat has been moistened by the rain, not only Loud and full of air.

Looking at the two approaching sword lights, it solemnly raised its strong arm covered with demon scales once again.

"Devil Codex Tier VII Defense Secret Art - Wall of Destruction!"

After the spiritual power reserve was greatly restored, the great demon Artorius also became calm again.

Just this stable and mountain-like mentality is much stronger than Magtheridon's clone.

With the outpouring of spiritual power, the secret magic of the high-level demon code it issued was completed almost instantly.

A huge pitch-black barrier appeared in front of it out of thin air, blocking the only way to pass the [Black Water Profound Truth: Forbidden and Strangling Teeth] issued by Lihuo Calrigger.

This barrier looks very deep, and even the light projected from the sky will be deeply immersed in it.

It is like a barrier made of black holes, and the deep feeling that can swallow everything is exactly the same as the legendary black hole in the universe.

It's just that this "black hole wall" doesn't actively attract the surrounding matter, it just stands silently in place to build a solid barrier, which looks quite strange.

Looking at the great demon Atorius and the black hole-like barrier, Zong Shen was a little surprised. He seemed very interested. In many cases, watching the game quietly can also bring a lot of gains.

It is worth looking forward to who can have the last laugh in the battle between legendary blood-burning demons and dark orcs of the same rank.

The moment after the "Black Hole Wall" was constructed, the two huge sword beams crossed.

The space along the way has been completely shredded, like a cut flower cloth.

Logically, after the space is broken, it will reveal the color of the void, usually dark gray or lavender.

But this is the exclusive domain of defensive challenges. After the extra blessing of the lord system, after the surface space is smashed, there is still no naked void, but a light blue light film.

But it didn't matter, whether it was Lick Fire Calrig or the great demon Artorius, they were aware of the difficulty of the world they were in.

The real purpose of Lick Fire Calrig's two knives was not to kill Artorius, but to make space in an unstable state and obstruct the big devil's intention to use the space secret technique to escape.

In this regard, it appears to have achieved its goal.

The great demon Atorius gave up escaping and chose to use a new secret technique to block it, which gave the Blackwater Sword Saint a chance to get closer.

Therefore, Lick Fire Calrigger didn't care about the results of those two swordsmen.

Even the great demon Atorius is the same. He is very confident in his own defensive secrets, so his attention is not on the oncoming sword, but the corner of his mouth is staring at the licking fire with a smirk. Carl Rigg.

The pair of demon eyes was covered with a faint black glow, and the inexplicable attraction was always firmly locked on Lihuo Karrig's body.

As both parties to the war, they can indeed ignore the two sword lights, but for Zong Shen, a spectator, the collision between the sword lights and the "black hole wall" is quite shocking.

When the two sword lights that could even cut through space collided with the deep "black hole wall", he could clearly feel that the entire field suddenly stopped.

The time of stillness was short, perhaps only measured in microseconds, but it was very conspicuous in his perception.

Afterwards, the sword light of [Black Water Profound Truth, Forbidden and Strangled Tooth] directly smashed into the barrier built by [Devil's Codex Tier VII Defense Secret Technique, Wall of Destruction].

The power of annihilation and the sword Zen that can crush everything are entangled with each other.

The swept air spreads into shock waves that are visible to the naked eye.

In the end, [Black Water Profound Truth: Forbidden and Strangled Tooth] was slightly inferior. It gradually disappeared under the annihilation of the "black hole wall", and only the surrounding broken space was gradually recovering, becoming the only thing left by the two swords. trace.

After bearing the sword light of [Black Water Profound Truth, Forbidden and Strangled Tooth], [Devil's Codex Rank VII Defense Secret Art, Wall of Destruction] also became a lot weaker, which shows that the "Black Hole Wall" has also been greatly affected. Amplitude loss.

At this time, the Blackwater Sword Saint Lick Fire Calrig was also closer to the great demon Artorius.

As a Juggernaut, it is particularly good at raid-style melee combat, and it may not be easy to dominate when dealing with the big Mogroga Black Ridge, but when dealing with demon warlocks, its close range is deadly.

Lighuo Calrigg, who holds the double knives of "Yaqi" and "Blood Cut", appears and disappears from time to time. After each appearance, he will advance a distance of 20 to 30 meters. With the shadows flashing out, it looks like It seems like a black shadow is maintaining a high speed, constantly flickering and moving forward.

In the face of Lick Fire Calrig, who was quickly approaching him, Artorius remained calm.

As long as it has enough mental power, it can calmly deal with any crisis.

As a vice-commander-level demon warlock, it is no exaggeration to say that it is the best among demon spellcasters, and with the blessing of the [Demon Codex], it can instantly cast most high-level demon secret arts!

