Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 947: : Occupational Specialization Instructor, Fertility Messenger

Chapter 949 Occupational Specialization Mentor Fertility Messenger【Please subscribe】【8K chapter please monthly ticket】

The above is the relevant information of the four basic resource buildings of stone, wood, hemp, and iron.

It not only calibrates the daily output, but also has indicators such as solid value and building double resistance, which shows that they really belong to a special kind of territorial building.

Different types of resources have different daily yields, but in any case, these resource buildings are truly drought- and flood-guaranteed.

Their appearance can change the resource supply structure of the territory and increase the supply and security of basic resources at the bottom.

A limited exchange of two copies means that double the target resources can be produced every day. Of course, Zong Shen also has to arrange a part of the labor to be responsible for the collection of resources.

That's not a big deal.

During this period of time, the farmers in Zongshen's territory have rarely been busy collecting resources, and the territory has basically abandoned the way of daily collection.

The resources to maintain the construction of the territory mainly come from the [market] trade, and the Azshara mines still occupy a lot of labor.

Now with these territorial resource buildings, part of the idle labor force can be put to use again.

Even if the reform of the free people is carried out, it can be settled as wages according to the labor paid.

In addition to the four basic resources, there will be mana crystals, magic gems, mithril and adamantine resource buildings in the future. As high-level resource materials, they can only be exchanged for one blueprint.

Zong Shen continued to look up with anticipation.

[Territory Mana Crystal Mine Ⅵ construction blueprint (golden)]

[Quality: Epic Special Building]

[Requirement: Territory Mana Crystal Mine Ⅵ Construction Blueprint × 1]

[Complete buildings can be built without spending materials, please select an area to place]

【Construction time: 1 hour】

【Occupation: 7850 square meters】

【Strong value: 120000】

[Building Armor: 100]

[Building magic resistance: 80]

[Building effect: 3,000 primary magic crystals, 800 intermediate magic crystals, and 100 high-level magic crystals will be refreshed at 0:00 every day. Manpower needs to be dispatched to dig and mine]

[Passive effect: extremely fast mining (the mining efficiency in the territory magic crystal mine is increased by 300%, and the physical consumption is reduced by 50%)]

[Mining requires iron pickaxe and above-level tools]

(Special resource buildings that can produce magic energy crystals, pure small crystal mines, no need for screening and sorting, but there is a slight requirement for the level of mining tools

The other features are the same as above, try to collect the refreshed resources every day, so as to avoid excessive accumulation and overflow of resources and not refresh)

[Territory Gem Mine Ⅵ construction blueprint (golden)]

[Quality: Epic Special Building]

[Complete buildings can be built without spending materials, please select an area to place]

【Construction time: 1 hour】

【Area: 7850】

【Strong value: 100000】

[Building Armor: 65]

[Building magic resistance: 65]

[Building effect: 6 hours of mining time is fixed at 0:00 every day, which can satisfy 120 people to mine at the same time for a maximum of 6 hours. This time will fluctuate with the number of people mining and the mining time of each person]

[When digging, there is a 65% chance to mine ordinary gems, and a 35% chance to mine magic gems]

[The specific mining probability of magic gemstones decreases exponentially according to the order index]

[Active effect: gem sniffing (gem sniffing can be activated once a day, making the magic gem shine with aura that can penetrate the stone skin, lasting for 30 minutes)]

(The gemstone mine is so beautiful, the gemstones here are really good~

That's right, you read that right, this is the exclusive small gemstone mine for the real territory

There is no daily output limit, only the collection time limit, how many magic gems can be collected depends on the face

But even if it is an ordinary gemstone, selling it to the jewelry merchants in the aborigines can make a small profit)

[Territory Mithril/Adamantite Mixed Ore VI Construction Blueprint (Golden)]

[Quality: Epic Special Building]

[Requirement: Territory Mithril/Adamantine Mixed Ore VI Construction Blueprint × 1]

[Complete buildings can be built without spending materials, please select an area to place]

【Construction time: 2 hours】

【Strong value: 150000】

[Building Armor: 130]

[Building magic resistance: 115]

[Building effect: 5000 mithril ore and 1500 fine gold ore are refreshed every time at 0 o'clock, and manpower is required to dig and mine]

[Active effect: flash mining (each mining has a 1% chance of getting double ore, and takes up the total daily refresh, lasting for 1 hour)]

(Mithril and adamantine play a vital role as high-level building materials and common magic materials

When the large-scale forging of high-end equipment and magical objects in the territory, a large amount of mithril and fine gold will be needed as basic consumables, so it is right to prepare a wave in advance)

The remaining three major resource buildings are [Magic Energy Crystal], [Magic Gemstone], and [Mithril/Adamantine]. Different from basic materials, they are considered more precious high-level materials.

