Tolerate? How to endure it?

When Nan Xing realized that she had fallen in love with Duan Ye for a long time, she realized that she was no longer in Duan Ye's world.

How sad?

Nanxing collapsed from exhaustion, but Chen Doudou hugged him with quick eyes and hands, and couldn't help comforting him: "Our Nanxing is the best Nanxing in the world. Let's just turn over the past and let's talk about it in the future." You will meet better people..."

Nan Xing hugged Chen Doudou back and silently closed her eyes.

What if she didn't realize it? What if...she had realized earlier?

It is normal to be confused in youth, but Nanxing, you have been confused for too many years...

Chen Doudou's eyes were red. She remembered what she said when Nan Xing pushed Ye Nuan to Duan Ye.

"Nan Xing, there is still a chance to tell Duan Ye clearly now. Don't do such ridiculous things."

However, Nanxing didn't listen to her.

When people are stubborn, they will only listen to their own current thoughts. Even she, Chen Doudou, can't reverse the situation.

But she didn't expect that more than two years would pass before Nan Xing realized her feelings, and Duan Ye...

Actually got married too.

The development of things, which they could not see, had already deviated from the track they expected.

Time passes every day, and before they know it, they have reached the age where if they miss that person, that person may get married.

Nan Xing is such a proud person...

Chen Doudou couldn't help but feel a little bitter. Why is this so painful...

What Nan Xing held in his hand was once Wang Zha.

This night seemed quiet, but there was an undercurrent.

At dawn the next day, everyone went to work as normal, as if what happened last night had never happened.

It was almost noon when Duan Ye received the news from the family group. Then he put down his work, clapped his hands, and said to his colleagues when they came to take the exam:

"Today is the first day of opening my coffee shop. My colleagues are complimenting me. Anyone who bought coffee in the first three days will get a half-price discount!"

Wang Yu: "Hey! Not bad! There has never been a coffee shop near the company. You kid can make money!"

Duan Ye: "It's a small business, as long as you are willing to reward me."

Wang Yu hugged Duan Ye and said loudly: "This is the first time our Duan Ye has done business. Of course our colleagues should go and see it together, don't you think so?!"

Colleagues echoed: “Yes!”

Duan Ye quietly gave his partner Wang Yu a thumbs up: "Brother Wang, you are my god!"

Wang Yu replied in a low voice: "Coffee is free!"

Duan Ye: "No problem!"

Everyone followed Duan Ye outside.

Wang Yu asked him: "Is sister-in-law here?"

In this department, only Wang Yu and Duan Ye are of the same age, so they get along well, and only Wang Yu knows that Duan Ye is married.

Wang Yu was very curious at first, but Duan Ye kept avoiding talking. Wouldn't the opportunity come today?

Everyone has the tendency to gossip.

Duan Ye glanced at him: "You are blessed today."

With such a beautiful daughter-in-law, he must be able to meet her today!

Everyone came to the elevator door to wait for the elevator. As soon as the elevator opened, it was packed with people. As soon as the elevator next door came down and opened, it was also packed with people.

Wang Yu was dumbfounded: "What day is it today? So many people?!"

Duan Ye took a closer look and saw that the one in the middle was his father, wasn't he?

Duan Sheng: "You guys sit down for a while! Let's go, let's go!"

Then, the elevator door closed again.

Wang Yu: “Damn, your dad’s connections are pretty good!”

Duan Ye could only bring more than a dozen colleagues, so his father... brought in all he could, right?

Duan Ye shook his head and could only wait for the next trip.

When they went downstairs, there was another commotion at the door of the company.

Duan Ye looked forward and saw his father and his colleagues surrounding him, chattering so hard that he couldn't hear what they were saying.

Duan Ye walked over with people, but heard the gasps of his colleagues behind him.

You know, all the people doing engineering work are men, and the only person doing statistics in the entire department is a girl, and she asked for leave today.

"Holy shit, who is that?"

"Oh my god, she's so beautiful."

"Her skin is so white that it shines in the sun."

"Not only that, even the hair is shining!"

"Oh my god, I can't imagine how open-minded and happy a little boy I would be if she were my girlfriend!"

"Just you? Save it!"

The crowd in front was dense, and everyone's eyes were on Luo Qingyuan alone.

He has long black wavy hair, a white shirt and jeans, and decent light makeup on his face. He is dressed in a very ordinary way, but his proud figure and face are impossible to ignore.

After Luo Qingyuan greeted Duan Sheng, she saw Duan Ye through the crowd, smiled and waved to him: "Husband!"

Not only Duan Ye was stunned for a long time, but everyone present was stunned for a long time. Only Duan Sheng was full of pride and introduced everyone: "My daughter-in-law, my daughter-in-law, just received the certificate with Ono, and we haven't had time to hold the wedding ceremony yet. Everyone should come over to support us."

My colleagues became even more agitated.

"Old Duan, where did you find your daughter-in-law?"

"Your son can do it! Can you win this?"

"Your old Duan family is lucky again."


And Wang Yu's eyes were as wide as copper bells, and his mouth was stammering and speechless: " that sister-in-law?"

Duan Ye was so proud that he was almost over the moon with joy, but he still had to pretend to be calm on the surface.

"Yes, your sister-in-law."

Wang Yu patted Duan Ye: "Damn it, how did you get such a beautiful wife? Do you have any secrets?!"

The colleagues at the back also pricked up their ears. You know, Duan Ye is the youngest in their department, and they still can't find a wife alone. Why does Duan Ye, a brat like this, do such important things in silence? !

Duan Ye looked indifferent: "This... personal charm, who makes me so handsome?"

"Isn't your sister-in-law pretty? She's just ordinary."

Wang Yu's mouth twitched directly: "Damn it, you are Versailles!!!"

"Duan Ye, your mouth is turned upside down. Please calm down before you say this..."

Other colleagues were speechless and extremely envious.

How can there be such a show of affection?

Duan Ye was not upset at being exposed. He felt so sweet that he almost said: Huh? She is my beautiful wife, what do you think? !

While they were talking, Luo Qingyuan also walked up to him and naturally took Duan Ye's hand.

Later, Luo Qingyuan greeted everyone graciously: "Hello, I am Luo Qingyuan, Duan Ye's wife."

Wang Yu felt like he was having a heart attack and couldn't drink any more coffee.

Facing such a beautiful woman, my colleagues all blushed and stammered their greetings.


"Hello, brother and sister, Duan Ye is so lucky."

Luo Qingyuan said with a smile: "No, no, I am lucky to marry Duan Ye."

"Today our new store opens. Everyone who comes to drink coffee has a discount. If you don't want to run away in the future, you can call us and we can get it for free."

What Luo Qingyuan said was very appropriate, and everyone nodded.

"Okay, then it's settled."

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