Zong Shen has seen it cast spells again, and there is a demon's power condensed in the space.

Right now, the situation in the camp of the Black Tendon Clan has become clear again.

The more than 200,000 troops of the Black Water Army and the Black Tendon Clan are still entangled in the [Black Water Dead Zone].

The remaining 10,000-odd Heijin clan troops below reluctantly completed their assembly, and they were attacking Magtheridon's clone, assisting the clan chief to kill this **** demon.

Mogroga Heijin and Magtheridon's clones are both open and close. The battle between the two sides is quite fierce. The thunder-like "clanging" collision sound and the sight of the earth cracking are proof. the strength of both sides.

Despite the huge difference in body size between Mogroga and Magtheridon, the power pair has the upper hand. 】 Vigorously split out.

Magtheridon's clone parried with the short blade on his wrist and the machete, but still retreated again and again, and every strike of the swordsmen sent a shock wave.

If no other means are used, only from the level of hand-to-hand combat, the final winner is likely to be Mogroga.

On the other hand, Lickfire Calrig also fought against the great demon Artorius.

To be precise, Artorius used a new secret technique to restrain Lick Fire Calrig.

Naturally, the Demon Warlock would not foolishly go into close combat with the Juggernaut.

All in all, a brief stalemate of king to king and **** to **** was formed below.

Both sides are legendary powerhouses, and neither of them has the strength to crush them head-on. It is always necessary to entangle and fight to win with a slight advantage.

Just when the two sides on the scene were facing Maimang, a large purple meat ball quietly approached cautiously from the other side of the black tendon clan camp.

With the help of the [Black Water Dead Zone] block, it lurked around the camp very smoothly.

This is the fel body that has been fighting the autumn wind everywhere after the defensive challenge, waiting for an opportunity to absorb the life energy of the dark orcs. It is also the "leftover problem" after Zong Shen defeated the goblin tribe last time.

As a monster transformed from the Eye of Cthulhu with the curse and outland fel energy, this guy has a lot of wisdom and devouring instinct.

It has no accompanying army, only a "ball" alone, which makes it quite cautious.

Strictly speaking it is the real weak side of this defensive challenge.

Because it sensed strong energy fluctuations, it came here, trying to find opportunities to find leaks.

Opportunities are always accompanied by risks, and the fel body does not dare to be too presumptuous. After all, there are several powerhouses of the legendary level here, and it is not so easy to escape if they really encounter them.

In contrast, it still prefers to bully the weak, wandering on the edge of the Black Tendon Clan's camp, trying to find a single Black Tendon Clan warrior to kill and devour to grow itself.

After careful snooping and sensing, it chose to approach from the side covered by the [Black Water Dead Zone].

Because on the other side is the battlefield of the great demon Artorius, the clone of Magtheridon, and the commander of the dark orcs, the Blackwater Sword Saint Lick Fire Calrigg, and the leader of the Black Rind Clan, Mogroga Black Ridge.

When the two sides were fighting to death, it had quietly approached the side of the [Black Water Dead Zone].

With the strength of its current low-ranking legend, it is not difficult to break the [Black Water Dead Zone].

But this guy was too cautious, worried that once he touched the [Black Water Dead Zone], he would attract the attention of the dark orc powerhouse, so he chose to continue to wait and see.

The strange purple evil energy emits a dull light. It possesses superb means of concealment and does not reveal the slightest breath. Even the light of the evil energy when it is concealed is completely covered up by the vision caused by the [Black Water Dead Domain].

At least the big demons and dark orcs on the scene did not find it in a dormant state.

Except for our Zong...

He is using the strategy module to lock in all aspects of the situation at all times, and the various markers that appear in front of his field of vision are constantly refreshed almost like a dynamic panel.

Zong Shen marked the commander of the four dark orc camps, the fel body, the great demon, and his own territory. UU Reading

He even allocated part of his energy to let the Raiders module display a line of information representing the remaining number of troops stationed in the Blackwater Barracks, so as to judge whether the coalition forces led by Heibug Demon Blood and Solodo Red Bone had broken through the Blackwater. Barracks, it's about his next plan and the rhythm of the defensive challenge in the second half.

Maybe if it goes well, this challenge can be completed ahead of schedule.

After all, the situation is still under Zong Shen's control. The dark orcs are in line with Zong Shen's expectations whether they are fighting internally or fighting the big devil. In this defensive challenge, his biggest enemy is the dark orc forces. What it does is consume, consume, and consume the dark orcs!

Therefore, under his strict and strong observation, the small movements of the fel body naturally cannot escape his eyes.

"What is that guy trying to do?"

In this case, there is no need for him to reason in person, and it will save time and effort to directly ask the strategy module.

As he raised his own questions in his mind, the strategy module quickly responded.

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