Lost Gun In Street Test? I Caught My Leg And Broke It!

【60】Shocking Method Of Solving Crimes, Killing With A Borrowed Knife!

New Year's Day, the first day of the New Year, at one o'clock in the morning.

In the interrogation room.

Qin Tian began to interrogate Wu Fan overnight.

But as expected, Wu Fan said nothing.

And they also used various tricks to delay time.

"Don't think I don't understand the law. You can only summon me now, not detain me!"

"I must be released within 24 hours, and my human rights must be protected in the process!"

"I'm hungry now, go get me something to eat! I'm going to sleep after eating!"

Seeing that Wu Fan was stalling for time, Tian Wu, who was responsible for taking notes, couldn't help it. He slapped the table and said loudly:

"You think the police station is a resort with food and accommodation included? You're here for leisure and enjoyment, right?"

"Tian Wu, don't be angry, calm down!" Qin Tian smiled and said calmly:

"When a famous Wu star comes, we have the obligation to entertain him!"

"Don't say that we have food and shelter now, even if we provide him with food and shelter for ten or eight years, it will be no problem!"

“You can even give him a customized silver bracelet and let him live in a single private suite!”

"As police officers, we must provide good service to big stars!"

"Okay! Since the big star is hungry now, Tian Wu, go and arrange for him a meal for our overtime work!"

When Tian Wu heard this, he got up and made a bowl of bucket instant noodles and brought it to Wu Fan!

Glancing at the instant noodles, Wu Fan sneered:

"The price of one meal for me is your monthly salary!"

“Do you think I’d eat this junk food?”

"How do you like to eat? When you get to the police station, don't you want to eat delicacies from all over the world!?"

Tian Wu said angrily and returned to his seat.

"Okay! Since Star Wu wants to sleep and rest, we can't deprive you of your right to sleep!"

"I will ask you one last question. After you answer the "610 Office", I will let you sleep!"

Before Qin Tian finished speaking, Fan immediately said:

"Stop talking nonsense! I know what you want to ask!"

"I can answer you clearly now

"I was not raped, I am innocent, someone framed me!"

Qin Tian smiled and said:

"This question is too profound. I didn't mean to ask this!"

"I just want to ask you————"

"Do you know the three girls you accused of raping?"

Upon hearing this question, Wu Fan replied unpreparedly:

"I have tens of millions of fans online, but of course I don't know them, and I have nothing to do with them!"

When Qin Tian heard this, he immediately turned around and said:

"Tian Wu remembers it! The suspect answered clearly that he does not know the victim!"

"This is an important piece of evidence, so remember it clearly!"

"Huh?" Wu Fan was confused, and then realized that he had fallen into the policeman's question-and-answer trap.

Shut up immediately, for fear that you would say something wrong again.

Seeing this, Qin Tian didn't force himself.

"Okay, since there's nothing to talk about, let's stop the trial! Let's rest!"

Two o'clock in the morning.

The Renmin South Road Police Station is still brightly lit.

Qin Tian and Tian Wu came out of the interrogation room and came to the director's office.

And Zhang Dahai was still answering calls from unknown sources.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Dahai smiled bitterly and said:

"In just the past few hours, I have received a total of twenty or thirty calls asking for his release!"

"How's it going? Is there any result from the interrogation?"

Tian Wu shook his head and said:

"Everything was expected, he didn't say anything!"

"No, he said it!" Qin Tian said seriously:

"He said he didn't know the victim! But the WeChat chat records provided by the victim clearly proved that both parties knew each other!"

"This also means that Wu Fan has something in his heart and is lying!"

"Also, in addition to being used as evidence, this WeChat chat record also plays another very important role!"

"Important enough to make a major breakthrough in the case and completely nail Wu Fan!!!"

Upon hearing this, Tian Wu couldn't help but become confused.

He has also seen the evidence of this chat record.

Although Wu Fan said some explicit and suggestive words.

But in the final analysis, it was just a flirtatious conversation between a man and a woman, and no evidence that could directly lead to a conviction was revealed!

After all, no matter how stupid Wu Fan is, he can't be stupid enough to admit that he killed someone in a chat!

"Brother, this chat record can at best prove that both parties know each other and have had in-depth communication!"

"It won't be enough evidence to crucify Wu Fan completely!"

Tian Wu raised his doubts.

Qin Tian did not answer directly, but asked:

"What do you think is the key to winning this case?"

Tian Wu said without hesitation: "Of course it is evidence! And it is also important evidence that can convict him, so that he can be completely nailed!"

