Los Angeles Detective

Chapter 264 Confession

Gajill bar.

A thin, curly-haired man walked up to the bar, "Hey, buddy, have a glass of rum."

A white man with a beard came over and patted the curly-haired man on the shoulder, "Hey, isn't this the big star Kenneth? You're not at the Lime Talk Show Bar, why did you come here?"

"I'm not a big star, I'm just a stand-up guy. There's something wrong with the Lime stand-up bar, and I can't go there if I want to."

The bearded man asked, "Could it be true that Darcy died at the Lyme Talk Show?"

When other people heard the news, they also gathered around.

Seeing that everyone was paying attention to him, Kenneth sighed softly, "You are right, Darcy was poisoned to death last night, and the entire bar has been cordoned off."

The bearded man opened his eyes wide, "Wow, this is terrible, I kind of like him."

Others also asked eagerly, "How did Darcy die?"

"I heard that he was poisoned to death by mineral water. Isn't this incident already on the news? How could he still be poisoned to death?"

Kenneth shook his head, "Guys, the police won't let you know the details. I can only tell you that I am not surprised that this happened."

The bearded man showed a curious look, "Kenneth, do you know the inside story?"

"It can't be said to be an inside story, it's just out of understanding of Darcy.

Talk show is a kind of humorous language art, which requires cultural accumulation, and makes people laugh out loud through language art.

However, it should have a bottom line and be a civilized art.

Unlike Darcy, he likes to belittle women, tell dirty jokes, and mock those poor people, although it can make people laugh for a short time.

But this form of performance is problematic, and it is easy to cause trouble, just like it is now..."

A black man grinned, showed his big white teeth, and showed a curious look, "Do you think he was poisoned to death because he said that the talk show offended people?"

"I just thought it was a possibility," Kenneth said.

The black man asked, "If the bar patrons don't like the way he performs, they can just stop watching, why poison him?"

Kenneth glanced at the black man, and said seriously, "Human nature is complicated, and it's hard to explain clearly.

Besides, the TV station has already broadcast the poisoning news, and he still uses the means of pretending to be dead to achieve the purpose of being funny. I said that this is a very inferior form of performance, and it is problematic. "

The black man said, "Kenneth, I feel that you have a deep prejudice against Darcy, and you even have a little resentment."

"No, I just don't like the way he acts." Kenneth turned his head and looked at the black man who spoke, "Who are you? I don't think I've seen you before."

The black man flashed his police badge, "I'm Detective Marcus from the Robbery and Murder Division, I think we should chat in another place."


Police Department.

The First Interrogation Room of the Robbery and Murder Division.

Kenneth was taken to the police station by Luke and Xiao Hei for questioning.

On the way, Luke also kept observing the other person's demeanor, from the initial nervousness, to gradually relaxing.

Kenneth sat down at the interrogation table, looked at Luke and Xiao Hei, and looked at the surrounding walls, "I saw it on TV, the glass opposite should be a one-way perspective, is there someone watching me? "

Luke reminded, "Kenneth, instead of focusing on external things, you should pay more attention to yourself."

"You're right, what do you want me to do?"

"What's your full name?"

"Kenneth Sandy."

"You're also an actor at the Lime Talk Bar?"

"Yes, you should come and listen to it if you have the chance. You must like it. I'm a great stand-up actor."

"I've heard your name before. I have a friend who likes you very much and often mentions you. Can you sign me?" Luke took out a poster of the Lime Talk Show Bar.

Kenneth picked up the pen and said with a smile, "What are you going to use my signature for? In exchange for wine?"

"Yeah, I'm ready for him to buy me a drink."

"Nonono, one meal is not enough. This is my autograph. It can be exchanged for at least three meals of wine, haha." Kenneth wrote his name with a smile.

Luke picked up the poster and looked at the signature on it carefully, "Thank you, my friends will definitely like it."

Kenneth pointed at Luke, "Your friend has good taste."

Xiao Hei smiled, "Why do you say that? Just because his friend likes your talk show?"

"Isn't that enough?" Kenneth said with a serious face, "Talk show is an art, not just scripts, it's a test of expressiveness.

The same piece of script, performed by different people in different ways, has completely two effects.

Don't underestimate it, let alone a stand-up show performer, absolutely not. "

Luke pressed, "So what do you think of Darcy?"

