At the intersection ahead, Potter made a sharp U-turn and drove directly into the opposite lane.

The deputy took out the walkie-talkie, "Raymond, we found suspect Jill Warren's black Mercedes in the oncoming lane.

Don't get lost. "


The deputy team looked at Potter in the cab, "Boy, how's your driving skills?"

"Before I was transferred, the Fast and Furious program group asked me to be a technical director, but I refused."

The deputy team laughed, "Your decision is right, coming to rob and murder Si Ke is more exciting than making a movie.

come on, let me see what you can do. "

"Sit tight!"

Potter slammed on the accelerator, and the black Dodge speeded up a bit, and he saw the black Mercedes with the license plate number 4wsa328 again.

After the Dodge car caught up with the Mercedes-Benz, it turned on its lights and siren to signal the other side to stop.

However, not only did the Mercedes-Benz not stop, but it accelerated even faster.

"Stop it!"

The deputy team grabbed the armrest tightly and muttered, "It's been a long time since I've been really exciting."

Potter didn't hesitate anymore, stepped on the accelerator, and slammed into the left rear of the Mercedes-Benz.


The body of the Mercedes-Benz swayed, lost control, and crashed into the green belt on the right.

"Good job!" The deputy team was a little excited.

Porter stopped the car and the two walked to the Mercedes with guns in hand.


"Police, don't move!"

"Hey, let me see your hands, put them up."

Potter opened the driver's door and pulled the driver out.

The deputy team opened the door on the back side, raised the pistol and said, "Hey, come out of it quickly."

Raymond and Jenny also rushed to the scene and came over with guns.

The two people in the Mercedes were handcuffed and searched.

The deputy team stared at one of the white middle-aged men and asked, "What's your name?"

"Jill Warren."

"That's right, it's you we're looking for."

"Where are you going?"

"Go to the airport."

"Let me guess, are you planning to flee to Brazil to avoid the limelight?"

Jill Warren shook her head, "No, I'm on vacation in Brazil."

"Hehe." The deputy team laughed, "I have two news to tell you now, one good news and one bad news.

The bad news is, you can't make it to Brazil.

The good news is, I can give you another vacation spot. "

After the deputy team finished speaking, they looked at Raymond, "Dude, you stay and deal with the scene.

Potter, get this guy in the car, I can't wait to interrogate him. "

"Okay, deputy team."


Forty minutes later.

Robbery and Murder Division, Interrogation Room 1.

Jill Warren has been handcuffed to an interrogation chair.

The deputy team and Potter walked into the interrogation room talking and laughing.

The deputy team asked, "Captain, have they returned from the airport?"

"Should still be on the way."

The deputy team laughed, "Very well, we will try to complete the interrogation before they come back."

"Then we have to work harder." Porter put the information on the table, and he also attached great importance to this opportunity of performance.

The deputy stared at Jill Warren across the street and asked, "Do you know why you were arrested?"

"No, in fact, I want to say that there should be a misunderstanding here, and you have arrested the wrong person."

The deputy team asked, "Do you know Ricardo Solu, God Simon, and Glenn Laws?"


"What is your relationship?"

"Ordinary friends, who occasionally meet and drink together in bars."

"But according to the statements of the three of them, on the night of July 16, you ordered the three of them to shoot and kill Fred Kramer."

Jill Warren shook her head. "They lied, I didn't."

"Three people lied together?" The deputy team sneered, "Do you think the judge will believe three people, or just one?"

Jill Warren shrugged, "Maybe the three of them conspired to make me a scapegoat, who knows?"

The deputy team opened the file, "Do you know Fred Kramer?"

"No, I haven't even heard his name."

"Let me introduce to you, Fred Cramer is the research and development director of Kallman Pharmaceuticals, he is in charge of developing a new type of antihypertensive drug, and Kallman Pharmaceuticals has invested dozens billion dollars.

If Fred Kramer had an accident at this time, the research and development of new antihypertensive drugs is likely to fail, and billions of dollars will be in vain.

Someone has to be responsible for this. "

Jill Warren shrugged. "None of my business."

