Lose 100 million today

Chapter 201 Long Blessed Lord (31)

Yan Gui squeezed Chu Zheng's hand slightly.

In a flash, he understood what was going on.

The ring on his finger seemed to be so cold that his limbs trembled.

Chuzheng patted his hand soothingly: "It's okay, don't be afraid."

Yan Gui suddenly felt dumbfounded.

How could he be afraid?

He just didn't expect it.

This was originally meant for him...

The emperor was just a brother, and even if Prince Rong was such a bastard, the most he could do was put him in confinement.

Now people are dead.

When the emperor's temper got worse, he couldn't listen to Cheng Xiao's explanation.

Just ask someone to drag Cheng Xiao down.

The rest of the people knew that it was not advisable to stay for a long time and resigned one after another.


Yan Gui helped Chu Zheng get on the carriage.

The carriage gradually left, and the majestic palace disappeared into darkness.

Yan Gui hugged Chu Zheng and placed his cool lips on her eyebrows. Chu Zheng pulled him in and kissed him for a while.

"Thank you." Yan Gui touched her forehead.

If it weren't for her, I might not be able to leave now.

"You're welcome." Protecting you is what I should do.

Yan Gui chuckled and hugged her for a while.

"How did you know?" Someone was trying to frame him?


"..." With an unprepared answer, Yan Gui asked again: "Then why did you blame Cheng Xiao?"

"It was her who did it, not a frame-up." Chuzheng said with a serious face.

Chu Zheng's palm slipped down the lapel of Yan Gui's clothes. Yan Gui took a slight breath and said in a low voice: "No."

Chuzheng paused and pulled back her hand.

His own princess could do anything, but Yan Gui was afraid that if he provoked her again, she would really do something on the carriage, so he didn't dare to make any more moves and held her quietly.

"How do you know it was her?" Yan Gui was confused.

"Guessed." Chuzheng said confidently.


Besides Cheng Xiao, who is so boring and uses this method?

Yan Gui: "What if I guess wrong?"

Chu Zheng hooked Yan Gui's black hair and said casually: "That's wrong."

Yan Gui: "Then you framed her, didn't you?"

Chuzheng raised her eyes and said in a cold tone: "She also framed me, so pay it back to her."

Yan Gui thought about what happened in Qishan. Cheng Xiao clearly suffered a loss in that incident, and she really held a grudge.


Although there were evidence of King Rong's death, there was no other evidence. Cheng Xiao insisted that it had nothing to do with him and that someone had framed him.

The emperor ordered people to investigate the case thoroughly.

However, that night King Rong dismissed the palace people for unknown reasons and drank alone in the palace.

The people in the palace didn't know when King Rong was taken away. They didn't hear fighting or other sounds outside the palace.

The only suspect is Cheng Xiao.

If this matter were placed on Yan Gui, it would be very different.

Because King Rong once bullied him so much, it happened that Yan Gui left the palace banquet again.

I'm afraid the emperor didn't ask anything and just beheaded Yan Gui.

However, Cheng Xiao was not imprisoned for two days before she was taken back to the palace because she was pregnant.

Although he was taken back to the palace, he was still under house arrest.

Chuzheng sat in front of the window, thinking about how to get Cheng Xiao to complete the task.

"Princess Jin."

The little Taoist priest's face suddenly popped out of the window.

Chuzheng almost slapped him.

Is this guy a ghost?

Suddenly appeared, trying to scare someone to death!

Get rid of it!

She put down her hand calmly and stared at him coldly: "What are you doing again?"

The little Taoist laughed and leaned on the window sill: "You know the news about Cheng Xiao's pregnancy, right?"


"Then you know..." The little Taoist priest raised his eyebrows, but he paused and did not continue.

Chuzheng knew the nature of his urine, so she took out the banknote and threw it over.

You know this liar is here for money.

"That child is not the emperor's." The little Taoist priest said as he happily counted the banknotes.


Not the emperor’s!

Whose is that?

Chuzheng suddenly thought of Ye Yang. Ye Yang had cuckolded the emperor before. Is the wild girl so powerful?

Awesome, awesome.


"how do you know?"

"There is nothing in the palace that I don't know about now." The little Taoist priest said proudly.

After all, he is now the Taoist priest who has been around the longest in the palace and has not yet been beheaded.

Chu Zheng had a cold face.

How could anyone in the palace know about this?

Will Cheng Xiao tell others that I am not pregnant with the emperor's child?

That's not even allowed to be chopped into meat paste by the emperor.

"Ahem... I figured it out." The little Taoist priest touched his head: "He has no luck in having children and will not have children, so this child must not be his."



The little Taoist priest shrank down suddenly and whispered: "I'm leaving. I'll see you if I have news."

Want money from me?


Wait for you!

"What are you looking at?" Yan Gui hugged Chu Zheng from behind and looked at the white snow.

He seemed to hear voices just now.


A trace of suspicion flashed in Yan Gui's eyes, and he kissed her: "I made some soup for you, can you drink some to warm yourself up?"

"Didn't I say I wouldn't let you do it?"

"Well... I want to do it for you myself." Yan Gui nuzzled her: "Don't you like it?"

Chuzheng's eyes were cold: "You shouldn't do this."

"I can do anything for you." Yan Gui's voice was soft, like snowflakes falling outside the window.

Chuzheng had nothing to do with him, so she went to drink soup with him.

However, Chu Zheng wanted to kill Yan Gui that night. The soup he gave her made her whole body feel hot.

Chuzheng glanced at Yan Gui, who was already asleep.

He woke him up rudely.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Chu Zheng took off his clothes.

Yan Gui's eyes were sleepy, and he cooperated very well and let Chu Zheng take off his clothes. His body reacted sensitively to Chu Zheng's touch.

The snowy night is long.


Chuzheng walked around the corridor and saw a man kneeling in front of Yan Gui.

When she appeared, the people over there were startled and seemed to want to leave, but were suppressed by Yan Gui.

When Chuzheng walked over, the man called out respectfully: "Princess."

"Go down." Yan Gui said.


Chuzheng watched the man leave: "Your person?"

"Yeah." Yan Gui nodded softly.

Chuzheng didn't say anything, and took him out of the house to spend money.

Yan Gui: "..."

This is good.

Want to buy.

This fits.

Want to buy.

This is beautiful.

Want to buy.

If it weren't for the tacky gold and silverware, he would definitely not want it. I guess Chuzheng would be happy to put these things on him.

The young man was wrapped in a snow-white fox fur, only revealing his delicate and beautiful face.

Walking with the woman on the snow-covered street, red plum blossoms bloomed on both sides, and the fragrance spread all over the place.

The two attracted frequent glances from passers-by.

"These are Prince Jin and Princess Jin?"

"Yes, it looks good."

"Why don't they take a carriage?"

"...Probably used to store things."


When Chuzheng and Yangui come out, it means that the princess will buy a lot of things.

This is the happiest time for every shop.

One visit from the princess would be enough for them to eat for several months.

"Princess, you have such good taste. These are fine jade, and they are a pair. We are the only ones in the entire imperial city. You and the prince can have one each."

"Is it valuable?"

The store owner nodded, of course it was valuable.

Chuzheng was very satisfied with the payment.

She walked back to Yan Gui with the jade and handed one to him.

"Put it on for me." The young man's eyelashes trembled slightly and his voice was soft.

Chuzheng glanced at him and was about to say that he didn't have hands, but Wang Zhehao screamed at her to stop being so crazy and to coax the good guy.

Chuzheng: "..."

Coo coo coo! !

I coax!

Don't yell!

It’s so noisy!

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