Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 939: : The Whistle of All Souls

Chapter 941 The Whistle of All Souls Bowing Their Heads (Seeking Subscription) 【Seeking Monthly Pass】

In addition to taming itself, [Whistle of All Souls Bowing Their Heads (Glory Level VII)] can also be reserved in the form of free attribute points according to 2% of the overall attributes of tamed pets, riding beasts, and war beasts. At the same time, the pet's own attributes will be will be reduced by 2%.

Zong Shen can freely control this part of attributes. Although the proportion of 2% is not high, it is still considerable after adding up.

After all, a guy like Xiao Heizi has a total of one or two thousand attributes. After a long period of time, he has tamed a hundred and eighty high-level monsters as pets, and the attributes he has absorbed are quite a lot.

This is equivalent to extracting a part of the attributes of tamed pets and accumulating them for secondary domination.

Of course, pets of the same level and the same kind can only gain attribute absorption only when they are tamed for the first time.

However, there are countless ethnic groups in the Endless Continent, coupled with the existence of the dimensional world system, it is not difficult to tame different creatures.

In addition to the two important effects mentioned above, this [Whistle of All Souls Bowing Their Heads (Level VII of Glory Level)] can also recreate up to twelve phantoms of beast spirits whose main body level does not exceed the legendary high-ranking level.

As long as Zong Shen defeats beasts, monsters, and birds of prey that match the level, he can choose to include them in the [Beast Spirit Guide] and become beast spirits that can be summoned to assist in battle.

All beast spirits have 80% of the attributes and abilities of the main body. They can exist for up to 12 hours after being summoned. Different beast spirits calculate the cooling time separately. If they are killed during this period, they will directly enter the cooling state. The cooling time is 48 hours.

These three core functions make [Whistle of All Souls Bowing Their Heads (Level VII)] extremely valuable in the long term, and the effects of taming and attribute feedback can even benefit Zong Shen for life!

Under such circumstances, Zong Shen didn't get too entangled.

According to his financial resources and ideas, he naturally hopes to have both.

The former allows him to master an army of the dead summoned cyclically, and the latter allows him to cultivate an army of beasts and obtain attribute gains.

Although he prefers [Whistle of All Souls Bowing Their Heads (Level VII of Dazzling Light Level)], he also doesn't want to give up on [Elegy of Hades (Level VII of Glorious Light Level)]!

As if seeing Zong Shen's entanglement, the mysterious businessman Alpha standing beside him suddenly gave a reminder.

"You don't have to worry."

"When the beta arrives, you will have more limited equipment exchange opportunities. These equipment that were not selected in this round will be superimposed and rotated to the beta."

"At that time, you can choose to exchange it at your discretion."

The mysterious businessman Alpha slipped his mouth before, so he was warned once by an unknown existence, and now he has returned to some talkative nature after being silent for a while.

"I remember you once said that Beta and your exchange rate are different."

"The exchange items you provide are more focused on strengthening the strength of this challenge, and only 40% of the items that can bring out the challenge field."

"Beta, on the contrary, provides a higher percentage of items that can be exchanged out of the field, so I should have more exchange opportunities in Beta, right?"

After receiving the reminder, Zong Shen also showed a hint of bewilderment on his face.

His words made Alpha give a thumbs up.

"As expected of you."

"By concatenating the previous clues, you have drawn a correct conclusion..."

"The types, limited times, and focus points of exchange items provided by Beta are different from mine. Correspondingly, you can get more limited exchange times from Beta."

The mysterious businessman Alpha still said gently.

Zong Shen nodded, but did not continue to answer.

With the previous episode he had lost the idea of ​​small talk.

And Alpha will never reveal any more secrets about the lord's "game". The clues he has are enough to support his exploration of the endless continent and his plans for the future for a long time to come.

Now that the mysterious businessman Beta hoped, Zong Shen's heart was not so entangled. He took a deep breath and chose to exchange for [Whistle of All Souls Bowing Their Heads (Glorious Level VII)]. The challenge points were deducted by 192,500 points.

Zong Shen still has challenge points【5501170】remaining so far, and he has consumed more than one million points to redeem it here, but it is nothing compared to the huge point balance!

The interface in front of him changed again, and a long emerald green whistle about ten centimeters in length appeared in front of Zong Shen.

