Chapter 967 Alpha Exchange End 【Subscription】

Regarding the research on virtual channels and Hearthstone, it may be difficult to achieve results in a short period of time.

However, if Zongshen wants to conquer the continent in the future and establish a truly magnificent achievement, he must re-research the virtual channel and hearthstone, and use this as a basis to comprehensively improve the efficiency of movement and reduce the obstacles to communication between various places.

We must know that the progress of any civilization is inseparable from the use of advanced means of transportation and means of communication.

Just take the earth civilization as an example, from walking manpower to cattle, horses and animal power, and later generations of trains, high-speed rails, and airplanes.

The means of transportation are constantly innovating, and the barriers brought about by geographical distance are getting smaller and smaller.

People can travel thousands of kilometers in one day.

For the earth, such a speed can fully satisfy the process of globalization.

Of course, the geographical area of ​​the endless continent is not comparable to that of the earth.

Correspondingly, more efficient means of transportation are needed here.

Today's giant city-level teleportation array can only ensure that all places will not be completely blocked.

But actually wanting to go from one end of the kingdom to the other has to go through hundreds of teleportations.

Goblin trader Boswell spends years on each trade trip.

They need to reach the caravan strongholds in various places through the teleportation array, change into various means of transportation including goblin airships, and sink to the giant cities and state cities in various regions for trade.

Traveling merchants will sell the inventory goods carried with the team, and at the same time purchase local specialties, and transport them to the next city for sale.

The bigger the Endless Continent, the smaller the influence of a single body.

And the vast land itself is the best soil for breeding heroes.

If Zong Shen wanted to become the true overlord of the continent, the first thing he had to conquer was not others, but the Endless Continent itself. How to cross geographical restrictions became an unavoidable topic.

Zong Shen had also thought about this problem before, and the solution he came up with at that time was to master the manufacturing method of the giant city-level teleportation array by himself, and establish his own teleportation path matrix for the territory.

But now that he knew the existence of the virtual channel and Hearthstone, he had a better choice.

Putting away this hearthstone, Zong Shen already had a preliminary plan in mind.

He restrained himself, raised his hand and opened the tenth ball of light.

After the sphere of light shattered and dissipated, a baggage box gradually grew larger and fell to the ground.

【High energy food storage box (orange)】

[Quality: Legendary]

[After opening, you can get 999 high-energy food (orange)]

[Each high-energy food (orange) can restore 70 points of hunger and satiety to targets whose total four attributes are less than 600 points, and the effect of restoring hunger and satiety to targets whose total four attributes are higher than 600 points will gradually decrease]

(Aha, the food is beginning to conform to the law. The higher the strength of the creature, the greater the food demand. The same kind of food can provide different levels of hunger and satiety for different targets, but these high-energy foods can basically satisfy most of the sixth-order and The needs of human fighters of the following tiers

Of course, beasts of the same level, alien races, and higher-ranking species are not included)

Zong Shen didn't choose to open it, but directly put it into the storage compartment.

This high-energy food can be kept as an emergency food stockpile on the go.

In other respects, there is nothing to say.

Including the problem of hunger and fullness recovery, Zong Shen also knew about it a long time ago.

The food intake of Yingjiang, Feihu, Wild Boar King Chacha, and Xiao Heizi in the territory is dozens of times that of ordinary soldiers.

Next, the food intake and hunger recovery degree of fighters of various ethnic groups are determined according to their body size.

Most human fighters eat about the same amount of food, and the hunger and fullness supplements brought by the same food are almost the same.

Now it seems that it is not only the body shape that determines the recovery of hunger and fullness, but also the four basic attributes.

The higher the attribute and the stronger the guy, the greater the need to eat.

He directly put away the [High-Energy Food Storage Box (Orange)], turned his body slightly and looked at the eleventh ball of light floating beside him.

This is a 【Building Advancement Stone】, the quality level has reached the golden epic level.

Zong Shen had previously obtained an orange legendary [Building Advancement Stone], which was finally used by Mariel to advance the [Magic Energy Communication Crystal Tower].

That advancement also increased the effective communication range of the [Magic Energy Communication Crystal Tower] from 1,000 kilometers to 10,000 kilometers, enough to cover the giant city of Lentax and even the giant city of Dagalisni farther away.

Now he got another [Building Stepping Stone], so he had to make good use of it.

