Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 900: : Status fully open, Demon Fusion

Every attack left a terrifying wound on Artorius' body, taking away one or two thousand health points.

The blood of the devil was spilled, and the dead skin and flesh were also cut open, which looked full of carvings.

Under such circumstances, Artorius' health quickly dropped below 50,000!

But it still didn't care, just persistently walked in the direction of Magtheridon's clone.

The distance of three or four hundred meters is not too far for its huge body, it only takes more than ten steps to get close, but now it will be attacked at every step.

Perhaps to evaluate the remaining vitality, Artorius would occasionally wield his spear to counterattack, trying to block some attacks and reduce his own health loss.

This scene seems to have such a tragic feeling, what is it that makes Artorius so persistent to approach Magtheridon's clone?

Originally, when it had a disagreement with Magtheridon's clone, Atorius immediately fled away.

But as it fought Lickfire Calrig and gradually fell behind, Artorius was approaching Magtheridon's clone.

Obviously, it seems to see some hope of reversing the situation in the Magtheridon clone!

As Artorius's health continued to decrease, a dark green sacrificial fire burst out from his body.

Passive skill [Magic Boiling] triggered!

Great demons all have the ability to suddenly strengthen after their health is reduced to a certain limit.

Magtheridon's clone has [Abyss of Wrath], and Artorius also has [Magic Boil].

Affected by the effect of [Magic Boiling], Artorius' all attributes have also increased by 30%, and the upper limit of HP has only increased by 50,000 points, but it is enough to avoid being quickly killed.

It also has 25% less sanity, pain immunity, and the same health regeneration effect.

At this moment, the top of its head is constantly flashing green values.




Although the effect alone, [Abyss of Wrath] seems to be stronger than [Magic Boiling], but for Atorius, it is enough to let it temporarily resolve the danger of life.

But the real crisis has still not been lifted.

Even if all attributes are increased by 30%, it is difficult to achieve a comprehensive advantage over the dark orc commander.

In particular, Magtheridon's clone can't condense blood-burning weapons, which reduces Artorius' bargaining chip, so it has changed its strategy.

However, the fortunate thing is that the effects of [Abyss of Wrath] and [Magic Boiling] can last for a long time, and there are only two indicators for the removal of these two status effects, that is, the avatars of Atorius and Magtheridon. Health recovers to above 80% or lasts for 30 minutes.

After the state was activated, both Atorius and Magtheridon's clones got a chance to breathe.

The powerful attributes allow Artorius to parry the attacks of the three clones more calmly. Judging from the current situation, it seems to be a foregone conclusion that it can finally approach the clone of Magtheridon!

At this time, Mogroga Heijin finally completely escaped the control of [Destruction, Devouring Demons], and its health value was reduced to 50% under the consumption of [Scarlet Weasel] and the limit one-for-one. Down.

Because of this, it also triggered the bloodline buff [Blood Rage] belonging to the dark orcs. I saw that its already strong and knotted muscles swelled up again, and an angry roar came out of its mouth, and the fangs on its lower jaw made it shape. Like a ferocious beast, the whole body is full of beauty of strength and a sense of savage killing.

Its skin was covered with a fierce red light.

This made it look like it was in a reddish mist, giving it a **** feel.

The [Blood Rage] state can increase his strength attribute by a multiple of 1.2, which is quite a considerable increase in terms of its strength base.

As a result, its power has changed from 1573 to 1887, and its health has been increased by more than 1,000 points accordingly.

In addition, its speed has been increased by 15%, and it has become more agile and flexible when moving.

On its body, breaking the inherent cognition of power represents dullness, at least its mobility is by no means weaker than that of ordinary legendary powerhouses.

This is nothing, the [Blood Rage] state is just a bonus, Mogroga Heijin in the [Extreme Rage] state is more rational than usual.

The so-called extreme anger is just like this,

Anger to the extreme is absolute calm.

Calmness gave Mogroga a more rational way of thinking and acting.

Although it did not expect the effect of [Destruction, Devouring Demons] to be so strong, it seems to have been waiting for [Blood Rage] to trigger.

