The blood routine showed that the white blood cells were elevated and there was significant inflammation in the body.

Three infections, hepatitis B, AIDS, and syphilis were all negative.

Ordinary pneumonia may cause chest pain, but symptoms of swelling of the legs and knee pain are not possible.

At this time, Wang Xiaobei also came over.

He glanced at the film and said lightly.

"Pneumonia, it's not serious, just take some anti-inflammatory drugs."

"It's not a big problem."

When the patient's family heard that it was just ordinary pneumonia, their faces immediately showed a look of excitement.


"Is it really just ordinary pneumonia?"

Summer glared at Wang Xiaobei.

Before the diagnosis is made, doctors will not talk nonsense, otherwise, it will give hope to patients and disappoint them.

It's bad enough to be sick, and you have to be fooled.

Wang Xiaobei realized that he had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly snorted.

"The film shows that there is inflammation in the lungs, but what is the specific disease, we have to look at other examination results."

Summer recounted the girl's condition.

"My legs are swollen, my knees are sore, I have shingles, and I was diagnosed with urethritis a month ago."

"Here's the report."

Wang Xiaobei looked at the blood routine and the three reports of infection, and the whole person fell into deep thought.

Swelling of the legs, knee pain, shingles, urethritis...

These four symptoms, no one is next to the other.

What diseases cause these four symptoms to occur at the same time?

After reading the book for eight years, at this moment, Wang Xiaobei's mind was blank.

Brush Brush Brush!

In the summer, several inspections were opened in a row.

Brain CT, magnetic resonance, cardiac ultrasound, abdominal CT...

As long as it is the inspection that comes to mind, all the orders are opened.

"I did these checks."

"The queue over there for MRI may be longer, leave a phone number of mine, and if the queue is too long, just call me and I'll go over."

The mobile phone number is written at the end of the list.

The outpatient clinic queues up for MRI, and when it is busy, it has to wait for three or four days.

Even if it is an emergency, it will take a few hours at the earliest.

However, as an emergency doctor, if you go to sell face in the summer, the doctors in the same hospital will usually give you a queue.

"Okay, thank you, doctor."

"Let's go."

When the three of them went for an examination, they also checked the medical literature in the summer to see if they had any findings, but the girl's illness was too strange, and after more than an hour, there was no gain.


The phone rang, and when I picked up the phone, it was the mother who called Chaochao.

"Doctor, there are too many people for MRI, and I said that I would wait in three days."

"Look... Can you do me a favor. "

Okay, I'll go over here." Hanging up the phone, Summer strode towards the radiation department.

"Is Xiaohu there?"

The little nurse of the radiology was very enthusiastic and asked her to sell face.

A nurse said, "Xiaohu is resting today. "


I didn't know many doctors when I first came to the provincial hospital in the summer, so I was afraid that if I opened my mouth, people would not give face, which would be embarrassing.

"Which doctor is on duty today?"

"Dr. Kim." The little nurse said.

Jin Qiaoqiao?

Well...... Doesn't she like me?

I guess it's going to give you a face.

Tidy up the white coat, striding towards the direction of magnetic resonance in the summer, the super super family of three saw the summer and hurriedly greeted it.

"Doctor Xia."

"You sit and wait for a while, I'll go in and have a look."

After reassuring the patient, Summer walked backstage towards the MRI.

Generally, the backstage is not open to the public, ordinary people are not allowed to enter, and when the doctor sits in the backstage and takes MRI, all the images will be presented on the computer in the background.

One into the background.

Sure enough, I saw a Miaoman's figure, the white coat was loose, but it couldn't resist her delicate curved waist.


"Dr. Kim."

Summer takes off her mask and smiles, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

From studying to working, as long as you smile in the summer, you can basically get twice the result with half the effort.

Handsome guys want to take advantage of handsome guys.

Sometimes, it doesn't need to be said.

Just laugh!

Jin Qiaoqiao turned around and saw Summer, a hint of surprise flashed in her amber pupils.

Turn your head and see someone you like.

There's nothing more joyful, right?

I'm not happy!

If you're happy, give my patients a queue!

"Put your mask on, this is the hospital." Glancing at him, Jin Qiaoqiao turned around and continued to work.


All right.

Summer is embarrassed to put on a mask.

"Dr. Kim, I have a patient who is a bit seriously ill, can you give me a queue?"

"There's no rush to report anything, just let her do the MRI first."

As soon as the test is done, imaging will appear on the doctor's backstage.

The report is for the patient, and for the doctor, it doesn't matter whether there is a report or not, just imaging.

The first time you speak.

Jin Qiaoqiao won't refuse, right?

She likes me, after all.

"No! The hospital has regulations, and besides, the patients outside have been waiting for a long time to cut you in line, what should others do?

Jin Qiaoqiao's speech was crunchy.

Like a cloud-piercing arrow, it pierced directly into Summer's heart.

Summer:. ゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。

The so-called love is all fake!

"This patient is really anxious."

"She had pneumonia for a month, her legs were swollen, and she had urethritis and shingles, and her symptoms were very strange, and a girl in her early 20s couldn't even walk."

"I'm worried about the heart, I'm worried about her... Can't wait too long. A

pair of affectionate eyes in the summer stared at Jin Qiaoqiao.

Do you agree if I have to cry?

Jin Qiaoqiao frowned, clicked on the patient registered in the background, and asked.

"Patient's name."

"Cloud super super."

Jin Qiaoqiao found Yun Chaochao's name and raised the name up.

"I can't do it tonight, so call her over early tomorrow morning."

"There are a few patients outside who came early in the morning, and after waiting for a day, I have to do it for them first, your patients, can you wait until tomorrow morning?"

"Yes, you can." Summer nodded repeatedly.

The best-case scenario he predicted was early tomorrow morning.

After all, it's really late today.

"Thank you, Dr. King."

"I'll treat you to dinner another day."

After saying thank you, Summer turned around and was about to leave, when Jin Qiaoqiao's voice floated over.

"What day is it another day?"


Some words, in fact, are just casually said, such as, inviting you to dinner another day... As for when, Xia didn't think too much about it, and he was embarrassed to be asked by Jin Qiaoqiao.

"Hmm... Tonight?

"Are you free?"

Jin Qiaoqiao nodded: "It's okay tonight, I'll go to the emergency room to find you after work." "


Summer nodded and left with a confused expression.


He's going on a date with Jin Qiaoqiao?

This girl has a bit of a cold personality.

Well...... After all, he is a rich second generation, but can he have a cold personality if he is rich?

Summer frowned, he still preferred a cheerful girl.

In my mind, Jin Qiaoqiao's beauty took a bath photo, under the hazy light, her vision was blurred, and her skin was better than snow...


Cold girls, we can also like it.

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