It happened suddenly!

Facing arrest, Zhang Cheng took out a sharp-edged waist knife and stabbed Tian Wu in the chest!

Tian Wu, who had just graduated from college and lacked actual combat experience, obviously underestimated the ferocity of fugitive murderer A, and did not expect that the other party would violently kill!

By the time he noticed the white flash of the sword, it was already too late.

The blade was already close to his chest!

If you are stabbed to the core by this knife, then you will just wait to pack the box, cover the flag, and set a record of "died on the first day of employment"!

I realize that my young life will come to an end in the next second!

Tian Wu was extremely unwilling!

I won’t die in peace! ! !


At this critical moment.

A strong force suddenly came from behind Tian Wu, dragging him upside down and flying out.

In the end, Kankan avoided the sword light and let Zhang Cheng stab him in the air!

It was Qin Tian who took action! ! !

Even before this, Qin Tian had been wary.

Not only to prevent Zhang Cheng from running away, but also to prevent him from getting violent and hurting others!

So the moment he saw him draw his knife and kill him, Qin Tian reacted immediately!

He grabbed Tian Wu by the collar from behind and dragged him back!

Due to excessive force, Tian Wu was thrown to the ground a few meters away.

I didn't get up for a long time.



Zhang Cheng, who had just attempted murder, cursed angrily.

Then he shifted his target to Qin Tian.

Without saying a word, he raised his knife and slashed at Qin Tian's neck.

Still want to kill with one knife!

Fierce, violent, vicious!

It is completely reckless and unscrupulous to kill people!

"Seeking death!!!" Qin Tian's eyes flashed, and he immediately took action.

As he turned his head to avoid it, he hit the opponent's right hand holding the knife with a heavy punch.

Under a blow with a force five times greater than that of an ordinary person.

Zhang Cheng's five finger bones were all broken and dislocated!

The sharp knife could no longer be held and fell from his hand to the ground, and was kicked away by Qin Tian!

But Zhang Cheng, who had a broken finger bone, still refused to give in.

Full of ferocity, he turned around and rushed over to pick up the sharp knife with his left hand.

Then fight to the death with the other party!

But Qin Tian didn't give him a chance at all.

First, he used a grappling move to catch Zhang Cheng who was trying to pick up the knife.

Then there was a beautiful over-the-shoulder throw, throwing the opponent backwards!

The last foot stepped on Zhang Cheng's left shoulder!

Click! ! !

The shoulder joint was dislocated on the spot and could no longer be lifted!

"Ah!!! Fuck!!!"

Zhang Cheng, whose both hands were seriously injured, lost the ability to resist.

Lying on the ground, screaming and cursing.

Qin Tian then took out the police cuffs and cuffed his hands behind his back.

But in this case, Zhang Cheng was still unwilling and wanted to struggle to get up.

Qin Tian was not polite and stepped on his back, pressing him heavily to the ground unable to move.

"You're still not convinced, are you?"

"You still want to kill the police with a knife? You are quite capable!"

After completely subduing Zhang Cheng, Qin Tian turned to look at Tian Wu who was not far away:

"Are you okay? Have you recovered your breath?"


At this moment, Tian Wu's face was pale and his mind was blank!

Hearing Qin Tian's inquiry, he came to his senses in a daze.

Shivering, he moved the hand covering his chest and looked down.

Fortunately, what a blessing!

There is no blood or wounds on the chest!

I...I am still alive!

Tian Wu couldn't help but gasp for air and was covered in cold sweat.

Having just escaped from death, he felt that half of his feet had already stepped into the gate of hell.

But in the end, he was brought back by his senior brother!

Otherwise, he would die young now.

By the way, he was given the title of "heroic death in the line of duty".


"Brother, I, I'm fine!"

"It's okay! The fugitive has been controlled. Come over here and help take him into custody!"

Tian Wu immediately got up from the ground and walked over.

Seeing Zhang Cheng on the ground, he remembered the scene just now.

Tian Wu suddenly became angry and kicked Zhang Cheng hard several times.

"You bitch, you are so vicious! You actually attacked me with a knife!"

Seeing Tian Wu kicking and beating the fugitive continuously, he vented his anger.

Qin Tian just pretended not to notice, and even helped kick him.

Although according to regulations, once a suspect is subdued, he is not allowed to use violence.

But police are also human beings, and they sometimes get angry.

Especially in the situation where his life was hanging by a thread just now, Qin Tian could understand Tian Wu's current mood.

Fortunately, Tian Wu had just been rescued.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to retain your strength.

Directly use [Military Killing Technique] to kill Zhang Cheng on the spot!


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