Zong Shen narrowed his eyes, and the details of the information in gold subtitles appeared.

【Building Advancement Stone (Golden)】

[Quality: Epic Level]

[Effect: Building advancement (it is possible to upgrade a building with a level of no more than five or a legendary level to one level, and the corresponding building functions, floor area, height, sturdiness and other attributes will all change to a certain extent)]

【This step-up stone can only be used once】

[(Click to select a building)

【(Unavailable in the current environment)】

Legendary level [building advancement stone] is to increase the level of Tier 4/rare level buildings to Tier 5/Legendary level.

Epic level [building advancement stone] is to upgrade the fifth-level/legendary level buildings to sixth-level/epic level buildings.

There are quite a few buildings in the territory that meet the usage requirements, including [Luna Spring (orange)], [Commander Tower (orange)], [fifth-order mana communication crystal tower (orange)], [Harvest Barn (orange)] )] and the yet-to-be-built [thousand-kilometer-level directional transmission tower (orange)] can be used for building advancement.

Zong Shen plans to wait until the end of the challenge to discuss with Mariel before making a decision.

Among them, the [thousand-kilometer-level directional transmission tower (orange)], once advanced to a golden epic-level building, the transmission distance is likely to be increased to the 10,000-kilometer level. Before solving the problem of virtual channels, it can be used as a transitional space means , to increase Zongshen's influence and influence layout.

He will discuss this matter with Mariel, so there is no need to worry.

After properly putting away this [Building Stepping Stone (Golden)], there are only two **** of light left in front of me.

Zong Shen stretched out his hand to fish it out, and pierced the two light spheres at the same time.

They are an orange legendary-level architectural blueprint and a golden epic-level manufacturing blueprint.

Speaking of which, these few items are not very good, but fortunately, their practicality is not bad, otherwise Zong Shen would have to wonder if he had added a fake luck!

He shook his head feelingly, and then focused on the two blueprints in front of him.

Zong Shen unfolded them separately and looked them up one by one.

[Six-step stone city wall construction blueprint (orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Requirements: rough carved ashlar x 120, stone x 200, rough forged steel beam x 12, iron x 80, copper ingot x 10, high-level gold rune x 1, high-level earth rune x 1]

[Construction time: 6 hours and 19 minutes]

[Occupation: 10 meters high x 20 meters long x 3 meters wide]

【Strong value: 32500】

[Building Armor: 185]

[Building magic resistance: 170]

[The sixth-order ashlar city wall has a good defensive ability and is a necessary building for the sixth-order city wall]

(What Tun Jiao Niang wants to erect is not just a high wall)

[Storm crossbow mechanical equipment manufacturing blueprint (golden)]

[Quality: Epic Level]

[Requirements: [Superior Mechanical Workshop], [Superior Mana Research Institute], [Superior Blacksmith Shop], Epic Crossbow String x 1, Precision Forging Alloy x 30, Tier 5 Gale Rune x 1, Tier 5 Sharp Rune ×1, Tier 5 Lightness Rune x1, Tier 5 Piercing Rune x1, Legendary Wind Spirit Magic Gem x2, Legendary Wood x50, Super Element Magic Steel x12, Super Magic Stone x12]

[Manufacturing time: 37 hours and 29 minutes]

[Manufacturing needs talents: super mechanical engineer, super magic technician, super blacksmith]

[Size: 3.5 meters long crossbow arm, 2.8 meters high crossbow, rotatable base]

[Equipped with a rotary crossbow cabin and a piston return type winch]

[Crossbow compartment ammunition: 120 pieces]

【Strong value: 8500】

[A giant crossbow that can be used for defending or sieging a city, with a super high rate of fire and good piercing damage]

【(Current demand is not met, cannot be manufactured)】

(Different from the [Storm Ballista (blue)] that you have seized from the secret stronghold of the Calamity Raven Church, the Storm Ballista here is a large-scale equipment with high power and fast firing speed. The type of crossbow pod can make it fire 120 bolts in one minute

At the same time, with the blessing of various runes, each crossbow bolt has extremely high penetration and speed

As long as twelve storm crossbow mechanical equipment are deployed in the same area, it can even suppress the approach of several squadrons. Of course, the consumption of such a crossbow with such an astonishing rate of fire is also huge)

He quickly finished checking the two drawings.