The deputy team sneered, "You haven't realized the seriousness of this matter.

What you have offended is not just one person, nor just Kallman Pharmaceuticals, but the capital behind this company.

You cost them billions of dollars, do you think they'll let you go? "

Jill Warren's face became a little ugly, "I'm just a small role, and I have no conflict of interest with Kallman Pharmaceuticals at all...I..."

Seeing that the other party hesitated to speak, the deputy team persuaded, "I know there is someone behind you, tell him his name, and leave the rest to us to investigate.

If you refuse to confess, then we can only find out about you, and you will be responsible for the blame, and those capitals will also treat you as a target for venting.

You still don't understand such a simple truth? "

Jill Warren showed hesitation, but still couldn't make up his mind.

The deputy team spread their hands, "OK, it's fine if you don't say it.

Then we can only investigate you as the mastermind behind the shooting.

Luckily for you. The deputy team walked up to him and whispered, "I kindly remind you that the power of those capitals is terrible. It is best to let your family leave the United States."

The farther the better. "

Jill Warren took a deep breath and tightly grasped the armrest of the chair with her right hand, "If I tell you, can you guarantee my safety?

that person……

It's not something I can provoke, he might kill me as well. "

"Of course, we will help you turn into a tainted witness, and we can even provide protection for your family if necessary."

Jill Warren was silent for a moment, seemingly determined, "Royce Woodman."

The deputy team scratched his thinning hair, "This name sounds familiar."

"He's the vice president of Jelson Pharmaceuticals."


eight pm.

Royce Woodman House.

This is a villa with a very large area. The overall style of the villa is more modern, with white walls, tall floor-to-ceiling windows, and a semicircular swimming pool in the front yard, which occupies more than half of the entire yard area.

Xiao Hei walked to the gate of the courtyard, looked inside through the iron gate, and said enviously, "Do you know? I never dreamed that I could live in such a house."

Luke smiled, "Raise your daughter well, she still has a chance."

"You're right." Xiao Hei smiled and rang the doorbell, "Ding Dong."

A moment later, a Latina woman appeared on the video doorbell, "Hi, this is Royce Woodman's house, who are you looking for?"

"lapd, we're looking for Mr. Royce Woodman."

"Hold on."

After a while, the iron fence door opened, and a voice rang from the visible doorbell, "Come in."

The two walked into the yard, where the gray stone slabs were paved in the middle and extended to the entrance of the villa.

The door of the villa opened, and the Latina woman brought the two into the house, invited them to sit on the sofa in the living room, and served them coffee.

After a while, Royce Woodman came down from the second floor, "Captain Li, good evening."

"Good evening, Mr. Royce Woodman."

When Luke first investigated the murder of Rochelle Horn, he only found out that Rochelle Horn was a drug tester, and he was taking antihypertensive drugs, which are not the same as the antihypertensive drugs produced by Jelson Pharmaceuticals. The ingredients are somewhat similar, so Luke took someone to Jelson Pharmaceuticals to investigate, and it was Royce Woodman who received him at the time.

"What's the matter with coming to my house so late?"

"Two things.

First of all, the murdered drug tester named Rochel Horn, thank you for the clues, he is indeed the drug tester of Kallman Pharmaceuticals, and now we have also found out the cause of his death. "

"You're welcome, as a good citizen of Los Angeles, this is what I should do.

Let's talk about another thing. "

"On the night of July 16th, a shooting occurred near the Kallman Pharmaceutical Company. The victim was Fred Kramer, the R\u0026D director of the Kallman Pharmaceutical Company. Do you know about this?"

"Yes, I heard.

I know Fred Cramer, he's a very talented guy, how is he doing now? "

"Still in hospital."

Royce Woodman said: "Hopefully he gets out of hospital soon.

By the way, what do you want from me? "

"In our investigation of this case, we found a brokerage killer named Jill Warren, and according to him, someone gave him half a million dollars to kill Fred Cramer.

And the person who hired him was Royce Woodman, vice president of Jelson Pharmaceuticals. "

"Me?" Royce Woodman seemed to have heard something unbelievable, "Captain Li, are you joking, how could I do such a thing!

