Chapter 886 Gain turned on 【Subscription】

In the information determination of the strategy module, the fel body belongs to the monster, so no detailed basic attribute description is given, which also proves the difference between it and the great demon and the dark orc commander.

After Zong Shen saw the attributes of the fel body, he basically knew it.

The strength of this 【Evil Energy Devourer·Old Wounded】 is not so powerful.

At least there is still a gap compared with the great demon Atorius, Magtheridon's clone, Blackwater Sword Saint Liehuo Karrig, and the leader of the Black Rind Clan, Mogroga Black Ridge.

Its biggest standout feature is not those weird-looking attacks, but its growth potential.

If Zong Shen continues to let it play the autumn wind in this field, I am afraid that this thing will eventually grow to a terrifying level. After all, its passive skill describes the swallowing ability, called [Infinite swallowing], this ability alone is enough Prove its potential.

Moreover, the devouring of the old wounded belongs to the flesh and the soul. It is not a picky eater, nor does it only absorb remnants like the soul eater Magtheridon, so its growth rate is theoretically higher than that of Magtheridon. Even stronger.

It's just that due to the special nature of this challenge, [Fel Devourer, Wounded of the Past] cannot directly break into the camps of those dark orcs to start killing, and can only wait for the opportunity to attack those dark orcs who are left alone.

In fact, the most suitable place for it to hunt and devour is Zongshen's territory.

However, the defense there is more formidable, and the shield unfolded by the [Pillar of Red Gold Barrier] protects it in all aspects. The defense of the magic shield has no dead ends. If you want to break into it, you must break the shield.

In addition, only rare and high-level abilities such as [Energy Assimilation] or [Magic Mimicry] can use non-attack means to enter the shield.

Under the circumstance of being limited in all directions, [Fel Devourer, Wounded of the Past] can only take the form of wandering and fighting the autumn wind, killing the lonely dark orcs while strengthening the swallowing.

Always worry about being exposed and being hunted down by legendary dark orc commanders.

After all, its current attributes and combat power are actually lower than those of the dark orcs of the same level.

Originally, this guy came to the camp of the Black Tendon Clan, and was also looking for an opportunity to devour and strengthen, but he was frightened by the scene of two pairs on the battlefield fighting each other, and then he noticed the [Black Water Dead Zone] here.

Don't look at [Blackwater Dead Zone] is the effect created by the special wonder-level buildings in the Blackwater army camp, but it can only block and block those dark orc warriors of non-legendary level.

Unable to stop the prying and sensing of [Fel Devourer, Old Wounded].

The inner [Black Water Dead Zone] half-plane is strong enough to resist attacks below the seventh rank.

Moreover, as a demi-plane created by a separate launch, even if the Blackwater Army camp falls, the destruction of the [Blackwater War Jing] will not affect the [Blackwater Dead Zone] continuing to take effect here until the end of the period.

If you want to open the [Black Water Dead Domain] in advance, only Zong Shen or Lihuo Calrigg who hold the flag letter have the privilege, and you can only break it by force.

It takes a seventh-order attack skill or a legendary powerhouse to break it.

Therefore, when [Fel Devourer: The Pain of the Past] discovered that there were more than 300,000 dark orc warriors imprisoned in this strange half-plane, it admitted that it was indeed moved.

For such a phagocytosis, whether it is a dark orc or a human, it is the nourishment and food that it devours and strengthens itself.

"Very good, before this guy has accumulated enough strength and has not fully grown up, it is a good opportunity to eliminate him!"

"Then now it's my turn to play!"

Zong Shen stared at the location of the fel body from a distance of several hundred meters.

Speaking of which, the guy is really calm, and he hasn't even reacted at this point.

Just when he checked the opponent's attributes just now, Zong Shen was also fully prepared, drawing up a full set of attack plans, using the items at hand and his own attacks to find a way to kill them in a short time.

But now the position of the [Fel Devourer·Old Wounded] is too close to the [Black Water Dead Zone], he was worried that the aftermath of the fight between the two sides would destroy the [Black Water Dead Zone], so he decided to activate it first Long-range attack, provoke and lure it, and let this old gou leave his position.