Each resource building can only be exchanged for one copy.

In any case, after the exchange, it can be regarded as benefiting endlessly. Of course, as a complete one-time building, this thing cannot be rebuilt, and it needs to be closely protected during wartime to prevent it from being destroyed by the enemy.

For the lord, the significance of the resource itself even exceeds that of dinars. Not only does the normal construction of the territory consume a lot of resources, but even the main transaction method in the [market] is the exchange of different resources.

It can be said that the resources themselves have built the internal trade network of the lords. With the transformation of the [market], a super trade system that can accommodate billions of lords and hundreds of billions of orders at the same time, the exchange of resources between the lords has formed a A system of perfect cycles.

Taking Zong Shen himself as an example, by relocating the [market] buildings in the unowned territory, he has made hundreds of [markets] of various levels in his territory, and he can place thousands of orders for sale at the same time every day, and complete dozens of orders. Ten thousand level basic resource exchange and circulation.

When the wave of territorial construction emerged, Zongshen naturally became a link in the resource trade chain.

The way most lords accumulate primitive wealth is to simply and rudely send farmers out to collect.

Then the accumulated resources are sold and converted, and finally turned into the food, equipment, magic scrolls or other materials you need.

The total trade volume of [Market] is increasing day by day, and it continues to increase with the development of the lords.

The output chain and input chain are in line with market laws, and are essentially a feedback to the development of the lord

In this respect, resources are equal to wealth!

The significance of these resources themselves even surpassed the gold, silver and precious metals in the earth before they came.

It can also be regarded as a resource duplication standard that is different from the gold and silver duplication standard.

This situation will last at least for a long time, until the lord withdraws the building privileges of [market].

Therefore, the long-term benefits of these resource buildings naturally need not be repeated, they have become a symbol of wealth.

"These resource buildings are quite cost-effective."

"One-time exchange will benefit you for life, unless the territory is breached, you can always produce steadily."

"Of course, just in case, I have to ask Mariel to arrange several suitable places to place these resource buildings!"

Zong Shen thought for a while, and thought of how to arrange them.

These resource buildings seem to occupy a large area, ranging from several thousand to ten to twenty thousand square meters.

In fact, the occupied area of ​​7,850 square meters is approximately equal to a circular open space with a radius of 50 meters, and the area of ​​20,096 square meters is approximately equal to a circular area with a radius of 80 meters. In fact, the occupied area is not that large.

Zong Shen has already redeemed [Lord Expansion Privilege], calculated based on the current territory level of LV19.

The radius of the territory reached 38 kilometers.

It is approximately equal to an area of ​​4534.16 square kilometers, and the area of ​​each region is only (200 kilometers × 200 kilometers) totaling 40,000 square kilometers.

It can be said that Zong Shen has long been an out-and-out regional overlord, whether it is combat effectiveness, influence or the scale of territorial development, he is a well-deserved regional overlord!

With such a large territory, Zongshen was worried that the population and infrastructure could not keep up with the situation, not the lack of enough land.

Even the [Pillar of Red Gold Barrier (Golden)] and [Thunder Field Wonder (Incomplete)] in the territory can cover an area with a radius of 180 kilometers. It is not difficult to cover the current three-acre land. Worry that there is no room left.

Things are going on here, and the territory needs to be re-planned. Those three-walled defense circles built for challenges need to be relocated, and those defensive arrow towers built in a simple and crude ring pattern must also be based on The principle of complementary arrow towers forms a new defense matrix.

In other words, it is to change the original contracted state back to the expanded state, and finally move towards the territorial level of the state city and even the giant city.