"You're right, evidence is of course important! But we only have 24 hours. Do you think we can find incriminating evidence in such a short period of time?"

When Tian Wu heard this, he immediately replied in a serious tone:

"Of course there is no problem! As long as senior brother takes action, we will definitely find the evidence to convict!"

"When you faced that perverted murderer Yan Long before, it took you less than five minutes to finish it! What's more, we have 24 hours now, which is enough time!"

"Brother, what I said is right!"

"No, Tian Wu, you are wrong! I really can't figure it out this time! Facing a big star, it is impossible to find his incriminating evidence within 24 hours!"

Hearing Qin Tian's answer, Tian Wu was stunned on the spot [and even more puzzled:

Since you can't handle it, why do you still dare to arrest people in front of the media?

Isn’t this digging a hole for yourself?

"Senior brother, don't be discouraged, and don't give in so early!"

"No big deal, I'll take off the police uniform with you!"

When Qin Tian heard this, he glared at Tian Wu: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"When did I say I was giving up? I only said I couldn't get the evidence within 24 hours!"

"But I didn't say————"

"Can't handle this case!!!"

Seeing that Tian Wu was even more confused, Qin Tian had to explain:

"In a case like this involving a big star, evidence is important, but it is not the most important winning factor!"

"Do you know what the winning factor in this case was?"

"It's public opinion!!!"

"I can say this, this case seems complicated and difficult, but in fact it is very simple! Whoever the public opinion favors will get an advantage in winning!"

"If public opinion is controlled by capital and leans towards Wu Fan, then we will enforce the law violently, handle cases in violation of regulations, and have a negative social impact on the celebrities!"

"But if public opinion favors us, then it will be the beginning of the collapse of Wu Fan's celebrity, and it will also be the beginning of a major breakthrough in the case!"

"At that time, the pressure we face in handling cases will be greatly reduced, and it will also bring us unexpected surprises! For example, evidence will be automatically delivered to our door!"

At this time, Zhang Dahai also explained:

"Tian Wu, your senior brother is right!"

"The circumstances of this case are quite special and very different from other cases!"

"Your senior brother and I have discussed it a long time ago. If we want to make a major breakthrough in this case in a short time, it will definitely not work from the evidence side, so we can only start from the public opinion side!!

Hearing this conclusion from the master and apprentice, Tian Wu couldn't help but be extremely shocked!

He had just graduated from the police academy and still held the dogmatic theory that "evidence is the only way to solve a case"!

Moreover, I have never seen it in textbooks, and I have never listened to instructors teach more than ten times.

A way to use public opinion to solve the case!

"Tian Wu, you just became a police officer, you may not know it yet!"

"As criminal police officers, we will encounter so many bizarre cases in our careers!"

"If you just follow the book and follow the theory you learned in the police academy, you won't be able to do it!"

"In actual work, we must learn to be flexible!"

After hearing Zhang Dahai's teachings, Tian Wu felt like a door to a new world had opened.

But he still couldn’t help but wonder:

"Then how can we use public opinion to solve the case?"

"It's very simple!" Qin Tian said casually:

"Let public opinion ferment, and the bigger the fuss, the better, until people all over the country know about it!'

"And we don't need to do this at all!"

"If my guess is correct, the capital forces behind Wu Fan have begun to manipulate the major media, mobilized the navy to build momentum, and are preparing to set off a storm of public opinion!"

"Tomorrow daytime at the latest, the storm of public opinion will take full shape! By then, we will face huge pressure from public opinion, and it is no exaggeration to say that it will be criticized by thousands of people! Moreover, we will also be subject to pressure from the municipal and even provincial levels. pressure!"

"But starting from this moment is the best time for us to launch a counterattack!!!"

Speaking of this, Qin Tian paused and then said in a deep voice:

"It is also the best time for us to reverse public opinion!!!"

"The capital forces behind Wu Fan think they can control public opinion and put pressure on us!"

"Then we will treat others with their own methods, and use our strength to attack them, and we will be able to move a thousand pounds!"

"Finally let this group of people experience the consequences of being backlashed by public opinion!!!"

After listening, Tian Wu suddenly realized!

I completely understand Qin Tian and Zhang Dahai’s ideas for solving the case.

To sum up, it is just to wait for the aggressive public opinion to come, and then take the opportunity to reverse the public opinion!

Put the pressure on the other party!!!

