There was silence in the class.

A few seconds later, a classmate posted a thumbs up.

"Brother Tian is awesome."

"It's worthy of Brother Tian, it's really amazing, it's really Xi be the main knife in four months, and you have refreshed the record of our class."

"Brother Tian hugs his thighs."

"Brother Tianhug."

"Brother Tian, when the school celebrates, can I kiss you and give me a touch of energy."

Orthopedic Hospital.

Inside the cafeteria.

Xu Ya looked at the content of the mobile phone, and suddenly felt that the food in front of her was not fragrant.

Xi the first surgery in four months?

Is this guy a genius?

She looked up at her father and pouted.

"Dad, when are you going to let me take the knife?"

"I've been Xi for four months."

"Didn't you say that my medical skills are not bad, why don't you let me do the surgery?"

Dean Xu is an expert in orthopedics, and his achievements in orthopedics are very deep, Xu Yashi has been following his father after Xi, and his father teaches without reservation, just because he is his father, Xu Ya is more or less willful.

The chopsticks were thrown on the table, playing with the girl's temperament.

"My classmate has been in charge of the surgery for four months for Xi, I don't care, I want to be the master of the surgery."

"Next operation, let me be in charge."

Dean Xu was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise.

"Actually Xi four months to be in charge?"

"Which of your classmates is so good?"

"It's a family connection, right?"

Xu Ya: "..."

If the summer relied on the relationship in the family, Xu Ya would not be angry, but what kind of family in the summer, the classmates all know what kind of background a poor student can have.

"He has no background, he is a poor student."

Xu Ya said angrily.

"Poor students?" Dean Xu's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise: "Then this student must be very good, what is his name, I'll inquire." "

It's called summer."

Dean Xu nodded and wrote it down.

Xu Ya sent another message to her boyfriend, Teng Ziming.

"When was the first time you were in charge?"

"What happened in the seventh month of Xi?" Teng Ziming asked.


Xu Ya turned off her phone angrily, and after a while, she picked up her phone again, opened the circle of friends, clicked on Li Tiantian's avatar, and sent a message to Li Tiantian.

"Tiantian, have you heard?"

"Summer is amazing now, and I actually had my first surgery in four months Xi."

"We were the first in our class to perform surgery."

"Both of you are honor students, and now he is thriving in the provincial hospital, and you can't even find a job... This gap..."


"Hahaha, Brother Tian is awesome."

"I'm laughing to death."

Wang Xiaobei was eating noodles and peeping at the screen, and when he saw the summer, his smiling face spewed out.

Summer turned off the phone and said speechlessly.

"I didn't want to pretend to be forced, but I had to be forced."

Wang Xiaobei wiped a handful of oil from his mouth and said with a smile.

"This Xu Ya, pretending to be forced every day, this is good, it's a slap in the face."

"But the matter of outstanding graduates, Brother Tian, pay attention to it, 200,000 is not a small amount, if you can win 200,000, plus the bonus in the hospital, you can buy a suite in a few months."

"Haven't you always wanted to buy a house?"

"But when it comes to money, you can't be known by Li Tiantian."

"I heard that she is miserable now, borrowing money from everywhere, if she knows that you have money, I guess she will trouble you, she is really relied on, but it is trouble."

Regarding Li Tiantian's question, there is also some disgust in the summer.

In his opinion, if you break up, you should disappear in the world of your ex, but he and Li Tiantian are classmates, mutual friends, classmates, there are too many, it is too difficult not to mention this person at all.

Moreover, Li Tiantian is not the simple rural girl he knows.

She tasted the taste of unearned gains, her heart was already floating, and she couldn't go back.

"The boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, take a step and see a step."

Summer said lightly.

At this time, his mobile phone rang, and it was classmate Feng Fei.

"Are you going to celebrate the school in the summer?"

"I suppose so, what's wrong?" Summer asks.

Feng Fei is a rich second generation, not close to Summer, once in an exam, Summer helped him assault for a month, the relationship between the two has become a lot closer, generally the two don't chat, Feng Fei looked for Summer, in addition to inviting him to dinner, it was to tell him something.

Feng Fei: "I heard that Song Pengfei found a group of people who are going to trouble you during the school anniversary.

"About the live broadcast, you made Song Pengfei lose face, he was very angry."

"Be careful, a rich second generation like Song Pengfei can do anything."

Summer is indifferent.

Song Pengfei snatched his girlfriend and gave him a slap, he didn't speak, he was not a man.

As for the consequences.

Summer has already been thought of.

Song Pengfei wants to find trouble, so come on.

"Thank you, brother, I'll invite you to drink next week."

Feng Fei made an OK expression.

I turned off my phone and went back to sleep.

I am on the night shift this summer, so I don't have to go to work in the afternoon.

7 p.m.

He ate a big meal, and the night shift in the emergency room was very hard, and he must not go hungry.

Back to the office.

Wang Boyi and Li Yajun are treating a girl who has fallen.

The girl's right arm was dislocated.

At the age of 5, he was held in his father's arms, crying loudly, his little face was purple and purple, and he was pitiful.

Wang Boyi asked.

"Sister Li, do you want to make a film?"

"No, you don't." Li Yajun held the girl's arm, then smiled at the girl, and said gently: "Little friend, how old are you this year?"

"If you're obedient, Auntie won't give you an injection."

The child was afraid of injections, and when he heard that there was no need for injections, the child's crying stopped, and he said in a milky voice.

"I'm five years old."

Li Yajun asked again: "Five years old, go to kindergarten, right?" Do you have a favorite friend in kindergarten? The

girl was just about to answer, but at this time, Li Yajun put a force in her hand, and the girl cried loudly, and the child's father was furious, glaring at Li Yajun and scolding.

"What are you doing?"

"You're hurting her."

Li Yajun smiled and said, "It's already good, let the child move his arms." The

child's father was stunned for a moment, moved the child's arm, and asked.

"Does it still hurt?"

The child cried twice and shook his head.

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

The child's father was surprised for a moment, and then bowed deeply to Li Yajun.

"Thank you, doctor."

"Thank you so much."

Arm dislocation is a small problem, Li Yajun is a doctor with more than ten years of experience, this kind of small problem does not need to be filmed, only manual reduction can be done.

Seeing off the father and daughter, Li Yajun said to Xia and Wang Boyi.

"Hopefully tonight it can be calmer and let me sleep for a few hours."

As soon as the words fell.

A hurried voice came.

"Help, help, someone!"

The three of them were stunned for half a second, and then rushed out at the same time.

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