"I've said it in the bar and I'm sure you've heard it too. There's not much to say, we're two completely different styles of acting."

"That's right, I heard it, so I feel that you don't like Darcy very much, and even hate him a little bit. Is your conflict deep?"

"What do you mean? You think I killed him?"

"You do not want it?"

"Hey, be careful what you say, I'm a public figure, I live off my fame, be careful I'll sue you for defamation.

I only forgive you once, not because you are a policeman, but because your friend is my fan, you should be glad you have a good friend. "

Xiao Hei smiled and said, "Luke, I like this guy, he's very interesting."

Luke nodded, "Yes, it is indeed more interesting than his talk show."

"Hey, you can insult me, but you can't look down on my profession, have you heard my talk show?

If you haven't heard it, you have no right to speak. "

"I haven't heard of it, but I heard that your finale performance was taken away by Darcy. This is why you resent Darcy."

"Hey, I'm not a narrow person, I don't like him not because he took away my finale, but because of the way he performed.

He doesn't respect women, and always likes to tell some dirty jokes, so it won't last long. "

"Is that why you wanted to kill him?"

"I didn't say I wanted to kill him, you are slandering."

"I did not slander, you said."

"I don't."

Luke held a transparent plastic bag, which contained a letter, "We found this threatening letter at Dalsey's house. The sender hated Dalsey's way of acting, and felt that his way of acting disrespected women and was too There are many pornographic jokes, and it is very dirty, which is consistent with your opinion.

At the end of the letter, it is also written that if Dalsey does not change this acting style, it will make him die ugly.

And now the result is that Darcy is indeed dead.

So we have reason to believe that the sender has a motive for committing the crime, which is why we invited you here. "

"Hey...Even if someone wrote a threatening letter to Darcy...it can't prove that it's related to me." Kenneth stuttered, his words lacked confidence.

Luke put the threatening letter and the signature on the poster together, "Before we brought you to the police station, we asked an expert to identify your handwriting. Your handwriting is exactly the same as that on the threatening letter. This threatening letter is written by you." of."

"fuck!" Kenneth patted his forehead with his hand.

"Kenneth, how do you explain?"

"I need to see a lawyer."


Luke and Xiao Hei returned to the interrogation room to rest.

The deputy team asked, "Why did you come out so soon? How did the interrogation go?"

"That guy needs to see a lawyer, so we can only temporarily suspend the interrogation."

The deputy team asked, "He admitted that he wrote a threatening letter?"

"No, but that guy is guilty and completely panicked, otherwise he wouldn't have called a lawyer directly." Xiao Hei snapped his fingers and speculated, "Based on my experience, this guy is probably the real poisoner."

"Based on your experience?" The deputy team pouted, "I don't think he is a poisoner."

"Why?" Xiao Hei asked back, "You have never had contact with him, let alone know him."

"But I know you, and I know your experience." The deputy team pressed the thumbnail of the little finger with the thumb of his left hand.

Xiao Hei was not convinced, "You are wrong, very wrong. This guy has a motive for committing the crime, and there is definitely a problem."

"It's not enough to have a motive for committing a crime, you have to have evidence of his crime." The deputy team spread their hands, "This is the most basic."

Luke poured a glass of Longjing and took a sip, "The deputy team is right.

Guys, I need your help. Check the surveillance video of the subway station and Shanyuan Supermarket to see if this guy has appeared at the poisoning site. "

Jackson said, "I think his home should be searched to see if he can find cyanide and suspected crime tools."

"Good idea, but you need to get a search warrant before that, and I'll leave this task to you." Luke pointed to the captain's office.

Everyone split up, and Luke was ready to fight. In his opinion, the next battle is likely to be a tough battle.


More than an hour later, Luke and Xiao Hei returned to the interrogation room again.

The lawyer did not stay to accompany Kenneth during the interrogation. After the two met alone, the lawyer left.

Luke was somewhat surprised by this.

Luke put the threatening letter on the table again, "Kenneth, how did you go with your lawyer?"

Kenneth nodded, "Very good."

"Then explain the threatening letter."

Kenneth looked down at the threatening letter carefully, "Yes, I wrote it."

"Why did you write this threatening letter?"

