Lost In Azeroth

Chapter 688: warder

   Chapter 688 Watchmen

   "We are the messengers of the human kingdom and the Temple of Dragon Sleep." Su Chen immediately shouted to the night elves who were riding high-speed Hippogryphs.

Although with his current strength and the dragon under him, he should not be afraid of these night elves' air troops, but at the moment of his trip, he is persuading the night elves to join the war alliance against Ulduar. Once there is a conflict, he will There is no need to land any more, and you can directly declare the failure of this trip and turn your head back to Northrend.

Perhaps it was because he had cooperated with the night elves many times, and even fought side by side in Grizzly Hills. Many night elves already knew him and quickly allowed him to pass, but for the red giant under him. Dragon is against it.

  Su Chen couldn't help but secretly complained, it seemed that the relationship between the night elves and the dragons was worse than he thought!

"Could there be something wrong with Tyrande now... Fandral Deerhelm has already controlled the night elves?" Su Chen thought to himself, with Tyrande's wisdom, even if he was at odds with the dragons, he wouldn't act like this. Obviously, at most, after inviting people to drink tea, they politely refuse or delay.

   It is estimated that only Fandral Deer Helmet could do such a situation where he turned his face on the spot.

"It seems that this trip to the night elves will be very troublesome..." Su Chen sighed to himself, his relationship with Fandral Deerhelm is also very bad, especially his relationship with Illidan is quite close , I'm afraid that he has long been hated by Fandral Deer Helmet.

   "We are not malicious, I just came to inform the arch druid and the high priest some news." Su Chen said quickly.

   "What news?" A night elf female riding a hippogryph asked indifferently, her whole body was shrouded in armor and looked like a member of the watchmen.

   "It's news related to Illidan, and... Naga!" Su Chen said hesitantly.

   "Illidan...Naga..." The Watcher member hesitated for a moment, and finally waved to the other night elves: "I will take them to see the Arch Druid and the High Priest."

  Su Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the night elves surrounding him and the giant dragon disperse quickly.

  Although the night elves are currently divided into several factions, no matter who they are, they will definitely pay great attention to Illidan.

   Of course… some of them are caring, some are hating.

   However, Illidan should take care of it himself. Su Chen didn't care about it. All he cared about was being able to see Fandral Deerhelm and Tyrande smoothly.

  If you can't even see Fandral Deerhelm and Tyrande, then this trip to the night elves will be difficult to start.

  Su Chen and the red dragon began to descend slowly with the watchman, but what surprised Su Chen was that the landing place he chose was actually on Mount Hyjal.

   "Don't the arch druid and the high priest live in Ashenvale now?" Su Chen asked curiously. He originally wanted to take the opportunity to go to the Moon Temple in Ashenvale to find Maderi.

   "Our Watchmen unit is solely responsible for the defense of the night elves at present. If you want to enter the territory of the night elves, you naturally need to meet the leader of our Watchmen first." The Watcher said coldly.

   "Going to see Maiev Shadowsong?" Su Chen couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words. He never imagined that the first night elf leader he would see would be Maiev Shadowsong after he came to the night elves' territory.

"It's no wonder that after I said Illidan's name, he immediately brought me down..." Su Chen was full of slander at the moment, although in this real world Maiev Shadowsong did not hunt down Illidan as in the history of Warcraft. , but it has always maintained a faint hostility to Illidan, and it is estimated that he still wants to try to put Illidan in the prison of the watchman.

   The Watcher wanted to guard the Well of Eternity, and his camp was near the top of Mount Hyjal. Su Chen soon saw Maiev Shadowsong.

   "Arthas, Prince of Humanity? How did you come to Mount Hyjal, and also walk with the red dragon?" Maiev Shadowsong's voice was even colder, as if he was interrogating a prisoner.

   "Master Maiev, he said he knew about Illidan's whereabouts, and also mentioned Naga..." The watchman who brought Su Chen said immediately.

   "Illidan? Naga?!" Maiev Yingsong's voice sounded a little different, and Su Chen didn't know which news she valued more.

"Where is Illidan? We haven't heard of him since he flew north in the Grizzly Hills with your giant insect, since you have a good relationship with him, and you lent him the flying tool. , it seems that you should really know his whereabouts." Maiev Yingsong's voice quickly returned to Gujing's indifference.

   "Yes, there are very few people in this world who know the whereabouts of Illidan, but I happen to know." Su Chen smiled.

   He didn't lie, Illidan secretly flew to the Temple of Life that had been abandoned for many years in the Storm Peaks. It is estimated that no one except him knew about this.

   "Where is Illidan?" Maiev Shadowsong asked in a deep voice.

   "This...I need to meet Tyrande High Priest before I can tell you." Su Chen said hesitantly.

Illidan quietly ran to the ruins of the Temple of Life alone, and then did not seek help from the Druid, but instead used the magic spirit of the troll **** to enter the Emerald Dream. Obviously, he did not want other night elves to know his whereabouts. Saying it rashly will probably get him into trouble.

   However, with the relationship between Tyrande and Illidan, as long as she is there, once in danger, most of them will still stand by Illidan, just like Illidan has been helping her.

   "Are you bargaining with me?" There was some anger in Maiev Shadowsong's voice.

"Yes, Illidan is my friend, I must ensure his safety." Su Chen said without fear, his current strength is not much worse than Maiev Shadowsong, and behind his trip there is still Longmian Temple.

   Even if the night elves are at odds with the dragons, they will never be stupid enough to go to war with the dragons!

   "Hmph, the High Priest is currently praying for the Moon God in the Temple of the Moon, and he won't see outsiders. I can find the Grand Druid." Maiev Shadowsong said coldly.

   "Fandral, Deer Helm? If you found Malfurion, I might still believe you." Su Chen sneered.

   "Presumptuous!" Maiev Yingsong's voice was as cold as ice, and the dark green cloak behind her was even more automatic without wind, and it seemed that countless poisonous throwing knives could be fired at any time.

"I've always talked straight. If you can find Malfurion, I'll tell you everything right away, but... I'm afraid even Tyrande can't wake Malfurion now." Su Chen Shen Sheng said, his eyes fixed on Maiev Yingsong's face with a visor.

   (end of this chapter)

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