Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 959: : Dragonborn Clan, War Stables

It is not difficult to understand the function of this [Random Dragon Descendant Clan Order (Golden)].

It can summon an entire Dragonborn clan to join Zong Shen.

Just like the kobold clan he had conquered from the mine before.

This kind of dragon-born scrolls often have a trace of dragon blood, and their strength varies greatly.

The combat power that a powerful dragon descendant can display is even only a line weaker than that of a true dragon of the same level.

For example, the top dragon descendants bred from the ancestors of true dragons are like this.

Moreover, in the reproduction of some dragon-born groups in the past dynasties, in addition to the dilution of blood, there will be occasional mutations.

In addition, some dragon descendant groups can also interbreed with each other. After millions of years of accumulation, there are countless dragon descendant groups in the Endless Continent, with complicated branches, just like the strategy module said, forming a unique Bloodline ethnic system.

Not to mention, even Yingjiang is considered a dragon descendant, or a dragon descendant within three generations. The dragon blood in its body endowed it with strength beyond other griffins, so it was able to become the leader of that griffin nest.

As for the dragon veins in Feihu's body, Zong Shen passed [Dragon Vein Fruit (Orange)] later, and it was not inherited from the bloodlines.

Because in addition to direct mating and reproduction, various dragon blood baptisms or potions and fruits with the power of dragon veins can also give dragon bloodlines.

The Pendragon family, including the Avalon royal family, is known as the descendant of the dragon god, and King Arthur among them is even called the son of the dragon!

This is why they worship Io, the nine-headed dragon god, rather than a single dragon.

Members of the royal family often obtain the power of dragon veins through dragon blood baptism, so as to prolong their lives for hundreds of years and get stronger bodies.

"Save it and use it later."

"Let's see what dragonborn group can be summoned!"

Zong Shen threw away the refuge order in his hand, and put it away casually.

There are many types of dragonborn, such as the red-scaled kobolds, hyenamen, and so on that Xiao Heizi originally took refuge in.

There are countless subspecies under the subcategory of kobolds alone.

The strength of the red-scaled kobold is much stronger than that of the crypt kobold.

Among the dragon descendants, there are many ethnic groups with high combat effectiveness, and many of them are more famous.

Such as: dragon man, land dragon, storm dragon beast, snake dragon, pterosaur, biped wyvern, dragon turtle, frost lizard, flame dragon beast and so on.

If you are lucky enough to choose this type of dragon descendant, then it can be used as a supplement to the combat power of the territory.

Some dragon descendants can also be used as riding beasts to provide additional armament to the fighters in the territory.

If a guy like a kobold is drawn, he will be sent to work in the mine, and there will never be a possibility of idleness anyway.

Zong Shen took this refuge order to prostitute a wave of Dragonborn warriors for him.

After putting away the refuge order, he looked at the items in the third light sphere.

In there was a coat of arms, which was no stranger to him.

It is also a round style, and the pattern in it is still the cosmic starry sky, but the countless shining stars in the black background have changed from silver to gold.

This is the [Hero Emblem], but it is different from the orange legendary quality he obtained before, this coat of arms in his hand has reached the golden epic level.

The improvement of the rank means the improvement of the effect, which means that this coat of arms can transform the leaders with higher qualifications into heroes.

Holding this small coat of arms in his hand, Zong Shen took a look at its attribute subtitles.

【Hero Emblem (Golden)】

[Quality: Epic Level]

[Effect: Can be used on soldiers or citizens, turning them into heroic units]

[Note: The maximum conversion qualification does not exceed the epic level]

[After conversion, the soldier's professional skills, experience points, and equipment will be retained, but the soldier's professional characteristics will be canceled and the corresponding team skills will not be triggered]

(Precious transformation props, I won’t go into details here. In the future, if there are leaders who meet the qualification requirements, you can use this emblem to transform them into heroes.)

"It's also an old item."

"But the practical value is quite high."

"There are still many confidant fighters in the territory who are worthy of transformation."

Zong Shen thought of [God of the Wind Scroll, Carginia] in his mind, and next he would find a way to improve Carginia's aptitude, and then transform it into a hero.

Put away [Hero Emblem (Golden)] directly, and randomly put it in one of the grids.