It is surrounded by a five-color halo. This layer of halo is one of the light and shadow effects of the dazzling equipment, and the so-called "flare" comes from this.

The emerald green whistle body is like a fine emerald, in which there is a flowing light, like water, like light, and even more like some inexplicable power.

There are no fixed runes displayed on the surface, but occasionally the green light will condense different characters, which appear and disappear from time to time, which looks very mysterious.

Zong Shen stretched out his hand for the whistle, brought it to his mouth and started blowing.


A crisp and long whistle sounded.

Different from the sharp whistle of ordinary whistles, the whistle of [Whistle of All Souls Bowing Their Heads (Yaoguang Level VII)] is softer, but Zong Shen is not good at whistle rhythm, so he can't make any tunes.

After playing with it for a while, Zong Shen was ready to seriously examine its attached attributes and skills.

As a magical item type of equipment, it has multiple characteristics, and its own level is the ceiling of the dazzling level, so the buff it brings is definitely extraordinary!

After the golden attribute list appeared, Zong Shen looked it over carefully with anticipation and a little apprehension. Before, it was only a rough check and comparison, but now it is a comprehensive and detailed check!

[The Whistle of All Souls Bowing Their Heads (Glory Level)]

[Quality: Dazzling Level VII]

[Effect: All attributes +50 points, HP limit +3000]

[Active skill: Ten thousand spirits bowing their heads (this skill can be activated once every 168 hours, and a taming judgment is made for non-human races whose rank is at most no higher than the legendary high-ranking level. The final success rate depends on the target's situation and resistance awareness. , the basic success rate is 70%, and each individual can try to tame up to three times)

Beast Spirit Illustrated Book (When you defeat beasts, monsters, and raptors, you can choose to include them in the illustrated book and turn them into beast spirits. The upper limit of the limited level cannot exceed the legendary high-level level. You can store up to twelve different beast spirits at the same time. Beast spirits will have the same characteristics as the main body and 80% of the attributes, and the single cooling time is 48 hours. The illustration book can be deleted and replaced, but it must be operated when the cooling is over)

Spirit extraction (2% of the attributes can be drawn from the tamed target and included in the spirit reserve for free distribution, the reserve limit is 500 points, the free attribute points obtained by the spirit can be allocated to oneself or other non-hostile targets for strengthening , a single target needs to wait for the end of the 24-hour cooldown period to continue to gain attributes after accumulating 100 points of essence attribute)

Fusion of All Souls (can designate no more than five tamed pets, mounted beasts, and war beasts as fusion materials for temporary fusion. The final creatures created by the fusion will have a wide range of randomness according to the fusion materials, and their characteristics match the materials. It can create a powerful super-level fusion beast, otherwise it will create weird or weak monsters. The level of a single fusion material cannot exceed the legendary high-level. After the fusion is completed, it will last for 6 hours. During this period, the fusion Materials are separated, cooling time is 168 hours)

Potential enhancement (you can forcibly increase the upper limit of the potential of any tamed pets, mounted beasts, and war beasts, so that they can gain more room for growth. The specific effect depends on the ethnicity, bloodline, and own potential. This skill can be used every 720 hours can be used once)

All Spirits Yinna Whistle (Blowing out the Yinna whistle can generate great attraction to beast targets within a radius of 500 kilometers. In some areas where beasts are densely distributed, it may lead to animal swarms, but in More often, you can get extra power by attracting the arrival of beasts, the whistle lasts for 10 seconds, and the cooldown time is 720 hours)]

[Passive skill: intimacy (this passive effect is only effective for non-humanoid, unborn ethnic civilizations and individual intelligence ethnic groups, which greatly increases the natural favorability, making beasts, monsters, and birds of prey have a certain sense of intimacy with long whistle holders )

Beast language (this effect is only effective for non-humanoid and non-universal language ethnic groups, it can interpret animal language to a certain extent, and the specific analysis ratio depends on the intelligence level and ethnicity of the target itself)

Change of Owner (For pets, war beasts, and mounted beasts that have owners, the effect of [All Souls Bow their Heads] can also be activated for judgment, but this effect cannot be activated for pets, war beasts, and mounted beasts with MAX favorability)]

