Lost Gun In Street Test? I Caught My Leg And Broke It!

【47】Do You Want To Catch Big Fish?

at this time.

Qin Tian took Tian Wu and two security policemen with him.

A group of four patrolled the square outside the stadium.

Everyone is wearing a police uniform, with a law enforcement recorder and a police intercom on their chest, and an armed belt with a police cuff and equipment bag hanging around their waist.

"Please pay attention to frontline police officers! A fight is suspected to have occurred outside the T2 ticket gate of the stadium. Police officers patrolling nearby are requested to go and deal with it immediately!"

On the public channel of the walkie-talkie, a police report from the Skynet Monitoring Center came.

Qin Tian, ​​who was at the scene of the incident, immediately turned on the intercom and replied:

"The patrol team from the South Road Police Station here, I am leading the team to deal with it!"

After a while, we arrived outside the T2 ticket gate.

In addition to a large number of spectators queuing up to check in.

There are also many vendors pushing stalls.

In front of a barbecue stall, two young men were wrestling with each other.

We pull each other's hair, you punch me, I slap you.

"What are you doing! Let go!!"

Two security police officers immediately stepped forward and separated the two.

Seeing the police arriving at the scene, the two young men suddenly lost their temper.

"Why are you fighting?"

A young man who looked like a college student said angrily:

"This profiteer defrauded me of my money! The ticket I bought was worth 200 yuan! I agreed to increase the price to 500 yuan! But when the concert was about to start, he increased the price again and insisted on selling it to me for 800 yuan!"

Another young man with dyed yellow hair immediately retorted:

"I'll queue up all night to buy tickets and then resell them to you without charging you any hard work? If you can't afford the tickets, don't follow other people's example of chasing stars! Poor guy!"

Hearing the other party call him a poor guy, the university couldn't get angry, so he immediately yelled back!

And when the two of them were talking,

Qin Tian used the Eye of Insight to check the attributes of the two people.

[Name: Han Qixuan, good and evil value: +50, crime: no criminal record]

[Name: Chen Rui, good and evil value: -1, crime: disrupting social order]


Combine insights with information.

Qin Tian understood the reason for the fight between the two without asking any questions.

He was just a college star-chasing guy who went to scalpers to buy tickets, but in the end he was scammed!

I got angry and started fighting!

Very rare and ordinary disputes.

Normally, Qin Tian wouldn't care much about it.

But now that the concert is about to take place, these fights must be stopped.

Looking at the yellow-haired young man, Qin Tian felt disgusted and said:

"A ticket that costs 200 yuan has to be increased all the way to 800 before it can be sold!"

"I said you scalpers, can you do some personnel work? Don't waste our police's time!"

"Police officer, please respect my profession! Don't call me a scalper, even if you call me a second-rate trafficker!"

The yellow-haired young man felt confident and said again:

"There is no legal provision. It is illegal to resell concert tickets!"

“Officer, I don’t need to explain these laws, you should understand them too!”

Seeing the other party's arrogant look, Qin Tian couldn't help but frown.

Originally, his good and evil value was -1, so catching him was a waste of time.

But he insisted on arguing with himself and educating himself on the law.

Facing such a bully, what else is there to say?

“According to the Public Security Management Regulations, malicious reselling of tickets is considered disturbing public order!”

As he said this, Qin Tian winked at the security policeman beside him:

"Li Kai, take him back to his post for administrative detention for a few days and educate him on the law!"

The security policeman named Li Kai immediately stepped forward, cuffed Huang Mao and walked to the police box on the roadside.


For the security work of this New Year's Day party.

The police set up many police boxes around the stadium.

This also includes several police buses parked on the roadside to serve as mobile law enforcement booths.

These booths are, firstly, for police officers on duty to take breaks during shift changes.

The second is the suspects arrested at the scene who were temporarily detained.

After hearing Qin Tian's arrangement, Li Kai escorted the young man with yellow hair and threw him to the police box in charge of South Road.

After explaining the situation to his colleagues, he immediately came back and said to Qin Tian:.

"Brother Tian, ​​I just heard from my colleagues in the guard box that the patrol team from the North Road Police Station just arrested two robbers and they are locking them up in their guard box."

"The police station in Donggang is even more powerful. They caught a B who was illegally raising funds and escaped! The police station was spared and he was escorted directly back to the station for interrogation!"

Qin Tian smacked his lips and said:

"We don't care what they do. We patrol and enforce the law and maintain order. We are not competing to see who arrests more people!"

"Let's continue patrolling!"

Even so.

But everyone who works as a police officer knows————

Whenever there is such a collective law enforcement action, it is a tacit "big competition"!

Especially in a situation like today.

The whole city's focus is focused here, and municipal leaders are also paying attention.

There was even live media coverage across the country.

Between the various police stations and the police officers on duty on the front line, who wouldn’t want to take this opportunity to show off and increase their presence!

Catching criminals is the most intuitive expression of the police’s presence.

The more people are arrested, the more ruthlessly they are arrested!

Undoubtedly, he has the greatest credit and the strongest sense of presence!

Let’s not talk about commendations and awards for now.

Just by standing out from the 5,000 police officers, he is definitely the number one police officer in this operation. Beer is so proud! ! !



There are still two hours before the concert starts.

A group of four people representing the South Road Station continued patrolling.

But from time to time, I heard from the public intercom channel that which police station had caught another fugitive and which patrol team had caught another big fish.

Both Li Kai and Tian Wu couldn't help but feel itchy.

Tian Wu couldn't help but sigh:

"Hey, in today's round of competition, it seems that our South Road Station will fall behind again!"

"I'm a bit disappointed. I didn't catch a big fish! I just caught a scalper. It's not enough to fill my teeth. I'm too embarrassed to say it on the public channel!"

At this moment, Qin Tian looked forward and suddenly said:

"Do you want to catch a big fish? There is one right ahead!"

"If nothing else, he should be a fugitive of Class B or above!"

When the other three heard this, they immediately looked forward.

I saw a vendor selling beef skewers setting up a stall in the square to solicit business.

In Qin Tian's field of vision, the information about this vendor was clear and unmistakable.

[Name: He Yuzhu, good and evil value: -66, crime: cattle theft, homicide by mistake]


PS: This is the name of the criminal provided by the boss [Qingsi Rumoyan Ruhuo] in the message area.

It has nothing to do with the author, let alone the courtyard.

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