For Mogroga Heijin, this can only be regarded as the first buff effect, and its strengthening of itself is far more than that!

Mogroga raised his neck again and roared.

Its size began to skyrocket, from the original seven meters tall to fourteen meters, the change was quite obvious, and the figure doubled directly!

That's right, when it was activated in the [Blood Rage] state, it activated the active gain ability it had never used - [Activate Ancestral Bloodline]!

This is a hole card left by Mogroga Heijin for himself, and it is also a powerful buff.

After it is stacked with [Blood Rage], the corresponding effect will become more powerful!

It's not just Mogroga's body that has grown bigger, its strength has also increased by a factor of 1.5.

The strength attribute has changed again, from 1887 to 2830 points!

With nearly 3,000 strength attributes, this is like a monster for Zong, who also admires strength!

Zong Shen was able to dynamically see their attribute changes, so he was very shocked!

Such an increase is far from comparable to the 30% gain of all attributes of the great demon Atorius and Magtheridon's clones, and it also makes Zong someone yearn for his own attributes in the future.

He also has to fight a lot to let the [Power Extraction] skill work more. Over time, he will definitely be able to get more power gains from it!

The changes in Mogroga below are far more than that.

Its strength is increased by 1.5 times, and the remaining basic attributes such as agility, wisdom, charm, etc. have been increased by 2.0 times.

This makes it obvious that the property list changes.

[Power: 1887→2830]

[Agility: 492→984]

【Wisdom: 279→558】

【Charm: 50→100】


Of course, compared to its dominant attribute strength, the increase in several other basic attributes is not obvious.

The improvement of its strength is not as direct as the strength attribute, but it is better than nothing.

In addition to the overall improvement in attributes, [Activate Ancestral Bloodline] also increased Mogroga Heijin's maximum health by 100,000 points, his basic armor value has become 400 points, and his basic magic resistance value has also become 385 points. .

Including the basic slashing damage has been improved, from [2197~2200] to [2997~3000], and counting the damage ratio of the power increase, the actual damage of this wave of Mogroga has more than doubled. .

Reverse, reverse, reverse!

Mogroga Heijin turned his head to look at Lihuo Karrig, who had turned into three avatars. The expression on his face was very complicated. Through the superimposed gain of [Blood Rage] + [Activate Ancestor Bloodline], it was already Become the strongest on the scene!

But it must be done quickly, because the effect of [Blood Rage] can only last for 5 minutes, and the activated Ancestral Bloodline can only last for 15 minutes.

When the buff effect of the Ancestral Bloodline disappears, Mogroga Black Tendon will also fall into a weak state that lasts for 30 minutes, during which all attributes will be reduced by 30%.

So it has to take advantage of the validity period of the buff to deal with the big demon in front of him, even Lick Fire Calrigg.

Because aside from the threat of the big devil, theoretically leading the Black Water Army to invade the Black Tendon Clan camp, forcibly banning the Black Tendon Clan warriors, and dragging his own lick, Calrigg, also belongs to the ranks of the enemy.

And even if they have come to the stage of life-and-death struggle with the big devil, the damned Liehuo Calrig is still unwilling to lift the shackles of [Blackwater Dead Zone]!

Otherwise, the Black Water Army plus the Black Tendon Clan warriors numbered more than 300,000. The two of them would take the lead in the battle. The other warriors would have enough to drink a pot for these two great demons, so why fight so desperately? .

Thinking of this, Mogroga's killing intent could hardly be suppressed. Whether it was Artorius or Magtheridon's clone, and the Blackwater Sword Saint, Calrigor, it all became its target!

It put down the red dragon scale square shield and returned to the state of dual-wielding machetes. The two [Twin Dark Demons] were tightly gripped by it. Due to the change in body size, the [Twin Dark Demon] machetes in its hands also changed immediately. , the automatic fit becomes the appropriate size.

When Mogroga Black Tendon broke free from the limit of [Destruction, Devouring Demons] one by one.

