Hearing Duan Ye say this, Duan Sheng and Ding Yifen breathed a sigh of relief.

Duan Sheng: "It's okay if you don't have him. Qingyuan is a very good kid, and his horoscope is very compatible with you. If you stay together, the future will be easier."

"Ye Nuan and you are at odds with each other, so your parents never like it, but if you like it, your parents won't say anything."

"Where's Nan Xing? Nan Xing is also compatible with you, but there's nothing you can do about it. Nan Xing doesn't like you. Son, you're on the right path now. Live a good life with Qing Yuan, and wait until the relationship develops, then hold a wedding."

Duan Sheng sighed: "The housing prices in Kyoto are incredible. Your parents spent most of their life savings on buying a house for you and your brother each on the edge of the city. Your house is still being renovated, and your brother's house is still idle. .”

"Dad has given all his money to you. I just hope that your family will be harmonious."

Ding Yifen also smiled: "Qingyuan was willing to follow you when you didn't have a house. He is indeed a good boy and son. Love between husband and wife is the secret of family harmony. No matter which of you took the initiative that night..."

Speaking of this, Ding Yifen was a little embarrassed, but she continued: "But boys have to be responsible. You are also married and have to take on the responsibility of a family. Do you understand?"

Duan Ye listened carefully and then nodded: "Mom and Dad, don't worry. Although I may be confused about small things, I won't be confused about big things."

Duan Sheng and Ding Yifen felt relieved when Duan Ye said this.

Duan Sheng: "In that case, Dad thinks you need to have a good chat with Nan Xing about this matter and see if you can write an open letter or something to clarify it so that Qingyuan doesn't misunderstand it."

Duan Ye: "I will ask Nan Xing about this. She has an agent and is definitely better at handling this than me. As for Qing Yuan, she was at the scene that day. She knew everything I did and would not misunderstand. Yes, don’t worry, parents.”

Just as Duan Sheng was about to say something, the doorbell rang.

Ding Yifen glanced at the two of them and went to open the door.

Duan Sheng: "The food is hot for you in the kitchen. After you eat it, go wash up and rest. We will go back to Qingyuan's place tomorrow."

Duan Ye glanced at the time, and it was already almost eleven o'clock while chatting like this. It was indeed too late.

So, Duan Ye nodded, and just as he was about to go upstairs to put things down for dinner, he heard a familiar voice.

Nan Xing: "Auntie, is Duan Ye back? I have something to do with him."

Throughout Duan Ye's youth, what he was most familiar with was Nan Xing's back and voice.

So he knew who it was without looking back.

Ding Yifen turned around and met Duan Ye's eyes.

So, Duan Ye stopped walking upstairs and looked at Nan Xing: "Let's talk upstairs?"

Nan Xing: "Okay."

Ding Yifen: "Nan Xing, let's talk carefully. The study is reserved for you."

Nan Xing smiled shyly: "Thank you, Auntie."

Soon, Nan Xing followed Duan Ye upstairs, but instead of going to a closed space like the study, he went to the open-air balcony.

Duan Ye poured a glass of water for Nan Xing and started with a simple reminiscence: "Aren't you busy filming recently? How come you have time to go home?"

Nan Xing looked at Duan Ye, and for some unknown reason, said softly: "I want to go home and see you."

Duan Ye's hand shaking the water spilled out.

When Nan Xing saw this, he immediately smiled and changed his words: "After all, such a big thing happened, I have to come back to meet you and explain it clearly."

Duan Ye put boiled water in front of Nan Xing.

In order to look good on camera, Nanxing is very disciplined every day. At this time, she usually only drinks mineral water.

Duan Ye sat opposite Nan Xing with an indifferent expression: "It's all netizens who are making excuses, I don't think you need to pay attention to it, but if this incident has had a bad impact on you, I apologize to you because I was not thoughtful. "

Duan Ye's words were very appropriate, polite, and... distant.

The tip of Nan Xing's heart stung slightly...

This time, it was so obvious that she couldn't ignore it.

Nan Xing: "I'm not here to accuse you, I just... want to say sorry to you, because I may have caused you to get into a public controversy for no reason."

Duan Ye smiled and said frankly: "It's okay. I read it and the hot search went down. The Internet age is so developed that people will forget everything after a while."

Duan Ye's words could be said to have blocked whatever Nan Xing wanted to say next.

So, Nan Xing could only say: "Last time, I really thank you. I've been too busy recently, and I haven't had time to treat you to a meal. Let me treat you to a meal when you have time recently." Just treat it as…”

Nan Xing's eyes curled up: "Just take it as a thank you for your life-saving grace."

If it were more than two years ago, Duan Ye would be extremely happy and would wear a suit and tie, put on hair oil, spray hair spray, and get neatly dressed for the appointment.

But at this moment, Duan Ye thought of Luo Qingyuan.

If he goes, Luo Qingyuan may not be so generous when he returns, and may not even let him hug her.

So Duan Ye shook his head and refused: "We have been neighbors for so many years and classmates from kindergarten to university. It is right for me to save you."

Duan Ye stood up: "I won't eat any food."

So, Nan Xing also stood up, but the smile on her face could hardly be held back.

This is the first time Duan Ye has rejected her in so many years.


Nan Xing: "Then...I'll leave first."

Duan Ye: "Okay, I'll take you down."

By the time they went downstairs, Duan Sheng and Ding Yifen had returned to the room, and there was no one in the living room.

Before Nan Xing could go out, he seemed to have thought of something. He turned to look at Duan Ye and asked him, "Is it because of Ye Nuan's incident that you feel resentful towards me?"

Duan Ye was slightly shocked and didn't understand why Nan Xing asked this.

Duan Ye: "Why do you think so?"

Nan Xing: "Because I feel that you are a lot stranger, not like before."

Duan Ye was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "Nan Xing, people have to learn to grow up. After going through so many things, I can't be the frizzy brat I used to be, right?"

Hearing Duan Ye judge himself so easily, Nan Xing's heart felt pain at this moment, which was more profound than before.

The way Duan Ye looked at her was completely different.

Nan Xing could only force herself to smile and ask: "Are you really not going to live happily with Nuannuan again?"

Nan Xing was afraid of Duan Ye's answer.

But the next second.

Duan Ye said: "I have no plans."

Nan Xing breathed a sigh of relief, but this breath was not over yet.

Duan Ye said: "Nan Xing, I'm married."

"In this world, there are only the four seasons of reincarnation, and there is no reincarnation of life. I don't want to waste my youth anymore."

"That night at the KTV, I was rude and confessed my feelings without considering your feelings, which troubled you for a long time. I'm really sorry."

Duan Ye smiled, his expression a bit nostalgic, but he was missing another person Nan Xing didn't know.

"Nan Xing, when you have some free time, I will take you to meet my wife. She is a very gentle and beautiful person. You will definitely be able to chat."

Nan Xing didn't know how she got out of Duan Ye's house. When she came to her senses, she found that she had been standing in the elevator for a long time without pressing the elevator floor.

And when she raised her head, she saw herself in the mirror. There was no color on her face, her eyes were horribly empty, her whole body was stiff, and her heart was still twitching and painful.

She finally confirmed at this moment that she was not without feelings for Duan Ye.

But at the same time, she also confirmed that there was no possibility for her and Duan Ye anymore.

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