Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 109 The difficult PSY Niohsuo

Damn it, just after seeing it once, did Mashiro Kobayashi realize the only flaw in my deck? What a tough opponent.

Devine looked ugly, but he really couldn't do anything. He could only watch a few reptiles carrying a large number of cards to the cemetery.

"Tch, then I activate the effect of the [Planet Exploration Vehicle]." Seeing that Lou Bai's effect was processed, Devine hurriedly sent the [Planet Exploration Vehicle] to the cemetery. He doesn't even think about a monster on his field for a second now.

"You must release this card to activate it. Add a field magic card from the deck to your hand." The bone duel disk shuffled automatically, and the card he wanted to retrieve quickly popped up.

"I retrieve the field magic card, [psy skeleton circuit], and then activate it!"

An area popped up on the duel disk, and Devine inserted the field magic card he had just retrieved. Suddenly, green lines lit up on the ground, and powerful telekinesis flowed through the lines. In this environment, the psy series monsters would gain a huge boost.

After activating the field, Devine grinned and played another card: "I will activate the magic card again, [Psychic Perception Area]!"

"Return 1 telekinesis-type Tuner and 1 non-tuned telekinesis-type monster that you have removed from the game to the graveyard, and 1 telekinesis-type Synchro monster with the same level as the total level from the extra deck. Defense means special call."

Returning the [psy skeleton equipment·γ] and [psy skeleton driver] that were just eliminated due to their own effects to the graveyard, a monster from Devine's extra deck suddenly flew out and came to the duel board: "I want to special summon Yes, level 8, [psy skeleton king·Ω]!”

A grinning bald head jumped out of the cemetery. Under the amplification of telepathy that filled the entire venue, several strange-shaped armors were pulled by telepathy and put on his body. A moment later, a humanoid monster wearing armor full of spikes arrived on the field driving a vehicle that looked like a pulley.

【psy skeleton king·Ω】【8 stars\\/light】



"It's a pity that the monster specially summoned using [Psychic Sensing Area] is in defense position and cannot attack. Kobayashi Mashiro, just let your monster stay for a while."

Not paying attention to Devine's trash talk, Lou Bai looked at the synchronized monster and frowned. [psy skeleton king·Ω] can banish one card from itself and the opponent's hand during the main phase of both sides until the preparation phase of the next own turn.

Because the card in your hand is now 0, the effect of [psy skeleton king·Ω] cannot be activated temporarily. But if in the next round, the only card you drew is removed, it would be a bit difficult.

Lou Bai's mental theater didn't take much time. Just as he was thinking, Devine had already inserted two cards into the duel disk: "I cover two cards, the round is over!"

Devine hand card: 2

Frontcourt: [psy skeleton king·Ω]

Backcourt: [psy skeleton circuit], cover card x2

"Is this the strength of the Dark Signers? They summoned a level 8 synchro monster with just one card, and left so much resistance to prevent the opponent from unfolding..." Looking at Devine's two cover cards With two hand cards, Yusei couldn't help but worry about Lou Bai.

Not to mention the two backfields, Yusei, who has already seen the monsters of the psy series, will naturally not ignore the two cards in Devine's hand, as well as the monster with unknown effects... If we look at the worst-case scenario, Lou Bai wants to break through the five layers of resistance. Can Lou Bai, who has only one card in his hand in the next round, do it?

"My turn, draw a card!"

Pulling out the top card of the deck without fear, Lou Bai showed a proud smile: "First, I cover a card!"

Seeing that the number of cards in Lou Bai's hand dropped to 0 again, Devine looked as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly. Just now, it wasn't that I was a scumbag who didn't use the effect of [psy skeleton king·Ω] to eliminate the hand card between myself and Lou Bai at the first time, but that I couldn't.

In Lou Bai's turn, as the turn player, Lou Bai has priority. To put it in layman's terms, Lou Bai needs to make a move first before Devine can use the second-speed chain effect.

At this moment, Lou Bai simply blocked a card in the main stage, which not only made [psy Skeleton King·Ω] unable to remove cards from his hand because the effect did not meet the activation conditions, but also allowed [psy Skeleton King·Ω] to occupy Diwei. Well, with one monster grid, he cannot activate the effects of the other psy series monsters in his hand, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.