The former is a sixth-level city wall. From this level, the city wall enters the stone stage.

The sturdiness has greatly improved compared to the previous steps.

Considering that the city wall is a building that needs to be upgraded step by step, the cost of each sixth-tier city wall is not low.

But it can fully meet the defense needs of the fortress level.

Zong Shen can take it step by step, and now a high-level city wall is built in the inner city.

As for the outer city, let's start with the first-tier city wall and gradually upgrade it.

Judging from the situation of the sixth-tier city wall, Zong Shen reckoned that the construction of towers would soon be involved in the future, and the strong walls in his mind must be towers.

With a width of 20 to 30 meters, ordnance can be stored inside, and several carriages can pass on the top.

Referring to the ruins of Azshara's tower, only a solid wall of this size can bring enough sense of security.

Coupled with the application of [Armored City Wall Technology (Orange)], Zong Shen will sooner or later build a super barrier far better than the giant city of Azshara!

He mastered the two blueprints first, and included them in the options of [Building] and [Manufacturing] respectively, and they can arrange them after the conditions are met.

So far, the results of these five lucky lottery tickets have been checked.

Zong Shen raised his head and saw that there were still ten minutes left in the exchange time of the mysterious palace.

It happened that he was also a little tired, so he asked Alpha tentatively.

"Can I redeem some coupons and scratch them off later?"

The carrier of this lottery is a lottery ticket, similar to the previous lucky bag, maybe it can be redeemed first, and saved for later redemption.

I saw Alpha spread his hands and replied in a brisk tone.


"Each lottery ticket represents a chance to draw a lottery with corresponding specifications."

"It is not limited to the environment, as long as you have a lottery ticket in your hand, you can choose to open it at any time."

"Anyway, the determination of the reward draw changes in real time."

"It doesn't matter whether you redeem the prize on the spot in the mysterious hall, or choose a convenient time later, it's the same, so of course, you can do it however you like."

Zong Shen breathed a sigh of relief at Alpha's words.

With a big wave of his hand, he directly chose to redeem 15 good luck coupons with 99999 points.

A huge sum of 1499985 points was spent, making the point balance become [971527] points.

After the points were deducted, fifteen golden lottery tickets appeared.

He backhanded it into the storage compartment, and saved it to cash in the prize when he had time in the future.

Anyway, as long as there is an unlimited prize pool mechanism for lottery tickets, these lottery tickets will not become obsolete.

During this period of time, Zong Shen could still think of ways to improve his luck.

He believes that the vast endless continent, the magical lord system, must have other items and methods that can increase luck.

Putting away the fifteen lucky tickets, Zong Shen immediately felt refreshed.

Harvesting and consulting so many items also made him feel a little dizzy.

This is exhaustion that neither refreshing coffee nor spirits can restore.

He needs to hug the eagerly awaited women in the territory and get a good night's sleep.

Alpha suddenly smiled, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Immediately, a wide chair appeared under Zong Shen and him.

"Sit down for a while."

"We will automatically return to the challenge area when the time is over, and it's not too late to launch 'Again' at that time."

Zong Shenyi sat down, raised his head and looked at Alpha.

This guy blinked his eyes, as if he still had some secret information to tell him.

Although Zong Shen was curious at the moment, Alpha didn't take the initiative to speak up, and he wouldn't ask hastily.

As time passed by, Zong Shen closed his eyes and reorganized the exchange.

After confirming that there are no omissions, I am completely relieved.

When there was one minute left in the countdown of the mysterious hall, Alpha got up first and snapped his fingers resoundingly, and a vortex-like teleportation door appeared in front of Zong Shen.

"time to go."

After all, UU Reading Alpha walked into the light gate first, followed by Zong Shen.

When the teleportation realm began to transform, a faint white light flew into Zong Shen's palm.

Then the expression on Zong Shen's face changed, this white light was the message that Alpha sent while teleporting.

The content is very simple, only one paragraph:

[The third act is very important, at least the initial prototype of the kingdom must be established within ten years]

Zong Shen is not sure whether this is a guide or a hint.

In fact, the concept of the first few acts was told to him by Chen Rui.

Silently remembering this sentence in his heart, the scene in front of him changed, he and Alpha returned to the challenge field, and the countdown in the sky hardly passed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zong Shen took out the 【Privilege Coupon (Special) Once Again】without ink marks!

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