"Because I hate that guy Dalsey, he has sullied the talk show with his dirty performances, and lowered the bottom line of the talk show again. If he is allowed to continue, the talk show will become a dirty endorsement, which is unacceptable. Yes." Kenneth showed an angry look, and continued to complain,

"There is also that Ali Huang, that woman is simply a 'filthy woman', I disdain to be with them, I think it is a shame.

People like them will ruin the career of talk show. "

Luke took advantage of the situation and asked, "So, you killed Darcy?"

Kenneth hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, I killed him!"

Luke and Xiao Hei looked at each other with surprised expressions, they didn't expect the other party to recruit so easily.

Luke struck while the iron was hot, "How did you kill it?"

"I poisoned his water."

"How did you poison it?"

"While he wasn't paying attention, I went over and unscrewed the lid, and put some poisonous powder inside."

"Where did you put the poison?"

"Just next to the stage."

"Did anyone see it?"

"I don't know, I was nervous."

"Have you ever touched a water bottle with your bare hands?"

"I was so nervous, I can't remember exactly."

Luke stared at him, feeling like he was lying.

Moreover, if he had poisoned by the side of the stage, there were so many guests at that time, it is impossible for no one to see it.

All the guests at the scene took notes, but no one mentioned the matter, which seemed abnormal no matter how you looked at it.

Is he lying?

But why would he lie?

Luke suppressed the doubts in his heart and continued to ask, "What poison did you use?"

"Extremely poisonous, as long as you take it, you will die soon."

"I'm asking about the specific ingredients."

"Ah...the drug seller said it, but I can't remember."

"Where did you get the poison?"

"Sold it to me by a man named Eloque."

"What's your full name?"

"I have no idea."

"How to contact him?"

"That was a year ago and I had a problem with Darcy.

I hated him very much, so I went to the bar to drink away my worries.

I happened to meet Ai Luoke, he is a chemistry teacher, we all drank at the time, I bought poison from him in a daze.

Because I was drinking at the time, I can't remember anything else. "

"which bar?"

"The Malikaff Bar."

Luke has been observing his expression, from micro-expression analysis, this bastard is full of lies.

Been goofing off.

Luke asked patiently, "Where is the rest of the poison?"

"I lost it."

"Where did you lose it?"

"Throw it in my toilet and flush it away."

"Did you poison anywhere else besides Dulcey?"

"Yes, the subway station and Shanyuan Supermarket."

"Have you been to either place?"


"Which subway station did you get the drug on?"

"I can't remember."

"How much poisonous mineral water did you put in the subway station? How much poisonous mineral water did you put in the Shanyuan Supermarket?"

"I can't remember."

Luke's face was a bit ugly. Although Kenneth confessed, he was full of lies, and what he described were all the contents of the news, and there were no actual confessions and clues at all.

Take the poisoning site and the poisoned mineral water as an example. It has been reported on the news. Everyone knows these two sites, so it is difficult to use them as evidence.

It's the details that really count.

For example, although the poisoning sites were at the subway station and the Shanyuan Supermarket, the batch numbers of the really poisonous mineral water were the same.

In other words, the poisoner should have bought a box of mineral water, nine of which were placed in the subway station, and the other three in the Shanyuan Supermarket.

Not every bottle of these mineral waters is poisonous. At present, 11 bottles of the same batch number of mineral water have been found, and five bottles of mineral water are poisonous.

But Kenneth's confession didn't include any details of poisoning, or he was deliberately avoiding it and pretending to be stupid.

Or, he wasn't really the poisoner.

But if he wasn't the real poisoner, why did he plead guilty? What is his purpose?

Luke interrupted the interrogation again. It would be meaningless to continue the interrogation until Kenneth's purpose was clarified, and he would only be led by the nose by Kenneth.


After returning to the office, Luke and Xiao Hei were a little depressed.

The deputy team looked at the two and said, "Looking at your expressions, I guess the interrogation is not progressing much. Kenneth refuses to plead guilty?"

Luke didn't answer, but asked instead, "Have you found any clues about his poisoning?"

Matthew replied, "No, we checked the surveillance at the subway station and Shanyuan Supermarket, but we didn't find him."

"What about his family?"

"Ramon and Jenny went to search, but they didn't find cyanide and suspected poisoning tools." The deputy team spread their hands, "Either this guy is hiding deep, or he is not the real poisoner?

