Lost In Azeroth

Chapter 1097: Ulduar's Permissions

   Chapter 1097 Ulduar's Permissions

Human magic comes from the teachings of the high elves. Despite the disdainful efforts of many human mages for thousands of years, new magic has been continuously researched, some of which even exceed the magic level of the high elves, but whether it is human or Compared with the dragon race, the high elves still have a lot of gaps in their magic level, and they are even more incomparable with those blue dragons who are best at arcane magic.

  Jaina's magic talent is very good, and she is also very fond of magic research. After listening to Su Chen's words, she naturally agreed immediately.

   But the way to Northrend is a bit troublesome.

  Su Chen can directly use the magic net and the Eye of Eternity to teleport, but Jaina cannot. With her current physical strength, even riding a frost dragon to fly long distances is very dangerous.

"Sure enough, it's still necessary to study planes..." Su Chen sighed secretly. In desperation, he could only take Jaina and ride a griffin to fly slowly, while the huge Sindragosa deliberately flew in Circling around him, it seemed to be deliberately mocking.

  Su Chen has not experienced such a slow long-distance flight for a long time, and it took a few days to finally reach the coast of Dragonblight.

"Is this the place where you fought?" Jaina looked at the continent covered in ice and snow with a hint of excitement in her eyes. She had always longed to fight side by side with Su Chen, and now she has finally achieved it. wish.

"Yes, you will be able to see that tall temple soon. It is a temple made of mysterious bronze, and it is also the most sacred place for the Dragon Clan." Su Chen pointed to the front. The Longmian Temple is already looming.

It was the first time for Jaina to come here. When she saw the huge bronze temple standing upright in the snow, she was indeed shocked. After all, this Dragon Sleeping Temple was the former guardians of the Titans who belonged to the five-color dragon race. And building, far from the human construction can be compared.

Su Chen had told her a lot about the dragon race along the way, so when Jaina saw the flying dragons flying around in the air, she seemed very calm, but she followed Su Chen into the Longmian Temple and saw After the Red Dragon Queen, she still couldn't hide her excitement.

  For human beings, the dragon family is almost the pinnacle of power, and the queen of the dragon family is the king in this pinnacle!

   "A new guardian? This is really surprising." Alexstrasza was also surprised after seeing Jaina.

"Humans have always hoped to help the dragons fight more, but they have always lacked high-end powerhouses, so this adventure re-used the guardian's ritual, but she has just improved her magic power through the guardian's ritual, but her body is still It is relatively fragile and cannot participate in fierce battles. I wonder if the Dragon Clan has any magic that can quickly strengthen the body?" Su Chen asked with a smile, he had dealt with the Dragon Clan too much, and he was no longer restrained.

"The magic of strengthening the body? This... This is a bit embarrassing for me. We must know that the body of our dragon family is very strong by nature, so we will not consider this problem at all, and no one will study it." The Red Dragon Queen's The smile looked a little embarrassed.

  Su Chen couldn't help but feel speechless when he heard the words, but it was true when he thought about it. With the physique of the dragon race, there is really no need to try to strengthen the body. Instead, it often changes into a weaker elf or a human race.

   "Is there any more practical life-saving magic? I have recently become a mage, and I want to learn some practical magic by the way." Su Chen laughed.

   "Ordinary magical humans and elves actually know about the same. I can teach you some powerful dragon language magic. Whether you can understand it depends on you." Alexstrasza smiled, she was very generous.

  Su Chen was stunned when he heard the words: "Dragon language magic?"

"Yes, this requires some basic dragon language. Your Highness Arthas, you have long been able to understand the dragon language. There should be no obstacles. It's just that this new guardian doesn't know if he understands the dragon language?" Alek Stazar said and looked at Jaina carefully with interest.

   "I have done some research on the dragon language before, but most of the human research on the dragon language is at the stage of guesswork, and may not be correct." Jaina showed a wry smile.