This kind of thing is not usually used, and you can just look for it when you need it.

Fortunately, Zong Shen did not upgrade [Item Management], and he replaced the large-capacity backpack equipment, otherwise his portable storage compartment might not be able to meet the needs of storing a large number of new items.

Looking at the next light ball, this item happens to be related to the storage compartment.

The appearance is a card, representing a certain kind of lord authority.

Zong Shen held the card and looked at the front and back. There was no pattern on the surface, and the style was extremely simple.

When he was observing, the golden subtitles automatically appeared.

[Tier VI Portable Storage Space Expansion Order (Golden)]

[Quality: Epic Level]

[Effect: Tier Ⅵ portable storage compartment expansion (after use, the storage compartment can be expanded to 640 compartments)]

[The expansion effect of each level of the same lord's personal storage space can only take effect once]

【(Click to use)】

(Larger storage compartments, more loot, and the expansion of the portable storage compartment to 640 slots can effectively increase your load capacity, which is a must-have effect for relic exploration, treasury search, and unboxing exchange)

"Practical good things like privileges, this one is not bad."

Zong Shen nodded in satisfaction, and finally saw a thing with full practicality and immediate results.

He chose to use it directly, and the privilege card in his hand turned into dots of golden light and merged into his body.

The authority of the lord is naturally bound to the lord himself, and Zong Shen is not surprised by such a process.

The lord is like a "game account", and the lord's privilege is the "game privilege".

For Zong Shen, this is not a game in itself.

After shrugging his shoulders and stretching his muscles, Zong Shen looked at the fifth ball of light.

His inspection efficiency has also become more efficient after this period of training, and his vision is gradually improving due to this.

Now it is possible to check and collect epic items with peace of mind.

If it were any other lord, if he got a golden epic item, he would probably jump for joy.

But for Zong Shen, epic items were no longer enough to excite him.

Of course, he didn't swell to the point where he couldn't see it at all. After all, epic items and equipment are still very powerful, and many of them involve a trace of the rules of the bottom layer of the dimensional world. Even if he doesn't need it, he can distribute it to his subordinates confidants, and enhance the comprehensive combat power level of the territory.

The item in the fifth light sphere is also an "old acquaintance". Zong Shen is no stranger to this, but the level of the item drawn this time is higher than the same item he has seen before.

It was a contract the size of a square rag.

The material looks like tan leather, with simple patterns drawn on it, and a summoning array similar to a six-pointed star. You can feel a simple and profound feeling in your hand.

This thing is [Different Dimension Summoning Contract]. Zong Shen had previously entered an orange legendary quality summoning contract, and summoned [Predator: Blood Wolf Gujart].

Gujat's grade was assessed as Tier 5, but his combat power was far superior to that of ordinary Tier 5 fighters.

Possesses good combat ability and higher attributes. He once participated in the battle of Poison Swamp and assisted Zong Shen in conquering the little black dragon. At the same time, he also has a strong learning ability and room for growth.

The summoning contract that she got now is at the golden epic level. As for what kind of fighters she can summon, Zong Shen is not sure.

He turned the contract with one finger like a handkerchief, and casually glanced at its attribute details in order to complete the final confirmation process.

[Dimensional Summoning Contract (Golden)]

[Quality: Epic Level]

[(Current scene cannot activate the contract)]

[You can randomly recruit a different-dimensional warrior equivalent to the sixth-order epic level to fight for you]

[Recruitment of fighters will undergo the fusion and data transformation of the current world, so it will take five to ten minutes to arrive]

[Please choose an open space with an area of ​​no less than 800 square meters for recruitment, and make sure to clear the field in advance, as there will be abnormal conditions in the dimensional barrier during recruitment]

【When recruiting, please stay at least 100 meters away from the center point】

(The magical recruiting contract of another dimension can recruit a powerful warrior of another dimension for you

As you know, cross-dimensional recruitment is not easy. Although this recruitment contract is a random recruitment, the fighters who can come over often have some unusual abilities)

Zong Shen saw the final strategy note and nodded in agreement.

Take Gugat the Bloodwolf as an example, whose Furnace Bomb really shines in this defensive challenge.

