Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 1651: As long as there is a dream

[网] Losing to become the richest man Since the beginning of the game, the protagonist has lived the life of a homeless man, rummaging in the trash can for food.

Sometimes his shoes were stolen and he could only walk barefoot on the road, sometimes he would be robbed, and he rose up to resist. No police will manage disputes between homeless people.

But even so, he always kept his mother's teachings in mind. Be a kind person and don't hurt others, so that the good luck stone will always be effective and protect him.

Until that day, two homeless men mistakenly thought that the stone worn by the protagonist was a valuable thing, and jointly snatched the stone away. The protagonist chased him all the way to the underground passage, killing two people in a fierce fight.

Since then, he has joined the gang, desperately completing every task, and gradually breaks the ground.

He didn't know whether the good luck stone would still bless him, but he still carried it next to him.

Then the film uses a montage approach to explain the protagonist's activities at different stages.

That is, a series of related or unrelated shots are put together to construct a juxtaposition, so as to show the behavior of the protagonist in different time periods.

The protagonist receives the task from the connector to perform the task.

The protagonist acts as the joint person to release tasks to the new subordinates.

The protagonist was ambushed by other gangs during the mission and escaped by chance.

The protagonist ambushes other gang members who are on a mission and rushes to kill them all.

The protagonist was suppressed by the powerful firepower of other gangs and could not raise his head, like a bereaved dog, rolling in the drain to avoid bullets.

The protagonist gave an order, and his subordinates opened fire on the fleeing enemies, and the blood of the fled gang members flowed down the drain.

The original protagonist saw the blood and death of his partner, and he was tortured, with a sad expression in his eyes.

Later, the protagonist stood from the point of view of the perpetrator, staring blankly at all, and even personally tortured the kidnapped wealthy businessmen.

The gang office that was used to interview him has also become the protagonist’s private place, and the gang boss is replaced by the protagonist.

However, one day he made a huge mistake.

One of his little brothers, Cai Fanxinqiao, snatched a batch of goods shipped by Upwind Logistics. As a result, the corporate army of Tenda Group came to the door and swept the whole gang.

The protagonist was lucky not to die, but years of hard work were ruined.

He reluctantly gathered the few remaining gang members and looked at the armed floating car of Upwind Logistics that was gradually moving away.

The huge Tenda Group logo above brings a suffocating sense of oppression.

This also made him realize that no matter how much he paid, he was still just a mouse rolling in the gutter. The occasional ups and downs can't change anything. If he wants to crawl out of the gutter, he has to find a way to find another way.

In the middle of the night of the miserable defeat, he raised his head again and looked at the clouds that faintly revealed neon.

The interruption of the cloud layer floating in the skyscraper seems like a sky trench, completely separating the lower and upper floors.

The reason for the existence of this cloud layer is also very simple. It is only the rich who live in the upper layer, and people don't want to see it. Dirty and chaotic conditions at the bottom of the city.

They travel by floating vehicles, from the upper floors of one skyscraper to the upper floors of another. For them, the whole world is a beautiful world floating on the clouds. I don't want to affect my perception of the city because of the ugliness of those at the bottom.

From that day on, the protagonist made up his mind to climb over the clouds to the top of the skyscrapers at all costs and take a look at the real sun.

Immediately afterwards, the film used a long space to show the protagonist's strong personal ability and execution ability.

Although the entire gang was broken up by Tenda Group, the protagonist relied on his extraordinary ability to organize the street gangsters again and make a comeback.

This time he carefully expanded his business and accumulated the necessary resources while deliberately searching for suitable target candidates.

He wants to find a wealthy man who is similar to his own height and has a certain appearance and characteristics to implement a plan to vacate the cage and change the bird.

At first, the audience didn't know what he was looking for these people. They thought they were looking for an umbrella among the wealthy businessmen of the upper class, but they didn't expect the protagonist to think more long-term.

Because as a gang leader, I went to these big chaebols to look for umbrellas. Maybe the business will expand rapidly in a short time, but once there is a problem, it will be immediately abandoned.

No matter how big the chess piece is, it is a chess piece after all, and the protagonist wants to become a chess player.

Finally, after adequate preparation, the protagonist focuses on a young rich man. This rich man is an emerging rich man, and he does not have much power. He is energetic, active in thinking, and full of adventurous spirit.

The protagonist seems to see his own shadow in the young rich man.

The protagonist knows very well that it is this kind of adventurous spirit that allows the young rich man to win again and again in business, and this kind of adventurous spirit will also provide him with an excellent opportunity.

Taking advantage of the poor security awareness of the young rich man, the protagonist collected a lot of relevant information, looked for a cosmetic surgeon and a prosthetic doctor, and constantly reformed his body, transforming himself closer and closer to the wealthy businessman.

At the same time, the protagonist also imitated the manners of the young rich man walking and talking through a large amount of video and audio, and even bought the most advanced voice changer until he became the rich man completely.

In fact, these two people are played by Lu Zhiyao, but their personalities are completely different.

The glorious front of this young rich man is always a glamorous image, and his eyes seem to be full of tolerance and kindness, but no lack of adventurous spirit and perseverance.

And now the protagonist of the gang leader, he is a vicious and vicious image, an out-and-out desperado.

One day, on the way of the rich man's trip, the floating car broke down and caused a car accident. However, he attended the meeting unharmed, and talked freely at the meeting, and successfully promoted the contract.

