Morning, at half past eight, the entrance of the medical university was already crowded with black people.

The Medical University is the only examination center in South China.

The 'Good Doctor' competition has been held for several years, and it has a good reputation in the industry, and the top three in addition to bonuses, trophies, and interviews with reporters can improve the popularity of doctors.

In any era, famous doctors are very valuable!

And a necessary condition for becoming a famous doctor is to get various awards large and small.

Which famous doctor doesn't have a shelf full of trophies at home?

Therefore, when there is a competition, when conditions permit, they will come to participate.

If you win, you will earn face, and if you lose, you will not be ashamed.

The students gathered together and waited for the door to open and go in for the exam.

Several girls surrounded Xu Ya.

"Squad leader, your boyfriend is so handsome."

"How did you meet?"

Xu Ya looked sweet: "I met on a blind date, my dad and his mother met, and we only met at dinner last week." "

Wow, we've only known each other for a week?"

"Did he chase you, or did you chase him?"

Wang Xiaobei smiled: "I guess it's Wang Boyi that you are chasing."

Xu Ya gave him a blank look: "How is it possible!"

"He must have chased me!"

"He confessed to me affectionately last night."


Wang Xiaobei and Xia turned their heads to look at Xu Ya at the same time.

Wang Xiaobei raised his eyebrows.

"You said Wang Boyi was with you last night?"

"Of course, who is he with me if he is not with me? Is it with you? Xu Ya gave him a blank look.

Wang Xiaobei shook his head with a smile: "No, he is not with me."

"But I know where he is."

Wang Boyi's room is next door to the two, and I met him when I went out in the morning...

Xu Ya's eyes widened: "Wang Xiaobei, what do you mean!"

Wang Xiaobei shook his head again and again: "No, it's not interesting... I'll just say it casually. "

Summer has come full circle.

"What about Feng Fei?"

"See Feng Fei?"

When Feng Fei was drinking last night, he kept pulling Xia Xia and saying that even if he was not a doctor, he would not waste his medical skills, so he also signed up for this competition.

Wang Xiaobei stretched his neck and searched for the figure.

"Don't you see anyone?"

"Haven't you gotten up yet?"

"Give him a call, don't be late."

Summer hurriedly took out his mobile phone and dialed Feng Fei's mobile phone.

Toot beet...

It rang for more than ten seconds, and when Xia was about to hang up, Xu Yuan's voice came.

"Hey, Brother Tian, Feng Fei is in the hospital."

In the hospital?

Summer was shocked: "What's going on?"

Xu Yuan said: "He kept throwing up after returning to the hotel last night, and after vomiting three times, he fell into a coma, I called 120 and was sent to the hospital." "

The doctor said it was alcoholism."

"I'm currently on infusions."

Drinking to the point of alcohol poisoning???

"Which hospital are you in?" Summer hurriedly asked.

"What about community hospitals?" Xu Yuan's voice was tired: "The community hospital is the closest, so I sent him here."

Summer's brow furrowed.

Although community hospitals are also regular hospitals, they cannot be compared with tertiary hospitals, and the level of doctors is uneven.

Community hospitals are relatively easy and less demanding.

There are even many community hospitals where doctors don't even have a license.

"You wait for me, I'll go over right away."

The community hospital is not far from the school, ten minutes away.

hung up the phone, and explained to Wang Xiaobei in the summer.

"Feng Fei is in the community hospital, I'll take a look and come back."


The doors of the school have been opened and the candidates have entered.

Wang Xiaobei glanced at the door.

"But the exams are about to begin."

"You're going to miss the exam."

"I'll go with you."

Wang Xiaobei wanted to follow Summer, but was stopped by Summer.

"You go to the exam."

"I'll just go alone, alcoholism, I'll take a look and come back."

After saying that, Summer found a taxi and went straight to the community hospital.

Ten minutes later.

Summer came to the ward.

Feng Fei was still in a coma, so he opened Feng Fei's eyelids to take a look, and asked Feng Fei about his symptoms.

Xu Yuan said tiredly: "After he vomited three times, his movements were clumsy, his steps were unsteady, and he was a little slurred, and then he began to fall asleep."

Summer nodded.

Alcoholism, which is divided into three stages.

Excitable phase, ataxia phase, lethargic phase.

When he was in KTV, Feng Fei was very crazy, it was a period of excitement at that time, and then he began to be uncoordinated, and finally fell into a coma.

In severe cases, alcohol poisoning may occur, with difficulty breathing, paralysis of the circulatory system, and in severe cases, death.

"What happened to the doctor after coming to the hospital?"

"Did you wash your stomach?"

Summer asks.

Xu Yuan nodded: "Washed, use 1% sodium bicarbonate."

"After gastric lavage, the doctor prescribed naloxone, glucose, vitamins B1, B6."

Naloxone and glucose are effective treatments for alcoholism.

But only for mild symptoms.

In severe poisoning, blood pressure decreases.

Vasopressors are given when necessary.

Some severe cases even require dialysis.

"Normal blood pressure, not severe poisoning."

After guarding Feng Fei all night, Xu Yuan's face was full of exhaustion, and she forcibly cheered up.

"Brother Tian, don't worry, I'll look at him, it'll be fine."

"He woke up in a moment."

"The exam starts in five minutes, so you can go back to the exam."

Summer glanced at the time, and now when I go back, I will miss the first subject, but I can catch up with the later assessment.

Looking at the tired Xu Yuan, Summer asked.

"Are you doing it alone?"

Xu Yuan smiled: "Isn't it just staying up late?" When I was in college, I often stayed up all night, and the all-nighter was not in the way, so you should go and get busy. "

I checked Feng Fei's status.

After making sure he was okay, Summer returned to the exam room.

Room 51.

The door opened, and a summer lunge rushed in, and as soon as he entered the door, a long-haired woman bumped into her arms, the woman was petite, and the whole person was knocked away by the summer.

He wrapped his big hand around the woman's small waist, and the two barely stood firm.

The woman straightened her messy long hair and looked up and down at Summer.

"Who are you?"

Summer looked embarrassed: "Ahem, hello teacher, I'm a candidate." "

You're number 51?" The woman was stunned for a moment.


Summer nodded, glancing at the examiner.

The examiner is about 30 years old, with long wavy hair, wearing a brown myopia glasses, speaking softly and softly, smiling, with a sense of beauty that has been quiet for years.

What a beautiful young lady!

Glancing at the badge, Yan Bing.

Yan Bing tidied up his clothes, frowned and said to Xia: "You have already missed the first question, let's start with the second question." "


Summer nodded.

Yan Bing took the question and said to him, "Please listen to the question." "

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