Lost In Azeroth

Chapter 610: Shadow Dance

   Chapter 610 Shadow Dance

   Ner'zhul and Ymiron soon came to the hall where the dwarves were being imprisoned, but it seemed that they only wanted to get some news about the platinum disc from the mouths of the dwarves, and did not kill these dwarf captives.

However, the dwarves themselves don't know much about the platinum disc. Even if Ner'zhul used the technique of soul charm, the only information he got was that the platinum disc came from a barren land, and the undead natural disaster The current power simply cannot set foot in the Badlands.

   Ner'zhul didn't stay in Utgarde Castle for too long, and his temporary will came for a limited time, and soon left.

   Naymiron had no interest in the dwarf captives, and soon returned to the top of Utgarde Castle.

   After Ymiron completely disappeared from the detection range of the brain, Su Chen carefully came out of the corner and sneaked back into the hall where the dwarves were being held.

   Now that he has decided to use the platinum disc to start the war between Loken and the Undead Scourge, he does not need to rush to fight the vrykul now, but it is still a very troublesome thing to rescue those dwarves.

   There are more than ten vrykul guarding these dwarves, but they have all been transformed into undead states and almost do not need to rest at all.

   Although these vrykul are not strong, unless Su Chen kills them in an instant, it is easy to be alerted by them. At that time, it is estimated that the vrykul of the entire Utgarde Castle will come after him.

   With Su Chen's current strength, it is not impossible to kill these vrykul guards in a single blow with all his strength, but in that case, because the burst of power is too strong, it is also easy to be discovered by other powerful vrykul.

   "It's a pity that Frostmourne can't control them here..." Su Chen frowned. If he could directly control these undead, then things would be much more convenient.

"You can try the 'Dance of Shadows' that I just analyzed. This is a powerful thief skill. It can not only keep stealth, but also has a strong power convergence effect. Use it." Zhinao Xiaohei made some smug suggestions.

"Dance of Shadows...Is it okay for me to use a two-handed sword like Frostmourne?" Su Chen was overjoyed, Zhinao has been constantly analyzing these various power rules and powerful skills of various professions, and now I finally have them Some useful results.

   After the 'Dance of Shadows' is activated, it can maintain the stealth state all the time, and can attack under the stealth state.

  Although the duration of Night Dance is not long, with his current strength, he can definitely kill these vrykul guards in seconds.

"Of course it can be used, although we are a simulated skill, but there are no restrictions, even if you use a two-handed axe, there is no problem, and I can now simulate the 'lurking veil', which is definitely an excellent escape. Skills." Zhinao seemed quite proud.

   "Hidden Veil... This skill can also be simulated? Are there any restrictions on its use?" Su Chen asked quickly.

   In this real world of Azeroth, many skills are different from the game, especially many professional skills have no cooling time at all, as long as there is enough energy, they can be used continuously, so they will appear extraordinarily powerful.

   "There is no limit, but this skill is equivalent to a small field. To maintain it, you need to consume a lot of energy. With your current physical state, it is best to use it intermittently." Zhinao suggested.

   "Well..." Su Chen was not surprised by this. He can only use the stealth technique for two or three hours now. If he uses the stealth veil skill, the energy consumption is at least dozens of times that of personal stealth!

The next battle was a little smoother than expected. Because Frostmourne could temporarily make the undead in a sluggish state, and with the effect of the Dance of the Night, these vrykul guards were killed before they could react. Naturally, no one can sound the alarm.

   "If I continue to develop as a thief, I think I can become a top professional killer..." Looking at the vrykul corpse in that place, Su Chen couldn't help feeling a little complacent.

However, although these vrykul failed to find Hu Alarm, the dwarves screamed out one by one, so frightened that Su Chen quickly appeared, and then hurriedly signaled them to be quiet, and at the same time quickly cut off their bodies for them shackles.

   "It's His Highness Arthas, why are you here? You won't be captured by those **** vrykul..." Brian Bronzebeard looked at Su Chen in surprise.

   "Don't worry, I'm here to save you. You shouldn't have been seriously injured, right?" Su Chen asked quickly, if there are serious injuries, even with the skill of 'Hidden Curtain', it is estimated that it will be difficult to escape.

   "We're fine, it's just a little injury, it's not a problem for us strong dwarves at all." Brian Bronzebeard said and deliberately flexed his arms to show his muscles.

   "Okay, then hurry up and leave here with me. Remember not to make any noise on the road. If you encounter an enemy, you must obey my orders. I can keep you in stealth temporarily." Su Chen immediately warned.

   Now that Ymiron has just left, the defense against these dwarves should be the most slack, and it is definitely the best time to escape!

   "Could it be that His Highness is the only one to save us? Zach Yuanshan doesn't even have the courage to attack this Utgarde castle!" Brian Bronzebeard stood on tiptoe and looked outside.

   Looking at this guy who wanted to make things worse, Su Chen couldn't help but be speechless for a while, this guy was really lucky to be able to explore around for so long without dying.

"The main force led by General Yuanshan and the others has not arrived yet. Even if they want to attack this Utgarde castle, they must rescue you first, otherwise most of the vrykul will take you as hostages, or... Just kill and drink." Su Chen sighed, making up his mind that he must stay away from this guy in the future, and the farther away, the better!

"His Royal Highness is right, then let's get out of here first, sigh... Speaking of which, I plan to be able to help as an inner response during the battle. You must know that my martial arts are not worse than my eldest and second brothers. Don't believe it, Your Highness, I almost became the king of the hill back then." Brian Bronzebeard said proudly.

   "Well, of course I believe in the strength of great adventurers, but... now please follow my footsteps, we have to leave." Su Chen said helplessly.

   Last night because of the power outage due to heavy rain, I couldn't update it. I'm really sorry, I'll try my best to make up for the chapters I owe.



   (end of this chapter)

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