Now he can also set up a second lord's courtyard in the Endless Continent. After the development here hits a bottleneck, Zong Shen can find another good place to open a branch city!

As for the [Construction Map of the Lord’s Courtyard (Special)] obtained earlier, although its function is basically the same as that of the Second Courtyard’s development authority, there are still some differences.

[Construction map of the lord's small courtyard (special)] It is possible to open a small courtyard in a different dimension world, and at the same time obtain the building privileges of the lord.

And the development privilege of the second small courtyard is named and limited to use only in the Endless Continent.

Regarding Kaifen City, there is no rush for the time being. Zong Shen's immediate task is to build the current territory into a super giant city, preferably a fortress-type giant city with good defensive capabilities, so that he can rest assured Explore the endless continent!

After finishing his thinking, there was more than an hour left in the redemption time, and he returned to the upper-level redemption list.

I chose the [Territorial Development Limited Items] category exchange option.

This is also the last exchange option in [Territory Development Category], and I hope there will be some finale items.

The list projected in front of him quickly unfolded, and Zong Shen stared intently, quickly scanning through each exchange option.

[Territory Development Limited Items]

[Territory Lumberjack Professional Specialization Tutor Recruitment Volume (Special)]

[Limited redemption: 1]

(Exchange points: 6000)

[Recruitment of Vocational Specialized Tutors for Territorial Hemp Pickers (Special)]

[Limited redemption: 1]

(Exchange points: 6000)

[Territory Miner Professional Professional Instructor Recruitment Volume (Special)]

[Limited redemption: 1]

(Exchange points: 10000)

【Territorial Construction Worker Professional Instructor Recruitment (Special)】

[Limited redemption: 1]

(Exchange points: 8000)

[Territorial Farmer Planting Professional Professional Instructor Recruitment (Special)]

[Limited redemption: 1]

(Exchange points: 6500)

【Building engraved stone (purple)】

[Limited redemption: 3]

(Exchange points: 1500)

[Building engraved stone (orange)]

[Limited redemption: 2]

(Exchange points: 3500)

[Building engraved stone (golden)]

[Limited redemption: 1]

(Exchange points: 8000)

[Harvest Messenger Job Change Scroll (Special)]

[Limited redemption: 1]

(Exchange points: 12000)

[Level VI Grain Gift Package (Golden)]

[Limited redemption: ∞]

(Exchange points: 300)

[Tier VI Basic Resource Gift Pack (Golden)]

[Limited redemption: ∞]

(Exchange points: 500)

[Tier VI high-level resource spree (golden)]

[Limited redemption: ∞]

(Exchange points: 800)

There are a lot of choices in this exchange option.

After Zong Shen took a cursory glance, he basically knew what was going on.

He first spent 6,000 points and exchanged for a [Territorial Lumberjack Professional Professional Instructor Recruitment Scroll (Special)], and immediately a scroll appeared, floating with a light yellow halo.

Looking at the recruitment scroll floating in front of him, Zong Shen raised his hand to take it, and squinted his eyes to examine it.

[Territory Lumberjack Professional Specialization Tutor Recruitment Volume (Special)]

[Quality: Special]

[Effect: Communicate with the great mysterious power, and immediately recruit a lumberjack professional mentor]

[The tutor belongs to a hero-level unit and does not occupy the control value]

[Professional specialization instructors can train farmers to master the professional specialization ability of lumberjacks]

【The current environment is temporarily unavailable】


"The mentor must have something to do with job transfer training!"

"As long as you recruit a professional professional mentor, you can train professional farmers of the corresponding profession on demand!"

"However, the specifics will not be known until they are recruited."

"Moreover, the mentor itself is also a hero-level talent, and he should have a bonus in this area and a more obvious skill for biased gain."

Zong Shen knew it well, and was no stranger to this kind of recruitment papers.

Redeeming the recruitment coupons of these professional specialization tutors means that in the future, farmers can independently train farmers into professions corresponding to specializations.

For example, "lumberjack" must have bonuses related to logging.

In the future, the territory can cultivate a batch according to demand!

Thinking of this, Zong Shen directly exchanged all the tutor recruitment papers.

As long as it is useful for the development and construction of the territory, Zong Shen will not be stingy about exchanging points.

Specialization by farmers is equivalent to turning ordinary into excellent.