This is definitely a false accusation. Although I know Fred Kramer, I am not familiar with him. There is no reason to kill him. "

Luke said, "On the night of July 15th, you drove under the Marta Bridge and got into a Mercedes, and that's where you made the deal with Jill Warren.

You take a deposit of two hundred thousand dollars, let Jill Warren send someone to kill Fred Cramer, and then give him another three hundred thousand dollars.

Jill Warren filmed your transactions at the time.

Do you want to take a look? "

Royce Woodman was silent, and his face became a little ugly.

Luke took out his mobile phone and played a video. The background of the video was in a car. The two parties in the transaction were two men, and one of them was talking to Royce Woodman.

Royce Woodman's face suddenly collapsed, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Luke turned off the phone and said, "Mr. Woodman, you are too careless to make such a low-level mistake."

Royce Woodman sighed and laughed at himself, "You are right, I was careless...

Everything is too hasty, but I have to take this opportunity, the only one. "

Luke took advantage of the situation and asked, "What chance?"

"do you know?

In the current international antihypertensive drug market, the Nebivolol antihypertensive drug produced by our Jelson Pharmaceutical Company occupies a very high market and can bring billions of dollars in profits every year.

Do you know what this concept is? "Royce Woodman pinched his forehead and said helplessly,

"We have known for a long time that Kallman Pharmaceuticals is developing a new type of antihypertensive drug, and we have been paying attention. According to the information we have obtained, the composition of this antihypertensive drug is similar to that of Nebivolol antihypertensive drug, but the drug effect will be better. There is even a certain chance of curing high blood pressure.

We are very clear that once this drug is successfully marketed, it will have a huge impact on Nebivolol antihypertensive drugs, and it will definitely take away the antihypertensive drug market that originally belonged to our company.

Our company will face huge losses. "Royce Woodman shrugged and said helplessly, "But we can do nothing but pray that their research and development fail.

It wasn't until you brought someone to Jelson Pharmaceuticals that we learned of the death of a drug tester at Kallman Pharmaceuticals, which gave us hope again.

Later, someone set fire to the Kallman Pharmaceutical Building and burned the research data of the new antihypertensive drug.

do you know?

When I heard the news, I almost went crazy with joy, I feel like even God is helping us. "

Royce Woodman became a little crazy and shook his fist vigorously, "I know, I can't sit still now, I have to do something.

The research data of Kalman Pharmaceuticals was destroyed. If the drug wants to be marketed, it must re-invest a lot of money and manpower in research and development. Only when complete research data is obtained can it be marketed.

It's not easy.

And Fred Cramer, as the head of research and development, plays a pivotal role in it. As long as he dies, the risk of this project will greatly increase, and the capital behind it may also divest.

New antihypertensive drugs will never be available on the market.

The interests of our Jelson Pharmaceutical Company will also be preserved. "

Xiao Hei looked at the luxurious living room and said enviously, "Mr. Woodman, you have already lived in such a nice house and enjoyed a life like a king, why would you take the risk and kill someone?

This will most likely leave you with nothing.

To be honest, it's hard for me to understand. "

Royce Woodman looked at his house, then at Luke and Xiao Hei, and joked, "If I don't take risks, how can I live in such a nice house?

And, that's billions of dollars in annual benefits!

Do you understand what that concept is?

I believe that if you really understand, you will make the same choice as me.

I don't regret what I did.

It's a pity that this opportunity was too hasty, and I didn't prepare enough.

Otherwise, you may not be able to find me! "

The benefit of billions of dollars is indeed exciting, but fortunately Luke does not have to face such a choice.

He stood up and took out the handcuffs, "Mr. Royce Woodman, you are under arrest!

Whether the new antihypertensive drug can be successfully developed or not, it has nothing to do with you now. "

Royce Woodman seems to be answering Luke, but also seems to be comforting himself, "As long as you pay, you will get something. I have done so much for the company, and they will not give up on me."

Case closed.

To organize the follow-up outline and plot.

It will not be updated tomorrow.

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