Lost In Azeroth

Chapter 972: empire

   Chapter 972 Empire

"Platinum disc... This thing is what the Titans use to record important information. Only in Odur can there be a deciphering machine." Alexstrasza has taken the platinum disc in Su Chen's hand, but she After carefully examining this platinum disc, he couldn't help frowning.

   "The relationship between the dragon clan and the guardian of the Titans is irresistible. This Dragon Sleeping Temple is the ruins of the Titans. There must be something similar..." Su Chen asked quickly.

He doesn't believe that the dragons have replaced the guardians of the Titans to protect Azeroth for tens of thousands of years, and they have not come up with a little technology of their own. You must know that the power of the five-color dragons also comes from the Titans. In his opinion, the dragons will get some Some titan tech heritage.

   "We did have similar machines before, but we dragons don't have the habit of remembering history, so those machines were slowly damaged..." Alexstrasza looked a little embarrassed.

"Those titan machines were damaged by you?" Su Chen couldn't help but be speechless when he heard the words, these dragons really were too confident in their own strength, thinking that with the tyranny of the dragons themselves, they were omnipotent in Azeroth, even the titans. The technology that has been passed down is thrown away.

"Well... with our body size, we have absolutely no interest in such exquisite mechanical instruments, but there seems to be a similar machine in Nozdormu, which should have been taken to the Cavern of Time by him and preserved as a collection." Lecostaza said thoughtfully.

   "Bronze Dragon King?" Su Chen couldn't help frowning when he heard the words. He had just come from the Cavern of Time before, and he didn't expect to decipher the platinum disc, but he still had to return to the Cavern of Time.

   "Yes, other than that, it is estimated that only Ulduar has a deciphering machine." Alexstrasza said.

"Well, it seems that I can only go to the Cavern of Time again, but I don't know where Chromie is now?" Su Chen asked, he originally wanted to find Chromie, so as to tell him that he was in time There are some restless bronze dragons in the cave ready to take control of the Scales of Quicksand while the Bronze Dragon King is away.

"Chromie is in your human kingdom now, maybe you can help her." Alexstrasza said and handed back the platinum disc. It seemed that she really couldn't decipher the platinum disc. plate.

   "Chromie is in the human kingdom? What is she doing there?" Su Chen couldn't help being surprised when he heard the words, and at the same time he couldn't help but secretly worry, lest his hometown be in danger.

"It's not the trouble you left behind when you went to exterminate the Black Dragon Legion last time. Although you destroyed the Black Wing's Nest, Sinestra, the Queen of the Black Dragon, escaped. Later, Chromie heard about Sinestra. Ra hid in the abandoned dwarf underground city of Grim Baton, and chased after him with some members of the dragon clan, ready to completely solve the troubles of the black dragon." Alexstrasza explained.

"Grim Batol... Chromie actually went there, it's too dangerous!" Su Chen frowned immediately upon hearing the words. Judging from the information about the history of Warcraft in his memory, the Black Dragon Empress Sinais Terra is probably hiding in Grim Batol to study her twilight dragon secretly all these years. The abandoned underground city is estimated to have been transformed by her into an underground fortress full of traps.

Although   Chromie's strength is not bad, but if he rushes to pursue it, he may easily encounter danger.

"You don't have to worry too much, there are several giant dragons who went with Chromie. With their strength, they will not be much worse than Sinestra, but unfortunately my injury is not good, or I will go in person. Completely destroyed that underground city." Alexstrasza said with some hatred.

In the history of Warcraft, when the Wildhammer dwarves abandoned Grim Batol, the underground city was occupied by orcs and used the dragon soul to control Alexstrasza and imprisoned him in Grim Batol Mbatto has been around for a long time, so it is quite normal for the red dragon queen to have hatred for the underground city.

"Oh...then I'll go back to the camp to make arrangements, and then I'll go to Grim Batol to help." Su Chen frowned. Although Alexstrasza said he didn't have to worry, he was still quite fond of Chromina's little loli. care.

   "Okay, but before that, you'd better go to the Green Dragon Holy Land." Alexstrasza said suddenly.