It can greatly increase the potential of the farmer, which indirectly equals to increasing the lower limit of the productivity of the territory!

After the redemption, Zong Shen spent a total of 34,500 challenge points.

The other four recruitment scrolls appeared one after another, floating and put into the storage compartment by Zong Shen.

In addition to [lumberjack], there are also [hemp picker], [miner], [construction worker], and [farmer planting specialization]. These five professional specializations basically cover all aspects of the development of the territory.

From resource acquisition to construction development and agricultural planting, they are all indispensable talents for the future construction and development of the territory.

Farmers are mostly dull and need special logistics heroes to issue tasks for guidance, otherwise their labor efficiency is not high.

I don't have enough motivation in itself, just do the work but don't work hard.

This is the biggest shortcoming of peasant women in terms of labor efficiency at this stage, and many lords will personally supervise them by using both grace and power.

Because most of the territories currently have a small population, the lord only needs to have two or three hero-level talents under his command to take care of the supervision.

But for a lord like Zong Shen who already had tens of thousands of subjects, he had already passed the stage of doing everything by himself, and it was even more impossible to appease the subjects under his command one by one.

At present, Zongshen has preliminarily established an internal affairs system and a war control system based on various heroes.

If the professional specialization of farmers can be carried out again, the productivity at the bottom will definitely be able to go a step further!

So Zong Shen chose to exchange all of them without any hesitation.

Every professional professional tutor recruited has long-term benefits.

Even his ideas can be bolder.

The occupational specialization training of the instructor is not limited to the people under his own command. Farmers from third-party territories and aboriginal people can also receive training to master relevant specialization abilities.

For example, openly carry out the vocational training of farmers, and provide services to all the lords in the surrounding area, and charge a certain fee for each farmer who trains a designated occupation.

Education and training is an industry that attracts money properly. With Zong Shen's influence, coupled with the five-month "golden development period" after the defensive challenge, maybe he can really make something famous!

Specifically, it is not too late to plan and publicize after the challenge is over. At that time, Jiang Yi and Medina will have to assist in this matter. Zong Shen does not know that Jiang Yi has died.

In fact, the overall death elimination rate of this defensive challenge is not low.

As the last challenge screening after the arrival of the first batch of lords, the surviving lords can truly enter the next "golden development period". Strength, luck, development decisions, and even daily behaviors will be fed back in Defensive challenge.

The winner lives, the loser dies.

Before the challenge, Jiang Yi felt something. She once asked Zong Shen for a promise, but now it seems to have confirmed her own premonition.

Gossip aside.

Zong Shen exchanged all the recruitment coupons for the five professional specializations, and the Alpha Palace cannot be recruited, so he can only get them later.

In addition to the recruitment papers for these professional specializations, the following [Development-limited props] also caught Zong Shen's attention.

He was no stranger to these things.

So understand the value behind them better.

These items are the [Architectural Replica Stones] of each level.

There are everything from purple rare level to golden epic level, but the quantity available for exchange is different for different levels.

For Zong Shen, these [Architectural Replica Stones] are items not to be missed.

So he made another round of exchanging rounds.

After paying 19,500 challenge points, Zong Shen got [Building Re-engraved Stone (Purple) × 3], [Building Re-engraved Stone (Orange) × 2], [Building Re-engraved Stone (Golden) × 1], exactly After the challenge is over, use them all on those rare special buildings!

Up to now, his challenge point balance is still [3548672] points.

The challenge points of more than 6 million may seem like a lot, but in fact it is like running water, and less than half of it has been spent in a blink of an eye!

However, Zong Shen's philosophy has always been more open-minded.

As the saying goes, money is a bastard, if you lose it, you can still earn it.

As long as the points can be spent in exchange for real benefits, then Zong Shen won't feel any distress.

After all, the significance of earning points is to enhance one's own strength and the future development potential of the territory!

After the exchange of [Building Re-engraved Stones] of each level is completed, the next item to be exchanged is a scroll, which is just a scroll for a single job.

Zong Shen focused on this option, and the golden subtitle next to it appeared, instantly making him decide to exchange it!

