Inside the Dean's office.

Summer retold the ins and outs of the matter, and Dean Jia frowned after hearing it.

"Since the patient is related to the old party, it is also appropriate to turn around."

Summer nodded: "I know."

"I helped her handle it, I just want to remind Deputy Director Fang that the patient may have liver failure, and tell him to pay attention... Before he finished speaking, Deputy Director Fang became angry.

Zhang Ming sneered: "A deputy director, it's pretty awesome." "

A deputy director scolds Summer?

Oh, tui~~~

Dean Jia glared at Zhang Ming and said to Xia.

"Xiao Xia, you go back and get busy."

"It's a little thing, don't take it to heart, Lao Fang is like this, he has a bad temper and likes to scold people."

"Say two words to you, don't take it to heart."

Summer nodded: "Got it, Dean."

"Then I'll go back."

Dean Jia waved his hand and left the office in the summer.


In the office, there were only two people left, Dean Jia and Zhang Ming.

Zhang Ming took out one from the Huazi on the table, lit it by himself, ignored Dean Jia, and smoked alone.

Dean Jia stared at him.

(Dean Jia: Take the initiative to admit your mistakes.)

Zhang Ming didn't look up.

(Zhang Ming: The beauty you think!)

Keep staring!

Still don't look up!

In the end, Dean Jia gave up, smoked a cigarette, and the two smoked smoke in the office together.

Half a cigarette went down, and Dean Jia spoke.

"For the sake of a resident doctor, you turned your face with a colleague for decades, you talk about you, isn't it a shame to spread it?"

Zhang Ming's eyes widened: "What do I have to be ashamed of?" "

My son was scolded, and it's a shame when Lao Tzu doesn't show up."

Yo yo, they have become sons!

However, Zhang Ming has no son and no father in the summer, so the two are a good match.

Moreover, Zhang Ming has been matching his daughter in the summer.

plans to let Zhang Yunshu graduate and let the two get married.

It's not too much to call Summer Son.

"This old party is also shameless."

"Just come to the emergency department to grab patients, and the people who still scold me, don't I exist as a director?"

Zhang Ming's old face was dark.

Dean Jia was just about to speak, but Zhang Ming directly scolded back.

"Don't persuade you."

"Everyone knows what he means."

"Since you sat as dean and Lao Pang was defeated, the people of their party have been finding fault everywhere."

"If you do it again, you will kill them."

At present, the provincial hospital is divided into two teams, one is President Jia's faction, led by Zhang Ming and Liu Yu.

The other party is the vice-president, the Pong Hai Party.

Deputy Director Fang, Qi Changhui and others are from the Pang Hai Party.

The two camps, ostensibly peaceful, helped each other to maintain the entire provincial hospital.

In private, there are a lot of small actions.

Robbing patients, poaching people, secretly hiring professors, there are countless such things...

There is only one purpose.

Dean's position!

Dean Jia's position is not easy to sit in, the provincial hospital has developed well, he has sat in this position for a long time, once anything happens to the provincial hospital, the upper authorities will be held accountable, and the people below will complain about impeachment.

He stepped down anytime and anywhere.

Dean Jia took a puff of his cigarette and looked solemn.

"They are all veterans of the hospital, and they have been doing it for decades, so it is not easy to pull it down."

"It's unlikely to pull it down, and the best outcome is to maintain the status quo."

"Speaking of which, I haven't said you yet."

"Let me give the summer an annual salary of 500,000."

"Because of this, Lao Pang and his gang reported me, saying that I abused my private power and that the authorities were going to investigate me."

Zhang Ming's two round little eyes showed a confused look.

"When am I going to ask you to give Summer an annual salary of 500,000?"

"I told you to expel Summer."

"You gave him 500,000."

"Don't put this pot on my head."

Dean Jia slapped his big palm on the table and shouted.

"Don't calves, play stupid with me here, don't you?"

"Are you stupid, or are you stupid to me?"


It's a little embarrassing.

After being quiet for two seconds, Zhang Ming gritted his teeth and said.

"Look at what you said, you are the dean, how dare I take you for a fool."

"Let's not talk about Summer's character, his strength is worth the money, since he was admitted to the hospital, the patients he has handled, the surgeries he has done, on this resume, you directly throw it to the prosecutors."

"I promise they'll watch on their knees!"

Dean Jia waved his hand.

Alright, alright.

Don't fool around.

I'm tired of listening to your routines.

The two were silent for a while, and Dean Jia said quietly.

"I heard that Lao Pang has made a big move over there and dug up a 12 young man in the capital?"

"Lao Pang is ready to exert his strength and kill me."

"it? What did he do? Zhang Ming pursed his lips, crossed Erlang's legs, and his old face was full of disdain: "One capital is 12 less, and one is a little garbage, which is not as good as summer."

"I'm going to expand the emergency department."

"In the summer, Li Yajun, me, the three of us are mainly engaged in surgery."

"Ten more rulers, almost."

"What do you think?"

The difference between emergency and outpatient is that the emergency department deals with some emergency situations, such as poisoning, fractures, car accidents, etc., such as non-emergency, and does not need to hang the emergency department.

Moreover, emergency doctors are easily looked down upon.

The emergency doctor knows everything, but he doesn't know anything.

Generally, if you encounter any disease, you need to consult with the department.

On the other hand, there is also a shortage of emergency staff.

The work of the emergency department is hard, and few doctors are willing to go to the emergency department unless it is necessary.

Before, there were only Zhang Ming and Li Yajun in the emergency department, and Zhang Ming was also old, so he couldn't do it anymore and was in a more leisurely state, but now there is one more summer, which makes Zhang Ming full of energy.

Dean Jia fell into deep thought.

Secluded tunnels.

"I'm afraid that the expansion of the emergency department will cause dissatisfaction among other departments."

"I'm afraid they'll be impeached."

I'm afraid of a der~~

"I'm also afraid, I'm afraid of that, I can't do anything."

"Isn't it your business to expand the emergency room?"

"I know you're worried about the consequences, but don't worry, the summer is absolutely reliable, and you will definitely do a good job in the emergency department and give you a long face."

Zhang Ming is very confident.

I originally thought that this life would be like this, retire for a few years, fish, watch movies, and mess around.

Unexpectedly, summer came.

Love came too fast like a tornado, blowing directly into the sky for Zhang Ming.


Hair shedding?

Keep it up! I don't know if one day, I can still be an expert.

Dean Jia was entangled.

Expanding emergency care is a big deal.

The emergency department will expand, the number of surgeries will increase, and other departments will be impeached.

After all, there are only so many patients, the cake is so big, and if the emergency department eats more, the others will eat less.

Once there is any problem in the emergency department, Dean Jia has to bear a huge responsibility.

"Let me think about it again."

"Don't rush yet, I'll give you an answer at the end of the month."

"By the way, you're going on a date with Yunshu this summer, right?"

"How are these two kids? Incoming calls? "

Zhang Yunshu and Summer's marriage, a few old guys have been gossiping.

Zhang Ming grinned and said, "Yunshu likes summer, I haven't seen it yet, but... With my level of relationship, they should be able to do it. "

Wait, it won't be long before I invite you to drink the wedding wine."

Glancing at the time.

Zhang Ming said with a smile: "At this time, summer should be on the way, it's best, the two of them can confirm the relationship tonight."

"Summer: You don't look beautiful, but you think it's beautiful."



Thank you for the great god certification of the 'Beijing man'!

Add a new chapter! (Write it down in a small notebook first, and add it another day.)

Ahem... Send a Bobo milk tea, the author is very happy, the god certifies the gods, the real drop is not used, isn't it fragrant to keep the meat?

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