Los Angeles Detective

Chapter 571 Suspect

Lilith smiled and pointed at Luke, "Cheryl, let me introduce you formally.

This is Captain Li from the Robbery and Murder Department. He solved the previous terrorist attacks on the municipal government and the Kallman pharmaceutical company. "

Cheryl Ganassi may not know or pay attention to other cases, but these two cases are widely spread in the circle of rich people, especially the heat of the Calman pharmaceutical company, that is, rich people Talk in the circle.

"Captain Li, nice to meet you, you are younger and more handsome than I imagined." Cheryl Ganassi offered her right hand to shake Luke's hand, then asked Lilith in a low voice, "Would you like Li Li The captain is here to investigate the theft of the auction items?"

"Yes, I will ask him to help retrieve the Seablue Star necklace first."

"Wow, the captain of the Robbery and Murder Division helped me find the necklace. It's really flattering. I feel like I see hope."

Lilith corrected, "He's not helping you, but me." Lilith glanced at Luke again, "It's not easy to please him."

"OK, what are you waiting for, let's start looking for necklaces.

I'm also curious about how the famous Los Angeles detective does his investigation. "Cheryl Ganassi got up and led Luke and Lilith to the villa where she lived.

The tallest building in the entire private club was only a four-story building, and Cheryl Ganassi lived in a two-story villa only a few hundred meters away from the club hall.

There is an independent swimming pool in the villa, the environment is comfortable and comfortable, and the privacy is very good. It is a good place for vacation.

Luke has been observing the environment of the villa, and there is no surveillance at the door or around. Looking back on what he saw along the way, it seems that he only saw cameras in the parking lot and the hall. "Is there no camera in this villa?"

"No, our members pay more attention to privacy, so we only have cameras in public places." This is also the main reason why Lilith invited Luke to come. Enough clues, the investigation has been no progress.

Cheryl Ganassi opened the door of the villa and walked in with the two of them, "The villa I live in is not very big. There are living room, entertainment room, kitchen, toilet and bathroom on the first floor, and two on the second floor. Room, I live in the room on the east side.

The necklace was also lost in the east room. "

Luke checked the door lock, and there were no signs of prying or damage. He also checked the windows on the first floor, all the windows were closed, and there were alarms, and there were no signs of intrusion by outsiders.

Then, Luke went up to the second floor, first checking the rooms and windows on the west side of the second floor.

Cheryl Ganassi said, "This room is unoccupied and locked all the time.

Because there is a fresh air system, the windows are always locked. "

Luke nodded and came to the east room where Cheryl Ganassi lived, "Can I search it?"

"Of course, but the cleaning crew hasn't come yet today, so there will be some chaos."

Luke checked the wardrobe at the door and saw that there were still men's clothes, "How many people live in the villa?"

"It's just me and my boyfriend. He has something to deal with at the company today and will come back at night."

"Did he know about the stolen necklace?"

"Yes, I told him, and he said he would come over as soon as possible."

Luke checked the doors and windows in the house, which were also intact, and asked, "Has the alarm in this villa been triggered?"


"Describe to me the last time you wore and placed the necklace."

"It was the night before yesterday. I wore Seablue Star to the dance, and many people saw it. By the way, Lilith was there that night."

"Yes, that necklace is beautiful."

"A lot of people said that, so I was worried that it would be stolen." Cheryl Ganassi sighed and continued, "After my boyfriend and I came back from the prom, I felt a little tired and wanted to have a drink." hot shower.

I took off the necklace and handed it to my boyfriend to put it in the safe.

After that, I never saw that necklace again. "

Luke confirmed, "So, you didn't put the necklace in the safe yourself, but gave it to your boyfriend."

"Yes, I asked my boyfriend, and he did put the necklace in the safe."

"Can I see the safe?"


"Is there anything else missing from the safe?"


"Can I see your safe?"

"Come with me." Cheryl Ganassi walked to the cloakroom, pressed the code, and opened the safe.

Luke didn't check the safe immediately, and asked, "Have you changed the password of the safe?"

"I changed it, and only my boyfriend and I know the password."

Luke nodded, and squatted down to check the safe. First of all, he didn't find any obvious signs of prying the safe. There were other items in the safe, including cash, a Patek Philippe watch, and some other jewelry.

Cheryl Ganassi pointed to a square box, "This gift box is used to hold the Seablue Star necklace. After I opened it, it was empty."

Luke put on his gloves, opened the box to check, and found nothing suspicious.

"You haven't looked at that necklace since the night before?"