[Harvest Messenger Job Change Scroll (Special)]

[Quality: Special]

[Effect: Communicate with the great mysterious power, follow the principle of the lord's appointment and personal voluntariness, so that a hero-level talent belonging to the territory can be transferred to a special occupation "Harvest Envoy" and master relevant knowledge and skills]

[This job transfer scroll can only be used once]

[The Harvest Messenger has bonuses to agriculture and animal husbandry. Only by choosing a hero-level talent with the right talent to change jobs can the role of the job be maximized]

【The current environment is unavailable】

(Harvest Envoy ×, Farming Expert √)

The so-called "Harvest Messenger", as the name suggests, must be related to agricultural development.

As a job transfer scroll used by hero-level talents, its effect on the territory may be more important than that of a single farmer profession specialization instructor.

If the two are combined with each other, it will definitely satisfy Zongshen's farming development for a long time to come.

As an out-and-out "descendant of the Huaxia Dragon", his pursuit of farming and animal husbandry has long been engraved in his genes.

It just so happened that the agricultural development plan designated by Zongshen before was also planned to be carried out after the defensive challenge was over, and he also made a lot of preparations for this.

I informed Mariel's father in advance, Lao Cai, the landowner of Sitano Village—

—Master Mars!

In recent days, through the channel of Master Mars, Zong Shen has purchased a lot of prairie cattle, prairie sheep, and some chickens and ducks in advance.

It's just that due to the existence of the weekly challenge, these livestock are temporarily listed under the name of Lord Mars. After all, the challenge will not affect the aborigines.

Speaking of which, the large ranch that Zong Shen is about to build still has some shares of Master Mars, and they can just distribute the money as usual after they make a profit.

However, Zong Shen had already planned to subdue the Sitano and Dinan villages around the territory, and he would take action as soon as the challenge was over.

Zongshen is planning to include the further city of Seakabang.

On the contrary, the nearby Bosbon considered the relationship with Baron Bezos and temporarily put it aside from the plan.

The village-level aboriginal units must have been the first to be harassed by the lord.

Zong Shen had to act earlier, and had to use some softer methods.

Otherwise, it won't be long before the surrounding lords will definitely start attacking Dinan Village and Sitano Village.

I still remember that when the Calamity Raven Church occupied Odo Village, the surrounding lords were as restless as cats smelling fishy.

At that time, most of the lords did not have many troops, even so they formed a temporary alliance, swarmed into the village, and robbed the villagers who were imprisoned as laborers.

We must know that the giant city crusade army had already entered the village at that time.

Whether it is the Calamity Raven Church or the lords, facing the crusade army is a dead end, but such a dangerous situation does not affect everyone's madness in the slightest.

As long as the privileges of the lords do not disappear, the lords will always be a different kind of invader to the natives of the Endless Continent.

What's more, the population itself is also a resource.

So after the defensive challenge is over, there will be more and more friction between the lord and the aboriginal forces.

The reason why everyone is not taking action now is because they are only concerned about the power of the state city and the giant city behind the village. If there is a slight mistake, it will lead to the attack of the crusade army.

There are also nosy local knights, churches, and other scattered forces.

But after everyone digests the rewards of the defensive challenge and the development of the territory leaps again, the demand for population will rise to the highest point.

At that time, the lords will have the driving force to attack the village.

Zong Shen naturally would not let this happen.

He has to act first, at least to absorb and convert the population resources of his own area and surrounding areas into the population of the territory as much as possible.

When the population ushered in a big explosion, a stable food supply became the top priority, and it was a topic that countless heroes couldn't avoid.

There is no steam engine, no internal combustion engine, and no electric motor in this world.

But it has a wide variety of magical powers and magic technology.

Natural magic can make plants grow quickly.

Powerful fel cores keep heavy machinery and golems running.

So it's not that there is no science in this world, but that some of the products of science have been replaced by the products of elemental magic and magic energy technology.

As for the reason for the fragmentation of productivity, it is precisely the reason why spellcasters and magical objects cannot be fully popularized. In addition, the special background of Endless Continent as a "proving ground" makes it lose the soil for breeding basic science.

Even the lords have temporarily abandoned the reproduction of science and technology.

Everyone enjoyed the privileges of the lord and adapted to the power of magic.

It also tasted the wonderful feeling of self-extraordinary.

