Lost Gun In Street Test? I Caught My Leg And Broke It!

【84】The Daughter’S Plea! Vulture Mercenary, Black Flag Pirate!

Long Yanan was seen to be in her early twenties, wearing makeup of suitable shades.

Bright eyes, white teeth, skin like gelatin.

The facial features are extremely beautiful and beautiful.

Her long shawl hair was pulled into a lady's bun and tied on top of her head.

Coupled with the fact that he comes from a wealthy family, his whole person exudes an elegant and pure temperament.

But at this moment, her eyebrows were slightly furrowed and she was sleeping lightly.

His expression was one-third sullen and one-third pity.

After sizing up his mission target, Qin Tian withdrew his gaze.

Long Yanan was still looking at the policeman in front of him.

But as she looked at it, her eyes suddenly lit up and her brows straightened out.

The originally cold and angry face took on a hint of surprise, as if the ice and snow were melting.

He asked hopefully: "Is your name Qin Tian?"

"Huh? Do you know me?" Qin Tian was confused.

"Of course we know each other!!!"

"I have read your file information! Your name is Qin Tian, ​​you are 23 years old, second-level superintendent, and criminal police captain!"

"I have also seen reports about you in the domestic media, saying that you were not afraid of capital pressure and arrested Wu Fan!"

"Also, I have also read the internal police magazine of Shenlan City, and I know that you have solved many major cases and are called the star of the Shenlan City Police Force!"

"Am I right?"

When Qin Tian heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised!

Originally, he planned to give Long Yanan a slap in the face so that she could abide by the security rules and facilitate his mission.

I expected that this billionaire would definitely be angry because of this.

But unexpectedly, now, not only is the other party not angry, but he has become very talkative.

"Miss Long, since you know me so well, please cooperate with my work in the next seven days!"

"Okay! I can cooperate with you, but I also hope you can cooperate with me! To be precise, I hope you can help me?"

Qin Tian was even more confused: "What can I help you with?"

"Help me investigate the case!" As if seeing hope, Long Yanan immediately said:

"I hope you can help me investigate the cause of my father's death. I suspect that he was murdered!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Tian said calmly:

"Ms. Long, if you think this is a murder, then you should follow the 21 formal procedures and report it to the police!"

"Instead of coming to me for personal help!"

"I reported the crime a long time ago, but it was of no use at all!" Long Yanan said eagerly:

"My father was killed abroad, so I went to the local police to report the crime!"

"But they said there was no evidence and would not open a case!"

"I guess that the big Jewish and Anglo capital forces must be involved behind this, and the local police don't dare to take care of it at all!"

"So now that I am back in China, in addition to completing my father's will, I also hope that the domestic police can help me!"

"Especially you! Because I have heard others comment that you are a good policeman who always investigates and solves every case!"

"Mr. Qin, can you help me?"

"I'm sorry, I can't help you!" Qin Tian spread his hands and said:

"Not to mention that you have no evidence at all, just say that your father was really murdered! But the crime took place abroad!"

"Our Dragon State police have no law enforcement rights abroad, so according to international rules, you should still contact the local police!"

Upon hearing this, Long Yanan couldn't hide the disappointment on his face, and said in a daze:

"The problem is, as I just said, the local police are afraid of those big capitals, and they don't care at all!"

"Mr. Qin, I know you dare to arrest even big stars, so you are definitely not afraid of those capitals!"

"So, can you just help me? I'm begging you!"

Seeing the rich lady suddenly lowering her posture to beg him, Qin Tian couldn't help but be even more surprised.

But after some thinking, Qin Tian still said truthfully:

"I'm sorry, Miss Long! My mission is to protect your personal safety, not to help you investigate the case!"

"Besides, I can't help you with a transnational case like this! Because my police identity is only effective in China!"

"I suggest you get more evidence and then report to the local police, or seek help from Interpol!"

"Okay, it's getting late now! Please go back to your bedroom and rest early!"

Qin Tian handed Long Yanan a ring-sized button instrument and explained:

"This is a portable alarm, please wear it on your finger!"

"My colleagues and I will take turns to wait outside your bedroom 24 hours a day! Once you are in the bedroom and encounter any safety problems, please press this alarm button as soon as possible! We will come in to protect you immediately!"

Long Yanan did not take the alarm, but said anxiously:

"I asked Blackwater to protect me, and I don't need additional protection from the police!"

