By the time Duan Ye arrived downstairs, Luo Qingyuan had already helped the old lady back.

The old lady was still cursing at this moment: "There is really something wrong with those people and they want to get involved? Don't even think about it!"

Duan Ye quickly asked: "What happened?"

Luo Qingyuan: "My grandma couldn't sit still. When she went out for a walk, she was touched by someone, saying that my grandma broke someone else's mobile phone."

Duan Ye's eyebrows twitched: "Is it solved?"

Luo Qingyuan nodded: "The police were already here when I went there. They went to see the surveillance camera together. It was the person who was touching the porcelain. I just went to pick up grandma."

Duan Ye: "There are really everyone there now. Grandma, are you not frightened?"

When the old lady heard Duan Ye ask this question, she felt much better: "Actually, what grandma can solve by herself is that the Jingchuan kid made a fuss out of a molehill..."

Hearing the old lady talking about Jiang Jingchuan, she couldn't help but look a little ugly: "Grandma..."

The old lady reacted immediately: "It's grandma's fault that I let you come out so late. Go back to bed quickly."

So, the three of them returned to the hotel together.

When Luo Qingyuan and Duan Ye returned to the room and looked at the time, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

Luo Qingyuan lay on the bed tiredly, and Duan Ye also lay down on it.

There were simply too many things happening throughout the day... They were so tired.

Luo Qingyuan turned around and leaned on Duan Ye's chest: "I'm so tired that I don't even want to take a shower..."

Duan Ye smiled and rubbed Luo Qingyuan's head: "I ran around all day today, so I need to take a shower before going to sleep."

Luo Qingyuan sighed and said: "I suddenly regretted taking grandma over..."

After all, the old lady used to live well in the villa, with nannies and bodyguards following her wherever she went. The quality of life was great, but now...

There are too many unexpected accidents.

Duan Ye also hugged Luo Qingyuan: "It doesn't matter. Grandma is old after all. We just need to watch her more."

Luo Qingyuan: "As long as you don't think it's troublesome for us."

Duan Ye smiled: "One of you is my wife, and the other is my wife's relative. Why would I find it troublesome?"

Duan Ye patted Luo Qingyuan on the back: "Good boy, go take a shower first."

Luo Qingyuan still lay on him, and her voice became much softer: "Yeah~, let's hug him for a while."

Duan Ye's heart suddenly softened, but it was getting late, so he couldn't help but push Luo Qingyuan: "Okay, you go and wash up first. After washing, I will hold you to sleep."

Luo Qingyuan's eyes suddenly lit up and she looked up at him: "Really?"

Being stared at by Luo Qingyuan like this, Duan Ye couldn't help but feel a little blushing, but he still answered her: "Really."

So, Luo Qingyuan jumped up quickly and rushed into the bathroom with the bath towel he brought from home. He was so fast that Duan Ye couldn't help but laugh.

Duan Ye: "Slow down and slide carefully."

Luo Qingyuan: "I know!"

Luo Qingyuan took half an hour to take a bath, and then it was Duan Ye's turn. Duan Ye took a bath very quickly, taking only fifteen minutes.

At around 11:30 p.m., Duan Ye finally held the fragrant Luo Qingyuan in his arms.

After a day of hard work, both of them were very tired, but...the distance between their hearts was getting closer.

Luo Qingyuan said softly: "Aye, let's take our time..."

Duan Ye was confused: "Huh? What..."

Luo Qingyuan was too sleepy to open her eyes, and said intermittently: "Our marriage...take your time..."

Duan Ye said softly, "Yeah", and then there was no sound in the room.

After a long, long time, Duan Ye had fallen asleep, and Luo Qingyuan moved her body to get close to Duan Ye again, secretly kissing him on the lips again and again.

Luo Qingyuan's voice sounded in the empty room: "Thank you..."

Anyone else would have long suspected that she had an unclear relationship with Jiang Jingchuan, but Duan Ye didn't. He completely trusted everything she said.

Luo Qingyuan closed her eyes again in Duan Ye's arms with peace of mind. She would take care of everything in the Luo family and let Duan Ye stay with her well and rest assured.

That night, I don't know if it was because the person they liked was by their side, so they both slept peacefully.

seven in the morning.

They were awakened by the urgent ringing of their mobile phones.

Just as Luo Qingyuan answered the phone, she heard Cheng Suisui's nervous voice: "Mr. Luo...please take a look at the hot searches..."

Hot search?

Luo Qingyuan opened her eyes, turned around, rubbed her eyes, and clicked on Weibo.

At this time, Duan Ye also received a call from a colleague: "Duan Ye, the main machine that was repaired yesterday had a serious fault. The key is that someone from above will come to inspect it tomorrow. Come and have a look. "

Duan Ye also opened his eyes, became much more awake, and immediately sat up: "Okay, I'll come right away."

Luo Qingyuan was busy reading hot searches. Duan Ye quickly got out of bed to wash up. Within two minutes, Duan Ye came out. While getting dressed, he said to Luo Qingyuan: "There is an emergency in our company. I have to Rush over immediately, I won’t send you to work today.”

Luo Qingyuan raised her head and glanced at him: "Okay, go ahead."

Duan Ye nodded, put on his shoes, took his coat and hurried away.

The door was quickly closed, and Luo Qingyuan's face could no longer bear it and sank.

Before Cheng Suisui hung up the phone, Luo Qingyuan asked, "When did this happen?"

Cheng Suisui: "Mr. was last night at two o'clock in the morning. Hot searches were overwhelming. Director Chen was already waiting for you at the company..."

This hot search is apparently about the fire accident of Starlight Entertainment, focusing on photos of Duan Ye and Nan Xing.

There was a high-definition picture of Duan Ye rushing out of the fire while holding the female star in his arms. The text and explanation even mentioned that they were childhood sweethearts. The comments were even more outrageous. Many netizens came out and said that Duan Ye had always liked her since she was in school. Rumors about Nan Xing and so on.

The promotion of Nan Xing's new drama is very good, because the male protagonist she is paired with is a popular celebrity, and Nan Xing is currently working on a CP with the male protagonist in the drama.

So this hot search... will not only affect the traffic of the new drama, but also affect Duan Ye's reputation.

Luo Qingyuan was really angry: "Have I ever said that I don't want to see these messy rumors on the Internet? What on earth do you do for food?!"

Cheng Suisui was startled: "Mr. Luo, I have asked the public relations department to handle it, but the other party is obviously prepared, and the popularity of hot searches has remained high..."

Luo Qingyuan couldn't sit still anymore: "I'll be over right away and call everyone for a meeting."

Luo Qingyuan may not care about Nan Xing or the so-called male star, but she cannot ignore Duan Ye.

Duan Ye is just an amateur. It is not something to be happy about when an amateur is exposed to the public eye. His future life is likely to be affected.


She was jealous.

If this continues, people all over the world will know that Duan Ye once liked Nan Xing, so who does Luo Qingyuan mean to her?

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