...... half an hour later

Wang Xiaobei's hair was messy, he only wore a big pants, and he sat on the bed, mourning like a stray dog.

"That's it......"

"Jin Qiaoqiao wanted to chase you, and now Meimei ignores me." "

Summer is silent.

His face was red and his face was blue ......

Wang Xiaobei gave him a blank look: "If you want to laugh, laugh, I know you want to laugh."


"We are professionals, and professionals generally don't laugh unless they can't help it. "



Summer laughed directly.

This is really a bamboo basket for water...... What a thing?

Wang Xiaobei looked resentful.

"You're still laughing, it's not because I listened to you and broke off a relationship with one in advance, that's why it's like this, I don't care, you compensate my girlfriend

!" "I blame you, I blame you

, I blame you!! baby wants to cry!"

"Are you stupid?" "

After living for 26 years, you really lived in vain, I told you to cut off a connection, and you have to wait to determine Jin Qiaoqiao's mind, do you really like you." "

What you think is not what you think?"

"Jin Qiaoqiao confessed to you, it's not too late for you to tell Meimei." "

This silly boy ......

He's a woman's insulator, right?

Woo woo woo ......

Wang Xiaobei cried: "Then what now?" "

I don't want Jin Qiaoqiao, I just want to chase Meimei back, Brother Tian, you can help me, help me talk to Meimei."

"She doesn't add me on WeChat." "

Summer was difficult.

The essential...... He doesn't know Meimei either.

It's just a one-sided relationship on the train, what qualifications do you have to be a peacemaker?

But Wang Xiaobei looks like this...... It's really miserable.

"You give me Meimei's phone, I'll call her later, call her over, and invite her to dinner.

Wang Xiaobei's eyes lit up.


"Really, Brother Tian?"

"Are you willing to

help me?" Xia said speechlessly: "If I don't help you, will you let me go?"

Wang Xiaobei immediately shook his head.

"I won't !!

" "I'll bother until you help me."

Summer rolled her eyes.

"Bring me my phone number. Remembering

his mobile phone number, Summer glanced at the time, there were still 15 minutes before the night shift, and ten minutes on the way back, and he had to prepare to leave.

"The operation for intestinal obstruction is done, you are not here, I let Xiaohong and the fat man follow the table.

"After reading for eight years, is work important or girlfriend important in your heart?"

In the summer, Wang Xiaobei's head lowered again.

Muttered quietly.

"Work matters.

"But I ...... I just can't help it......"

"Think about it yourself." "Summer has to go.

Walking to the door and looking back at the room full of wine bottles, there were two beds in the dormitory, Wang Xiaobei slept on one, and the other bed was full of smelly socks and messy clothes, and I didn't know if it was clean or dirty.

It's a mess.

There were also clumps of used paper towels on the ground, and I don't know what they were for......

The smell of smelly socks and alcohol mixed together makes Summer frown.

"Clean up your house.

"Even if Meimei forgives you, seeing you like this scares people away. "

Clean up yourself first, and then give others happiness." "

On the way back to the hospital, I bought two cups of Starbucks coffee.

"Sister Li, a cup with sugar and a cup without sugar, which one do you drink?"

In the office, Li Yajun was the only one left.

"I'll drink sugar-free. "

I lose weight.

Summer handed the sugar-free coffee to Li Yajun and said with a smile.

"Sister Li is not fat, so she doesn't need to lose weight. Although

she is 38 years old, because she has never been married and has given birth to children, she looks very young, her long hair is always meticulously tied up, her facial features are very attractive, and because she never wears makeup, the provincial hospital is not prominent.

Just like her personality and style of doing things.

Rigorous and single-minded.

Today's night shift is exceptionally quiet, and the two of them chatted to pass the time.

"Aren't you looking for a girlfriend in the summer?"

"I heard that many little girls in our courtyard like you, and even Jin Qiaoqiao is interesting to you."

"Think about it, find one.

Sister Li said.

Summer took a sip of coffee and nodded: "I should find one, but I don't know much about the people in the hospital, and feelings are also about fate, so let's get in touch with them slowly."

"The next girlfriend is rushing to get married.

Li Yajun's eyes lit up and said in surprise.

"Yo, you're quite single-minded, don't you young people like to play the world?"

"Changing girlfriends is like changing clothes."

"It's really rare for a young person to value marriage as much as you.

Xia smiled: "My family has a strict upbringing, my mother said, if I and break my legs, hehe."

"My parents had a good relationship, and although my dad left early, they were very happy when he was still there.

Li Yajun let out a long sigh and looked gloomy.

It seems that I remembered the sad past.

"Sure enough, it's a child of a happy family.

"It's quiet tonight's night shift, you go to sleep, I'll keep watch, and I'll call you when I'm busy."

Summer shook his head: "You go to sleep, I'm a night today, and you're going to fight all night."

"Alright then, something calls me. Li

Yajun went to sleep in the lounge next door.

In the summer, I took out my phone and started playing games.

Paid games!


Wang Boyi made rounds with the attending doctor on duty.

The attending doctor's name is Zhou Boguang.

After turning around, Zhou Boguang said to Wang Boyi.

"I went to sleep. "

You call me for something.

"Okay. Wang Boyi nodded.

Generally, on night duty, a resident doctor, an attending doctor, generally the attending doctor goes to sleep, and the resident doctor guards the ward.

Who made you a newcomer?

Newcomers have to work hard!

Wang Boyi turned around, and when he walked to the door of room 8, he saw a little girl with myocarditis through the window.

The girl was already asleep.

"Summer said she wasn't myocarditis...... Would you like to talk to Dr....... Zhou?"

After hesitating for two seconds, he gritted his teeth.

"Summer isn't a god !!

" "He's just an ordinary resident doctor, why should I listen to him?" turned around and went back to the lounge.

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