Su Chen couldn't help but wonder when he heard the words: "Green Dragon Holy Land? Is there anything going on there? I just met Isarios and he said that His Majesty Ysera is in no danger in the Emerald Dream and can wake up at any time? "

   "Ysera really has no trouble in the Emerald Dream, but the dragon soul she got is more troublesome..." Alexstrasza sighed.

   "The Soul of the Dragon... Has there been significant progress in the casting of that thing?" Su Chen was a little surprised. The last time he went to the Green Dragon Holy Land, the Soul of the Dragon was still in the stage of researching blueprints.

"The skills of those dwarves are good. It is said that they are progressing very quickly, but Ysera is not in the Green Dragon Holy Land, and I am seriously injured. I am afraid there will be many people who covet the dragon's soul." Alexstrasza's face With a hint of coldness.

The dragon soul can almost be said to be the most powerful artifact. There are naturally many people who secretly have ideas about it, and even Su Chen has ideas about it, but he also knows that the dragon family is very sensitive to the dragon soul, and never does it. Dare to reveal this idea.

   "Then what did Your Majesty want me to do?" Su Chen asked hesitantly.

Although the strength of the Green Dragon Legion has been depleted in many battles, its losses are not as many as the Red Dragon Legion and the Blue Dragon Legion. It can be said to be the most powerful one among the five-colored dragon clan. The dragon's soul should not be able to find himself.

After hesitating for a moment, Alexstrasza sighed again: "I have received some bad news. Some people in the dragon race have secretly turned to the ancient evil gods. In fact, when Deathwing forged the dragon's soul ten thousand years ago, Those ancient evil gods were unwilling to secretly erode the dragon's soul, trying to use that artifact to lift the Titan's seal on them, so I worry that they will now secretly corrupt the recast dragon's soul again, after all At present, Yogg-Saron has controlled Ulduar, and the power he can use is probably far more than 10,000 years ago."

   "Has someone in the dragon clan secretly turned to the ancient gods?" Su Chen couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the words. This was beyond his expectations. No wonder the Queen of the Red Dragon sought help from an outsider like him.

"Well...but we don't know who it is. Those ancient evil gods are best at eroding other people's minds secretly, and they are hard to detect until they are actively exposed, just like Neltharion back then..." Alexstar Sa sighed.

   "You can't even find out, Your Majesty?" Su Chen asked with a frown.

Alexstrasza nodded immediately and said: "Yes, although I have the power to control the dragon group, I can't check the minds of others. In fact, our dragon tribe used to be very scattered and rarely gathered together, but recently The Dragonbone Wilderness was only gathered in the Dragon Bone Wilderness due to the outbreak of huge crises one after another. It may not be as good as the human beings with a history of only a few thousand years, so I want to ask Your Highness to go to the Green Dragon Holy Land to see if there is anything unusual nearby. ."

  Su Chen couldn't help but be a little speechless when he heard the words, it seems that human beings are really famous for their intrigue, and even the dragons are willing to be defeated.

"Okay, I'll go to the Green Dragon Holy Land to see if there's anything I can do to help." Su Chen finally agreed to the request of the Red Dragon Queen. In fact, he also wanted to see the soul of the giant dragon in his heart. How far the recast has come.

Although the matter of the    Bronze Dragon Legion was important, it was the dragon soul that was more important in comparison.

However, the frost dragon Sindragosa was still unable to enter the Green Dragon Holy Land, and even in places far away from the Green Dragon Holy Land, it was blocked by the guards of the Green Dragon Legion, and when those dragon guards looked at Sindragosa, There was clearly hostility in his eyes.

"It seems that it is still very difficult for the dragon family to accept the bone dragon..." Su Chen secretly sighed, even though the frost dragon Sindragosa was originally the spouse of Malygos, the king of blue dragons, after he became an undead, he was still Enemies of the dragon race.

Su Chen had to leave the frost dragon Sindragosa outside the Green Dragon Holy Land. When he entered the Green Dragon Holy Land alone, he found that the Green Dragon Holy Land was already heavily guarded. be guarded against.

   However, no guards appeared in the wooden house at the core of the Green Dragon Holy Land, and even the high-level officials of the Green Dragon Legion such as Isarios did not appear here... This place is estimated to be a forbidden area for Ysera.

