Lose 100 million today

Chapter 269 Don’t leave after school (31)

The fat man lowered his voice: "Sister-in-law, she didn't pass the exam."

Chuzheng looked at the fat man expressionlessly: "What did you say?"

"Sister-in-law...failed to pass the exam."

Yao Fei failed the exam? !

She thought it was a good idea that Zhu Zian failed to pass the exam.

Why did Yao Fei fail the exam?

Yao Fei's grades were considered among the top ten in her senior year of high school. How could she fail the exam?

——But Yao Fei just didn’t pass the exam.

She shouldn't have gotten such a grade.

After some questioning by Zhu Zian, Yao Fei was willing to say that she took the test like that on purpose.

Hence the scene that Chuzheng sees now.

Yao Fei wanted to accompany Zhu Zian to repeat her studies for another year. Anyway, she was young when she went to school, so repeating her studies for one year would be no different from other students.

Zhu Zian probably felt that he had delayed Yao Fei and lost his temper.

Of course, not to Yao Fei.

If Zhu Zian still loses his temper with others after everyone has done this, then he is no longer a human being.

Chuzheng took a sip of her drink slowly: "Now that it has become a fact, it is useless to say more. Accept the reality and study hard."

Zhu Zian just drank.

He couldn't refute Chu Zheng, after all, Chu Zheng was right.

There is nothing he can do now no matter what.

I wasn’t very happy with this meal, even the fat man shrank from eating.

In the end, Zhu Zian sent Yao Fei home. They didn't know what they were going to talk about.

After Chuzheng returned, she checked the final exam results online.

It was discovered that Yu Yue rushed to the first place, with perfect scores in several subjects.

Chuzheng turned off her phone thoughtfully. She looked at the time and saw that Ji Cheng hadn't come back yet.

never mind.

Hao Ren Ka is a mature good person Ka who knows what he is doing.

Chuzheng took a shower and went to sleep.

Jicheng has been so busy this summer that Chuzheng is so troubled that she can pretend not to see him as long as he doesn't cross her line.


"Xiaocheng, you are on duty today."

"Yeah." Ji Cheng nodded.

"Then let's go."

Jicheng was wearing a cafe waiter's uniform, leaning against the bar and watching his colleagues leave.

There are not many customers at this time, so there is no need for so many people.

Jicheng put his things away and took out his phone to take a look.

After thinking about it, he clicked on Chuzheng’s WeChat account.

Jicheng: What are you doing?

Chuzheng: Is something wrong?

Jicheng: No, I want to ask what you are doing.

After Jicheng sent out these words, there was no reply.

Jicheng seemed to be used to it. He slid his fingers up and most of them were sent by him. She didn't reply at all.

He thought for a moment and said again.

Jicheng: Are you at my house?

Chuzheng: No

Jicheng gave her the key to his home. Sometimes she was there when he went back, and sometimes she wasn't.

Jicheng had just finished typing, but before he could send it, a woman's voice sounded.


Jicheng's fingers froze for a moment. He stuffed his phone back into his trouser pocket and raised his head. His exquisite face was expressionless: "How did you find this place?"

"Chengcheng, I am your mother, please don't talk to me like this."

Jicheng was worried that this was a store, so he lowered his voice and said, "Do you still know that you are my mother? Do you fulfill your responsibility as a mother?"

"Chengcheng." The woman's face was full of grievance: "I asked you to go back and apologize to the Ji family. You didn't listen to your mother. Otherwise, how could you be like this?"

Ji family...

What's so good about the Ji family?

She herself climbed into Father Ji's bed for glory and wealth, and now she wants to sell him for money.

Jicheng was holding back a fire in his heart and was too lazy to tell her: "I'm still working, you go out."


Ji Cheng lowered his head and didn't want to listen to her.

But the woman kept pushing further: "Chengcheng, do you have money?"


The woman won’t leave until she gets the money, and her voice becomes louder and louder.

Jicheng was worried that he would be complained and lose his job, so he finally gave her the money.

The woman got the money and left. Before leaving, she didn't forget to ask him to go back to Ji's house.

After seeing off the last guest, Jicheng closed the door and left.

He stood outside the store, raising his head slightly, and the cold moonlight spread across his eyes like it was crushed, hazy and silent.

Ji Cheng folded his arms around himself and stood silently for a while.

Finally, I took out my phone and clicked on the screen.

Delete the words you just typed word by word.

He put his phone back in his pocket, lowered his head and walked back.

The house is deserted and she is not here.

Jicheng was inexplicably relieved, but he felt that the home was unusually quiet, and that kind of quietness made him uncomfortable.

It's obviously been this way before.

Why can't it work now?

The woman knew where he worked and would come over every now and then to ask for money. How could Jicheng have so much money to give her.

She was forced to change jobs.

But the woman's ghost lingered, and she could find him wherever he changed. Ji Cheng knew that she was forcing him to return to Ji's house.

"Jicheng, there is a little sister looking for you."

The pretty girl winked at him.

When Jicheng heard someone looking for him, he subconsciously thought it was his mother, but then he thought it was wrong, she was talking about his little sister.

Ji Cheng went out suspiciously.

The girl stood in the direction of the entrance, holding a small pink box in her hand and looking around casually.

Ji Cheng's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously hid behind him.

Why is she here?

How did she know she was there?

Several questions came to Jicheng's mind.

Ji Cheng took a deep breath and turned around from behind.

"Chu Zheng." He called out in a low voice.

Chuzheng looked back and turned around: "Yeah."

"You...why are you here?"

"I was passing by and saw you here." Chuzheng's tone was calm, without any fluctuations. Sometimes Ji Cheng even doubted her feelings for him...

"Oh." Jicheng felt a little disappointed: "Chuzheng, I...I have something to tell you. Let's go outside."

Jicheng took Chuzheng out and walked to a quieter and more remote place.

The two stood face to face, Jicheng lowered his head slightly, but did not speak for a while.

"What's up?"

Chuzheng was a little impatient in waiting.

If you have something to say, say it. Why are you hesitating?

Cicadas chirp and the air is hot.

At this moment, Ran Jicheng only felt that his hands and feet were cold, and his palms were sweaty.

He took a deep breath: "Don't come to me again."

"Let's just stop here."

"You and I are not from the same world, and I can't give you anything."



After Jicheng said that, he turned and left.

He didn't dare to look at Chuzheng because he was afraid that he wouldn't see anything on her face.

There was no movement behind him.

Jicheng walked quickly back to the store. He quickly stood at the corner and pressed against the cold wall. He felt as if he was in an ice cellar.

She didn't catch up...


She didn't care about herself at all, how could she catch up.

They were inexplicably together. They never started. They were always self-righteous.

Jicheng's fingers pressed against his heart, and it felt as if his heart was being squeezed by someone's hand. It was so uncomfortable that he couldn't breathe.

"Jicheng, are you okay?"

Ji Cheng lowered his head and shook his head, his voice interfering: "No, it's okay."

"Hey, if you feel uncomfortable, please leave first."

"It's okay, I'll just rest for a while."

"Then you go sit in the lounge for a while, and I will watch over you."


The young man's voice was slightly choked, and his low-hanging broken hair blocked his reddish eyes.

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