Lost Gun In Street Test? I Caught My Leg And Broke It!

【86】The Armed Police Garrison Dispatches Troops, And The Vulture Mercenary Group Attacks!

Accompanied by city leaders and staff, a mighty team of two hundred people went to the industrial park on the outskirts of the city.

Seeing this battle, Qin Tian used the greatest privilege granted to him by the city bureau

An application was made to mobilize an armed police company and an anti-terrorist brigade to take charge of security at the scene.

In fact, it stands to reason -

It is impossible to dispatch the armed police force for such official activities in the city.

But Long Yanan used a clever trick to get all the big guys to willingly accompany her to inspect the venue.

These big bosses account for most of the municipal core leadership team and are involved in key departments such as public security, taxation, industry and commerce, land and resources, and investment promotion.

Seeing such a big gathering.

The number one boss of the armed police garrison in Shenlan City approved Qin Tian's "troop application" without saying a word.

A total of 200 troops were dispatched to the scene to perform security guard duties.


Among the huge convoys heading to the industrial park.

In a Rolls-Royce welcome car, Qin Tian, ​​who was in charge of personal security, sat next to Long Yanan.

"Miss Long, it seems that you are very powerful! Let so many city bosses accompany you to show your face!"

"They even used their strength to mobilize the armed police force~~~"

"Your current security treatment is almost the same as when a foreign leader comes to visit!"

When Long Yanan heard this, she stared with a pair of innocent eyes.

"I didn't expect the leaders to be so enthusiastic, let alone that the armed police force would be dispatched!"

"But seeing this battle, I still feel a little flattered~~~"

"You didn't do this on purpose!" Qin Tian joked and revealed:

"It seems that Miss Long knows how to utilize resources. She knows under what circumstances and by what means to maximize the use of resources!"

"Just like now, it was obviously just an ordinary official event, but you turned it into a "three-nine-three" formation where the empress went on a tour!"

"No way~~~" Long Yanan smiled lightly, and then blinked slyly:

"I'm not an empress, I'm just a weak woman!"

"Haven't you heard that sentence? Girls must know how to protect themselves when they go out!"

At this point, a troop carrier from the Armed Police Anti-Terrorism Brigade happened to drive next to the Rolls-Royce.

Seeing the heavily armed special service police in the car, Long Yanan suddenly smiled.

"Hehe~~ Now with the protection of the Dragon Kingdom soldiers and the personal protection of you, the ace policeman, I really feel a sense of security!"

"But having said that, this is actually not the first time I have experienced this battle. When I accompanied my father to those Middle Eastern oil-producing countries to discuss business, the locals also sent soldiers to protect us!

"But those unshaven Middle Eastern soldiers can't compare with our Dragon Kingdom soldiers!"

In a good mood, Long Yanan opened up her chatterbox and began to share her experiences with Qin Tian.

“Our group has invested in many oil fields and ports in the Middle East and Africa!”

"We often have to deal with local armed forces, but the discipline of foreign soldiers is very poor, and there are even some warlords and ruffians who come to us to extort protection money!"

"Most of the time, we can only spend money to eliminate disasters and pay protection fees to these local soldiers!"

"At that time, my father told me twelve"

"This kind of situation will never happen in the Dragon Kingdom, because the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom are the most disciplined soldiers in the world!"

"They will protect the people unconditionally, without asking for anything in return or money!"

"And in some war-torn areas, the country will send warships and special planes to pick up local Chinese and overseas Chinese to go home! In addition, it will also protect us overseas businessmen!"

"I remember very clearly that in 2018, my father and I were on a company's transport tanker. When we passed through the Gulf of Aden, a Dragon Kingdom warship came to escort us!"

"At that time, I and a group of Dragon Kingdom crew members were holding Dragon Kingdom passports and waving the national flag at the warship!"

"The navy soldiers on the warship deck saw this and gave us a military salute! Wow, you don't know what it was like at that time. I was so excited that I cried!"

Long Yanan became talkative again, talking endlessly, and the topic got further and further away.

And Qin Tian has never been abroad.

So for a while, I didn’t know how to respond to the overseas experiences Long Yanan talked about.

After being stunned for a long while, he responded casually:

"Defending our country and evacuating overseas Chinese are all matters that are justified by the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Our Dragon Kingdom police are like this too, just get used to it in the future!"

Long Yanan turned her head, and her expression suddenly became serious:

"In your eyes, this is a matter of course, but in the eyes of us overseas Chinese, this is a great love for our family and country!"

"You must know that there is a saying in overseas Chinese circles: the more you leave home, the more homesick you become! The more you go abroad, the more patriotic you become!"

"Mr. Qin, have you ever been abroad?"