In any case, we can only let him go now. "

Little underworld, "He pleaded guilty."

"What did you say?" The deputy team thought he had heard wrong.

"He admitted that he killed Dulcey."

The deputy team was a little surprised, "Wow, well done, I'm curious about how you did the interrogation."

Luke said, "He confessed before we started the interrogation."

"Are you kidding me?" The deputy team couldn't believe it.

Luke walked over to the projector and played the body camera video.

After reading it, the deputy team habitually picked up the comb, "It's interesting.

This guy said he confessed, but he didn't give any actual content, evidence, and criminal history. I bet if he goes to court, he will definitely retract his confession. "

Xiao Hei asked, "What will happen in the end?"

"Unless we can produce tangible evidence of his poisoning, we will be passive and may even allow a jury to acquit him.

If it is the latter, even if he is the real poisoner, it is impossible for us to investigate him again. "The deputy team sighed.

"I hate this kind of bastard the most. Many police officers were careless when investigating the case, and were caught by the other party's lawyer. They suffered a lot in this regard."

Luke pressed, "Lieutenant, do you think he was the real poisoner?"

"Lack of some key evidence, it's hard to say now. However, I think it should be considered in the worst case and treated with caution. Before finding tangible evidence, don't sue him lightly."

After the deputy team finished speaking, "You interrogated him yourself, what do you think?"

Luke rubbed his chin. He agreed with the vice team, but he was more inclined that Kenneth was not the real poisoner.

The reason why Luke made this judgment was not only because no evidence of his committing the crime was found, but also based on the micro-expression analysis in the interrogation room. From his experience, he was not a poisoner.

"I don't think he's a poisoner?"

Xiao Hei asked, "Then why did he admit that he killed Darcy? What good would it do him?"

Luke took advantage of the analysis, "Dalcey is well-known in the talk show industry. Although he has not hosted a talk show, he has appeared on similar shows as a guest. He has a certain reputation.

His death has caused some public opinion, and the media is also reporting on it.

Assume that Kenneth's poisoning was reported by the media, and a talk show actor poisoned and killed another talk show actor because of his dedication to performing arts.

This event will definitely get a lot of media coverage, and Kenneth will be famous for it.

Once an actor becomes famous, his value will skyrocket immediately, and with his popularity, he has everything.

Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance, which is why he sought a lawyer.

He went to a lawyer not to escape charges of poisoning, but to consult about the risks of impersonating a poisoner.

Obviously, the result of his assessment is worth the risk.

This is likely to make him famous in one battle. "

Xiao Hei thought for a while, "Sounds reasonable, but I remember that he despised Darcy's fake death before. Wouldn't he be more base and bottomless than Darcy's fake death in doing so?"

The deputy team disdainfully said, "You know what? Many poor people hate rich people.

But they don't hate money, it's just because the money doesn't belong to them and they can't get it.

If they have the chance to become rich, they may be even crazier.

The same goes for Kenneth, who criticizes Dulcey, not necessarily really dislikes the way Dulcey plays, maybe just because his own way of acting is different from Dalcey's.

If he has a chance to replace Darcy, he will probably be even more bottomless than Darcy. "

Xiao Hei showed a look of disgust, "In other words, if this guy wants to take advantage of Dalcy's death to become famous, it's tantamount to indirectly stepping on lapd's face.

We can't let him get away with it, it's disgusting. "

Luke said, "You're right.

Therefore, we need to take some targeted measures. For example, don't leak the news of Kenneth's arrest. As long as the media doesn't know about it, he won't be able to take advantage of this opportunity to become famous.

The second point is to investigate this bastard. I want to know everything about him from birth to the present. "

Luke was angry, he hated being used.

Doesn't Kenneth want to go to jail?

Then Luke sent him in for other crimes.

Let him go on a talk show in jail.


At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in."

After a while, David opened the door and walked in, "Hey, guys, how is the poisoning case going?"

"It didn't go well, why did you come here suddenly?"

"I heard that you want to buy me a drink, so I'm here."

Luke shrugged, "I didn't say that."

"Are you sure? Then I'll go." David gestured to leave.

Luke came to his senses and stopped the other party, "Wait, did you find the clue of the Jiangnan supermarket thief Loki?"

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