But there was another question. Tian Wu didn’t understand it and couldn’t help but ask:

"Manipulating public opinion can be regarded as the specialty of capital! They are the best at this, and they have a large amount of media resources!"

"But we only have a street police station and no media resources! So how can we change public opinion?"

Qin Tian smiled and then reminded:

"Our police station does not have media resources, but we have evidence on hand!"

"Do you still remember the WeChat chat record just now? Although Wu Fan cannot be convicted, the evidence can be exposed online so that Wu Fan's fans can see how their idol teases and coaxes girls. !”

"Let his true face be exposed to the public, which will further lead to the collapse of his celebrity image! At that time, public opinion will naturally begin to reverse!"

Tian Wu couldn't help but worry: "Ah? Can this be done based on chat records alone?"

"Don't underestimate these chat records, you must know that gossip is the nature of the public!"

"still remember

Is it a gossip about a comedy star being cuckolded by his manager a few years ago and getting divorced?"

"At that time, this gossip incident caused a huge uproar and attracted hundreds of millions of netizens to watch! It even surpassed the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games at that time in terms of public opinion attention!"

"So, as long as it involves the true side of a celebrity, there is no need to worry about no one watching! There is no need to worry that public opinion will not change!"

"Okay, no more words! Tian Wu, just wait and see the show tomorrow!"

"Senior brother, wait a minute, I'm still worried about the last question!" Tian Wu couldn't bear it anymore and asked:

"As a case-handling agency, we cannot expose chat evidence online. It is against regulations!"

"Besides, Wu Fan will also sue us for exposing his personal privacy. This is definitely a sure thing, and the court will definitely rule against us!"

Qin Tian spread his hands and said:

"Who said it was our case-handling agency that exposed it?"

"The victim exposed it himself and posted it online, isn't it okay?"

"I have already asked those three girls. They are willing to stand up bravely and expose Wu Fan's true face! And call on more victim girls to come forward [ten group exposures!"

"This has nothing to do with our case handling agency!"

Upon hearing this, Tian Wu was dumbfounded and couldn't help but sigh:

"Let the victim expose it, but disassociate yourself from it and take no responsibility!"

"Senior Brother, I'm afraid your method is not to use force to fight, but to use a knife to kill someone!"

Zhang Dahai opened his mouth and said:

"Tian Wu, I just taught you!"

"When we handle cases, we shouldn't be so rigid sometimes! We must learn to be flexible and don't be too aggressive!"

"In this regard, you still have to learn more from your senior brother!"

"He has such a bright mind that he will punish criminals to death whenever he gets the chance!"

"You can be considered a talented person with both civil and military skills!!!"

Next, the three of them discussed the following ideas for handling the case...

After the conversation, it was already past three o'clock in the morning.

Then the three of them stayed in the office and slept soundly for a few hours.

Get ready for the highlight of the day tomorrow!

And in this process.

Public opinion is fermenting overnight!

The headlines of major news websites have been firmly occupied by the news of "Big Star Arrested" 5.1!

Three of the top five searches on Weibo are related to the arrest of celebrities.

Related hashtags on Douyin and other short video platforms have exceeded hundreds of millions of views overnight!

In Moments, Tieba, and QQ groups, news spreads like a virus and can be seen everywhere!

Until the early morning of the next day.

The storm of public opinion has officially taken shape!

And it is getting worse and worse, and it is still spreading!

It has become an annual drama that attracts the attention of the whole people!

But at the same time.

Under the media control of capital and the fuel of the navy.

Public opinion has been led astray by deliberate people.

Some rumors that are not conducive to the police are rampant E!

Voices accusing Qin Tian of violent law enforcement and arresting people in violation of regulations are even more common.

And it triggered some onlookers who didn't know the truth, and cooperated with Wu Fan's large number of fans to come to support!

Because the Renmin South Road Police Station does not have an official Weibo or other platform to speak out.

Therefore, the official Weibo of Shenlan City Police: [Peaceful Shenlan] was pushed to the forefront.

Millions of melon-eating people came in droves.

Among them there are some pirates hired by capital and die-hard fans of Wu Fan. Under the meager account of [Peace Deep Blue], there are constantly messages saying "Release the person immediately and punish the evil police severely"!

In just a few hours, this message has reached tens of thousands!

In the end, the city bureau's online public opinion supervisor was forced to close all comments overnight.

But the storm is not only taking shape online, it also faces a challenge offline!

8:00 am.

A large group of aggressive people surrounded the gate of the South Road Station, shouting "Let them go!"

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