Cheryl Ganassi nodded, "I have a lot of jewelry, even if it's the jewelry I like the most, I won't wear it twice in a short period of time."

Luke stood up. "When will your boyfriend come back? I want to talk to him."

"I should be back after finishing the work, it won't be too long." Cheryl Ganassi finished speaking and asked, "You...you don't suspect my boyfriend, do you?"

Luke didn't answer, but judging from the situation at the scene, Cheryl Ganassi's boyfriend was indeed suspicious and capable of committing crimes.

Cheryl Ganassi shook her head, "It should have nothing to do with my boyfriend, because he gave me that necklace.

If he wanted the necklace back, he could just say so.

I'll give it back to him, there's no need to steal it. "

Luke said, "The doors and windows of the villa are intact. It doesn't look like outsiders broke in. Has anyone else entered the room?"

Cheryl Ganassi shook her head, "No.

It's just me and my boyfriend, and we live here because it's quieter. "

Luke looked at Lilith, "Is there anyone else who can enter this villa?"

Lilith thought for a while, "The cleaning staff has a room card, so they can also enter the room."

Cheryl Ganassi seemed to remember something, "That's right, someone came to clean the room yesterday, she should be the only one who has been in the house."

"Were you in the villa too?"

"I was there when she came, but I couldn't keep staring at her. After that, I went to the beach with my boyfriend. When we came back, she had left."

Luke looked at Lilith, "Can you find the cleaner in charge of this house?"

Lilith took out a tablet and tapped it a few times with her slender fingers, "Found it." She turned the tablet to Cheryl Ganassi, "Is it her?"

Cheryl Ganassi took a closer look, "Yes, that's her."

Luke took the tablet. "I need to talk to her."

"OK." Lilith stepped aside and made a call.

Ten minutes later, a black woman in her thirties stood at the door of the book and rang the doorbell.

Luke invited her to the living room for a conversation.

The black woman is average in appearance, but has a good figure. She looks a little cautious, looking at Lilith and asking, "Ms. Finn, good morning.

Do you have any orders?"

Lilith asked, "Were you responsible for cleaning this villa yesterday?"

"Yes, is the customer dissatisfied with the service?"

Lilith didn't answer directly, pointing at Luke, "This gentleman is my friend and wants to talk to you."

The black woman looked at Luke again, "Sir, what can I do for you?"

"Hi, my name is Luke."


Luke pointed to Cheryl Ganassi, "Mary, do you know this lady?"

"Yes, this lady is a guest of this villa. I saw her yesterday."

Luke said, "This lady has a sapphire necklace. She can't remember where she put it? I don't know if you have any impression?"

Mary froze for a moment, "What kind of necklace?"

Cheryl Ganassi pulled out her phone. "This is the necklace."

Mary glanced at the phone, quickly looked away, lowered her head and said, "No, I haven't seen it before."

Luke didn't see Mary's expression, but her reaction was a bit suspicious, he took the phone from Cheryl Ganassi and raised it up, "Mary, take a closer look, have you seen this necklace. "

After hesitating for a moment, Mary raised her head and looked at her phone. This time she answered with a lot of affirmation, "I haven't seen it."

This time, Mary was a little less flustered than before, but Luke still saw signs of lying on her face.

Obviously, she had seen the necklace, but Luke couldn't prove it.

Luke shrugged, "OK, it might have been lost in a corner, let's look for it again."

Mary looked at Lilith at the side, "Miss Finn, is there anything else?"

Lilith looked at Luke and saw that he didn't respond, "No, you go first."

"Okay." Mary nodded and left the villa.

After watching Mary leave, Cheryl Ganassi asked impatiently, "Captain Li, is the necklace stolen related to her?"

Luke shook his head slightly, "Miss Cheryl Ganassi, your boyfriend is the last person to touch the necklace, I want to talk to him first."

Cheryl Ganassi sighed, "OK, I'll give him a call and ask him to come back as soon as possible."

Luke stood up and said to Lilith, "I want to check the club's surveillance."

"Okay, I'll take you there." Lilith comforted Cheryl Ganassi a few more words, then took Luke out of the villa, and asked, "Do you think the loss of the necklace and Cheryl Ganassi's boyfriend related?"

Luke glanced around, "In the beginning, I did have this guess...but now it seems that the cleaner is more suspicious.

She lied. "

"Then why did you just..." Lilith said halfway, looking back at the villa, she suddenly understood, stood on tiptoe, and kissed Luke on the cheek,

"Thank you, my knight."

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