"It doesn't matter. A person who can become a guardian must have a good talent. Although the dragon language is complicated, it is not difficult to learn it seriously, especially if you learn it in this Longmian Temple, you will learn it very quickly." Lexstrasza smiled at Jaina, who seemed to be quite fond of the new Guardian.

Gianna looked at Su Chen, saw that he was nodding slightly, and immediately agreed with a smile. After all, there are not many opportunities to learn dragon language and dragon language magic like the dragon family. this opportunity.

Su Chen naturally does not need to learn the language of the dragon race. At present, there are hundreds of languages ​​recorded in the brain, and even the language of the Draenei has been initially analyzed. Languages ​​such as dragon language are already very familiar, so directly You can learn dragon language magic.

   However, after learning two dragon language magics, he was quite speechless and found that he could not use dragon language magic at all with the magic level of his current archmage.

   "This..." Su Chen is very clear about his true level of magic... His current level of magic power is obtained through Medivh's inheritance.

   In the end, Su Chen had to give up the idea of ​​learning dragon language magic, and was going to look for the blue dragon's magic inheritance first.

The blue dragon family is good at magic. Many blue dragons are real magic geniuses. They have a natural affinity for arcane magic. Human beings can only be promoted by desperate work. In the eyes of the blue dragon, they can achieve it with their eyes closed. , so after the blue dragon dies, it will be very easy to leave some magical inheritance.

As for the most powerful inheritance, it is naturally the inheritance of the Dragon King's divine power. In the history of Warcraft, but after Malygos died, the Blue Dragon Legion chose a new Blue Dragon King when the two moons converged, and obtained the The new Dragon King's divine power, but what makes people speechless is that it was Kalecgos, the scumbag who became the Blue Dragon King, even if he became the Blue Dragon King, he had no courage.

Although Su Chen is also keen on the inheritance of the Dragon King, he is not a dragon, so he can only watch it, not to mention that Malygos in this world is only missing, not dead, so his goal is only ordinary Blue dragon.

   While Jaina was learning the dragon language with Alexstrasza, Su Chen was going to find the blue dragon's cemetery.

   However, the biggest cemetery of the dragons is their respective holy places. Most of the dragons will fly back to their holy places to rest for a long time when they die, but the holy place of the blue dragon has been destroyed in the last war.

   Today's Blue Dragon Holy Land is completely in ruins, and there are violent arcane energy everywhere, no one can approach it, let alone find some magical inheritance inside.

"Is there any other sleeping place for the Blue Dragon family?" Su Chen asked Sindragosa. After all, Sindragosa was Malygos's spouse before his death, and his position in the Blue Dragon Legion was good. It is said that one person is below ten thousand people.

However, the information from Sindragosa said that she had died in the battle of the ancients ten thousand years ago. I am afraid that in the long years has long disappeared.

   "Do you still have to find a living blue dragon to ask?" Su Chen frowned slightly, but it would be too inappropriate to ask the blue dragon to ask about the cemetery of the other's ancestors.

   However, if you search for it yourself, trying to find the cemetery of the fallen blue dragon in this vast Northrend may be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"If you really can't do it, just go to the cemetery of the black dragon..." Su Chen finally changed his mind. Although the magic of the black dragon family is not as good as that of the blue dragon, it is only relatively speaking. If compared with humans, the black dragon can also be regarded as a magical genius, especially Specializes in shadow magic.

With the current level of hatred of the Longmian coalition against Heilong, if he were to excavate Heilong's cemetery, he would probably applaud most of the dragon clan, not to mention the location of the Heilong's cemetery very well... At present, the Black Dragon Holy Land is under his control. Now, even the Black Dragon Queen has become his slave.

   "Although I've been to the Black Dragon Holy Land before, but I haven't gone deep into it, this time I have to go in and take a good look." Su Chen thought to himself.

Although he led the army to capture the Black Dragon Holy Land, the real cemetery of the Black Dragon was in the underground cave, but the cave was occupied by the undead natural disaster. In order to avoid damage to the knights under him, he temporarily gave up attacking the place. The underground cave of the Black Dragon Holy Land.