Lonely, Long Yanan asked a question.

Qin Tian smiled slightly awkwardly, then changed the subject and said:

"Don't talk about these useless things. We are going to the industrial park soon. Let's talk about the security rules later!"

"First, you cannot break away from the crowd and act alone, let alone stand on high places alone!"

"Second, you cannot escape the sight of our police!"

"Third, if you encounter an emergency, don't panic, get down as soon as possible, and we will escort you away from the scene and back to the bulletproof car!"

"Do you understand the rules? Miss Long."

Long Yanan put away her chatter and nodded speechlessly:

"I understand, Officer Qin!"

At this time, the convoy had arrived at the industrial park located in the suburbs of the fifth ring road of the city.

Before getting out of the car, Long Yanan looked outside through the bulletproof window.

I saw groups of armed police soldiers jumping off explosion-proof armored vehicles and personnel carriers.

And they acted quickly, formed a circle around the scene, and began to carry out the security guard mission.

Seeing this scene, Long Yanan's beautiful eyes lit up and she immediately raised her head:

"With so many Dragon Kingdom soldiers present, those killers and terrorists will definitely not dare to come!"

After speaking, Long Yanan opened the car door confidently.

And at the same moment.

Five kilometers away from the industrial park [in an abandoned mine in Shishan Mountain.

A dozen people dressed as miners and wearing masks were gathering together to discuss countermeasures.

"Boss, our information is indeed correct!"

"Long Yanan really appeared in the industrial park!"

"Moreover, our outpost drone has captured footage of her getting out of the car!"

"But the trouble is————"

"She brought a lot of people over. In addition to plainclothes police and bodyguards, there was at least one company of Longguo Armed Police at the scene!"

"She is surrounded by water and the security is very tight!"

"Based on the situation at the scene, our plan of action to get close to her is basically unworkable!"

After listening to the report of his subordinates, the leading man couldn't help frowning and thinking.

Immediately, the man took off his mask, revealing a foreign face.

and reveal his true identity

The leader of the vulture mercenary group!

"Boss, why don't you give up the operation today?"

Seeing that the vulture remained silent for a long time, one of his subordinates couldn't help but said:

"We will take action when she is not protected by armed police!"

"Shut up, Fox Wolf!" Vulture angrily scolded the subordinate just now:

"Time is urgent now. If we don't take action, others will!"

"Especially the Black Flag Pirates, I heard they sent the top killers over!"

"If they get it first, then our work will be in vain and we won't get a penny of reward!"

"Today, Long Yanan rarely appears in public outdoors. We must seize this opportunity! We must strike first!!!"

Upon hearing this, one of his subordinates asked:

"Then how should we start? What plan should we implement? Is it a kidnapping or an assassination?"

The vulture didn't reply, but another subordinate said:

"Does this need to be said? Of course it's a kidnapping!"

"The funder has already spoken. If he can be captured and kidnapped alive, he will receive 300 million US dollars!"

"Assassination, only 150 million!"

"Kidnapping? With the current security situation, it's impossible to even get close to her, so how can we kidnap her?!" Vulture finally spoke and said in a stern tone:

"Kidnapping is impossible! Now we have only assassination - the only way!"

"If the assassination is successful, a bounty of 150 million is not bad!"

"So we don't have to worry about it, we will carry out the assassination plan today!"

"No matter what, we can't let Long Yanan see the sun tomorrow!"

After saying that, the vulture walked out of the mine and came to a hillside.

Pick up the telescope, look in the direction of the industrial park, and observe the dynamics of the target group.

After a while, the vulture put down the telescope and then ordered in a deep voice:

"Foxwolf, you will execute the assassination plan B and be responsible for long-distance sniping!"

"Hyena, you will execute the assassination plan C and be responsible for the close range collision!"

"Falcon, you will execute the assassination plan D and be responsible for the air strike!"

"Remember, once you succeed, retreat immediately! Don't be tempted to fight, and don't be held back by the police and armed police of the Dragon Kingdom!"

Immediately, after some instructions and arrangements from Vulture.

The mercenary team of more than a dozen people immediately dispersed and quickly headed towards the industrial park.

at this time.

Long Yanan, who had already gotten out of the car, had no idea that the danger was approaching!

Accompanied by a large group of people, she came to a vast open space in the industrial park and began to discuss business with the leaders!

A person in charge of the Land and Resources Bureau stood beside her and introduced:

"Ms. Long, our industrial park in Shenlan City covers a total area of ​​more than two hundred square kilometers and is filled with hundreds of companies, large and small."

"And the vacant land you see now is a piece of industrial land specially planned by us, covering an area of ​​2,000 acres!"

