On the high-speed train, summer is closing your eyes and recuperating.

Last night, I treated 31 wounds, went to the operating table 8 times, helped Li Yajun do 5 times and 1 help, one of the patients died, the onlookers quarreled three times, was despised by the patient 1 time, and ordered a takeout for 68.

The night passed, and the moment I walked out of the hospital and saw the sun, the summer was in a bit of a trance.

I fell asleep the moment I got in the car.

Ding dong!

The phone rang.

Summer opened his eyes in a daze and asked Wang Xiaobei next to him.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"It's only been ten minutes."

"Let's sleep a little longer, I heard that the emergency room was quite busy last night."

"There are still patients who are said to despise you?"

Summer nodded indisputably: "Well, I was despised..."

Do male gods dare to despise it?

Summer said lightly: "Because I'm young..."

Wang Xiaobei had a look of 'this is normal'.

Doctor is a profession that lives to learn from old age, any good doctor, need the accumulation of experience, (except for the summer this kind of hanging) generally young doctors have no experience accumulation, patients in the choice of doctors, Xi inertia to choose the older age.

Summer is too young.

It's also normal to be despised.

"Brother Tian, your phone has been ringing several times."

"Won't you take a look?"

After opening his eyes in the summer, he closed his eyes again, had a small dream for a short time, heard Wang Xiaobei's voice, picked up his mobile phone and took a look.

Two are from the class group.

Xu Ya@ all students, tomorrow to participate in the 'Good Doctor' competition.

Students who participate in the competition need to register today.

There are also two from Jin Qiaoqiao.

"I heard you're going to the 'Good Doctor' contest?"

"Come on!"


Since the two had a meal that day, they haven't been in touch much.

Jin Qiaoqiao didn't take the initiative, and she pretended to be dead in the summer.

Glanced at the information.

Summer's hoarse voice said, "Jin Qiaoqiao's information."

"She actually took the initiative to send a message!"


Wang Xiaobei smiled: "Look at what you said, what's wrong with sending a message, besides, isn't Jin Qiaoqiao chasing you?"

"Isn't it normal to chase you and send you messages?"

Chase me???

After eating a meal, he took out 4,000 yuan, and after the meal, there was not a single message, not a single phone call.

Is this called chasing?

"Say whatever you want."

After hesitating for a moment, Xia replied to Jin Qiaoqiao: "Okay, thank you." "

I really don't know what to say.

After waiting for a full ten minutes, Jin Qiaoqiao did not reply to the message.


I didn't go back directly.

Summer doesn't wait anymore and continues to sleep.

From the high-speed rail car, I slept until four o'clock in the afternoon, and I was full of blood.

"Brother Tian, get up and clean up, Xu Ya invites you to dinner."

Wang Xiaobei was in the queue, and when he saw that Xia woke up, he glanced at him.

"Xu Ya, please eat again?"

Summer rubbed her eyes.

"She's trying to pretend again?"

Wang Xiaobei smiled: "What do you mean by pretending to be forced again, is it good that people are already forced?"

"If you have it, you have to show it often!"

"If it doesn't come out, how can it be seen by others?"

Summer waved her hand again and again.

Alright, alright!

I'm too much to watch, and I'm not interested.

But...... He will not refuse to cook for free.

Take a shower and change into a clean outfit.

Dinner was set at 6 o'clock, it was still early, and the two of them had two ranks.

As usual, in the summer, Marco Polo was beaten, and Wang Xiaobei beat Yao Mei.

After complaining frantically dozens of times in the summer, Wang Xiaobei no longer wears a big auxiliary outfit naked, but as soon as level 4 arrives, he can't change this point of riding directly on the top of his head.

"Hey, hey."

"I just like to beat Yao Mei, I like to ride on your head."

In reality, you pressed me to the ground and rubbed it.

Only in the game, ride on your head and find a trace of comfort too.

When he spoke, five big men jumped out of the grass, and within a second, Marco Polo was cool, Yao Mei turned into a fawn and ran away, Arthur and Garo on the opposite side went to chase, and the fawn flashed back to the bottom of the tower.

Wang Xiaobei smiled arrogantly: "Hahaha, escape with blood, Brother Tian, I'm awesome!!!

Summer rolled her eyes.

"Sister Yao, you are really awesome!"

Five fifty.

The group went to a barbecue restaurant near the school.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a large number of classmates.

Feng Fei is also there.

"Brother Tian."

Feng Fei beckoned, and the two sat at Feng Fei's table.

glanced at it, more than a dozen classmates in the class came, but they didn't see Xu Ya's figure.

"Hey, didn't squad leader Xu come?"

"If she doesn't come, who will pay the bill?"

Wang Xiaobei laughed.

Feng Fei tugged at the corners of his mouth: "If she doesn't come, I'll settle the bill, you can eat boldly and boldly." "

I heard that Xu Ya has a new boyfriend."

The eyes of the two lit up, and the fire of gossip burned.


"Talking about a new boyfriend? What about Teng Ziming?

Feng Fei sneered, took a Huazi and pointed it, the emerald on his middle finger exuded the temperament of a big boss.

"What kind of thing is Teng Ziming?"

"A little kid from a poor family, when he was in school, he was a man of the hour, and when he went to society, he was lost in the vast sea of people."

"I heard that the new boyfriend has a similar background as Xu Ya."

"The grandfather of the new boyfriend is the most famous ophthalmologist in South China, and his mother was the vice president of a pediatric hospital.

The children of high-ranking cadres!!

Judging from the background, it is still a good match with Xu Ya.

"Someone is coming."

While they were talking, a young man and woman walked into the barbecue restaurant.

The woman is none other than Xu Ya.

As soon as she entered the door, Xu Ya greeted all the students warmly.

"Hey, long time no see."

"Let me introduce you, this is my boyfriend."

Everyone's eyes fell on the new boyfriend.

The moment he saw his boyfriend's face, Wang Xiaobei exclaimed.


Summer rises its head.

The new boyfriend happened to look at him, the two looked at each other, and the new boyfriend's eyes carried a thick resentment.

"My boyfriend's name is Wang Boyi."

"The students should know his name, right? He is also from our medical university, but he is from the same hospital.

"By the way, my boyfriend is also in the provincial hospital."

"Summer, you know each other, right?"

Summer grinned: "Acquaintance, old acquaintance." "

Bo Yi, come and sit down."



Qi Changfeng looked at the three people in this video, as if 10,000 butts were biting his buttocks, making him restless.

"Dean Jia, I still have something to do, let's go first."

As soon as his butt was raised, he was pressed back by Dean Jia.

"Don't go."

"What can you do, this case is very strange, I am not an expert in hepatobiliary and gallbladder, you help me to counsel."

Qi Changfeng's old face was gloomy and about to drip blood.

"Dean Jia, I..."

"What are you?" I know you're okay, sit and watch together.

Dean Jia's face was straight, and an irresistible majesty permeated.

Qi Changfeng could only stubbornly look at it.

Ten minutes later.

The office door opened, and a laugh rang out.

"Okay, you old Jia, don't call us when you watch the movie, it's not interesting enough!!"

Zhang Ming and Liu Yu walked in.

Seeing Qi Changfeng, Zhang Ming's eyes lit up and he was surprised.

"Oh, Lao Qi is also here."

"It's been a few days, and I miss you so much."

Liu Yu hugged a bucket of popcorn and said with a smile: "It just so happens that I'm not busy in the afternoon, let's watch the film together." "

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, Qi Changfeng were sandwiched in the middle...

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