Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 1 zone: The decision is yours, use the ritual of the Messiah!

The darkness is empty, but it can make people feel safe and calm.

Ah, I really want to just lie down like this, I really don’t want to get up.

No, no, I have to afford it. There is a very important customer today. As an ace salesperson, I can't back down.

With this thought, Lou Bai forced himself to open his eyes despite his sleepiness. In his sleepy eyes, Lou Bai casually touched the side, "Ah!" The feeling fed back to the brain by his hand was neither the softness of the mattress nor the softness of the mattress. The smooth surface of the phone feels like a knife-cut pain. Stimulated by the pain, Lou Bai, who was originally dazed, quickly woke up, but the sight that greeted his eyes made him fall into an even greater shock.

The originally clean and tidy home became a ruin. The chandelier that could be seen as soon as you opened your eyes disappeared without a trace, and was replaced by an unfamiliar ceiling. No, rather than saying it was a ceiling, it might be more appropriate to describe it as a broken cement board. . The mattress he was originally lying on was replaced by a broken glass door panel. His right hand was slapped on the edge of the glass, and it is still bleeding.

Propping up his body with his left hand, Lou Bai discovered that the nightgown he was supposed to be wearing had been replaced by the black suit he usually wore at work.

"MD, I won't be kidnapped, right?" Lou Bai muttered, walking out of his "home" one step at a time.

While walking out, Lou Bai was still thinking about who would have the motivation and ability if he was really kidnapped. However, the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became.

"It can't be Mr. Huang, it can't be. I just defrauded him of hundreds of thousands. To him, it's a drop in the bucket. Minister Xing is also wrong. He is from the agency and doesn't have the guts to do this. Bald Ma is possible, but Wasn't he sent in recently? I was also a witness at that time..."

One candidate after another flashed through Lou Bai's mind, and then he eliminated them one by one. Finally, he decided to take advantage of them. However, when he came out, all his previous ideas were overturned by him.

"No, even if you really want to tie me up, you don't need to be so generous!"

What came into view was not the large group of black people that Lou Bai expected, but half of the abandoned waiting hall. The reason why it was said to be half was because the hall seemed to have been cut by a giant sword falling from the sky. Seats on the floor, train timetables on the walls, and ceilings are all immune to this. Looking along the "sword mark", you can also see a lot of damaged high-rise buildings along the way and the sea at the end of the "sword mark".

Steel bars protruded from the cross-section of the building, pointing twistedly outwards. The sky was gray, making people feel depressed and uneasy.

"What's going on here?" After being shocked by the scene in front of him for a few seconds, Lou Bai, an insurance salesman, immediately forced himself to calm down. He took out the tissue paper he always kept in his pocket to clean the wound, and asked Walk to the waiting hall.

"Calm down, calm down. The most important thing now is to figure out where this is and what happened." Lou Bai muttered to himself while collecting a series of newspapers along the way that might contain information.

"Well, there is time information in the newspaper. The train timetable can tell where this is. You can also tell something from food packaging bags, tickets, etc." Lou Bai murmured while picking up something on the ground. A scattered ticket.

At this time, something with a unique painting style caught Lou Bai's attention.

Among the ruins and garbage, it stood out so conspicuously. It was a fist-sized, black ball that looked like a ball wrapped in steel bandages, with two antennas on it. It is just placed in an open space, and its exquisite appearance is like a work of art.

"What is this thing for?" Lou Bai stepped forward, doubtfully picked up the ball with his bloody right hand, and put it in front of his eyes to observe carefully.

"Buzzing", a strange sound came from the small ball in front of me.

"The Duelist DNA has been bound, and the Duelist King auxiliary system has been activated. You are welcome to use it, Master Duelist."

"Wait, duel?" Hearing this word and thinking of the ruins outside, Lou Bai covered his face and said, "I've traveled to some game world, right? So what's going on outside now is a hundred people?" Chicken eating event?”

Twenty minutes later, Lou Bai finished reading the last newspaper he had collected. The result made him feel happy and sad at the same time. "Haima Group announces the completion of the development of perpetual motion machines, and mankind may enter a new era." The bright headline was written on the newspaper, as if mocking the speculation he had made before.

