Lose 100 million today

Chapter 898 Psychic Summoning (3)

"give me back."

The girl opposite had a pot-covered head, and most of her eyes were blocked by her hair. She was staring at him coldly, and the young man shivered inexplicably.

A yellow-haired girl.

Afraid of what she will do!

The young man glanced back and stood up, leaning against the wall. His face suddenly became more confident.

"Little girl, you don't even have to look at where this place is, yet you dare to chase me."

"Where?" Chuzheng asked politely.

"..." The young man took two steps back, and people appeared one after another on the side where he was standing.

With the appearance of these people, the youth became more energetic.

"Xiao Chuzheng, what are you doing here?"

Surprised with a bit of contempt.

Among that group of people, there were two girls.

Some pictures flashed before Chuzheng's eyes, they were the two people who took her to the ghost building before.

"Do you know him?" the young man asked.

Girl A snorted disdainfully: "You're from our school... you're robbing her? She's so poor that she can only eat steamed buns, so what's there to rob her of?"

Girl B stared at Chuzheng: "Xiao Chuzheng, you woke up so quickly, weren't you scared?"

Girl B poked Girl A again with her hand: "I told her she was fine, but you are still worried."

Girl A shrugged: "She looked quite scary at that time."

Girl B looked at the young man: "What did you rob her of?"

They were not surprised at all about the robbery, but were accustomed to it.

Is the security of this world so bad?

The young man handed over his schoolbag.

Both girls were a little disgusted and didn't touch him.

A boy at the back finally pulled it open, took a look, and took out several mobile phones: "Ouch!"

The phone looks brand new at first glance.

Girl A took it by herself and asked in surprise: "Xiao Chuzheng, did you rob a mobile phone store?"

Girl B: "Let me go. You are so poor that you can hardly afford to eat. Why do you have so many mobile phones? They are all new."

"Model machine?" someone asked.

"No, it can be turned on." Girl A tried it.

Girl A whistled: "Xiao Chuzheng, this mobile phone is given to us as a filial piety. Do you have any objections?"

That tone was not asking for her opinion at all.

The decision has been made.

Chuzheng looked around.

Suddenly he took a step back.

Girl A thought she was interesting: "If you dare to tell others about this today, I will make it impossible for you to survive in school."

Chuzheng only took two steps back.

She had stopped now and looked behind them.

The wall that was covered in graffiti was stained red with blood, and a female ghost with bleeding from all her orifices came out of the wall. She had special effects all over her body and was as bloody as she wanted.

"Why do I suddenly feel a little cold?"

"Me too……"

"I suddenly got goosebumps all over my body."

The female ghost floated past those people and headed straight for Chuzheng.

Chuzheng clenched her fist.

If you dare to come here, I will kill you! !

But the female ghost braked in time and stopped one meter away from Chu Zheng, with her long flowing hair stuck to her bloody face.

The female ghost doesn't care about her image at all.

"Why are you running away? I've been looking for you for a long time!"

Chuzheng said with a cold face: "What are you looking for me for?"

"You are the only one who can see me, so of course I want to find you." The female ghost said confidently.

"..." Humans and ghosts have different paths! We will not be happy! No! I won't be with you!

Girl A shouted: "Xiao Chuzheng, who are you talking to?"


Girl A said angrily: "Bah! Stop pretending!"

Chuzheng looked at the female ghost and said, "They don't believe it. Show them how powerful you are." To be honest, no one believed it either.

Chuzheng spoke into the air, giving people a very strange feeling.

Girl B felt that the surroundings were getting colder and colder. She crossed her arms and used her voice to be brave: "Xiao Chuzheng, if you dare to scare us, are you going to get beaten?"

"Why should I listen to you!" The female ghost here rolled her eyes, almost out of her eyes.

Chuzheng said seriously: "They are questioning your existence. Don't you think your character has been insulted?"


It seems reasonable.

The female ghost tugged on her tattered red skirt and floated towards the few people over there.

The surrounding walls and ground began to ooze blood.

This time, it was obvious that all those people had seen it, and they all turned pale with fright.

Chuzheng picked up her schoolbag.

The schoolbag was grabbed by someone, and Girl A's frightened face appeared: "Xiao Chuzheng, help... help, there is a ghost!"

Chuzheng tugged on her schoolbag and said, "You have something on your mind, I didn't see anything."

Girl A was trembling with fear and clutching her schoolbag: "Didn't you talk to a ghost just now?"

Chuzheng said expressionlessly: "I'm scaring you, but you believe me."

Girl A shouted: "No, no, there is really a ghost, really!! Don't come here! Xiao Chuzheng really has a ghost, she is right in front of you, help me!!"

Chuzheng pulled her schoolbag back: "I didn't see it."

The female ghost rushed towards Girl A.

Girl A couldn't bear it and fainted from shock.

The others were also frightened and fainted by the female ghost one after another.

Chuzheng hugged her schoolbag - because the strap of the schoolbag was broken, she couldn't carry it on her back.

The female ghost clapped her hands, put her hands on her hips and hummed: "Coward."

"You are the ghost." Chuzheng reminded her: "Turn off your special effects."

The female ghost rolled her eyes again: "This is how the female ghost appears on TV."

Chuzheng said with a cold face: "You must have watched too many TV series."

Female ghost: "Fortunately, not many. My favorite ghost movie..."

Chuzheng walked up to the young man who snatched her schoolbag and beat him up.

Female ghost: "..."

The female ghost silently turned off the special effects.

The surrounding walls and floors no longer bleed.

Chuzheng not only beat the young man, but also beat the two girls to give vent to the original owner.

"Why are you beating them?" The female ghost was half-body inside the wall, with only her upper body and her scary head exposed.

Chuzheng walked out of the alley and said in a faint voice, "When they wake up, they will only think that you were the one who hit me."

The female ghost was stunned.

Why are people so bad nowadays! !

The female ghost followed Chuzheng: "Where are you going?"

"Why are you following me?"

"I'm bored." The female ghost said, "Those who could see me before were either afraid of me or wanted to kill me, but you are different."

She is not afraid of herself, and she doesn't want to kill herself.

"I'll change it." Chuzheng knew his mistake and corrected it: "How do you want to die?"

The female ghost shrank back: "Don't be so fierce. I'll just have a chat with you and won't harm you."

"I don't want to talk to you." Who gave you such courage to think that you can harm me!

"Then listen to me." The female ghost retreated and asked for the next best thing.

"Shut up."

"I don't." The female ghost said, "Aren't you bored alone? Why don't you listen to me? Just bring a pet with you."


Others raise cats and dogs, why should I raise a ghost?

A ghost actually treats himself as a pet, can he be a little ambitious? !


Rare pets... no, rare animals... doesn't seem right either...

never mind.


Anyway, it’s impossible to raise me, not even in this life.

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