Combined with [Defensive Challenge Exclusive Resurrection Scroll (Special)], Gugat became a "human nuclear bomb", and the high-destructive explosion killed many dark orcs.

Zong Shen was looking forward to the summoning contract in his hand, but the mysterious hall was unavailable, and he didn't continue to investigate further here. Let's talk about it after the challenge is over.

He is ready to rest for two to three days after the challenge.

Counting after the end of the challenge, the next ten days will be the agreed day between him and the bard Ingram.

At that time, he will ride Eagle Sauce or Xiao Heizi to the giant city of Lentax to attend the appointment.

Half a month after the end of the challenge, it was time for the competitive tournament to start.

There was plenty of time to be free before he left for the great city of Lentax.

He planned to develop the surrounding ruins well.

At that time, powerful fighters will be indispensable.

After storing the summoning contract in the storage compartment, Zong Shen took over the sixth light sphere.

Inside this light sphere is an architectural blueprint, which has reached the second level of the dazzling light level.

However, architecture is not only based on grades, but also on its specific functions.

There are many epic-level buildings in the territory with extremely strong buff effects, such as [Pillar of the Red Gold Barrier (Golden)], [Idol of Craftsman (Golden)], and [Special Knowledge School (Golden)].

They are of far-reaching value to the development of the territory. Even if the territory becomes a giant city in the future, these buildings can continue to play a role.

So after Zong Shen unfolded the blueprint, he looked at it for a while and focused on its detailed attribute description, so as to determine the true value of this architectural blueprint!

[Construction drawing of super war stables (Glorious Class II)]

[Quality: Legendary (Orange) War Building]

[Requirements: Super War Stable Construction Drawing × 1, Legendary Golden Dragon Blood × 15,000 ml, Legendary Red Dragon Blood × 13,500 ml, Legendary Blue Dragon Blood × 12,000 ml]

[Part of the complete building needs to meet the construction materials before it can be built]

[Site area: 1500 meters long x 200 meters wide = 300000 square meters]

[Building height: 9 meters]

[Number of layers: 1]

[Building Armor: 150]

[Building magic resistance: 135]

【Internal stalls: 3500】

[Building Effect: Dragon Transformation Horses (makes the war horses in the war stables gradually transform into dragons, greatly improving physical defense ability, running speed, physical strength, impact force and other attributes, and at the same time, limbs will mutate according to the characteristics of dragon transformation, dragon transformation The process takes 7 to 30 days)]

[War stables cannot produce dragon transformation effects on other mounted beasts except horses]

(To put it simply, this is a stable with a dragon transformation effect, which can make ordinary horses get dragon transformation enhancements, similar to the dragon-scale mixed-breed warhorses you have seen before, with stronger attributes

In fact, this kind of operation is quite common in the Kingdom of Avalon. Take the Dragonborn Knights as an example. Starting from the fourth-rank dragonborn, the horses equipped are all dragon-like hybrid horses. The higher the rank, the more powerful the horses. powerful

The top-level dragon horse can walk in the air, has a strong body, its body is covered with dragon scales, has a strong defensive ability, and can even emit a small amount of low-level dragon language magic. Not afraid of death, able to fear the deterrent effect of Longwei and other high-ranking species

This war stable can make the horse dragon up to the sixth level

The specific situation depends on the type of horse, the initial lineage, and the potential of dragon transformation)

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

"Having such a war stable~www.wuxiaspot.com~ doesn't it mean that dragon war horses can be mass-produced in the future?"

"This is simply a horse upgrade workshop!"

"As long as you purchase ordinary prairie horses in batches and put them in this stable for a period of time to be raised as dragons, they can become precious dragon horses, which are extremely valuable whether they are for personal use or for sale!"

Zong Shen saw the value of the war stable almost immediately.

Among the aborigines, each high-level dragon war horse is worth tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dinars.

Ordinary prairie horses are only worth five or six hundred dinars.

There are a hundred times more benefits in this.

However, if Zong Shen wanted to build a war stable, he had to obtain the blood of three pure-blooded true dragons: golden dragon, red dragon, and blue dragon, and the level should not be too low, at least a legendary low rank to meet the requirements.

It will take a lot of effort to collect them all!

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