Just sitting on the floating car after the meeting, he touched his chest lightly.

Then the tempo of the film became cheerful. Instead of the protagonist of the rich, he began to make drastic improvements. On the one hand, he wanted to continue to expand the company's business, and on the other hand, he used the company to continuously launder the black money earned by the previous gangs.

He finally got rid of the underground gutter as he wished, and became a master above the clouds.

The protagonist begins to look less and less like himself, more and more like the rich man, and even the audience will have an illusion that it seems to be played by two actors.

The protagonist can not only take care of the business left by the rich, but he can even put forward some new ideas and develop new business, and the company will further develop and grow.

The protagonist pretends to be a rich man and begins to appear frequently on various occasions, and he seems to be more and more accustomed to playing this role.

But soon he encountered new problems. Whenever he tried to enter a new field, he would find that Tenda Group was already waiting there.

And no matter what method he tried to use all commercial means, he could not cause any danger to Tenda Group's business.

In turn, Tenda Group wants to steal business from him, but it is easy and even natural.

In other words, as long as he makes achievements in a certain area, Tenda Group will immediately rush to pick the fruit. With Tenda Group, he can only eat leftovers forever.

However, there is no impermeable wall in the world, and no matter how seamless the protagonist does, there will eventually be a day when his identity is revealed.

The details and process of the protagonist's exposure are not directly depicted in the movie. However, there are hints in many aspects, such as the protagonist's inadvertent strokes of his chest, such as the protagonist’s omissions in etiquette, or the protagonist’s insights and ways of thinking on some issues with other rich people and the original protagonist. The fatal difference.

No one knows when the protagonist was exposed, and no one knew which partner or competitor made the report.

In short, on a rainy night with heavy rain, the protagonist was drinking red wine in the office on the top floor of the skyscraper and looking at the rain outside the window.

Suddenly, his subordinates called and said that there was a fusion between the gangs. The opponent seems to have come prepared, and is besieging a very important warehouse of the protagonist.

The protagonist was furious, and took his company's bodyguards and the mercenaries he had invited to leave the building in a floating car and rushed to the ground floor.

The protagonist’s bodyguards are strong and equipped with sufficient weapons. It can be said that the gang members can be cleaned up with their hands.

After arriving, the opposing gang members really collapsed without fighting.

However, just when the protagonist sits in the floating car and sips red wine leisurely, thinking that everything has been passed safely. Suddenly, a densely packed law enforcement unit-Tenda Group's corporate army appeared in the sky. Encircled everyone, and the scene of the previous gunfight was also recorded by video throughout.

As evidenced, these law enforcement units immediately opened fire on the protagonist’s gang members and bodyguards. The protagonist resisted angrily, but the firepower gap between the two sides was too obvious.

Obviously, Tenda Group wants to wipe out all the power of the protagonist. Solve the problem in the most appropriate way, and do not allow any fish to slip through the net.

The protagonist launches a floating car to escape in despair, but the law enforcement unit of Tenda Group is in hot pursuit, and more reinforcements are coming.

The protagonist returned to his apartment on the top floor, took out his most powerful weapon, and resisted. Relying on his clean and neat skill, several law enforcement units of the Tenda Group were destroyed.

But follow-up reinforcements soon arrived. Facing the overwhelming law enforcement units and drones, the protagonist felt desperate.

He didn't want to die in the hands of these machines, so he fought back and went to the rooftop on the top floor, jumping in despair.

He glanced at the rainy night sky for the last time, and then fell quickly, and he clearly saw the clouds below getting closer and closer.

At this time, he doesn't need to play the role of the rich man anymore, it seems that he has changed back to the hobo with nothing. He felt in a daze that he was still the mouse in the gutter. Although luckily climbed to the cloud, one day he would still be transferred back to the gutter, and he would never stand up.

He groped his hand to his chest, trying to take out the lucky stone, and took one last look. But at this time, the overwhelming law enforcement units had surrounded him in the air, blowing him into a firework.

The stone passed through the clouds, and finally fell to the ground, completely shattered.

A homeless man who was shivering with cold and burning trash in a tin bucket was taken aback. He put his head out of the shed, but saw nothing.

Because the heavy rain has washed away the fragments of the stone.

He looked up at the sky in confusion, but it was still obscured by clouds. He couldn't see what was happening in the upper part of the building. He could only see some light faintly.

A little disappointed, the tramp drew back to the shed again, trembling to the fire.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps not far away, and hurriedly withdrew into the garbage dump next to him.

Several young gang members were holding wine in their hands, and UU reading www.uukānshu.com walked by drunkly.

"Unexpectedly, a small person like us can actually do things for Tenda."

"Yeah, even though some brothers died in some adventures, we also got the gang business in that area."

"Someday some of our brothers will get ahead and become real big shots!"

Several young gang members passed by drunkly. One of them raised his head and looked at the skyscraper next to him.

"I don't know when we can afford a luxury apartment on the top floor?"

Another gang member laughed: "Dreams! As long as we have dreams, we will be able to climb to the top of that building sooner or later!"

The camera climbs up from bottom to top, over chaotic streets and dilapidated buildings, and through the clouds in the center of the building, and finally arrives high in the sky.

The whole city is brightly lit and a bustling scene.

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