Thinking of this, he flicked his wrist and took out a giant throwing spear with a thick arm.

This throwing spear is pitch-black and nearly three meters in length. The surface is covered with magical runes. The tip of the spear is even more flickering with a black glow, exuding an unfortunate aura of calamity. There are also striking fracture marks below.

"Death Throwing Spear!"

Zong Shen grabbed the amazingly sized war spear with one hand and roared loudly without hesitation.

The giant war spear in his hand shone with black awns, like a shadow-covered black meteor flying towards the fel body, looking extremely powerful.

And the reason why he yelled was not to increase his aura, but just to attract the attention of [Fel Devouring Body·Old Wounded].

The giant spear he threw is the [Broken Calamity Spear (Orange)] that was captured from the overlord-level [Arachnid Lord Leopold] when he was clearing out the spider web monsters in the mine cave.

The size of this spear is amazing. It comes from the weapon of the calamity troll chieftain in the last era. Even if it is broken, it can still reach the orange legendary level. The attributes are quite satisfactory. It is also a legendary weapon obtained by Zong Shen in the early days. One, just because the size of this spear is not suitable for human grasping and use, so it has been left idle in the portable storage compartment for a long time for backup, which is regarded as "cold bench" equipment.

In this way, it was just used to attract the attention of [Fel Devourer, Old Wounded].

The active skill [Death Throwing Spear] attached to the spear can just strengthen its throwing damage.

The maximum range of [Death Throwing Spear] is 200 meters, and Zong Shen just got stuck at a distance of 200 meters in the second flash. After the spear hits, it can cause 2.0 times the piercing damage and 35% damage effect.

When Zong Shen was dealing with the [Arachnid Lord Leopold], he was thrown through the abdomen by a spear.

Subsequent intensive treatment was followed by a gradual recovery.

After throwing the spear, Zong Shen did not take out his weapon, but pulled aside the movable visor in front of the [Limo Face Helmet (Red)], revealing his face, and then found a bottle from the storage compartment wine.

He watched helplessly as [Broken Calamity Spear (Orange)] approached the dormant [Fel Devourer·Old Wounded] under the effect of [Death Throwing Spear], only waiting for that guy to dodge or get hit Immediately use [Wandering Walk] to approach it.

Seeing the war spear flying towards him, the fel body no longer hibernated with luck.

At this moment, it was finally able to determine that this weird human being jumping around was just here for itself.


I saw that its fleshy purple body appeared, jumped violently like a giant bouncing ball, and jumped directly to the height of 100 meters, and then it consciously fell towards the place where Zong Shen was.

As the fel body took the initiative to reveal its figure and jumped away from the place, the war spear fell into the air, stuck on the ground, and penetrated the rammed earth, almost without a handle.

Zong Shen looked at the evil energy body that fell towards him in the sky, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

I activated [Power Amplification LV10] and [Power Magic Possession LV35], and the gain effect took effect instantly.

And at this time, the purple meat bullet transformed by the huge [Evil Energy Devourer, the Pain of the Past] was piercing towards him with a thunderous force, and the speed was extremely fast and even pulled out the afterimage. Knowing that this thing is absolutely no less than a meteorite after it hits the ground.

This is the power and effect that it only has when it launches [Meat Bullet].

I saw that Zong Shen did not panic in the face of such an oppressive offensive.

When the huge meat bomb was approaching and the ground was swept by the strong wind, he calmly launched the [Wandering Walk], and reappeared 200 meters away, further away from the area where the [Black Water Dead Zone] was located.

When he appeared 200 meters away, the [Fel Devouring Body: The Pain of the Past] smashed down where he used to stand in the form of [Meat Bullet].

Under the impact of the fel body, the soil layer on the ground sank directly like a soft sponge, and at the same time, invisible shock waves spread out visibly to the naked eye.


The earth made a muffled sound, and the shock wave spread hundreds of meters away, one side was finally blocked by the [Black Water Dead Zone], and the other side brushed Zong Shen.

The movement here is not too big, but the battlefield in the distance is still far from the same.