"But what I need is the police to help me investigate the case!"

"I don't want to see my father die inexplicably, and I don't want to see the Shengshi Group built by my father being taken away by those bad guys abroad!"

Qin Tian sighed and said:

"I understand your feelings, but my first job now is to protect your safety!"

"Do you know? Your death bounty is as high as 100 million US dollars! In this case, there will be many people who want to kill you for money!"

"Even your Blackwater bodyguards are not ruled out. After all, in my opinion, they are all mercenaries who are greedy for money and are not trustworthy at all!"

"So for your safety, I have disarmed these Blackwater bodyguards! Your future security will be the responsibility of our police!"

"Please rest assured, Miss Long, as long as you are in the country, our Longguo police will be able to protect you!"

After hearing this, Long Yanan was stunned for a long time.

Then he looked determined and said:

"Do you know? Although I grew up abroad, I received orthodox Chinese education since I was a child!"

"My father has always taught me Guide me for the righteousness of my country! Tell me not to forget my bloodline and identity, let alone my motherland!"

"Therefore, my father left a last wish-

"If he encounters an accident abroad, let me immediately return to the motherland with funds and scientific research patents!"

"Because in the face of those bloodthirsty Jewish capital and Anglo-Saxon capital, the only thing I can rely on is my own country, and the only thing I can trust is the Longguo police!"

"And today, I followed my father's last wish and successfully returned to my motherland!"

"I am no longer worried about my own safety, nor about the future of Shengshi Group!"

"But I am worried that my father died unjustly!!!"

"We Longguo people pay attention to [filial piety as heaven]! As a son, I must seek justice for my father!"

"I can't let my father die unclearly!!!"

At this point, Long Yanan was already in grief.

Crystal tears overflowed from her eyes and slid down her fair cheeks.

But soon, she pretended to be strong and wiped away her tears.

Then he raised his head and choked up and said:

"Mr. Qin, now a patriotic overseas Chinese has died overseas, leaving behind only a lonely and helpless daughter!"

"I hope you can help me for the sake of my countrymen!"

"Because I know you are a good policeman, you will definitely help me, right?"

Hearing Qian Jin's words, Qin Tian couldn't help but ponder.

Until a moment later, Quan Tian spoke:

"Miss Long, I think your father's greatest wish is that you can be safe and sound!"

"So I think————"

"Now ensuring your safety is the top priority, and it is also the greatest comfort to your father's spirit in heaven!"

"Don't think too much about other things, you should rest early!"

After speaking, Qin Tian turned and left.

But as soon as he raised his foot, he heard crying behind him.

Qin Tian stopped and finally sighed:

"I won't help you in a private name!"

"Because I'm a policeman, not a private detective!"

"But I think————__"

"The country will definitely not sit idly by and ignore your father's matter!"

"I will report to the superiors. I will only take over this matter if the superiors issue a formal order!"

"Whether it is an overseas investigation or through Interpol, I will do my best to investigate clearly!

After a long silence, Long Yanan's choked voice came from behind again:

"Thank you~~~"


Qin Tian left Long Yanan's bedroom, came to the living room of the presidential suite, and began to arrange the night watch.

According to the police's standard plan for witness protection, Qin Tian greeted Tian Wu, Li Kai, and five armed special police officers.

Each group of two people stood guard outside the door of the living room and bedroom.

Qin Tian and Tian Wu teamed up to defend the first round.

The rest went into the room to rest.

Fortunately, there are enough rooms in the presidential suite for eight police officers to sleep.

As for the Blackwater bodyguards, they did not leave either.

They stood guard in the corridor outside and conducted all-round inspections of the waiters and other personnel entering and exiting the place.

Although with the help of a high reward of 100 million US dollars and bloodthirsty capital.

Many international killer organizations have received orders and sent various people to assassinate Long Yanan.

But under strict security measures, it is extremely difficult for these killers to succeed.

But whatever.

An offensive and defensive battle of life and death has begun!

At 12 o'clock in the evening.

Qin Tian was concentrating on checking the monitoring equipment and alerting to the surrounding dynamics.

But at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Through the surveillance footage, Qin Tian saw that the Blackwater security director named Abraham was knocking on the door.

Qin Tian was still vigilant and asked through the door:

"What are you doing? Why are you knocking on the door in the middle of the night?"