(a lord who doesn't want to be a great tamer is not a good fighter

This long whistle gives you the capital to tame all spirits, and completely get rid of the dependence on [pet scroll] and other props

Even if you can only activate the skill once a week, it is enough for you to tame a large number of powerful creatures over time

The extracted spirits can provide you with additional ways to acquire attributes. As for [Fusion of All Souls], it is also a very interesting skill. Its results are random and it has a variety of combinations. Regarding this aspect, this guide will provide you with some Guidance and help can be ignored for now

Other functions are biased towards the auxiliary side, such as [Beast Language] and [Closeness] are the necessary qualities to become a great beast tamer

And the final [Change Owner] makes it possible for you to plunder other lord war beasts. You must know that the loyalty of higher-level war beasts, pets, and mounted beasts is more difficult to cultivate. Of course, once you cultivate to MAX [Change Master] ] will also lose its effect, anyway, it is better than nothing, maybe it will be useful in the future

Keep working hard, Xiao Zongzi, this strategy is very optimistic about you)

The remarks of the strategy module are rare.

There is no need to say much about the strength of [Whistle of All Souls Bowing Their Heads (Yaoguang Level VII)]. Zong Shen also decided to exchange it after repeated consideration.

After he completed the exchange, the attribute gains attached to the long whistle began to take effect, and Zong Shen's attributes were greatly improved again.

After the attribute has been increased by 50 points, his attribute list has also changed:

【Power: 433】

【Agility: 260】

[Intelligence: 200]

【Charm: 235】

[Health Points: 2687+1500 (Magic Lightning Heart Mirror)+5000 (Kade Medical Gem)]

[Universal control value: 552]

In fact, the attribute improvement brought about by this wave of exchange is quite obvious.

As the saying goes, "A person depends on clothes, and a Buddha depends on gold clothes." The easiest and most direct way to improve attributes is to change into higher-level items and equipment.

After updating a wave of high-level equipment, the attribute improvement can't be more normal.

And so far this is not Zong Shen's full state, because he still has a lot of free attribute points and skill points that have not yet been allocated after the upgrade.

In addition, because the intelligence attribute has increased by 70 points, he also got an additional 70 skill points that can be allocated.

He hasn't allocated these disposable points yet, and he will deal with them after the challenge is over. Now it's just a process. After all, the defensive challenge no longer poses any threat to him.

On the main interface of limited equipment exchange, the next option is quite special.

Because Zong Shen had never seen this kind of equipment.

That is:

[Ancient Relic Limited Equipment]

(Limited exchange times: 2)

In terms of rank, he has indeed never seen items and equipment with the prefix "ancient relic", but he can understand a thing or two from the literal interpretation.

While he was thinking, the mysterious businessman Alpha dutifully answered again. He was able to detect some of Zongshen's emotions, such as doubts, concerns, and thinking, which are superficial and vague emotions, so he can decide whether he is in something based on the detected situation. Take the initiative to answer Zong Shen's questions.

Now is clearly the time for him to answer.

"Ancient relics broadly refer to leftover objects with a profound history."

"Most of them come from a certain key historical event or person, and there may be something worth digging out of it."

"Using the standards adopted by your current system, the quality of ancient relics is mostly 'unknown' and 'special', and there are even some items related to the world of different dimensions."

"Of course, you need to check the details yourself."

"According to my guess, most of them should be ancient relics related to the endless continent, and there is only a very small probability that there will be related items from other dimensional worlds. I think you should be able to understand the mechanism."

The mysterious businessman Alpha who regained his spirit slightly nodded and said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His voice was cadenced and full of tension, like a professional tour guide.

Anyway, answering questions is also a paid item, he still faithfully fulfilled this responsibility, and his words did relieve part of the doubts in Zong Shen's mind.

To put it simply, these "ancient relics" can be equated with those "unknown" and "special" items, which often contain some hidden information, including possible relics or clues to civilization, and there may even be ancient Inheritance of strength.

Every unknown item is like a blind box, full of uncertainty.

Maybe it's a surprise, maybe it's something long-term useless.

So Zong Shen felt a little bit of anticipation in his heart.

He is also no stranger to unknown items and special items.

He has also had some unknown items on hand through various means since his arrival, so he knows something about such items!

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