"Look, Ms. Long, this land is surrounded by mountains and rivers! There are mines to the north and the harbor to the south!"

"Such terrain conditions are particularly suitable for building an energy technology industry cluster!"

"In addition, what I must emphasize is that

"After research and discussion by our city leadership team, we decided to transfer the use rights of this industrial land to your group at a preferential price of 1 million per mu!"

After hearing the price, Long Yanan weighed it and then said with a smile:

"This land is really good, and the feng shui is pretty good! I like it very much!"

"And the price of 1 million/acre is not expensive. If the total area is 2,000 acres, it is only 2 billion!"


We can make a decision now and invest in buying this land as the new headquarters factory of our group!"

Hearing this, all the big guys felt happy...

As expected of the wealthy Golden Phoenix!

They didn’t even talk about the price, they just bought a 2 billion “golden egg” right away!

What's more important is that tens of billions will be invested later to "build a nest."

But then, the guys realized how shrewd this Golden Phoenix was!


Long Yanan suddenly changed the topic and said with a smile:

“The disadvantage of this land is the lack of basic supporting facilities, especially in terms of transportation!”

"According to the domestic standard model of government-enterprise cooperation, this transportation problem should be solved by the municipal finance, right?"

"Mayor Liu and Director Zhang, what do you think about this? Your municipal finance will allocate 1 billion to build a ring highway for this land! Solve the traffic problem of land transportation!


"Our group will invest another 3 billion to expand the port to facilitate the docking of our large tankers! Solve the maritime traffic problem!"

"How about this way that both parties jointly invest and build together to ultimately achieve a win-win situation?"

When they heard that the municipal finance was asked to spend 1 billion to build roads, the big bosses still kept smiles on their faces.

But they sighed secretly in their hearts:

This Phoenix is ​​not simple!

It’s not that they don’t know how to bargain, they bargain in a way that the seller can’t refuse!

According to the model of government-enterprise cooperation.

People have bought the right to use the land, and they should indeed build roads for them.

Just like renting out a high-rise house, you have to build stairs for the tenants.

But spending 1 billion to build roads is indeed a bit "extravagant" and makes many bigwigs feel a little bit sad.

A total of 2 billion yuan is spent on land sales, and it stands to reason that spending 400 to 500 million yuan to build roads will be enough!

But such a large group is so generous.

the most important is

Tens of billions more investment will be made later!

If we start arguing with others now because of the price difference of several hundred million for road construction.

On the contrary, it appears that it has no structure and affects the relationship between government and enterprises!

The thought of this.

The city bosses immediately made a decision and agreed to Long Yanan's request.

And standing behind Long Yanan.

Qin Tian is not interested in business discussions between governments and enterprises.

His focus was entirely on security.

Lifting his head and looking around, Qin Tian found that the surrounding area was relatively empty.

The nearest commanding heights are the ten oil refining and Guangzhou Railway Towers 400 meters away.

But there——

It has long been occupied by the sniper team of the Armed Police Anti-Terrorism Brigade.

"Brother Qin, we meet again!"

1.3 "Taking advantage of today's opportunity, why don't we have another round of competition?"

"Last time I lost to you, I have been thinking about how to avenge these ten rounds!"

Cui Wenyu's voice came from the communication headset.

Qin Tian couldn't help but smile and replied in a low voice:

"Forget it! Enough with the discussion! Haha~~~"

"Let's focus on security!"

Cui Wenyu replied:

"That's right! How dare any blind killer mercenary come to such a big battle today!"

"Maybe it's possible, we're still invincible today!"

Qin Tian smiled and said:

"That would be the best!"

"I'm not as panicked as your anti-terrorist brigade. Being invincible is the best outcome for our police! It saves time, effort and worry!"

Having said that, Qin Tian still maintains sufficient vigilance.

After a while, Qin Tian's eyes suddenly looked towards a hillside about 700 to 800 meters away.

"Brother Cui, I analyzed the surrounding environment and feel that the hillside may pose a threat!"

"If there is an ambush by a sniper, that would be a good ambush point!"

"Brother Qin, you can rest assured!" Cui Wenyu replied confidently:

"As a sniper, counter-sniping is a required course for me!"

“My observers have released the Hawkeye drone and are scanning that hillside!!

"No disturbance can escape our 'Eagle Eyes'!"

"Huh? Wait a minute, something's wrong!"

The next moment, Cui Wenyu's slightly anxious voice came from Huimaili.

"My observers discovered three unidentified drones, flying quickly towards your area!"

"It seems you have bad intentions! Brother Qin, be careful!"

PS: There is something going on in the hospital recently, so updates are slow!

The update will resume today and the fonts will be enlarged!

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