   Now that the entire undead natural disaster is under his control, the Black Dragon Holy Land can naturally be explored at will.

When Su Chen came to the Black Dragon Holy Land, there are no human troops stationed here, but there are a large number of undead troops. In the past, the undead natural disaster was desperately digging the keel buried here, but now it is frantically mining obsidian. So much so that the entire Black Dragon Holy Land has been dug and expanded.

  Su Chen naturally knew the reason why the undead kept mining obsidian... It was to quickly make obsidian statues!

  After he handed over the manufacturing method of the obsidian statue to Kel'Thuzad, the obsidian statue with extremely powerful magic resistance immediately replaced the bone dragon and became the new main force of the undead natural disaster.

The obsidian statue was originally a copy of the guards in the Hall of Origins that Cthun copied to deal with the dragons. Later, after some improvements from the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, the combat effectiveness is very good, especially good at dealing with magical creatures. The undead natural disaster of magical power is a very important supplement, and more importantly, it does not require the painstaking efforts to find precious keels like making bone dragons.

  Su Chen's arrival immediately stopped the undead and paid tribute to him.

  Su Chen is very satisfied with the production efficiency of these undead. At present, the number of obsidian statues is still rising rapidly, and it has become the most important air force in his hands.

   And when he entered the dark underground cave, the pungent sulphur breath immediately came... There was actually surging magma in the ground of this Black Dragon Holy Land!

  A lot of excavation marks can be seen in the upper layer of this cave, that is where the undead natural disaster excavated the keel in the past, and now only the damaged rock wall and some useless bones are left.

   In the depths of the cave, there are still many ghouls that have been smoked and covered in black, but after the obsidian statue, the undead natural disaster's demand for keels is not as crazy as before.

  Su Chen began to let the brain explore the surrounding situation, hoping to find some special magic fluctuations.

   But at this moment, most of the keels in the depths of the cave are left by black dragons that have been dead for a long time, and basically there is no magic fluctuation.

   This made Su Chen quite depressed, because the corpses of the black dragons on the upper floors that had been dead for a relatively short time had already been dug up to make bone dragons.

   "Is it so difficult to find a dragon inheritance..."

The dragon clan has existed for tens of thousands of years. I don’t know how many powerful dragons have appeared, and naturally many died. Su Chen is sure that there must be some power inheritance left, but it will be more difficult to find if there are no clues. trouble.

But what made him speechless was that some dragon eggs were found in the depths of the cave, which seemed to be left by the Black Dragon Empress. Sinestra failed to fight for the leadership of the Black Dragon Legion back then. Nefarian could only hide in other places with some of his cronies, and this Black Dragon Holy Land was a base he occupied.

   "These dragon eggs can be used to build a new Black Dragon Army." Su Chen's heart moved, maybe he could build a new Black Dragon Army before Deathwing returned to Azeroth.

   "Maybe it's time to meet Onyxia again..."

  Onyxia is still in Wyrmrest Temple today, but she is no longer bound by freedom, but as the only black dragon here, she always looks lonely.

   "Arthas, you're here!" After seeing Su Chen, a hint of surprise flashed in Onyxia's eyes in a black dress.

   "Onyxia, how have you been recently?"

   "It's still the same, what else can I do in this Dragon Sleeping Temple..." Onyxia said with a bit of frustration, and she couldn't see the look of the high-spirited Black Dragon Princess on her face.

   Looking at her face, Su Chen couldn't help sighing secretly. Although he always wanted to change her fate, it might not make her happy.

   "I don't know if you already know one thing. Your father and brother... are likely to be back soon." Su Chen smiled wryly.

   "My father and the others are coming back?" Onyxia immediately showed a look of surprise, but soon the smile faded, and instead became a little more sad: "But... I don't want you to fight..."

In the past few days, my mother was sick and was hospitalized and needed to be taken care of, so the update was very slow. Here, I would like to express my deep apologies to my friends who have always supported me. I will try my best to make up for what I owe before this weekend. chapter.



   (end of this chapter)

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