   At this moment, there was a constant clinking of metal in the wooden house, and it seemed that the casting of the dragon soul was in progress.

To Su Chen's surprise, when he entered the casting room in the wooden house, what he saw was not just the dwarf king Magni Bronzebeard and the dwarf master craftsman... There were more than ten dwarves beside the anvil. On the side, there are dozens of gnomes who are concentrating on processing precision parts.

   "Ysera has attracted so many dwarves and gnomes..." Su Chen couldn't help frowning slightly. These dwarves and gnomes seemed to be master-level figures in casting and engineering.

Although this can greatly speed up the casting speed of the dragon's soul, it also increases the chance of the dragon's soul being affected by the outside world... Since the ancient gods can even tempt the dragons, let alone influence these dwarves and people. Gnome.

   "His Royal Highness Arthas, I finally saw you, but it made me want to die!" A warm voice came, but Su Chen couldn't help frowning.

   It was the dwarf master craftsman Mekkatorque who greeted him so warmly. Since the last time Su Chen helped him perfect some of the drawings of the dragon's soul, the engineering master-level figure was a little too enthusiastic towards him.

"Did you have any trouble again? Could it be that there is another problem with the blueprint..." Su Chen frowned slightly, the blueprint for the casting of the dragon's soul was provided by Ysera, and its origin is likely to be In that nightmare world, it should be normal to say that there will be problems.

   "There is indeed some trouble. If it is made according to this drawing, some of the precise parts will need to be processed using magic." Mekkatorque wearing engineering glasses showed a wry smile.

"Magic..." Su Chen couldn't help frowning secretly when he heard the words. In the world of Azeroth, magic is almost everywhere. Many alchemy and engineering production require magic to assist, and even a large amount of magic has to be engraved on many tiny parts. array.

With the strength of Magni Bronzebeard and Mekkatorque, they must have also studied magic. What makes them feel troublesome must be that the magic level required for the part is too high. After all, although these two are strong, but It was never an orthodox mage.

"The dragons themselves are proficient in magic, why don't you directly ask them for help?" Su Chen pointed to the outside of the house. Those giant dragons are almost all masters in magic, and they will be more skilled in magic than just one. Human Magister.

"Although the magic of the dragon clan is strong, it relies on its own huge power. If it is concerned with the fine control of magic, these dragon clan may not be the opponents of human mages. Of course... The strongest in this regard should be those elves, in fact We used to ask those green dragons for help, but they asked us to find those elves, but we have nothing to do with elves, but I heard that Your Highness has a very close relationship with the elves." Mekkatorque said helplessly. .

The elves mentioned by the dwarf master craftsman should refer to those high elves who have been infested with magic for thousands of years. Those guys have applied magic to almost everything around them. If they are hired as workers to make parts, It is very good, but the relationship between the Green Dragon Legion and those high elves should not be very good, no wonder they will pull themselves.

"I'll find a way to find a few elf mages to come here. I really can't find a few archmages who are good at this in Dalaran." Su Chen said casually, but his eyes fell on the workbench. On a metal disc... It should be the unfinished Dragon Soul, but its shape has already begun to take shape.

"It seems that the production of the dragon's soul has reached a critical time. This time is indeed a good time to secretly plot this dragon's soul... These dragons are really worrying." Su Chen thought of the Red Dragon Queen. He asked, and could not help but feel a little worried, especially at this critical time, Ysera did not sit in the Green Dragon Holy Land.

Although he agreed to the Red Dragon Queen to find the members of the dragon family who were secretly controlled by the ancient gods, it must be very difficult to see through the disguise of the other party. Although the detection ability of the intellectual brain is very strong, it is still difficult to directly probe people's hearts , let alone to investigate the dragon's heart.

"In the history of Warcraft, I don't seem to have heard that the green dragon was influenced by the ancient gods. Could it be that the current situation is a result of too many changes in the historical process of this world?" Su Chen pondered secretly in his heart, and at the same time was entangled... Before he knew it, the world had begun to develop in a direction completely different from the historical process of Warcraft.

   (end of this chapter)

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