The great demon Atorius and Magtheridon's clones also got a chance to breathe with the blessings of [Abyss of Wrath] and [Boil of Demonic Nature]!

The weakest person on the scene turned into Lihuo Calrigger after the incarnation of the Three Swords Stream.

Of course, the great demon Artorius still couldn't ignore the attacks of the incarnations of the three-sword flow. If these incarnations were allowed to attack, even in the state of [Magic Boil], it would be hacked to death sooner or later.

But taking this opportunity, Artorius came to Magtheridon's side smoothly.


"Stupid Artorius!"

"You who are unfaithful are a shame among the blood-burning demons!"

The Magtheridon clone was very unhappy with it.

It roared loudly in demonic language.

The great demon Atorius did not respond, but chose to stand back to back with Magtheridon's clone, ready to defend against the attack.

It wasn't until this time that it finally spoke.

"Lord Magtheridon, you should understand that you are only a clone now."

"So please let go of that irrelevant pride."

"If you are not willing to cooperate, none of us can escape the fate of death."

Its words made the Magtheridon clone, who was in a state of clamor, stagnate for a moment.


"Yes, it's cooperation!"


The great demon Atorius answered with a spear in one arm and waving it.

With its back to Magtheridon's clone, its defensive pressure has been reduced a lot, at least there is no need to defend the back.

The incarnation of the Three Swords Stream also sensed something was wrong, and stopped attacking one after another. In addition to the changes in the two great demons, Lihuo Calrigg also noticed the Mogroga Heijin Institute, which was exploding not far away. hostility.

The situation at the scene was very complicated, and the explosive Mogroga would take action at any time, so Artorius didn't care about hanging his appetite, and kept a long story short.

"Do Demon Fusion!"

"I... need your strength!"

"Think about it, you are just a clone, you might as well fulfill me!"

"For the continuation of the blood-burning demon..."

When he heard the words "Devil Fusion", Magtheridon's clone subconsciously resisted.

But then what Atorius said made him change his mind.

That's right, the Magtheridon clone does have the same arrogance, arrogance and pride as the main body.

But it also has the consciousness of being an avatar. It understands that as long as it involves the interests of its body and ethnicity, it can accept the fate of sacrifice.

The phrase "for the continuation of the blood-burning demon" successfully moved it, triggering its devotion consciousness as a sub-body!

"Remember your words!"

"For the continuation of the blood-burning demon!"

"Come on, Demon Fusion!"

Its big mouth full of sharp teeth let out a determined roar, and then opened its arms in cooperation.

The great demon Artorius stuck the spear in his hand on the ground, and touched the scarred chest of Magtheridon's clone with his only arm.

"Devil fusion!"

As soon as its voice fell, the two sides disappeared at the same time and turned into a dark green light cocoon!

At this time, Mogroga happened to kill him, and the [Twin Dark Demon] in his hand slashed towards the light cocoon.


The hum of metal colliding appeared.

【Fusion state】



This unparalleled slash was not able to cut through the light cocoon.

Afterwards, the avatars of the three knives also slashed at the light cocoon a few times, without exception, all of them were forced to block.

Only Zong Shen could see the hint about [Block], so he was surprised at this time.

"What the **** is this demon fusion?"

"Why isn't it mentioned in the strategy module?"

He wasn't surprised that Artorius and Magtheridon's clones merged ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and there would be new ways to take action.

Because after Artorius intentionally approached Magtheridon's clone, Zong Shen had already guessed that this guy must have a plan, but the so-called "devil fusion" exceeded his expectations.

As doubts appeared in his mind.

The strategy module automatically answers it.

(There is a lack of records about the fusion of demons in the lord system, so it cannot be shown)


After seeing this golden subtitle, Zong Shen frowned, and the amount of information seemed to have increased!

There is no record of demon fusion in the lord system, but the great demon Artorius can easily use it, and even Magtheridon's clone is very cooperative.

After the two parties reach a consensus, the fusion ceremony can be started directly without the need for tedious ceremonies.

Why is there no record of such means?

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