"Well, okay, okay, let's take a look at the situation I've encountered so far." Lou Bai squatted down with a distorted face and said: "Looking at the current situation, there is a high probability that I have traveled through time, and there is a high probability that I have traveled through time. The world of Yu-Gi-Oh!" Lou Bai tapped the words "perpetual motion" on the newspaper with his finger.

"I really don't want to time travel! Even though I was born in an orphanage, shouldn't time travel be something that can be done to those college students in their 20s? I'm already 35, why do I still encounter this kind of thing! The house I just bought , my 200,000 deposits!”

It didn't take long for Lou Bai to pretend to be calm. Lou Bai knelt on the ground in pain. When he was a child, no, it should be said that it was in his previous life. In his previous life, Lou Bai was born in an orphanage. After dropping out of high school, he entered the society and worked hard. He was struggling in the society. More than ten years later, Lou Bai finally made his mark in the insurance sales industry and became a successful person in the eyes of others. However, this time travel meant that Lou Bai's more than ten years of hard work in his previous life were wasted. How could this not make him miserable?

"I have no choice but to accept it. I have no choice but to accept it."

Lou Bai, who knelt on the ground and howled for a while, comforted himself: "Although the past ten years of struggle have been in vain, but if I think about it a little bit, in this world, I can become the king by playing cards. Can he do it in that world? I I just want to live a good life, whether it’s playing cards or making money, I don’t care in any way!”

After calming down, Lou Bai turned his attention to the small black ball that was suspected to be the necessary system for time travellers. After making a sound, the ball stopped moving, except that part of the bandage disappeared, and a red light lit up in the middle. , like an eye.

"With this appearance, is this... an unknown synchronist?"

I didn't expect it when I saw it for the first time, but after knowing that this world was probably the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, Lou Bai realized belatedly that the system in front of him was very similar to a card in Yu-Gi-Oh.

Although Lou Bai, who was born in an orphanage, did not watch many animations as a child, after becoming a salesperson, Lou Bai also devotedly followed the first three Yu-Gi-Oh anime in order to find a common topic with a big client. , someone who has been playing cards for a while.

"Hey, hey, system, can you talk? Can you introduce your functions?" Lou Bai picked up the system from the ground, turned its red eyes to himself, shook it, and said.

"Dip, the keyword 'function' is detected, open the function introduction: This model is composed of nano-robots and is powered by a built-in perpetual motion machine. It can be changed into a duel disk and can be used for dueling anytime and anywhere; this model has a powerful retrieval function. More than 90% of the current cards can be retrieved by accessing the Kaiba database. This system also has special functions that are different from other models. It can open ultra-small wormholes through wandering particles, collect card data from other world lines and print them. card."

"Special function... isn't this just drawing cards? It's a very large pool with no guarantee." Lou Bai scratched his head and complained: "System, how much energy does it have now and how many times can it be drawn?"

"The current remaining energy can be used to draw cards 65 times."

The cold voice of the system made Lou Bai's hanging heart relax a little. Fortunately, there is energy in it. There are 65 cards. It seems that this is my starting capital. Lou Bai thought so.

However, this also strengthened Lou Bai's inner thought, that is, there must be human factors for his coming into this world. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence? When I was desperate, a system happened to appear in front of me, and the system happened to have enough energy to form a deck.

If the system appeared directly in the mind, it could be explained as the golden finger of the time traveler, but the little thing in front of me is obviously a product of technology.

Thinking of the world view of 5ds, Lou Bai slowly raised his head and raised one finger to the sky: "Hey, you're looking at me, zone!" After more than ten seconds, Lou Bai covered his face with both hands and squatted down with a distorted face. . "Ah, it's so embarrassing. How could I, a 35-year-old mature man, do such a stupid thing? Yes, Zone must have manipulated me to do it."

Although I don’t know what the purpose of the previous owner of this system was, and what thoughts he had behind leaving such a large amount of energy, this is my only choice now. Lou Bai thought so

In this world, you cannot survive without dueling. I, I, negative! ! ! (I don’t want to lose!)

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the complicated thoughts in his mind, Lou Bai stood up and straightened his suit and tie. Facing the system that had floated to eye level with him at some point, Lou Bai slowly said: "Come on, I'm ready, let's start, my turn, shake!"

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