Assuming that Zong Shen returns to the former earth, then he is a "superhuman" who can lift several tons with one arm, and those superheroes in movies who lift up cars and smash them at every turn are nothing more than that.

It’s not so magical in the Endless Continent. With his current attributes, without activating status skills, he can just fight an epic dragon and drop a legendary alien powerhouse...

It's not that science and technology have completely lost their value, but rather than trying to reproduce the original technology, it's better to go down the road in front of you.

The benefits of the two are quite different.

Zong Shen originally had the idea of ​​replicating the technology, but now he is planning to delay it a little bit.

It won't be too late to wait until the scale of the territory is further expanded, the talent pool in all aspects meets the requirements, and a preliminary manufacturing system is established at the same time.

After all, after the technology has climbed to a certain level, even ordinary farmers in the territory can be armed and gain a higher level of combat power.

To sum up, the future development of the territory cannot avoid the issue of agriculture and animal husbandry.

The explosion of population must coincide with the explosion of agriculture and animal husbandry.

With this in mind, [Harvest Messenger Job Change Scroll (Special)] is a good item that Zong Shen cannot miss.

Even the strategy module has made a summary at the end. The so-called fertility messenger is actually a farming expert. Zong Shen probably knows the unique abilities of this profession even if he thinks about it with his ass.

Therefore, the 12,000 challenge points are worth saving.

Zong Shen chose to exchange, and his challenge point balance changed again.

There are still [3536672] points left.

After exchanging [Harvest Messenger Job Transfer Scroll (Special)], Zong Shen had no interest in the remaining exchange options.

Those three items are all resource gift packs, which can be regarded as an alternative resource exchange.

It’s just that the gameplay of the gift pack is different. When opening the gift pack, there will be a range of resource acquisition values, which has a certain degree of randomness.

It is very attractive to those dog-gambling lords, but he doesn't feel much about it, and it is impossible to gamble.

Zong swears to live forever with gambling and drugs!

So these three kinds of resource gift packs were directly ignored by him.

With a thought in his mind, the exchange list projected in front of him returned to the original first-level interface.

Next option!

【General Combat Class】

After the list is opened, more detailed redemption sub-options emerge.

【Magic Scroll】

【Benefit Potion】

[Magic Energy/Rune Alchemy Technology Consumables]

【Magic Machine】

【One-time Summoning Class】

The five sub-options correspond to different [General Combat] props.

[Magic Scroll] and [Benefit Potion] need no introduction.

Zong Shen also used magic scrolls of all levels, especially high-level scrolls, each of which could cast high-level magic once.

Not to mention [Benefit Potion], in addition to the most common [Healing Potion], such as [Transformation Potion], [Stone Skin Potion], [Endurance Potion] are all relatively common buff potions.

Going down [Magic Energy/Rune Alchemy Technology Consumables], this option is a bit interesting, and [Goblin Bomb] belongs to this category.

All kinds of explosives made using magic gunpowder and rune explosion technology have different powers. In addition, there are some other small objects made using this technology, such as [Iron Fist Launcher], [Rune Gun] , [Magic energy disruptor] and the like.

Zong Shen has come all the way to the present, and it can be said that he has played with all kinds of explosives.

He explained what is "the art of explosion" with actions.

He is no stranger to the following [Magic Energy Mechanics] and [One-time Summoning Class]~www.wuxiaspot.com~ From the early [Goblin Ripper] to the later durable [Bearer Mech] all belong to the magic A kind of mechanical.

As for [one-time summoning], he is not interested.

For the use of summoning warriors, he prefers the summoning skills that come with free equipment, rather than using summoning items.

He usually chooses to reward such props to the heroes under him for use, and rarely uses them himself!

Alpha's exchange should be over in a few days.

Then the beta exchange will be relatively simple, mainly to exchange development materials and blueprints.

In the future, there will be arrangements for the end of the challenge, including reward settlement and digestion, exploration of various relic dungeons and population expansion plans. According to this update speed, the giant city will be written at the end of the month or the beginning of next month.

Anyway, fast update can be regarded as indirectly reducing some water content. Speeding up the pace is just more tiring, but Tiemou does his best to try not to make a more soft-legged shrimp

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