"Then, after you set up the cards, I activate my set cards!" Devine's duel disk was like a living thing, wrapping one of the set cards and turning it over: "Trap card [Burgess Alien Beast· The effect of Mal Trilobite is activated! Send a trap card from the deck to the graveyard!"

Devine's deck squirmed, and he quickly spat out the cards he wanted to pile up: "The one I want to send to the graveyard is the trap card [Nioh Ritsu]!"

The giant's shadow flashed past, and [Niohri], who had strong defensive capabilities, had been sent to the cemetery. At this moment, Devine immediately opened another card: "Continuous Trap Card [psy skeleton accelerator] 】launch!"

Pointing to the [psy skeleton king·Ω] on his field, Devine said: "Once per round, I pay 500lp and exclude [psy skeleton king·Ω] until the next preparation phase!"

Devine lp: 4000→3500

"There is also the effect of the [Nioh Stand] I just stacked in the graveyard, which chained [psy skeleton accelerator]. I removed the [Nioh Stand] from the graveyard and activated it. This round, you can only attack [psy skeleton king·Ω]. "

Lou Bai, who had no countermeasures, could only quietly watch the chain being completed. First, the light shield with a taunting effect of [Nio Ritsu] was placed on [psy Skeleton King·Ω], and then, in [psy] With the help of the Skeleton Accelerator, the speed of [psy Skeleton King·Ω] surpassed the space and went to another dimension.

Looking at this chain, Jack quickly figured out Devine's purpose: "This round, Lou Bai can only attack [Psy Skeleton King·Ω] due to the effect of [Niohrik], and this monster went to another dimension. , that is to say, Lou Bai’s attack this round is completely blocked.”

"Not only that, [psy Skeleton King·Ω] can also return a banished card to the graveyard during my preparation phase. It can also banish itself and a card from my hand during the main phase."

Lou Bai frowned and said solemnly: "The psy blockade was still achieved by him."

"Return to the cemetery..." Yuxing looked at the frowning Lou Bai, thought for a moment, and quickly understood the horror of this boss. He opened his eyes wide and couldn't help but said: "If [Psy Skeleton King Ω] returns the already eliminated [Nioh Ritsu], [Nioh Ritsu] can take effect again. In other words, this is not a one-round event. Attack the blockade, but permanently attack the blockade!”

Seeing the serious expressions on everyone's faces after Yusei explained his spear, Devine said proudly: "That's right, if [Earthbound God Aslia Pisco] is the strongest spear, then my The combination of [psy skeleton king·Ω] and [Niohri] is an invincible shield! You have no chance of winning against this deck!”

"Invincible? Stop joking!" Lou Bai dismissed Devine's remarks. Isn't invincibility a debuff?

"The fascinating thing about duel monsters is that there are no completely unsolvable cards in the world, only the strongest duelists! If you want to defeat me by just attacking and blocking, don't be wishful thinking, let me solve it for you!"

Facing Devine, who was once again empty, Lou Bai didn't show the slightest fear. Pointing to the [Computer Realm Beast-Gulphus] on his field that was ready to go, Lou Bai said: "Gulphus, let's start your show time!"

"I activate the effect of [Cybermon - Griffon]! Remove 2 monsters with the same race and attributes but different card names from your graveyard, and activate it targeting the [psy skeleton circuit] on your field. Then Zhang Chudi, just send it to the cemetery!"

Supplemented by the power of the monsters in the cemetery, [Computer Realm Beast-Gulphiff] spread its wings and soared into the sky. The light green photon stream was like a ribbon, eroding and eroding each other with the lines on the ground. Seeing that Devine's field was about to be sent to the cemetery, Devine activated the effect of a monster in his hand in time.

“Because the only monster I have on the field now [psy skeleton king·Ω] has been eliminated, I can activate the effect of the second [psy skeleton equipment·γ] in my hand and combine it with the [psy skeleton king] in the graveyard. Driver] is specially summoned to invalidate and destroy the effect of your [Cyber ​​World Beast-Gulphin]!”

Seeing his [psy skeleton driver] rising into the sky with [psy skeleton equipment·γ], and about to destroy the eyesore monster that had stolen his power, Devine smiled proudly.