Abraham said in English:

"Mr. Qin, I want to talk to you and share some important information with you!"

"Can you speak English?"

Of course Qin Tian doesn't speak English, and he didn't learn this in the police academy!

But fortunately he has a golden finger!


[It has been detected that the host is encountering an English dialogue scene, and the system has started service in a timely manner!]

[Whether to consume 10,000 evil punishment points to purchase new skills: English communication!]

Qin Tian thought that he would inevitably have to communicate with foreigners in the future.

Maybe, he might even go abroad to perform a mission.

In addition, during the blind date yesterday, Jiang Yanlan and three other people were captured and a drug-related case was solved.

Obtained 10,000 points of evil punishment

Worth the reward.

Just enough for this consumption.

So without hesitation, he decisively activated the new skill.


[You have activated a new skill: English communication!]

[Current remaining evil punishment value: 2000 points!]

In less than 5 seconds, Qin Tian "learned" English.

Then he said to Abraham in standard American English:

"If you have anything to do, just say it through the door and don't even think about coming in!"

Abraham didn't waste any words and said through the door:

"Mr. Qin, although you are here to complete the task, I am here for the employer's commission!"

"But in the final analysis, we are all here to protect Miss Long, so we are on the same front!"

"So, it is necessary for me to share with you the information we have!"

"As far as we know-

"When Miss Long returned to the Dragon Kingdom today, a mysterious person took action on the dark web and increased her reward amount. It has now reached 150 million US dollars!"

"If converted into your Dragon Kingdom currency, it would be almost 1 billion!"

"And I estimate that the amount will increase in the future!"

"Although we don't know what force Miss Long has provoked this time, the other party must have a strong background, but with the escort of our Blackwater Company 570, you don't need to worry about it.

Miss Xinlong’s safety!”

After Qin Tian heard this, he chuckled and said:

"Are you here to tell me this nonsense?"

"I must make it clear to you again: our police are solely responsible for Miss Long's safety, and you can at most be regarded as an assistant!"

"Okay, if you don't have any valuable information, don't waste my time blocking the door!"

"Of course there is valuable information, I think you will be interested in it!" Abraham added:

"We just received news from the company headquarters that several killer and mercenary organizations have been dispatched!"

"Including [Black Flag Pirates] and [Vulture Mercenaries]!"

"Man, do you know these two organizations?"

Qin Tian said truthfully:

"I don't care who they are, as long as they dare to come to the Dragon Kingdom, I guarantee they will never come back!"

Abraham smiled:

"Man, your confidence is so mesmerizing

"But I still hope you can understand

"People from these two organizations are difficult to deal with!"

"Especially the vulture mercenaries!"

"To be honest, we have dealt with these people in Yiluke before!"

"Their boss's nickname is Vulture. He is a rebel and is wanted by many people for terrorist attacks and war crimes!"

"This guy is a complete madman and a war madman!"

"All his men are desperadoes, and they will do anything for money!"

"Man, you policemen have to be careful! Because the Vulture Mercenary Group is best at dealing with the police!"

"They've done a lot of bloody things to the police station!"

When Qin Tian heard this, he sneered and said:

"This group of people can only act mischievously abroad, but when they arrive in the Dragon Kingdom, our police will teach them how to behave!"

"You don't have to worry about that!"

"I hope you, the Dragon Kingdom Police, can do what you said and reduce the pressure on our Blackwater Company!"

"Also, Black Flag pirates, you should be careful, this organization specializes in assassinations!"

"Let me tell you an inside story. Last month, the president of Artchov Gas Group in the Bear Country suddenly died suddenly on the bed of his villa! But in fact, he was hacked

The killer sent by the flag pirates used nerve gas to kill him!"

"By the way, the leader of the Black Flag Pirates, codename is Luffy!"

Hearing this, Qin Tian murmured to himself:

"Luffy??? It seems that besides killing people, this guy also likes to read comics!"

Seeing that the information Abraham mentioned was quite valuable, Qin Tian was about to ask him what he knew.

But at this moment, the alarm device on Qin Tian’s waist suddenly started beeping!

This is when Long Yanan pressed the alarm button and sent out an alarm signal!!!

Qin Tian reacted instantly, pulled out his gun, rushed to the bedroom door, and kicked the bedroom door open!

Then he rushed into the dark room and came to the bed with a flying tactical move.


Then I heard Long Yanan scream in panic.

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