Standing here, Zong Shen and the others could hear the continuous sound of thunder coming from the scene of the duel between the great demon and the dark orcs in the distance.

After landing, the fel body slowed down for a while.

Taking this opportunity, Zong Shen boldly used his teeth to open the cork of the bottle of red wine in his hand, and poured a small half bottle of wine into his mouth. Take back the storage compartment.

He is the rare red wine [Tuscan premium wine (purple)] that was opened from the treasure chest before.

The gain effect of this thing is extremely strong, and it is considered to be one of the middle-level and higher-level alcohol.

You must know that he has also prescribed a lot of drinks so far, most of which are excellent and excellent. In fact, there are not many rare drinks in his hands.

The buffs of drinks are all percentage buffs, even in the late game.

There are indeed many lords who use alcohol as a powerful potion.

Of course, not all buffs given by drinks are positive gains, and there are also certain negative effects.

It's just that its negative effects are nothing compared to its positive gains.

As a rare drink, the effect of [Premium Tuscan Wine (Purple)] is very powerful, it can give Zong Shen [Damage +45%], [Attack Speed ​​+15%], [Max HP +500] Positive buffs, and negative effects of [movement speed -25%, ranged lock hit rate reduced by 30%].

The damage is directly increased by 45%, which is huge for Zong Shen.

As for the debuffs of movement speed and long-range hit, it doesn't matter, and he doesn't plan to use long-range means to defeat [Fel Devourer·Old Wounded].

After a series of states and enhancements, Zong Shen's body and attributes have also undergone great changes.

The first is that [Strength Amplification] increases the basic [Strength] attribute by 20%.

It made Zong Shen's [Strength] attribute from 283 to 340 points, an increase of 57 points, and at the same time increased his health value by 285 points, so that his [health value] also became [2372+5000 (Kajia medical gem)] ].

At the same time, the damage ratio increased by [Strength] has also reached 340%.

After the [Strength Amplification] is completed, the gains and enhancements brought by [Power Magic Possession] will follow.

The [Strength] attribute is directly increased by 2.0 times, from 340 points to 680 points, and the increase ratio is doubled.

[Health] was first increased by 1700 due to the attribute of [Strength], and then affected by the 2.0 times of the [Power Magic Possession] status gain, and finally became [8144+5000 (Kaga Medical Gem)], more than 10,000 points The health value is comparable to those of the overlord-level to epic-level monsters.

Of course, compared with those legendary powerhouses who often have hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of HP, the gap between this level of HP is still quite obvious, but it is more than enough for Zong Shen.

[Power Demon Possession] not only improved his strength attributes, but also made his body stronger and taller, and his height was raised to more than two meters. The armor and equipment on his body were not low due to their high rank. There is an adaptive situation, and it expands with the change of Zong Shen's body shape.

Affected by [Power Magic Possession], his movement speed is reduced by 20%, and his magic resistance is also reduced by 30 points.

The current [Strength] attribute of Zong Shen is basically similar to that of the epic mercenary [Half-Armored Giant Gurta LV63], although it is similar to Magtheridon's clone and the chief of the Heijin clan, Mogroga Heijin. The legendary powerhouse who produced miracles is incomparable, but it is enough for him to deal with the [Fel Devouring Body·Old Wounded] in front of him. UU Reading

After drinking, his damage attribute judgment has been significantly improved.

Now Zong Shen's damage determination formula is as follows:

[Slashing damage: 1.0 (basic gain) + 6.8 (strength attribute) + 1.2 (strong attack effect) + 0.155 (weapon proficiency) + 0.45 (Atocana premium wine) = 9.605]

In other words, if he uses any slashing weapon to attack, the final damage judgment is (weapon damage) × (damage formula judgment), and 100 points of slashing damage can eventually become 960 points after a series of blessings. The above slash damage.

After this wave of states is turned on, his changes and gains are quite obvious.

At the same time, his movement speed has also been double debuffed, reducing the cumulative movement speed by 45%, the ranged lock hit rate by 30%, and the magic resistance by 30 points.

This made his walking speed significantly slower, which actually had an impact on his subsequent dodging and attacking.

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