"Do you think you can use monster effects arbitrarily after seeing me activate the effect of [psy skeleton equipment·γ] in the first round? What a ridiculous extravagance!"

"Do you know? You are now like a 19th-century scientist who thinks you can explain the entire world by mastering classical mechanics. But you have no way of knowing that everything you do is part of my plan!"

Lou Bai's face showed a smile that his plan had succeeded. He raised his finger to the sky and said, "Why don't you look up?"

"What?!" Devine looked in the direction Lou Bai was pointing in surprise, and was surprised to find that the elegant figure of [Computer Realm Beast-Gulphine] was intact, and his own venue still existed.

"[Cybermon - Gulph] As long as there are 2 or more monsters with the same race and attributes but different card names in your graveyard, this card on the field will not be destroyed by battle or effects! There are 2 monsters in my graveyard. [Dragon Maid-Laundry Dragon] and [Dragon Maid-River Dragon] are eligible, so this effect applies!"

Looking down at his own graveyard, Xiao Lan raised his head and smiled at himself, and used his own power to completely repair the somewhat damaged water shield around [Computer Realm Beast-Griffin], creating a new environment for this new one. Companions provide a layer of resistance.

"Tch, are the cards piled into the graveyard through the [Needle Worm's Lair]?" Devine was a little impatient. He pointed to his own field and said, "Then I activate the effect of [psy skeleton circuit]. When I If there is a [psy skeleton] monster on the field that is specially summoned, use this monster as the material to perform a synchro summon!"

"Perform synchronization on the opposite side's turn!" Hearing this, Yusei opened his eyes in disbelief and said, "Have they even mastered accelerated synchronization after becoming Dark Signers?"

"No, Yusei, Accelerated Synchronization is by no means such a superficial thing." Lou Bai turned his head and stared into Yusei's eyes: "The true meaning of Accelerated Synchronization lies in the heart, and it can only be completed by reaching the realm of [Shisui Shisui] This miracle. Look at Devine, how can he look like a mirror?"

After giving Yusei a shot in the arm who was eager to pursue acceleration synchronization because he longed for the power to protect his companions, Lou Bai turned his attention back to the duel and looked at a card in his exclusion zone. There was something in it. With great power.

"Chain your [psy skeleton circuit], and I activate the effect of [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] that is excluded as a cost!" Dark thunder and lightning surged in Lou Bai's eyes. He drew a card from the deck without looking at it: "I will add [Thunderbird Dragon-Thunder Dragon] from the deck to my hand!"

"Did you use the cost effect instead? He is a difficult guy, but your attacks have been blocked this round." Seeing that Lou Bai didn't even use the cards he drew, he relied on the resources in the first round. Now, Devine's face has become even more ugly.

"Then I will synchronize summon, level 8 [Crimson Swordsman]!"

The synchronized light dissipated, and a red swordsman in a green cloak held two swords and held a sword flower, and jumped onto Devine's field.

【Crimson Swordsman】【8 Star\\/Fire】



Instead of the second [psy skeleton king·Ω], the [Crimson Swordsman] that can be restricted from special summoning when defeating monsters was released? It seems that there is no second [psy skeleton king·Ω].

Now, Lou Bai finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then his fighting spirit was ignited. Although he can't attack now, Devine can't make any more interference, he's about to go!

"The first is the effect of [Chaos Realm] in the graveyard. This card is excluded. The [Thunder Tribulation Dragon-Thunder Dragon], which is also a dark attribute except cost and cannot be normally summoned, is returned to the deck and draws a card for myself!"

Making full use of the supposedly negative cost, Lou Bai showed the microcontrol of an excellent duelist. After drawing a card, he once again returned a card from the graveyard to the deck: "I activate the effect of [Refinement Fusion] in the graveyard again, return it to the deck, and draw another card!"

Looking at Lou Bai's operation, Jack said seriously: "Not only did he avoid the resistance, but he also returned his hand to three cards by relying only on the resources of the cemetery. Is this what Lou Bai looks like when he goes all out?"

Rubbing his cards, Lou Bai showed a satisfied smile: "Now it's time for you to see the power of me and the monsters!"

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