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Chapter 216 The King Returns (13)

Jiang Ye chuckled. He strolled forward, deliberately approached Chuzheng, and lowered his voice: "A man and a woman are alone in the same room. Miss Sheng, do you think there is anything inappropriate about it?"

There was a bit of carelessness and laziness in the young man's movements.

The black eyes are clear and moist, and the light falling in them is like stars dotting the universe, vast and mysterious.

There was a slight smile on Qingjun's beautiful face, as clear as the clear breeze and bright moon.

Chuzheng was unmoved by the beauty in front of her.

What happened to the lonely man and the widow?

Can we still have a fight?

Chuzheng said very calmly: "Take off your clothes."

Jiang Ye: "..."

Jiang Ye was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly smiled, took off his windbreaker casually, and put his fingers on the buttons of his shirt.

His movements were like a slow-motion button being pressed.

"Hurry up." She still wanted to go back to sleep! What the hell are you doing!

"..." Is she a woman?

Jiang Ye unbuttoned his buttons several times.

Under the shirt, there is a young man's body that contains beauty and strength. His abdomen is also wrapped with a bandage. The smooth mermaid line goes all the way down and is hidden in the pants under the belt.

The young man's shirt fell to his shoulders, and he smiled slightly: "Miss Sheng, please."

Chu Zheng stepped forward without changing her expression and took off the boy's bandage.

It was not very convenient to deal with it standing up, so Chuzheng pushed him to the bed and sat down. Chuzheng squatted down and checked the wound first.

The young man held his hands back on the bed, and Chu Zheng's fingers swept across his skin, as if a tiny electric current flowed throughout his body.

He shuddered slightly.

He never knew he could feel like this when being touched.

"Miss Sheng." Jiang Ye called her.


"Are you so kind to people? Do you do it yourself?" Jiang Ye tilted his head, and his fine and soft hair fell to one side with his movements.

"No." Who has so much free time? I'm very busy.

Jiang Ye tried his best to ignore Chuzheng's hand touching his: "Then Miss Sheng is so kind to me?"

Chuzheng thought for a moment: "Yeah."


Because you are a good guy!

"No reason."

"Why would there be no reason to be nice to someone?" Jiang Ye's eyes were deep: "Miss Sheng, no one would be nice to others for no reason."

"Because I want to be a good person."

After Chuzheng checked the wound, he applied medicine again. The wound had not healed completely, and the medicine soaked into the wound, causing some pain.

Jiang Ye pursed his lower lip, waiting for the pain to pass.

"Miss Sheng wants to be a good person, so why doesn't she treat everyone so well...hiss..."

Chuzheng listened impatiently. She just wanted to be a good person, so why did she ask? Even if you ask me, you don’t think I’m a good person!

Chuzheng roughly pressed her fingers on his wound and threatened him: "Try making noise again."

Jiang Ye: "..."

Try poking me again! !

Jiang Ye endured the pain and signaled that he would stop talking.

Chuzheng let go of her hand and quickly bandaged the wound.

Chuzheng stood up and packed her things: "Go to bed early..."

Jiang Ye held Chuzheng's wrist and pulled him toward him. Chuzheng fell down, right on top of Jiang Ye.


The bullet penetrated the wall behind.

Jiang Ye's clothes were half open, Chu Zheng fell into his arms, and his cheek accidentally touched the boy's exposed skin.

Chuzheng clearly felt that the person beneath her was slightly stiff.

But he recovered quickly, his dark eyes met Chuzheng's cold eyes, and his fingers pressed on Chuzheng's lips: "Shh."

Chuzheng looked sideways and looked at the mirror in the room.

There was a flash of red light, but before Chuzheng could see it clearly, Jiang Ye rolled her to the side, and the two of them fell off the bed.

Wind came in through the open windows, and the window screens flapped in the wind.

The bedside lampshade was shattered at the same time.

Jiang Ye's wound was pressed, and his expression was slightly ugly.

Chuzheng stood up quickly and pulled him to hide behind the bed.

Chuzheng looked at Jiang Ye's wound and saw that the gauze had begun to ooze blood.

"Miss Sheng, do you think this is coming to you or to me?" The young man pressed his hand on his abdomen without caring, still in the mood to joke with Chuzheng.

Chuzheng's dark eyes were filled with blood, and her voice was as clear as ice and snow: "You're looking for death."

Carrying out assassinations at night is not just looking for death!

Chuzheng let go of Jiang Ye, reached over to the bed, and turned off the light.


Another bullet.

I don’t know where it hit, but it didn’t make much noise.

Chuzheng returned to Jiang Ye and asked, "How are you?"

Jiang Ye didn't make a sound, and his breathing was a little heavy.

Chuzheng thought of when she met Jiang Ye before, he seemed to be afraid of the dark...

Chuzheng pressed his shoulder, took him into her arms, took out her cell phone and sent a message to the bodyguard outside.

The other party couldn't see anyone, and probably didn't dare to make much noise, so he went on quietly at this time.

Jiang Ye pressed his forehead against Chu Zheng's shoulder. In the dim light, he could clearly see the little girl's tense chin and her cold eyes in the darkness.

The bodyguard wrote back. No one was found on the other side, so he must have left.

Chuzheng asked the bodyguard to come in and took Jiang Ye to her room.

There was no commanding height across from where she lived, and she had lived here before. She just asked Jiang Ye's room to be driven to the opposite side for convenience, without checking the environment of the room.

Jiang Ye's wound opened, and blood had stained the gauze red.

"Miss, let me do it."

"No, let's find out who did it."


The bodyguard left the room, and Chuzheng took off the gauze again to stop the bleeding.

"Does it hurt?" Do you want some anesthetic?

"Huh? What did you say?" Jiang Ye asked with a bit of confusion as if he had just come back to his senses.

Chuzheng raised her eyes: "I asked you if it hurts."

Jiang Ye met Chu Zheng's gaze and felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

He looked away: "It's okay."

Fortunately...it doesn't hurt...

Chuzheng applied medicine to him again. The wound had healed well just now, but it hurt even when applying medicine. Now the wound has split, and it hurts even more when applying medicine.

Jiang Ye gritted his teeth and waited until Chu Zheng wrapped gauze before letting go.

"Miss Sheng, did I save you just now? Let's make it even."

"It's not necessarily for me." Chu Zheng said.

There are two people!

Five to five and half of it is for you! !

"..." Jiang Ye choked, "Then I saved you. If I didn't pull you... the bullet might have hit you."

Chuzheng retorted indifferently: "If you weren't hurt, I wouldn't be in that room."


Jiang Ye gritted his teeth: "I didn't ask Miss Sheng to change my dressing either."

"If you are not injured, I will not change your dressing."

"Miss Sheng, you are a bit unreasonable. Getting hurt is not what I want. How can you blame me..." If you didn't leave me here, why would you be here!

The little girl stopped what she was doing and looked at him expressionlessly.

She obviously didn't do anything, but she felt a little fierce at this time for no reason.

Jiang Ye rolled the next sentence in his mouth and swallowed it.

How can a girl be so fierce and get married in the future?


Why does he care about this?

Jiang Ye put the clothes on the bed and buttoned them slowly.

He lowered his head and said, "Miss Sheng, who do you think the person just now came for? I won't talk back to you, I'm serious."

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